
Silver ring "Save and save"

Silver ring Save and save

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The ring “Save and save” made of silver is a strong protective talisman for the believer. Recently, more and more people acquire this jewel with meaning.

Who and what for?

Of all the Orthodox jewelery, rings with the inscription “Save and Preserve” are very popular, although they are contrary to the belief that all church amulets should be worn under clothing. But the metal is chosen correctly. Silver has always been distinguished by healing and mysticism.

Before purchasing such jewelry, you need to decide on the purpose of purchase. A silver ring is an option for deeply religious and understanding the true purpose of the ring.

For those who want to buy just a beautiful product, emphasizing belonging to a certain faith, now there are many “Save and Save” jewelry in the shops, made not only of silver, but also other, more expensive metals.

An engraved phrase is not an easy combination of letters and words. This is a call to God. With her believers turn to him so that he can save them and save his soul. The same words are written on each icon and pectoral crosses.

Given this fact, it is impossible to treat such a ring as a fashionable or sought-after jewelery. Only a baptized person can wear it.


For the first time the ring “Save and save” is mentioned in Genesis, where it is said about Joseph, to whom such an ornament was given to Pharaoh of Egypt. Only the decoration was made of gold, since it was this metal that was revered by the ancient Egyptians and was considered a sign of wealth and recognition.

All important documents were supported with seals from such rings. After such a gift to Joseph, the entire Jewish people began to believe that only people of a certain position could wear rings.

In the mention of the king of the Jews, Jehoiachin is compared with the ring of God on his right hand. This suggests that in those days attached no small importance to the ornament on the right hand.

In the story of Jesus Christ about the prodigal son, tells how the prodigal son came to his father and he ordered to bring him the best clothes, shoes and precious ring. So he expressed love for his prodigal offspring and brought him back to the status of a son.

These stories from the Bible show that the “Save and Save” ring can rightly be considered as Orthodox attributes. It came to us from Byzantium.

For centuries, such decorations were purchased by pilgrims exclusively on the territory of the monastery. But in the XIX century they began to sell in church shops and jewelry stores.

The rings began to acquire a new form - the silver metal was replaced with gold platinum silt, modesty and conciseness disappeared, jewelers began to insert precious stones into the jewelry.

Classic decoration has an inscription with a prayer on the rim outside. But for those who do not want too much attention to their religious beliefs, there are models with an inscription inside the product.

Why precisely silver?

Since ancient times, silver has been considered a mystical metal. Alchemists considered him the metal of the moon and depicted as a young guy with a painted month on his head. And silverware decorated tables of noble and rich people.

Studies show that it is silver that can prevent diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems. In addition, it is not necessary to once again mention its bactericidal properties. Silver connects with religion the fact that salaries for icons are cast from it.

Among the shortcomings of silver, it can only be distinguished that it can turn black. Some say that it is from time to time, while others believe that it is a defacement on a person.Like it or not, it is impossible to say for sure, but it is not so difficult to clean the silver jewelry, you can do it even at home.

It is necessary to mix toothpaste, liquid ammonia, baking soda. Then this mass need to spread decoration. Finally wipe it off with a brush.

On the question of whether to cover the ring, experts say that this is a necessary and principled ritual. He will breathe power into the ring. Such decoration can be worn not only by yourself, but also presented to close people.

How to choose and how to wear?

After you figure out what you need this charm for, boldly go to the church shop or jewelry store. According to the clergy, the church store or temple would be the best place to buy. This is where you can find out if the ring is sanctified or not. Remember that only consecrated decoration bears the true meaning.

Choose exactly silver jewelry for the reasons stated above. If everything is clear about the choice, here's how to properly wear this charm is not entirely clear. There are many disputes about this. Of course, there are no strictly restrictive rules about this, but in the temple you will be given some advice on this matter.

Rings "Save and Save" can be worn by all baptized people without exception. Therefore, there are not only male, but also female models. If the decoration was purchased for the purpose of protection, then you wear it with the inscription from yourself, but if you simply designate your religion, then the inscription is better to turn to yourself.

Orthodox believers are baptized with three fingers of the right hand, therefore it is recommended to put the ring on the middle or thumb of the same right hand. If the ring is intended for a wedding, then wear it in the future as a priest put it on you during the ceremony.

Just like a pectoral cross, the ring is a personal thing. You can not give her "vilify", give or just try on. And remember that the ring is only an ornament and does not guarantee salvation from all troubles and incidents. It will give strength and confidence, the rest will be disposed of by God and fate.

For wedding

After Soviet atheism, the wedding tradition is once again gaining popularity among young couples. For the wedding, as well as for the wedding rings are selected, the popular option - "Save and Save."

Deciding on the wedding, the newlyweds do not think about the purpose of the rings and the fundamental difference between wedding and wedding rings. But each of them has its own purpose.

Like our ancestors, we adhere to the tradition of first wedding, then wedding. Only among the ancient Slavs was betrothal an engagement, and the wedding was the most important part.

Rings for the church ceremony were not chosen pair. The bridegroom was given a golden decoration, the bride - silver. The first symbolized Jesus Christ and was considered a symbol of his Heavenly Glory. The second ring, silver - personified the church, purity and grace.

Today there are no restrictions on this matter, and those who are married simply exchange golden rings of the same, and the church does not dictate its conditions. Therefore, many couples are married with wedding decorations. But ideally, of course, it would be better to observe the traditions and choose the “Save and Save” ring charms.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


