
Gold ring with a diamond

Gold ring with a diamond

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  1. Diamond features
  2. Types of cut diamonds
  3. Who is suitable?
  4. Types of gold
  5. Varieties of models
  6. How to choose?
  7. Differences from a fake
  8. What to wear?
  9. Popular brands
  10. Care rules

Gold ring with a diamond - the cherished dream of many women. And the size of the stone is not so important - any decoration will be to your liking. The diamond ring can be called a classic: it is chosen as an engagement ring, it can emphasize the status of a mature woman. It will be interesting to find out what magic attracts women to this precious stone.

Diamond features

A diamond is a processed diamond. This stone has a number of competitive advantages, for which many women value it so much:

  • Brilliant in nature transparent or with a faint tinge. Over time, its color will not change, which sometimes happens with gems. Due to the peculiarities of processing, stones may fade over time.
  • Brilliant has unsurpassed hardness. Such a stone will not be scratched or cracked, and the edges will not be erased with time.
  • Due to the high refractive index and strong dispersion, cut diamonds shine brightly, and its faces play in different colors.
  • Diamonds are hard to mine. To produce 1 carat of rough diamond, you need to process 250 tons of ore. After processing, only 0.5 carats of the finished gemstone remains.

The price of a gold ring with a diamond largely depends on the quality of the stone. Usually, all characteristics are indicated on the certificate that is attached to the jewelry.

The system for evaluating diamonds got its name 4 "C" after the first letters of the names of characteristics in English:

  • Stone weight (carat weight). All jewelry stones are measured in carats, one carat equals 0.2 grams. Conventionally, diamonds are divided into three categories: small - less than 0.29 carats, medium - from 0.3 to 0.99 carats and large stones weighing more than 1 carat. Minerals weighing less than 0.01 carats are classified as crumbs.
  • Color (color). A diamond has many shades that are often not visible to the naked eye. The most valuable are transparent colorless stones. If the diamond will have a slight shade of yellow or green color, its price will be lower than a colorless stone.
  • Clarity. So assess the presence and size of defects. Today, absolutely pure diamonds are rare, so their cost is high. Defects can be located both inside and on the outer surface of the stone and are determined using special equipment. Typically, the purity of diamonds is estimated on an 11-digit scale, where 1 is an absolutely pure stone, and 11 are defects and inclusions that are visible to the naked eye.
  • Cut. Plays a major role in assessing the cost of jewelry. The brilliance of a diamond depends on the quality of the cut. There are several types of treatment that should be considered in more detail.

Types of cut diamonds

There are both common and inexpensive methods of processing diamonds, as well as complex and expensive types of cutting.

The most famous is the diamond cut. This is a classic way of processing diamonds, which is used most often. It was developed by the scientist Marcel Tokovsky at the beginning of the 20th century.

According to his research, the ideal way to process a round diamond is to apply 57 facets, which allow you to reveal the beauty of the stone. If the diamond is small, then 17 faces are applied. For large stones, 74, 86 and even 102 facets are applied.

In addition to the classic, fantasy methods are often used. The choice of this type of cut is influenced not only by personal preferences, but also by the initial forms of the diamond. These methods allow you to preserve the original mass in the finished product. Existing types of diamond cutting are conditionally divided into step, modified and mixed or wedge method.

The stepped faceting is characteristic of square, rectangular or trapezoidal stones. It conveys the play and the play of light worse than the classic cut, but the clarity and transparency of the stone are clearly visible. It includes:

  • Emerald cut is good for large diamonds. 8-angle diamonds show the inner color and unsurpassed purity at full capacity.
  • Usher - a type of emerald cut. Its main difference is that a diamond has not 8 corners, but a square shape and a greater number of steps.
  • Diamonds baguette have a rectangular shape, at least - square and extremely rare - the shape of a trapezoid. This simple method with a smaller number of edges is suitable for small stones. Suitable for framing a larger diamond.

