
silver ring

silver ring

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  1. Features and advantages of metal
  2. How to choose?
  3. Varieties of models
  4. Combination with stones
  5. How to wear?
  6. Interesting and exclusive design solutions
  7. Popular brands

Features and advantages of metal

Silver rings are not only stylish and elegant jewelry for women of the twenty-first century. Even in ancient times, metal was attributed to mystical properties, and the representatives of the fair sex sought not only to beautify themselves, but also to protect them from the evil eye and all sorts of misfortunes.

Silver will never weigh the image, will not set an unnecessary tone - there is nothing excessive in it at all. Decorations from it will suit both young girls who want to preserve lightness and coquettishness, and mature women who want to look luxurious and noble.

Characteristics and some features of silver work only as a plus:

  • in comparison with gold, this metal has a lower cost, however, it looks expensive and beautiful;

  • allergies can wear silver jewelry without risk to health;

  • jewelry cleaning is a dreary occupation, but silver does not require special care products, and some ways of its processing allow longer

  • keep the original look;

  • thanks to the tricks of the designers and style variations, silver rings can be an accessory for any woman, no matter what style she adheres to.

In addition, both the best friends of the girls - diamonds and semi-precious modest pebbles are perfectly combined with silver.

How to choose?

Regardless of whether you buy a ring for yourself or as a gift, you should try to learn a few simple but very important rules before you buy. If you stick to them, then, first of all, you do not have to lament the quality of the jewelry, and also doubt how suitable the ring is for you. That is why all the recommendations should be divided into aesthetic and practical.

First you need to say a few words about the visual component, namely, how the jewelry will look on female fingers:

  • owners of short fingers should refrain from the desire to buy a wide ring - visually it will make the length even shorter. It is better to make a choice in favor of those models that are decorated with elements stretched along a finger;

  • those whose fingers are small and thin can pay attention to models with large stones or sets of rings that are worn on the same phalanx;

  • but plump hands massive models only weights. The ideal option for them is triangle-shaped rings and asymmetry in design:

  • in those cases, if there are some skin flaws - age or any other, then they are designed to divert wide rings with large stones from them.

An important role in the aesthetic sense is played by shades: when choosing a ring with a stone, it is worth mentally matching it with the color palette of the female wardrobe. A simple little ring without extra decoration will go to those girls who prefer miniature brooches and thin gold chains - the combination will be amazing.

Having dealt with styles, you can move to a less interesting, but the most important criterion - the definition of metal quality.

Most people know: silver of the highest quality - 925-th test. But how to make sure that the metal is really as good as the vendors say?

There are a couple of tips to determine this directly on the trading floor:

  1. A way for those who are not afraid of numbers.In any branch of the bank or on the website on the Internet, you can find out what the price of silver per gram is today. Further, in the store itself, it is possible to make the simplest calculations, namely, to divide the cost of the decoration by its weight. If the price is identical to that set by the bank, or lower, then it is likely that the ring has significant flaws or is not made of silver at all. Consider that the price includes the work of both a jeweler and a designer.

  2. A way for kinesthetics. Real silver heats up very quickly. Therefore, it is enough to rub the ring in the hands for a few seconds, and then touch it with your lips or put it on the wrist. Hot? Congratulations, this is not a fake! True, not every salon or store allows such an experiment.

  3. A way for lazy. The simplest method for determining authenticity is the absence of marks on the body and clothing of a silver item. If suddenly after compression, or as a result of friction, a speck remains, not to mention dark stripes - alas, you have a poor quality metal.

  4. A way for everyone. Large jewelry stores or boutiques with the name are never associated with unverified suppliers and do not give out consumer goods for the noble metal. Therefore, it is worth choosing rings there: the cost will not be low, but you will not have to sprinkle ashes on your head after a couple of weeks.

  5. And be careful: the silver of the 585th test does not happen.

And a few tips on when not to try on rings, in order to avoid incidents with sizes:

  • Do not go to the jewelry store in the morning - after sleep, the hand always swells a little. Going to shopping better in the evening;

  • Do not wear rings if it is very cold or hot in the street. In the first case, the fingers will be thinner, in the second - thicker;

  • Do not leave the store for later, if you plan a full dinner with alcohol;

  • Do not put a fitting in your schedule after attending fitness or dancing - it will surely seem that the arm has become much wider.

Varieties of models

Even experienced shopaholics may become confused from the variety of models of silver rings: even if models with stones are excluded from the list, the assortment will remain more than extensive. In this case we are talking about decorations with inscriptions, engraving, patterns and various symbols. And each of the options has its own flavor.

