Domestic cats

The origin of the exotic breed of cats, care and breeding

The origin of the exotic breed of cats, care and breeding

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character
  4. Lifespan
  5. Kinds
  6. Care features
  7. Nutrition
  8. Breeding
  9. Health

To date, one of the most popular cat breeds is an exotic cat. This breed won the hearts of pet lovers due to its friendliness and touching appearance - huge eyes, pretty face and beautiful color. It is worth noting that the care of a cat of this breed is not so simple, and here it is worth considering some of the features.

History of origin

The breed of exotic cats was bred in the United States of America in the early 60s of the last century. Exotic cats appeared as a result of the crossing of two breeds - Persian and American Shorthair cats. That is, this breed was bred artificially.

The goal of the American breeders experiment was to improve the color of a standard shorthair cat. To put it mildly, the result of the crossing experiment was extremely unexpected and unforeseen. Kittens bred as a result of crossing turned out to be very cute and charming - with plush hair, wide eyes and large volumes of the body.

The experiments continued, and as a result, the resulting hybrid type of cats was decided to be separated into a separate breed, and not attributed to short-haired cats, as was originally planned.

The official date of birth of the breed Exot is 1966. Although initially the scientists gave the name "sterling", which later did not stick, the breed began to be called exotic. And indeed, for the Americans, this breed was something extremely exotic and new.

Persian cat
Shorthair cat

Then another event occurred that brought the breed closer to the species that we are used to seeing today. And this interesting event happened in 1973, when, as a result of a series of regular experiments, a characteristic feature of exotic animals appeared, which conquered many, a snub-nosed face. This funny trait made the breed even more touching. At this, the attempts to cross did not stop, and only by the 90s the standards of requirements for the breed of exotic cats were defined. After that, this type of cats was forbidden to cross with other breeds.


Even in the official standards for the requirements for the breed of exotic animals, they all practically coincide with the requirements for the breed of Persian cats. However, the main difference is wool. Exotics are distinguished by their “plushness”, because their hair can be up to two centimeters in length, and there is also a rather thick undercoat. These beautiful cats have full cheeks, a short and strong neck and that unusual nose. This type of nose, like in exotic animals, is called “nose with stop”. Most lovers of domestic fluffy pet exotas could conquer with their expressive big eyes.

This breed of cats is characterized by short but very developed and strong paws. In general, the body of exotics is quite strong and stocky, despite the sweet plushness.

According to accepted standards established during the breeding of these cats, There are several basic rules regarding their appearance.

For example, the head of an exotic cat must have a round shape with prominent cheeks. Mandatory parameter is a snub nose. Eye color can be very different. It usually depends on the coat color of the cat. It is worth noting that sometimes there are exotic with different color eyes. It happens that one eye may be yellow and the other blue.

This phenomenon is called heterochromia, and in no case should it be considered a disease, especially serious.

This is only a small anomaly arising from the abundance of a certain coloring segment of the eye. This phenomenon is not reflected in the cat's vision.. But the appearance of an already nice exotic cat becomes even more attractive.

Recently on the Internet, photos and videos of cats with heterochromia have become particularly popular, despite the fact that ordinary cats have been leaders of the Internet for a long time. Therefore, do not worry if the kitten has a different eye color. You should not urgently take him to the vet, and even more so try to carry out an independent "treatment". There is nothing to treat in this case.

Wool and color. About the fur mentioned a little higher. Beautiful, plush wool - one of the main differences between exotic animals. Usually, it does not reach such a length as to lie on the body, although the hair of the exotic animals is longer than that of ordinary cats. Coat color can be completely different. There are very dark and exotic, and light. Many people combine several colors on their wool, which are distributed in spots of different sizes.

It is also worth distinguishing between shorthair and longhair exotics. The hair of short-haired representatives, as the name suggests, is rather short, but very thick. And long-haired exotic cats have a long hair, and with it a negative aspect that many owners do not like - the cats' hair remains everywhere.

The size of the trunk of exotic animals can reach up to 30 cm at the withers. The standard figure is 25-27 cm.

As well as exotics from other breeds, their tail distinguishes. It is not long, usually shorter than the cat's body, but rather fluffy and rounded at the end.

The weight of males of this breed can reach up to 7 kg, and females - up to 4.5.