Modified methods of cutting stones allow you to use the usual number and direction of the diamond's faces when creating different shapes. Diamonds in this treatment are played and shimmer no worse than round stones. The most common forms are:

  • Marquis stones are boat-shaped and other names are shuttle or cat's eye. The name of the form is obliged to Louis XIV, on the orders of which a diamond resembling the smile of his beloved Marquise de Pompadour was made.
  • Pear stone has a drop-like shape and is great for decorating rings.
  • An oval is a more perfect form of the classical form. The difference here is only in the form of a stone, which is visually more round.
  • Stone cut heart is considered the most expensive and rare. Difficult in execution, it allows you to hide defects and show shine.
  • Couchon stone square with rounded corners. Visually similar to a pillow, for which he was nicknamed pillow.

Mixed or wedge types of cut combined the qualities of the two methods described above: to preserve the weight of the diamond as much as possible and to demonstrate the best properties of the diamond. This group includes:

  • The diamond princess is square or rectangular and wedged. It is considered one of the inexpensive ones, and according to its characteristics it is second only to the classical one.
  • Radiant combines the best qualities of emerald cut and princess. It is often used to best demonstrate the color of fantasy copies of square and rectangular shapes.
  • A trillion or trillant has a triangular shape. The jeweler here can show imagination and determine the number of faces and the sharpness of the corners himself. Small copies perfectly complement the large, sometimes this form is chosen for the stone-tapeworm.

Who is suitable?

Today, any woman can wear elegant jewelry.

Although in ancient India, this gem was considered male because it has a special hardness. It was believed that the diamond properties were transferred to its owner, and he became courageous and brave.

Most of all women's gold jewelry with a diamond are suitable for mature ladies who have already gained wisdom and found peace of mind. A ring with such a stone should be chosen as a gift for family women after 30, who have gained a certain status and stand firmly on their feet.

In addition, diamonds, like other gems, are endowed with healing and energetic properties. For a long time it is believed that it is a kind of amplifier.

But you have to be careful with him: he strengthens not only good thoughts and strong spiritual qualities, but also bad thoughts or weakness of character. Decorating with this stone will help gain confidence and get rid of fears.

Of the therapeutic properties of diamonds attributed to the removal of fatigue, protection from depressive mood, the elimination of heat and stimulation of metabolism.It is believed that a diamond ring helps a woman to transfer childbirth easier.

Accessories with diamonds are best suited for girls of the fire signs of the zodiac. Besides them, the stones have a positive effect on the life of weights, crayfish and ibex. But the fish is better to choose other minerals as talismans.

Types of gold

A gold ring with a diamond can look and cost differently depending on the type of gold used. To indicate the proportion of impurities to gold of other materials on the gold products is applied sample. Most often in jewelry stores you can find gold products from the 585 sample with the share of gold of 58.5% and 750 samples with the gold content of 75%. The more gold in the alloy, the higher the price of such jewelry.

Yellow gold jewelery is the most popular today. This type of metal is an alloy of gold, silver and copper, which is ideally combined with colored stones.

Usually, in the rings of yellow gold, the first violin is played by another gem - sapphire or ruby, and the diamond is represented as a placer and frames the main stone.

Lemon gold rings have the same composition as the yellow metal products. Such jewelry has a greenish tint, because silver is more than copper.

Products made of combined gold are a mixture of two or more types of precious metals. Depending on the percentage of metals is determined by the price and uniqueness of such jewelry.

In products from pink or red gold, in contrast to yellow copper content exceeds the amount of silver, which allows to obtain a reddish tint. Due to this, the price of such products is noticeably lower.

Black gold incorporates chromium and cobalt. Such jewelry looks quite unusual, and the black color of the metal allows you to reveal all the beauty of diamonds.

Varieties of models

Jewelry craftsmen show imagination when creating gold jewelry with this stone. Today you can find many types of rings in which the processed diamond creates a composition with colored precious stones. Most often it is combined with first-order stones - sapphire, emerald and ruby. Such jewelry with a large colored stone, framed by diamond chips, look gorgeous and cost a lot of money.