No inserts

So, even the most ordinary rings, despite their simplicity, are distinguished by grace and aesthetics. More often they are chosen by young girls, wanting to emphasize femininity. The shapes of the product can be different: the phalanx can be decorated with a refined ring in the form of a crown, a rose or a tracery with an intricate pattern. The sign of infinity - the decor, which has been in the top for many years, is also very popular and is offered in different variations.


If a gift is to be made to a woman who has entered an elegant age and appreciates chic, then there is every chance to conquer it, after looking at an antique silver ring. Vintage is always in fashion, and this is its paradox.

Still, models with black agate (perhaps the most luxurious stone of the most luxurious color), as well as with Swarovski crystals, are a must-have for every lover of accessories. In addition, these rings perfectly complement almost any style.


A separate conversation - rings for two. Strangely enough, silver for lovers has become almost as preferable as classic gold. Silver models for couples look stylish, discreet, sophisticated. Wedding or wedding rings can be traditional - without decorative elements, or decorated with small pebbles. Another indisputable advantage of this metal is that it will be affordable for young couples.


Oddly enough, there are enough types of rings of religious subjects. Muslim - usually heavy signet rings with intricate symbols, presented as a gift to both men and women.Depending on your preferences, you can find a ring with and without stones.

Orthodox rings, as a rule, have engravings or inscriptions. The most frequent variant is the prayer “Save and Save.” Believers women willingly buy jewelry for themselves, relatives and close friends, caring for the welfare and happiness of the family.

From silver

Rings have proven to be the most fearless - they can survive even long-term exposure to water and do not so often require cleaning as ordinary silver ones. They look more brilliant and bright, but when you buy, be sure to check the quality of the coating - it can be erased quickly.

Black silver

Models conquer with their unusual decor and peculiar effect "from grandma's chest." The most common are the so-called Slavic rings of black silver. It is believed that rings with a trefoil pattern, ancient ornament or weaving can protect against evil eyes and adversity. Also there are massive items with runes - the perfect gift for a lover of mysticism.


Records of popularity broke the ring with the unusual name "week" or "dial-up." The essence of the jewelry is simple: seven rings (like seven days of the week), as a rule, thin and elegant, which can be worn on both hands, on one, and even on one finger - this is the trick, although the choice remains for the owner of the accessory.

The number of little rings can vary from three to seven, although there are also double models. This also applies to the color of the metal: although modern girls prefer monophonic sets, there are combinations of both gold and silver. There are imitations of the “week”: embossed models that create the illusion of a multitude of rings.

By the way, if you can’t find a set, don’t despair: in any jewelry, pick up similar simple thin rings with different patterns and combine!

Also in the top popularity unconditionally includes:

  • biker rings - powerful models, often with skulls, will be an excellent complement to rock-bow;

  • rings with a pendant - a neat pendant in the form of a heart or a simple ball dangling on a finger will add playfulness to the image;

  • with mother of pearl - any girl will suit absolutely, having painted the image with delicate shades.

Combination with stones

Of course, models of silver rings with stones are a separate topic. The execution, decor, size of the stone can be any, and the designers of jewelry houses continue to amaze customers. In this case, the stones remain themselves.

Amethyst - the eternal classic. Gentle and self-sufficient, he makes a great company of silver. Ring with this combination will suit a woman of any age.

Rings with turquoise do not need representation: unobtrusively declaring the owner's taste, they can be combined with the most sophisticated secular outfit.

Carnelian gives the decoration a unique chic. If a woman has a burning appearance and bright wardrobe, then the ring with carnelian will ideally complement her evening dress.

Onyx is perfect for the girl in the style of Audrey Hepburn: beauty and refinement will make you a princess at any cocktail.

Decorations with enamel - a great choice for those who love the style of "boho". Bright, but not fanciful, these rings will actually become the basis of the image, and will raise your spirits.

Popular are the different types of quartz - cat and tiger eyes. Not only are certain magical powers attributed to these stones, the aesthetics of the products with them make them stop at the counter.