Exotics could inherit one of their main traits from the Persian cat, besides their appearance - habits.

Exotics extremely gentle and affectionate. It is unlikely that among such independent animals as cats, you can find someone more obedient and affectionate than the cat exotic.

Representatives of this breed are extremely quiet animals. They give a voice in very rare cases, and even then very quietly. Therefore, the future owner of such a cat should not worry that at night they will be awakened by a loud meow at the ear.

Many owners of exotic ones point out that This breed is extremely friendly to small children. A big plus if the family has a child. Exotics will never scratch and bite him; they will play and learn the world together.

Exotic cats are completely unobtrusive, but extremely loyal. A cat can patiently wait for its owner, while he is busy with his business, sit quietly, do not demand affection or treat, that is, do not attract attention. But the owner should call his pet, as he will instantly come running and jump into his lap, glad that the owner has finally been able to give him time. In this regard, exotic animals are extremely understanding.

It is worth noting that these cats are not hunters at all, and they almost never have a fighting mood.

Rarely when exotic will climb into a fight with another cat or another animal. They have practically no desire to hunt mice or birds. We can say that it is a 100% domesticated cat.

Cats of this breed endure the separation from the owner extremely sharply. They are really sad, they lose their appetite and their motor activity decreases. In principle, they are able to endure the journey quite stably, so you can take exotic with you if you need to leave for a long time.

Exotics are really socially active cats. They just need to be with the person constantly. They are very fond of games, but even just sitting around a person is very nice to them.

It is worth noting that This breed is quite amenable to training and training.


Of course, the main factor that affects the life expectancy of any pet, is the conditions of detention. A cat must be brought to the veterinarian from time to time, follow how he eats, pay attention to his behavior, periodically walk with him. Under normal conditions, exotic ones live for an average of 15-16 years. Some individuals can live up to 20 years.


Speaking of exotic cats, it would be wrong to say that these cats are all alike as one. They have their own varieties. That is, cats of the same breed may differ, but will nevertheless have similar external features. So, for a start it is worth highlighting the long-haired and short-haired cat breed Exot. About them has already been said above. The main difference is the length of their wool. Long-haired representatives are more fluffy, have a long hair more than 2 cm. The short-haired cat has a high thickness of wool cover, but its hair does not exceed two centimeters.

The rest of the cats of this breed differ in color. It is worth noting the most common shades.

  • Blue. Very beautiful color of wool, giving a gray-blue hues. In Russia, there is even a similar breed with the same shade - the Russian blue.
Blue Exot
Russian blue
  • The black. In this case, the cat's hair is bright black, almost no other shades. Less common is the transition from black to dark gray.
  • Tortoiseshell. Many are interested in how exactly the tortoise color looks. Actually it does not have any particular color. Turtle is called coat color, which combines several colors at once. For example, white, gray and red. Together they will be called "tortoise".
  • White. This shade of wool is extremely beautiful. Pure white wool rarely has any other shades. White is a very relaxing color, so a pet with such a coat will have an even more relaxing effect.
  • Marble. This coat color usually combines two shades. Most often it is black and gray.
  • Red tabby. Sometimes mistakenly simply called "red." But their difference is that this color is the brightest on the back, and on the stomach and limbs it becomes very faded. Exotic cats, however, of red color, usually have a delicate cream shade. That is such red color, not brightly expressed.

Care features

The appearance of any domestic cat should be closely monitored. Caring for cats breed Exot has its own characteristics.

If we talk about bathing a cat, then It is advisable to wash exotics once in 3-4 months. Of course, it depends on the degree of contamination of the wool, so if necessary, you can swim more often. This is usually recommended when it starts to shed. Fallen wool must be washed off, otherwise the old wool will remain on the cat. This is fraught with ugly appearance of the animal, and the fact that the wool will remain on the furniture, the floor and in other places.

It is better to atone once more for exotism than to solve problems with its wool and constantly clean the house. Do not forget that most cats perceive water and especially water procedures extremely negatively. For a cat that is afraid of water, bathing can be a real challenge and stress.

The procedure of bathing exotic should take place in a certain way.

