Domestic cats

Tips for choosing and instructions for use anti-scratch for cats

Tips for choosing and instructions for use anti-scratch for cats

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  1. Purpose
  2. Characteristic
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. How to choose?
  5. How old and how can you apply?
  6. How to wear?
  7. How much is enough?
  8. Reviews of veterinarians and owners

Cats and cats are one of the most beloved pets, so it is important to know how to look after them at any age and in all situations. The main problem of keeping cats and kittens are scratches on furniture, walls, as well as attacks on the owner in some cases. To avoid this, special protective caps on claws, called anti-scratches, were invented.

To secure the cat and make the mutual stay comfortable, you need to be able to choose the right pads and attach them.


Antitsarapki for cats on the legs are needed in the event that the pet is actively working claws, while living in the room. Street cats do not need to wear anything, as they are constantly in motion and have the opportunity to grind off nail platinum on trees or other improvised means. A domestic cat is often deprived of the same opportunities, especially if it is kept indoors.

At a young age, cats are very playful and do not always understand when they harm their actions, which is why it became necessary to create a tool that can protect the room from the paws of a furry pet.

Due to the different nature, dressage or various life situations, the cat can use its claws at the wrong moment, causing damage to pieces of furniture or a person. Certainly, it is unpleasant when a pet scratches a newly bought sofa or wallpaper, which has been pasted the day before, but even worse when it happens during communication with small children who may accidentally hurt the cat.

To protect objects and people from the cat, you can use several options: the first is considered more rough and painful, as it involves the removal of nail plates from the animal. The second is much more humane and is a procedure for putting caps on claws to neutralize their capabilities, making them completely harmless.


Paws for claws for cats are becoming more and more popular, as they are easy to use and fully cope with the task, in addition, the animal in them looks very interesting and stylish. At the moment there are three types of materials of which make these caps:

  • silicone;
  • plastic;
  • rubber.

The first option is most common because of its positive qualities. Nozzles are obtained by the thinnest, easily put on the nail and are well fixed, thanks to the possibility to take the form of a cat's nail plate. This material is non-toxic and does not interfere with the animal in everyday life, since it is practically not felt on the paws.

Plastic linings are thicker, they are less plastic, so putting them on the claw will be a little more difficult. Rubber products have about the same characteristics.

Despite the fact that all materials have a smooth surface and a rather soft structure, when they move the cat through the rooms they do not always sound pleasantly knocking, clattering or even creaking, therefore, choosing such a protection option, you should be ready for some discomfort.

The caps themselves must be worn as indicated in the instructions in order not to harm the pet or cause unpleasant sensations. To lining held firmly and did not fall off, they are planted on glue, which dries very quickly on the claw.The duration of wearing such protective equipment may be from one month to six months, depending on how quickly the horny layer of the nail of the cat is updated.

It is this process that causes the pad to fall off the claw, after which it is necessary to repeat the procedure for gluing the attachment again.

The procedure of putting on protective products does not seem too complicated, so this option has become quite popular, but each owner decides for himself the need for such linings, first studying all the positive and negative aspects of wearing them.

Advantages and disadvantages

To ensure that the use of anti-scratches will be harmless to your pet, you should check if these caps are harmful. It is more correct to immediately consider the positive and negative aspects of such an invention and evaluate their benefit or harm.

Among the positive factors worth highlighting:

  • the ability to protect furniture and walls from the clutches of a playful pet;
  • protection of small children, if there are such in the house;
  • protecting the pet from itself, in the case of some diseases in which the animal can scratch itself, only worsening its condition;
  • protection from the paws of a cat that has a wild character, which could not be rehabilitated.

As can be seen from the above points, there are a number of reasons for using caps, but in order to understand how long and often they should be applied, it is important to assess the harm that may be from them.