By the way, if we speak not only about images, but also about the influence of stone on human life (and it is believed that any natural material has such an influence), then the following list will help determine the choice:

  • Aquamarine is often presented to people who constantly travel - it protects the owner from the dangers on the way;

  • Alexandrite is considered a stone that will bring to life a lot of new bright colors;

  • Agate will give strength to those who often speak in public and help to emerge victorious from any dispute, and a ring with green agate will ensure peace in the house;

  • Aventurine, although it has a peculiar name, is intended to help in all creative endeavors and to give inspiration;

  • Beryl - the real keeper of the family hearth, and also helps those who are looking for spiritual balance;

  • Rhinestone is the best stone for a girl who spends a lot of time studying, as it helps to concentrate and activate mental activity;

  • Coral relieves stress from people under constant stress, tones and gives vitality;

  • Lazurite saves its owner from unnecessary anxieties and unpleasant memories, preserves harmony and tranquility;

  • Malachite is perfect for a children's ring, because it is this stone that protects babies from negative influence from the outside;

  • Jade - a stone of change, helps to find the right path or way out of a difficult situation;

  • Obsidian protects from evil thoughts and thoughts, helps in getting rid of vices;

  • Rose quartz accumulates love energy, helps the hostess to become softer and softer;

  • Since ancient times, chalcedony has been instrumental in attracting the opposite sex, an excellent female amulet;

  • Chrysolite attracts not only the energy of money, but also fortune;

  • Chrysoprase is an excellent element of decor for a ring that will be worn by a business woman or financial director, which is considered to be the “money” talisman;

  • Zircon will do an excellent service to those who suffer from low self-esteem;

  • Citrine is a personal “psychotherapist”. Positively influences those who are prone to depression, improves mood.

How to wear?

Yes, not only wardrobe items, but also decorations dictate their style rules for girls. Remember you need the following:

  1. On the ring finger, you can only wear a ring donated by a boyfriend, fiance or husband. Other options are excluded - not comme il faut.

  2. Rings, distributed over the entire finger, it is better to wear on the index. By the way, and those that are intended for two phalanxes, are also worn on the index and middle, and not on the middle and nameless.

  3. Large rings with a large stone — for example, rock crystal — look good on the thumb. Dial-ups are also a great idea, one only needs to distribute them correctly to other phalanxes. If you decide to decorate the thumb, then other accessories will be inappropriate.

  4. If you got the idea to put a ring on the little finger, then it is better to choose a simple miniature model, or a pair of rings connected by a chain.

  5. Silver rings on foot are particularly popular in the beach season. Stylish and elegant, they emphasize the tan and the beauty of the foot. The only rule for such rings is an ideal manicure and, naturally, the absence of flaws in the form of corns or calluses on the legs.

  6. The mix of expensive jewelry and unpretentious costume jewelry is considered the height of bad taste, so stick to unity.

  7. A large ring is already an accent creation, it is impossible to get involved in embellishment. Small carnations or a small pendant will complement it much better than earrings or a necklace with shiny stones.

Interesting and exclusive design solutions

As already mentioned, designer fantasy is limitless. New sketches, and then the rings themselves, appear on the market every season, it is difficult to keep track of them, but it is quite possible to understand the given trends.

The original idea to combine business with pleasure and create a rotating ring, is not it? The fact is that in addition to the undoubted attractiveness, such models help to maintain calm in a nervous environment. Instead of gnawing a pen or biting your lips, you can twist a pleasant to the touch ring.

A special niche among the most stylish and trendy jewelry occupy rings with different animals. A dolphin or a snake is beautifully wrapped around a finger, the eyes of a panther are glowing with emerald lights, the feathers of an owl are elaborately dressed.

Also, women of fashion prefer rings with animals such as:

  • wolf;

  • Fox;

  • cat;

  • the Dragon;

  • frog.

Rock'n'roll girls should be happy about the fact that the skulls retain their place in the top. Whether the ring is decorated with a skull pattern of rhinestones, or whether it has such a shape by itself does not matter. By the way, like the aforementioned snake.

An unusual variant is the model where the angel wings element is present. On the one hand, impressionable persons will feel protected, on the other - they will become owners of a fashion accessory. You can find both rings with two wings, and with one; studded with small pebbles, or without inserts.

For a happy celebration - the birth of a baby, they often get rings with legs or palms of a baby. Elite jewelry boutiques offer exclusive handmade models that become an excellent gift for a young mother.

Popular brands

Bvlgari is a brand that needs no introduction. It makes no sense to speak about the highest quality of jewelry, because the brand has proven itself for a long time. But it’s worth mentioning how well the classics are successfully combined with fashion trends: Bvlgari silver rings are not just an exclusive gift, but every time a small jewelry masterpiece.

Although Pandora is known for its charm, it is in demand and quite understandable for its silver rings. Such unusual and attractive design techniques can not be found anywhere else. Plus, two completely different brand rings, according to the manufacturers, can be perfectly combined with each other.

The cost of Tiffany products is quite high, but with just the name of the brand everything fades, including the price. And although the most famous thing of the brand is Holly Golightly's pearl necklace, their silver rings support the reputation of New York luxury and lightness. By the way, Tiffany uses only sterling silver for its jewelry.

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