Do not forget that the wool in Exot is extremely dense, and sometimes used shampoo is simply not able to penetrate deep, washing only the upper part of the wool. Many recommend before the procedure of bathing a little to lather a cat with a degreasing agent for washing dishes. This will not cause the six cats any harm, but the product will degrease the surface of the wool, so that the shampoo can penetrate deep into the coat. After applying a degreasing agent, rinse it thoroughly, and then proceed to the basic procedure of bathing.

For exotic plants, shampoos containing any medicinal herbs or seaweed extract are recommended. It is extremely positive effect on the state of wool and undercoat - strengthens their structure and gives a healthy appearance.

It is especially worthwhile to launder those places that are most often prone to contamination - legs, tail and chin. After washing off the shampoo, you can also use the conditioner for rinsing. Additionally, you can use special tools for skin pests and parasites. In dense wool there is the likelihood of their appearance. Not to say that exotics are often subject to such a problem, but for the prevention of using such tools is desirable.

When the bathing procedure itself is completed, and the owner and the cat exhaled with relief - it is necessary to start drying the wool. This moment also has its own characteristics. Attempts to dry the cat's hair with an ordinary towel are a long and not very effective procedure. Here plays the role of density and density of wool. Therefore, you can use a regular hair dryer. With such a device, the process will speed up noticeably and be more efficient.

Experienced owners of exotic ones sometimes use grooming powder after drying. Consider what it is and why it is needed.

Grooming powder is a special cleaning agent that can eliminate pollution without water.. This is a very convenient way when it is necessary to remove any contamination on a specific area of ​​wool, because for the sake of one speck it is not very advisable to wash the cat completely. Nevertheless, grooming powder can be used as an additional means after bathing. It completely removes residual moisture, and the wool from it becomes more silky and bright.

Apply this tool to against the fur of the animal. Worth watching so that the tool does not fall into the ears, eyes and mouth of the cat. Actually, when bathing with shampoo this should also be avoided. Exotic eyes are large, so the probability of hitting the detergent is great. To date, pet stores have shampoos and products that do not irritate the eyes.

After applying the powder it is necessary to carefully comb the wool according to its growth. And just combing wool is the next step in the care, which will be considered here.

As for combing exotics, here it is worth noting one funny fact - many seals of this breed are jokingly called "Persian for the lazy". And all because even though he looks like a Persian cat in many respects, he didn’t take over the problems with wool that require attentive care. Shorthair exotics leave their wool only if they begin to shed, and even then it is not so much. However, combing wool is an important aspect in caring for a cat.

The side of the exotus and its abdomen must be combed over the growth of the hair; on the rest of the body it is recommended to comb it against the fur.

Shorthair exotus can be combed 1-2 times a week with a regular comb. A bit more often you can use a massage brush. With a long-haired breed combing procedure should be carried out more often. Actually there is nothing complicated or unusual in combing the hair of exotic. Standard care kit - comb, massage brush. You can also use a pouhokerka, but it is better to use it only when the cat sheds. This tool copes well with the removal of the falling out hair.

The big eyes of exotics also require their attention from the pet's owner. It is necessary to periodically carry out preventive procedures, maintaining hygiene not only for the eyes of the exotic, but also for the oral cavity and auricles, as well as for carrying out cosmetic procedures for clipping claws and removing hard wool.

The eyes of exotic animals are not only their most beautiful feature, but also the most vulnerable organ susceptible to infections, fungi and bacteria. Experts and veterinarians recommend prophylactic procedures a couple of times a month. This also applies to the prevention of auricles. For many hosts, the problem of prevention lies in “fixing” the animal. No animal will like it when it is unclear why they rub their eyes or ears, and sometimes even “filth” drops there. But the procedure is necessary for his own good. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the position of the cat under the arm, but carefully, trying not to push hard.

Eyes can be blotted with a napkin soaked in ordinary boiled water. In more serious cases, use different ointments, drops, sometimes with the content of antibiotics. An important note about antibiotics - in no case can not use them if the cat is healthy.

Bacteria quickly become addictive to antibiotics, so in a more serious situation, such tools will be simply useless.

Another important aspect in the care of exotic eyes is that they do not need to be rubbed. It only irritates the eyes of the animal. They just need to promakivat - neatly and without sudden movements. In case of eye prophylaxis, it is recommended to additionally wipe the nose of the exotic. On the mucous membranes often accumulate harmful substances that can develop into more serious diseases.

