
Gold wedding rings

Gold wedding rings

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  1. Features and advantages of the material
  2. Types of metal
  3. Varieties
  4. Models
  5. How to choose?
  6. Care
  7. Original design solutions

A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love and devotion. The choice of this decoration young people are with special trepidation. Modern jewelers offer a wide selection of products with a variety of design from a variety of materials. However, gold remains the most popular metal for wedding rings.

Features and advantages of the material

Since ancient times, gold in the first place among the materials for jewelry. Wedding rings made of this metal are especially valued for many centuries and do not lose their relevance to this day.

At cost, this metal is costly. The price for it does not stop growing, which makes it an excellent investment opportunity. Nevertheless, gold jewelery can be enjoyed by citizens with both high income and average earnings, especially as a gift for a wedding.

People have long believed that gold has magic. According to popular belief, this yellow metal is endowed with solar energy and has the power of the earth in which it was found. If someone from the young people dreamed of golden rings, then this is a favorable sign. Such a dream promises a happy and strong family life.

This metal has its significant advantages:

  • Does not darken. This is one of the few precious materials that does not require additional manipulation to give it a presentation. Gold retains its magnificent brilliance from the moment it is mined and even during processing in the jewelry workshop.
  • Not deformed. This is a fairly soft metal, so in its pure form jewelry is extremely rare. But thanks to different alloys with other metals, it becomes more durable.
  • Does not oxidize. The chemical properties of gold allow its oxidation only with certain types of substances. Laboratory conditions are necessary for this metal to react. In everyday life, nothing can affect him. However, it is worth considering that there are other elements in gold jewelry, therefore it is better to avoid contact of jewels with mercury, chlorine and iodine.
  • Easy to care. Due to the above advantages, gold does not require strict rules of care.

Types of metal

Everyone is accustomed to believe that gold jewelry is a yellow shade. However, this metal has many types, differing in color and properties. Ordinary rings with stones can have the most unusual design: from luxurious pieces of jewelry with diamonds to democratic models with cubic zirconia.


Gold takes on a red hue by increasing the proportion in favor of copper, zinc or palladium. To make the alloy better, silver is added to it.

A product with such a ligature looks noble and has improved characteristics. This method of obtaining a red tint is known for a long time. In tsarist Russia, this technique was used for finishing coins, the alloy purity of which reached 90%. By modern standards, this figure is equivalent to the 900th sample.

Modern products from red gold have traditional 585 test. Due to the shift of proportion towards base metals, models of such material are cheaper. At the same time, in their beauty and durability, they are not inferior to the classic alloy.

The advantages of red gold, thanks to which the newlyweds choose jewelry for a wedding from this alloy:

  • rings have high strength, which makes them durable;
  • long time retains its brilliance;
  • difficult to deform;
  • does not contain allergens;
  • quality jewel has a reasonable price.

However, you need to be careful when buying such a product. The product must be certified, and the store is reliable, since the rings of a reddish hue may not contain gold at all.


The pink color of the product is obtained by reducing silver in its composition and increasing copper. Unfortunately, this shift in proportion leads to a deterioration in the quality of wedding rings. Previously, such a shade was unacceptable. It was believed that the pink rose gold jewelry was defective. But now this color is gaining popularity just because of its unusual color.

Many mistakenly equate rose gold models to costume jewelry. However, these products have a standard 585 sample. The percentage of gold to other metals remains unchanged - 58.8%. Hue varies solely by changing the proportions of copper and silver.

Jewelers are experimenting with pink gold jewelry, increasing or decreasing their sample. For example, for elite models, the percentage of the precious metal increases to 75%. A 375 alloy marking is more suitable for inexpensive brooches or crosses. However, when choosing engagement rings, choose the gold of the 585 standard sample.


To make the gold ring turn white, silver or palladium is used. Zinc and nickel may be present in the composition of the ligature. Due to this, white gold is more expensive than traditional yellow. An even more expensive option is the product, which has a white admixture of platinum.

Wedding rings from such an alloy are chosen by the newlyweds who have a higher income. White gold attracts with its originality. Also, products from such material are chosen by young people who do not like to wear yellow jewelry, but at the same time want the wedding rings to be made of gold.


A very unusual version of gold jewelry is a dark shade model. They are not sold in all stores. In order for the yellow metal to become black, there are two methods:

  • use in the composition of the ligature of chromium and cobalt;
  • “Blackening” of a gold product using rhodium, carbon or ruthenium.

Choosing black gold for wedding rings is a rather extravagant solution. Nevertheless, such decorations are perfectly combined with any other accessories and are suitable for any image.

Models of black gold, as a rule, are not particularly decorated. Such a product in itself has more than the original appearance.

Medical gold

In fact, “medical gold” with a real metal has nothing in common except the name. It may include such common elements as copper and silver, as well as the content of brass, zinc and titanium. As you can see, gold is not in this series of elements. This material received its name solely due to its external similarity with the precious metal.

At cost, the "hoop" of medical gold is quite inexpensive. Some newlyweds are attracted by their affordable price. At the same time, the product looks no worse than real gold. However, to keep the jewelry as attractive as possible for as long as possible, it is not recommended to wear it daily. You should also avoid contact of such a product with water, detergents and other substances that could harm the ring.

Pure red

Models of pure gold - one of the most expensive.This material got its name due to its red hue, which appears due to copper. In the classical understanding of this term (pure gold - pure gold), such an alloy should have 999 samples. In fact, it is not practical. It is believed that in such jewelry the proportion of the precious metal is at least 75%.

