Description of blue British cats and the subtleties of their content

Many people choose a blue British cat as a pet, because this breed is one of the most popular in Russia. Representatives of this breed are very intelligent, calm and restrained, they are perfectly tolerate loneliness. It is necessary to consider in more detail the history, characteristics and nature of the cat, the nuances of feeding and care.
Today there are several versions of the pedigrees that explain where the British breed came from, but nevertheless each version has a place to exist. Many claim that the British cat breed was brought from France to other countries. According to legend, the sailors took on the merchant ships of cats of this breed, so that they protect the products from rodents. Thus, the representatives of the "British" were in different countries.
Interesting: in the work of L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" as a prototype of the Cheshire Cat, it was exactly a blue British cat.
Already in the XIX century, this breed attracted the attention of those breeders who were fond of exotic animals, because the blue British cat looks very elegant and beautiful. Harrison Ware made a special contribution to the development of this breed. In 1871, Tabby the cat was the first representative of the short-haired blue cats, which took the prize in the exhibition. Already in 1950, this breed was approved in America, after which it became world famous.
Basic information
For a start, it is worth more to consider the description of the breed. Blue British cat is quite large in size, characterized by muscularity. It has small, but widely spaced ears. Straight cats like many. Representatives of this breed have practically round eyes, the color of which can be from yellow to deep orange. Their nose is rather short and wide.
The main feature of this breed is big cheeks. Many are attracted precisely by wool, because it looks like plush and stuffed, while homogeneous. It is recommended initially to comb the wool in one direction, and then - in the opposite direction, while it will lie down neatly. Representatives of this breed have a powerful body, wide chest and short legs..
A distinctive feature of blue British cats are their manners. These are quite loyal animals that can be compared even with dogs. They listen to their masters, respond to prohibitions, and are also able to fully adapt to the lifestyle of the owner. This breed is distinguished by high intelligence and unpretentiousness, therefore it is even called a cat of a businessman.
If a person does not have a lot of free time, then a representative of this breed will be the best choice, since the cat has an independent character, and its wool does not require special care. The Briton is well aware of the measure in everything, and therefore does not require increased attention.
Blue shorthair Briton is a loyal companion for all family members. Of course, he needs care, affection and care from the person. Moreover, he may even be offended if he does not receive it in full. The feeling of resentment may manifest itself in the fact that the cat completely refuses to caress, not even allowing himself to be stroked. But such an outcome is extremely rare, as the cat tries to adapt to the rhythm of the life of its owner.
Life expectancy is on average from 12 to 15 years.
Color features
Blue British cats are mainly represented in blue color, so they got this name, but other colors are included in this subspecies. The standard of the British breed can be represented in 30 colors, while monochrome should not be followed. According to the standard, there may be deviations from monochromatic colors, which consist in haze, blurring and various ebbs.
To the breed of blue Britons are, in addition to blue, cats such colors as:
- whites;
- black
- red (practical red);
- creamy;
- chocolate;
- pink and blue (lilac).
Important: each color listed above can be represented by different shades. For example, the British lilac color can be light, medium and dark.
Special attention deserve the colors of the British, which combine different colors.
- Tortoise. Such cats usually combine two colors - it can be cream with blue or red with black. An interesting fact is that the tortoise color is found exclusively in females, since cats cannot be met with such colors. More options are possible with the addition of silver - these include chinchilla, shaded and smoky, with a large number of variations.
- Figured. This variety of colors includes several options - spotted, marble, brindle or mackerel. The British kittens also belong here to two-color or bicolor and colorpoint.
Important: felinologists use a special encoding by which you can find the color, shade, eye color, and so on.
It is generally accepted, so every person who knows the symbols of the British, can imagine the appearance of a cat to the slightest speck. The encoding consists of Latin letters, numbers and their combinations. For example, BRI ns12 62 is a Briton who has orange-colored eyes and a chinchilla color.
Blue British cats look quite harmonious, so a slight deviation from the standard requirements for appearance can significantly spoil the impression. Not every flaw becomes a serious reason to reject an animal, but breeders should be familiar with them. If you make the correct selection of the pair, then a small flaw can be easily leveled, which will allow you to get good offspring.