Regarding the care of the auricles, it is worth noting that this is also a frequent problem of exotic animals. If natural ear discharges are not removed for a long time, then dust accumulates on them, which is also fraught with the appearance of various parasites, fungi, and even ear mites. Ear care can be done with a cotton swab, removing the discharge. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the organs of hearing.

Additionally, you can use acaricidal eardrops, which just prevent the appearance of ear mites.

In addition to previous procedures for the prevention of feline friend's diseases, another very important part of the care is trimming claws. The procedure is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. For the cat itself, clipping claws is rather unpleasant, but it is worth taming it with a kitten. In pet stores or veterinary pharmacies special nail clippers are sold. It is not recommended to cut claws with ordinary scissors. In the claws of cats there are bloody veins, by which it is strictly forbidden to cut:

  • it is simply wild to the animal, as they have a great sensitivity in this place;
  • by cutting the claws in this way, there is a risk of infection, incorrect claw growth, and so on.

Therefore, you must use strictly kogterezki. They resemble tweezers that only need to trim the tip of the claw. By the way, it is worth noting that the exotta is especially unusual for the release of claws and the desire to scratch a person. They are so friendly that they are almost incapable of displaying aggression. Nevertheless, the "manicure" to hold the cat is necessary, especially if the pet got into the habit of tearing wallpaper or furniture. In this case, you can not do without buying claws, but also cut the claws is also necessary.

Few people pay attention to another aspect peculiar to some exotics - hard guard hair. In some cats, their long, hard hair sometimes appears from their beautiful, plush coat. This periodically occurs in animals obtained by crossing. Such hairs are clearly visible. Usually they are longer than the rest of the coat and differ in color. Remove such hairs can be by ordinary plucking with tweezers. After removing such hairs, the cat's coat will be beautiful and clean.

Care for the fluffy pet's oral cavity is also mandatory. To completely eliminate problems with the teeth of a cat, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis 1-2 times in two weeks. Many will be skeptical or ironic about this point. However, cats also brush their teeth.In our country, it is somehow not customary to pay attention to the oral hygiene of animals, and nevertheless their teeth may also hurt. They just can't tell us about it and they just have to endure the pain.

In the same veterinary pharmacies and pet stores there are special brushes for cleaning teeth and tooth powders. At first, you can brush your pet's teeth just with a brush dipped in warm water. When the teeth are strong, you can already use tooth powders. Of course, this procedure for the pet is extremely extreme, so it will most likely be twisted and scratched. The cat must be fixed, and the procedure for cutting the claws the day before.

For arranging the life of a pet and for its care, you need to purchase several things. To begin with, it is absolutely necessary for any pet in the first place - the toilet. The tray with the filler is the first thing that should already be in the house when a new shaggy person appears. For exotic plants, experts recommend using wood filler from pressed sawdust. Clumped fillers do not like exotics.

Scratching posts for exotics are also necessary, otherwise the furniture and walls in the house can be damaged.

Scratches can be quite simple - flat, which represent a board with a soft cord stretched over it. And you can buy volumetric claws, which come in different forms.

If the living space allows, you can find large structures that are a whole attraction for cats. They have several tiers, toys on strings, and they themselves are upholstered with cords, about which a pet can sharpen claws.

And also, for more fun leisure, you can buy your pet a variety of toys, the choice of which in pet stores today is very wide. Laser pointers are popular - exotics love to run after a bright light. The main thing - do not direct a pointer to the big sensitive eyes of a pet or curtains, glass utensils and other valuable things.

These were the main points to consider when caring for a cat. This does not mean that this is all you need to know. It is recommended that attention be paid to the nutrition of the cat and its medical examinations by a specialist.


Oddly enough, but what are exotic and unpretentious, so it is in food. Of course, it is not necessary to give anything and feed the cat with exclusively dry feed. Giving exotics can be dietary meats, such as beef. This meat contains taurine, which will have a very positive effect on the pet's cardiovascular system. Great popularity when feeding exotics acquired offal, which is poured boiling water.

Exotics, like all other cats, are very fond of the fish. It is advisable not to give the cat river fish, as it often contains parasites. And it is also advisable to remove the scales and bones from the future treats in advance so that exot does not damage its mouth or stomach.

In principle, meat products can be mixed with various cereals (buckwheat, rice) and cereals, which will be extremely nutritious and healthy.