The diamond looks good in conjunction with other gems: with topaz, with pearls, with amethyst, with pomegranate, with chrysolite, with quartz or with citrine. Such a ring is usually thin and is decorated in a circle with a diamond path.

A white gold ring with a large diamond will be an unforgettable gift for any girl. It is interesting to see copies with three diamonds, which are often chosen as engagement gifts. For wedding rings, it is better to choose more modest models with one small diamond.

Young ladies will like gold products with a scattering of diamonds laid out in a flower or other fantasy forms.

They are also amazed by the riot of colors and the variety of ring patterns in which enamel is combined with small diamonds.

Lovers of unusual jewelry will love the rings with glass and diamonds. Today, exclusive gold rings with a black diamond are in fashion, although they are not the most expensive, but are rarely found in nature.

How to choose?

Buying gold jewelry with a diamond is an important event for a fashionista.

To choose the right ring, remember some tips:

  • The elongated shape of the stone visually lengthens the fingers, making the hand more accurate and thin.
  • Girls with long and thin fingers should choose round or oblong stones in the ornament for hands.
  • For owners of wide palms, jewelry with a large fantasy-shaped stone will be suitable, and for small hands, rings with small stones or a scattering of diamonds should be selected.
  • If the budget allows, it is better to choose not the largest stone, but the most transparent and pure diamond.

Differences from a fake

This expensive and desirable stone is often forged.

To avoid becoming a victim of fraudsters, you need to learn how to distinguish a true diamond from cheaper copies:

  • To determine the authenticity of the stone, you can correlate the size of the stone with the number of carats and compare the data with the table of the density of minerals.
  • Some stones under the influence of ultraviolet radiation give a faint glow of blue.
  • Diamonds skip X-rays, so they do not leave a mark on the image. The laser beams, fired through the diamond, will not come out from the other side.
  • A genuine stone dropped into the water should not show any gluing lines.
  • There will be no traces of sandpaper or sharp objects on this stone.

What to wear?

Such a luxurious decoration will certainly attract attention to itself, so you should wear it properly.

Accessories with large stones perfectly complement the evening image of a woman. Such rings seem to be created for elegant long dresses on the floor and cocktail dresses. It is best to wear a ring with earrings from the same headset, or choose a more modest model. In any case, no more than two jewels should be worn for a solemn event, and rings with especially large and wide stones do not require any extras at all.

In addition to the evening look, it is permissible to use such jewelry in everyday life, if it is, for example, a wedding ring or a ring that is not too catchy. In business negotiations, such an accessory will hint to opponents of serious intentions, since this stone is able to emphasize the status of women in society. In the business bow with a diamond decoration should not be present albeit high-quality jewelry.

You should not wear jewelry to work, if it is not related to the governing functions. Teachers, saleswomen and consultants should leave such a ring for special occasions.

Popular brands

The guarantor of the purchase of high-quality and beautiful ring with a precious stone is the acquisition of brand gizmos. Today, the jewelry market is widely represented by various companies, which allows you to choose the right model for every taste and budget.

So, Cartier and Tiffany with a rich history are ready to offer customers sophisticated jewelry, combining the simplicity of classical forms and traditions of jewelry. The highest quality materials allow you to create unique models, the cost of which is quite high.

The original design and reasonable price of products offered by Sokolov, Pandora and the Golden Age will appeal to many buyers.

In the catalogs of these companies you can find a product for every taste - from modest classics to unique and bright youth models.

Care rules

A gold ring with a diamond, like other jewelry, must be periodically cleaned.

To do this, there are several popular methods that allow you to care for products at home:

  • You can clean the gold with an old toothbrush and soda. Soda, if necessary, can be replaced with washing powder or tooth powder.
  • If there is strong contamination, you can soak the product in soda solution for several hours, then clean it with a brush and rub it with lemon juice.
  • To rid the ring of greasy deposits, you can use gasoline, vodka or any other alcohol. To do this, moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solution and walk over the entire surface of the product, then rinse it thoroughly with soap.
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