The ban on breeding is imposed on representatives of the breed that are characterized by long-haired, have a broken tail or some other flaws.
Briton is an independent cat that, as an adult, is well tolerated by loneliness. She draws attention to the fact that she doesn’t require affection from the owner - she doesn’t jump on her knees, she doesn’t play around and so on. But she is strongly attached to her master, and with long partings she is very bored. The British cat is often compared to an English gentleman, because it is characterized by self-esteem, calmness and restraint.
An interesting fact is that blue British cats do not like strangers. They try to stay away from them. This pet attracts attention with calmness and affection, although it will not be imposed on the owner. He is pretty smart, loves cleanliness and behaves like an intellectual. These cats are not prone to biting or scratching.
They will be a worthy option for families with small children.
It is worth noting that The representative of blue British cats is the dominant animal that will get along well with other pets, but will be headed, taking the leading position. But he must understand who is the boss. These cats are quite clever and clean, so problems with discipline should not arise. Representatives of the British breed love to play. They like to chase flies or butterflies. They love freedom in everything, including in space. The British are perfectly trainable.
Many experts emphasize that it is the harmonious combination of good behavior and attractive appearance that made the cats of the British blue breed so famous. Cats are distinguished by aristocracy and grandeur. Externally, the cat resembles a teddy bear - you want to stroke it, while it behaves quite restrained and patiently. The unobtrusiveness of the British is their unchanging dignity.
Special attention is given to feeding the British. Already in a month the kitten begins to get acquainted with solid food. At 1.5-2 months, the kitten needs 5 meals a day. Already at 6 months the number of feedings is reduced to three times a day. An adult cat should be given to eat only 2 times a day. It is not forbidden to treat your pet with various “sweets” between meals, but it is worth remembering about the negative effects of overfeeding, which not only leads to obesity, but also significantly reduces the cat's life.
Important: Blue Britons should be given vitamins, while you should follow the courses.
To begin with, you should contact the veterinarian, who will select the optimal set of vitamins for your pet, depending on many factors.
For feeding blue British cats you can use several feeding options.
- Ready feed. Today a wide range of ready-made feeds is presented for both kittens and adults. Preference should be given to feed from reputable manufacturers. It is strictly forbidden to buy Whiskas products, since it includes a fairly large number of harmful components. If we consider protein, which is the main component of the finished feed, it is made from the bone of carcasses and skins.
- Natural food. If it is decided to feed your pet with natural food, then it is worth remembering that the cat is a predatory animal that needs animal products. Initially, any meat, like offal, should be sent for several hours in the freezer. All food must be served warm. It is strictly forbidden to add salt to dishes.
It is necessary to adhere to the norm in fish, because its frequent use can lead to both kidney diseases and the development of urolithiasis. But castrated cats, in general, it is better to exclude fish from the diet.
- Combining food. If desired, you can use complex feeding. In this case, the basis is dry food, but fish and meat products of natural origin are used as feedings.
Blue Britons need care, which is produced in several ways.
- It happens that there are secretions around the eyes, and it occurs in kittens and in adults. For cleaning, use a cotton swab previously soaked in an eye wash. If the discharge is purulent in nature, then the pet should definitely show the vet.
- Ears also require care. In normal condition, they should be clean, odorless and evenly colored. To clean the ears, you must take a cotton swab dipped in a special solution.
- Special brushes are used for combing wool.which are equipped with either rubber or metal bristles that should not injure the skin of a pet. Scratching should be taught from a young age so that the kittens already understand what they are doing to them. Pet must be patient to provide this care. It is necessary to take particular care when combing during the molting period. This procedure will avoid the appearance of wool on furniture, carpeting and other places. To collect wool after the procedure, you can use a special rubber glove or a wet hand. Bathing is not included in the set of mandatory actions.
If the pet is very dirty, it should be washed under warm water, using a special shampoo.
Blue British cats are notable for their excellent immunity. If they are properly looked after, they are practically not prone to diseases. With the slightest changes in the behavior of your pet, you should contact the vet for help, then you can help the animal and avoid serious complications.
About what are the subtleties of the content of blue British cats, see the following video.