This ratio of gold and copper was known to ancient jewelers. The high quality of the metal and the high cost of the items made these jewelery family heirlooms and were not used for regular wear. Nowadays, wedding rings made of pure gold are also luxury items. If the newlyweds can afford to make such a gift for the wedding, it would be better to buy a pair of rings of traditional yellow gold "for every day."

Tsar's gold

The term “royal gold” refers to jewelry and coins of the family of Nicholas II, which were lost after the sad events of 1918. Some items now appear on closed auctions and belong to private individuals.

In the free market they are almost impossible to meet. If the newlyweds are lucky enough to acquire wedding rings of royal gold, then such jewelry, rather, turned into family jewels.


Jewelers never cease to amaze with their craftsmanship, creating new unusual designs for wedding rings. Now it is fashionable to have jewelry of two types of gold. Often, the couple get different models. Men choose simple handcuffs, and women give free rein to their choice of design for a family jewel.

Combinations of various alloys

Women's wedding rings may consist of several elements having different shades. For example, a jewel that combines three types of gold - yellow, white and pink.

They can intertwine with each other or serve as inserts.


In the manufacture of double rings is also used the method of combining several shades of metal, usually two gold. As a rule, they represent a simple ring, on the outside of which a thin strip of material of a different color is applied.


On the fingers of the spouses look very noble jewelry made of matte gold. Jewelers believe that dullness emphasizes the natural beauty of this precious metal. Moreover, such a ring longer retains its original appearance, since there are less noticeable scratches on it.

Popular models with a combination of glossy and matte elements.



Many newlyweds remain true to the classics and choose simple products in the form of strips as wedding rings. The decoration can be wide or narrow. When choosing a width, you should take into account the thickness of your fingers and hand, the size of your palm. Thick strips of gold risk looking ridiculous on fragile fingers, while a thin golden stripe will be lost against the background of a wide palm.


Newlyweds who practice Islam use for their ritual of marriage rings with an inscription in Arabic engraved on them. Words can be carved both on the outside and on the inside of the product. Muslim rings are inlaid with precious stones or decorated with inserts of other alloys.


For lovers of original design, rings with Slavic symbols will come to their liking. For our ancestors, the ring had a great sacred meaning, meaning not only the union of two hearts, but also the union of two genera. They are applied to the characters with those or other protective properties. Such rings should be the same on both spouses.


There are families in which jewels, including wedding rings, are passed from ancestors to descendants. Such jewelry should be taken solely as a gift from the closest relative. There is a belief that gold is able to save energy of its owner.If you are not sure that the donor has lived a good life, you should not accept the old rings. There is a risk of incurring an unhappy fate.

For wedding

Young people who have decided to affix their union in the church, for the wedding choose rings with an engraving in the form of the inscription “save and save”. They are in perfect harmony on the same finger with the usual ring. Orthodox believers endow wedding rings with the properties of a charm that can preserve family well-being.

Diamond Edged Rings

This is an expensive type of product. Jewelers design jewelry using special tools with diamond cutters. This jewel looks incredibly beautiful, but it requires the work of a highly skilled master.

How to choose?

When choosing wedding rings should be guided by the width of the product. It should be in harmony with the proportions of the fingers, palm and hand. During the purchase of jewelry it is worth remembering that it will be worn daily for many years. Therefore, the ring should sit comfortably.

The optimal average weight for this product is 5-7 grams. A more massive engagement ring can bring discomfort.

It is desirable that its diameter was a couple of millimeters larger. With age, fingers can grow stout. So that after a few years you do not have to go to jewelry workshops, it is better to take this moment into consideration when purchasing jewelry on the eve of the wedding.


Gold has excellent chemical properties that allow it to sparkle over the years. However, when creating gold jewelry used alloys with other, more fastidious metals. Even so, gold jewelery rarely loses its presentation.

If it happened that the engagement ring turned dark or even turned black - it does not matter, there will be no problems cleaning it. At the same time it is not necessary to resort to the help of jewelers. At home, it is very easy to restore the old beauty of the jewels.

It is enough to add some liquid ammonia into the soap solution and soak the product in it. After that, the ring can be gently cleaned with a soft toothbrush, so as not to scratch the decoration.

Original design solutions

Wedding rings can turn into a decoration of incredible cost, if they are produced by a popular brand or have an extravagant design. Representatives of the highest circles who seek to emphasize their position with unique decorations allow themselves such luxury.

Beautiful wedding rings with original design can be purchased in the store. Find a fake product of a popular brand is not difficult. The quality of the jewelry at the same time will not be worse. Also, newlyweds who dream of wearing unusual wedding rings can turn to jewelers with an individual order.

With enamel

If an enamel pattern is applied to a classic engagement ring, it will turn into an incredibly amazing piece of jewelry. The coating may be monochromatic or rainbow. Rings with enamel have a different appearance. It all depends on the imagination of the jeweler.


The “American” has recently become a very popular model. It differs in that instead of a convex shape, the product has flat edges with chopped edges. In cross section, the ring forms a rectangle. Because of its appearance, in the people, this model is called the "washer".


Square rings have an unusual design. Their inner part is round, which allows you to wear jewelry as a classic product. The outer part extends from four sides, forming corners. Thus the ring takes the form of a square. When choosing such a jewel, careful fitting is extremely necessary, because the wedding ring should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

Wedding decorations have a limitless number of designs. Skilled craftsmen never cease to amaze with original solutions for such a small accessory.Also, the newlyweds can order a ring with an engraving. So the jewel will acquire individual characteristics and will always remind you of the happiest day in the life of the spouses.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


