
Slavic ring charms

Slavic ring charms

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  1. Magic force
  2. Characters
  3. Women's amulets
  4. Material strength

Since ancient times, the rings were treated as objects with special properties. They are associated with many traditions, accept, superstition and rituals. Slavic peoples put various symbols on them, turning ordinary ornaments into powerful amulets. Rings in the Slavic style are relevant in the modern world.

Magic force

In ancient times, people believed that the fingertips were conductors of magical energy. If you run your hands through the air in a certain order or conditionally outline certain symbols, you can create an energy or protective field. Rings on the fingers can multiply the power of such rituals.

The rings were worn as amulets. They were taken to inherit. The older the decoration, the stronger its magical properties. When the jewel passed through many generations, the memory of its first owner was erased. The descendants created various legends according to which their family jewel had an unearthly creation.

Charm acquired its magical properties only when it was created with his own hands. If you could not make the jewelry yourself, then it was made to order from talented craftsmen. But then the product had to undergo a series of rituals for endowing auspicious magical energy. For this, various conspiracies and prayers were pronounced.

Since ancient times, in various cultures, rings have been an indicator of human status. The rich and influential representatives of the family showed massive fingers with precious stones on their fingers. The princes and the highest nobility wore rings with family emblems. They served as seals that fastened the most important treaties.

Ancient traditions have an echo today. The exchange of rings during the marriage is nothing but a ritual with a long history.


The magical property of the ring was determined depending on what symbol was depicted on it.


The Phoenix bird is a mythological character, capable of burning to the ground and reviving again. Accordingly, his image symbolizes rebirth and a new better life. Charm with bird Phoenix brings luck and confidence.

Tree of Life

The coastal ring The tree of life protects from ailments and poverty. Rings with this symbol are complemented by the image of two horns of abundance. The product provides its owner with health and material well-being for many years. The tree of life is also able to protect against evil magic and magic spells.


The Kolovrat ringing rings symbolically depict the movement of a celestial body. The man with the ring Kolovrat falls under the protection of Svarog, Khors and Dazhbog. The owner of the ring is endowed with the power to resist the difficulties of life. The energy of this symbol is capable of developing courage and creative thinking.

Kolovrat rings can be complemented by the symbol of longevity - Coil. Such rings are decorated in the center with a green stone that enhances the protective properties of the jewelry. Kolovrat-serpentine gives you good health and remarkable strength. They protect wealth, bring success.


Lions with wings and the head of an eagle - Griffins - are the protectors and guardians of wealth. The image of these creatures on the rings brings prosperity to the house. This amulet is able not only to keep money, but also to multiply it.


The image on the charms of the warrior Valkyrie allows you to achieve success in business. Charm brings wealth, protects it from theft and fraud. In order to increase the magical properties of the ring, the runes of wealth - Fehu are applied on it.


In ancient Slavic mythology, Veles is the patron of agriculture. His symbolism on the rings brings luck, wealth, gives its owner wisdom and devotes to the secrets of life. Veles' totem animals were considered a bull, a wolf and a bear. Rings with images of these animals develop mental abilities, improve intuition, allowing you to protect yourself from fraudsters scams.

Power of life

Our ancestors were respectful of agricultural products, because only she gave them life. Images of bread and ears always held a special place in folk symbolism. The guardian depicting germinated grain is called the Power of Life. This is a very powerful amulet that can give everything you need - health, well-being and prosperity. Healers liked to wear such rings because the product increased their strength.


If it is necessary to direct a person to the correct lifestyle, then Svarozhich charm ring will perfectly suit him. The ring with the symbols of the fiery deity is able to get rid of destructive habits and help you correctly make vital decisions. Amulet gives its owner the power of will, does not allow to sink to alcoholism and drug addiction.

Fern flower

According to legend, the color of the fern destroys any dark spell. It is symbolically depicted as an eight-pointed swastika. Such a ring makes its owner invulnerable to bad influence. Fern flower is also able to cope with ailments or alleviate the course of particularly serious diseases.


Unconditional success brings ring Burdock. It helps luck "cling" to the person, like the thorns of burdock. This plant is able to survive even under the most adverse weather conditions. Accordingly, his symbol gives him the life energy of someone who puts such a ring on his finger.

Women's amulets

In most cases, charms were not divided into male and female. However, the fair sex as a continuer of the family needed their own personal talismans. For the manufacture of rings with Slavic symbolism was not indicated by any particular technique. An amulet could be a twisted, lamellar or woven ring.

Is alive

One of these female charms is the symbol of Alive - the goddess of life and fertility. It gives warmth, harmony, relieves from bad thoughts, relieves stress. For a woman, there is nothing better than an amulet that gives life energy.


Another symbol designed exclusively for women's rings is the star of Lada, the goddess of spring and plowing, the patroness of lovers and marriage. Such decoration helps to cope with anger, to make a wise decision, to find harmony and balance. For unmarried girls, it will help to find a worthy betrothed.


The central figure in ancient Slavic mythology among female patrons is Makosh. Her symbol on the charms helps women keep the family hearth. The ring brings joy, reveals talents and develops intuition.

Temporal rings

The traditional decoration of ancient Slavic women were temporal rings. They were attached to the headdress on both sides, hanging down at the temples, which is why they got this name. They were a powerful talisman for the young Slavs who were to continue the race. Young beauties needed additional protection in order to protect themselves from the evil eye and the negative influence of envious rivals.

It was believed that a large number of rings at the temples strengthened the protective properties of the jewelry. The same symbols were put on them as on the rings.

Templar rings were worn by all the fair sex from young to old. However, for children they had a purely decorative meaning.

Material strength

Not only symbols were endowed with magical properties, but also the material from which the charm ring was made. Along with gold and silver, jewelry was made from copper and aluminum.

For the ancient Slavs silver possessed peaceful defensive properties. Rings of this material are protected from the dark spell and the evil eye. It was believed that the silver jewelry darkens due to the fact that it absorbs bad energy. Ancestors lowered such charms into spring water for purification from evil influence.

The magical characteristics of gold are more belligerent. This metal attracts energy and transfers it to its owner. Gold hand-made jewelery had special properties. Such charms are capable of endowing with strength, wisdom and courage.

Products supplemented with various stones, which added or strengthened protective properties.

  • Agate granted the owner of the ring longevity, because it is a stone of vital energy.
  • Topaz is able to heal emotional wounds, give loyalty, peace and balance.
  • Aquamarine - a mineral of surprisingly beautiful shade of a sea wave is the keeper of the family center.
  • Carnelian brings happiness, maintains good spirits and good mood.
  • Pearl gives its owner a powerful health, gives many years of life. It was a favorite stone of princes and boyars.
  • Emerald is more often used in women's jewelery. Symbolized chastity and love. It was believed that this green mineral drives away the longing, protects the newlyweds from family troubles.
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