Among the negative factors of socks lining can be identified:

  • aggressive properties of glue, which, one way or another, will have a negative impact on the pet;
  • with the wrong sticking of the linings to the cat, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to hide the claws, which can lead to injuries while moving or jumping the animal;
  • constant use of nozzles can cause a change in the shape of the nail or inflammation;
  • in the case of walks on the street, the use of such accessories will be not only inappropriate, but also dangerous, as the cat simply will not be able to quickly climb a tree or attack the enemy if he meets like this while walking;
  • the inability to carry out hygienic procedures with high quality, which may cause problems with the pet's health;
  • Difficulties in order to quality scratch, if the need arises.

There are a few more negative sides than positive ones, and this explains the absence of a boom for the purchase of anti-scratches and their use on each pet. If you use protective caps all the time, then soon the animal will begin to break the claws, as the nail plate will begin to thin. Another unpleasant consequence can be injury, if the pet accidentally for something to catch the nozzle.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that use of nozzles is necessary in certain cases, but without the need for them it is better not to use them. If the owner has some health problems and cannot be allowed to scratch, then there is no choice, the need for protection is justified. The same can be said about cases of too violent behavior of the animal, especially in the case of visiting the home by new people or other pets.

To protect the owner, households, guests, children, as well as the cat itself, there is a need to use caps, in all other cases it is better to avoid them.

How to choose?

"Small cases" which are put on claws to house cats, can be not only made of different materials, but also have a big color palette, and a variety of sizes. Silicone caps are recommended, they are preferable to rubber or plastic caps. The color of the products can be any: under the colors of wool, eyes, the floor of the animal, or even be varied, rainbow, to please the eye of the household.

The most important criterion when choosing linings is the size, which will depend on the reliability of fixation, ease of use of the cat and the performance of the appointment caps. You can correctly determine what size you need by using the following gradation:

  • XS - if the animal weighs from half a kilo to two kilograms, this refers to the age of kittens up to six months;
  • S - for pets weighing from 2 to 4 kg;
  • M- for cats in the weight category from 4 to 6 kg;
  • L - if the pet exceeds the weight of six kilograms.

To choose the right size, you need to estimate not only the weight of the cat, but also its breed, since the length of the claws may depend on it. In some breeds, the nail plates of kittens are the same length as in adult animals that should be considered. If the pad is larger than the claw, then this is not a problem, it can be cut a little, and if it is smaller, then there is no point in using it, it will not last for a long time.

Colored claws look entertaining and interesting, so fans of outrageous and spectacular appearance are happy to experiment with this kind of overlays. In order not to harm the pet, the main thing is to know the measure in everything, to use the caps correctly and to care for the pet's claws.

How old and how can you apply?

You can use anti-scratches only for pets that are older than six months of age, which is associated with the structural features of the nail plates, their strength in adults and kittens.

It is undesirable to use the lining for pets in 2 months, as they can harm the kitten itself. Claws they have at this age are still thin and soft and do not carry such a danger as in adult cats, and during games and in everyday life at such a young age they grind off by themselves.

The optimal time to start using the pads is the age when the cat is already older, stronger, and too active. If during communication with the pet, the host begins to feel sharp claws, these are signals to the fact that soon you may need to take precautions and just in case you should buy a set of overlays. For kittens, such caution is useless: with all their desire, they will not be able to significantly damage either the furniture or the skin of a person.

How to wear?

To put the cat on the claws, it is initially necessary to measure the length of the pet's claws and check whether the purchased attachments fit it. It is important to consider not only the length of the product, but also try it on the foot, to be sure, the protection will not fly off. In that case, if the cap is longer than the nail, but it keeps well on it, the length can be reduced with small scissors.

Since the pets are unlikely to like the new outfit on their paws, they will immediately try to take it off, because complete with nozzles usually comes specialized medical glue.

The procedure for putting on protective tips is as follows:

  • purchase caps, check whether they are suitable for a pet;
  • pick up a good moment when the cat is in a good mood, nothing bothers him, he easily makes contact;
  • take a pet in your hands, caress or give something tasty to appease a pet;
  • make a “manicure”, clipping the tips of the claws and gash them in order to ensure a better fixation of the protective caps;
  • it is necessary to disinfect all claws with any alcohol-containing solution or use nail polish remover;
  • when the claws are ready, you need to take the cap, drop one drop of glue into it and you can glue the pad;
  • To fully claws, you need to gently press on the pet's foot;
  • For better fixation, press the product against the sides.

This procedure is necessary for each claw. There is no need to hurry, otherwise the cat may become nervous, and his calm will be the key point, allowing you to finish the procedure successfully.It is very important to show care and attention to the pet, to stroke and caress him, so that he understands that he is not in danger of anything and remains in his arms all the time.

After all the attachments are on the claws, it is advisable to hold the fluffy pet for some time to get the glue firmly gripped.

You do not need to remove such caps: they will disappear themselves when the cat's nail plate starts to be updated. The procedure for updating the "manicure" for the animal will need to be done about once a month. At the first attempts, the pet may be very unhappy with its new accessories and will try to take them off, but it is unlikely to work, and after a while it will get used and stop paying attention to foreign bodies on its claws.

How much is enough?

Protective caps that are worn on domestic cats to protect against sharp claws have a different service life. The duration of the socks may depend on a number of circumstances:

  • lining material;
  • glue quality;
  • cat activity;
  • nature of the animal.

The standard term for using claws is considered to be the time during which the keratinous layer of the cat's nail cells is completely renewed, which causes the protective elements to fall off. This period ranges from three weeks to two months. In addition to biological components, you need to consider the material from which the lining is made. Silicone is the thinnest and most elastic and, with the intensive behavior of an animal, can rub off and become useless a little earlier than it dismounts.

Typically, silicone lining withstand their service life, therefore, are considered the most convenient to use.

Plastic and rubber tips are more rough, and therefore they have much more chances to erase, especially if the pet likes to frolic and play on uneven or rough surface. Under normal behavior of a cat and the observance of precautionary measures, the lining can withstand the service life it has laid down, after which a new set is bought. It is best to purchase quality products in the pet store, so that not only the caps themselves, but also the glue are made of harmless components and fully perform their work.

If the glue expires or turns out to be of poor quality, it can speed up the process of flying pads or worsen the condition of the cat's claws.

Do not forget about the pet: if it is very active, then the process of metabolism it can be faster, which means that the claws will have time to be updated after 2-3 weeks, and the sticking procedure will need to be carried out more often. In addition, there are animals that can not accept the new accessories on their paws and take all possible actions to remove them. As a result, claws can be damaged or nozzles removed.

In some cases, cats may accidentally swallow them. There will be no harm from this, since the products are not toxic and harmless, which means they will soon be released by natural means.

Reviews of veterinarians and owners

The procedure of sticking protective covers has replaced the inhumane removal of claws from domestic cats, so it has gained quite a lot of popularity, but not everyone approves of it. Veterinarians are seriously concerned about this innovation and have every reason to. It is proved that there are cases when it is better for cats not to wear foreign objects on their paws, because this can lead to negative consequences.

If the animal is at least sometimes on the street, it is useless to wear such accessories, since they will scratch the claws of trees and other objects without spoiling the home furniture.

Pets in the lining, feel inferior, because they can not fully manifest their biological instincts. Because of the pads, the sensitivity of the paws is reduced, it is more difficult for the cat to walk and jump, and it becomes almost impossible to climb high. Such restrictions negatively affect the psyche of the animal and certain of its habits, which, undoubtedly, is a minus.

Of the positive things that veterinarians and pet owners note, it’s worthwhile to say that it is possible to use the lining from time to time, if this is forced by the situation. If the cat is afraid of guests, the nozzles can be worn only during their stay at home.

If the house is expected to replenish, then protective products will be needed for the period when the baby begins to actively explore the world and try everything that is around it.

The reaction of professionals and ordinary people is different and it is connected with the fact that opponents pay attention to the possible risks that lining on claws can bring; supporters of the same noted wide opportunities that gives this technology. The main advantage of claw pads is the choice: to put them on or not, continue to use or stop, as all caps will do. Studying the reaction to the nozzles, their effectiveness and help - each owner himself decides what is best for him and his pet.

On how to glue silicone antitsarapki cat, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