The main thing that the diet was not meager. You can additionally give the cat a low-fat sour cream or other dairy products once a week. This will replenish the stock of exot proteins. Feed the pet every day the same is not recommended. This affects the body's saturation with essential substances and vitamins, and the pet's digestive system. As already mentioned, exotics are picky in terms of food.

Many experienced pet owners say that you need to feed the cat by eating it yourself. In principle, the statement is more correct.


A very important question that should be given a lot of attention is breeding cats. It is one thing to care for one pet. Another is to sell kittens and breed them.This is a very difficult task, as it may seem to those who are hoping to start breeding cats in order to get easy money.

This is a very responsible exercise, because the physical and psychological state of the kittens, their habits, character and appearance will depend on the actions of the owner.

For irresponsible people this lesson will not work. It is necessary to do this business with full dedication, to love your pets and devote a lot of time to them. First, we list the main points necessary for proper breeding of exotic cats:

  1. choosing a cat and partner for her;
  2. waiting for the marriage period;
  3. mating;
  4. care for a pregnant cat;
  5. childbirth of a cat;
  6. care for a cat and newborn kittens;
  7. Proper education of kittens for sale.

Now we will sort these items in more detail.

Partner selection

    Cat for further breeding kittens must be purebred, have a beautiful color and good health. When choosing a partner, it is necessary to take into account what color and what physical parameters the kittens obtained from it had.

    Both the cat and the male must be strictly given all vaccinations and vaccinations that must be carried out annually. The complete absence of health problems, beautiful wool and a friendly character will be the key to good offspring in the future.

    If there are any suspicions related to the health of both individuals, it is necessary to postpone the mating.

    Mating season

    Many people think that it is not difficult: I brought a cat, a male, waited for mating and wait for the kittens. But it is not. The cat must be from 16-17 months so that you can start to allow her to the partner. It is believed that at this age the cat's body is ready to bear and reproduce offspring. The marriage period is a responsible process that lasts for several days. Usually up to a week, or even more.

    The estrus of a cat lasts about 7-8 days. It is during this period that the female will be ready to mate. Everything here, like people - acquaintance, courtship. Often, females of the exotic breed can be aggressive during the mating period, especially if they are not used to a partner. Therefore, both parties must first be reduced, to observe their reaction. Usually the cat is brought into the territory of the male. Do not expect that they immediately rush to each other.

    Initially, there will be great tension between them. The cat will need to learn new territory, get acquainted with new smells, and only then proceed to the acquaintance with the male. Sometimes there have even been cases that estrus ceases in the new territory of cats, and they are no longer ready for mating. This is due to stress and new experiences.

    It is recommended that the owner is always nearby. And you can also expect an aggressive reaction from both sides. Therefore, it takes time for animals to get used to each other.


    Although the male is exotic, it is ready to mate most of the time, but this does not mean that he will immediately rush to the female to fertilize her. The male approaches this process with great care, despite the raging hormones. Usually exot walks around the cat for a long time, smells. Sometimes it may never decide to mate for reasons known only to him. When the cat is ready for the process, the cat begins to produce meowing sounds and falls on its front paws.

    Even if the pairing happened, it does not mean that one time is enough. He may be completely unsuccessful. Therefore, it is necessary to give the female and the male a couple of days for further mating.

    But also the cat can be very aggressive at this moment, trying to pounce on the male. It should not allow an open struggle, and constantly keep a couple of supervised.

    At the end of the mating, you must carefully examine both animals. When mating, males have a habit of biting a cat's neck and can sometimes damage it without calculating its strength. In the presence of injuries they should be carefully processed.With more serious consequences can not do without the help of a veterinarian.


    If all the previous points have been successfully completed, and the new couple is ripe for the creation of a feline family, then the process of pregnancy of the cat begins. The process is slow, requiring patience and special care not only for the female, but also for her future offspring. The period of gestation of exotic animals is up to 65 days plus or minus 1-2 days. It is noted that kittens that were born in the period of 50-58 days, usually die immediately.

    Therefore, it is extremely important to create a cat all the conditions necessary for the complete and comfortable gestation of all kittens. How to determine the beginning of pregnancy in cats? Typically, the female exotus has an extremely low activity for 10 days after mating. Maybe even nausea. In the future, the cat may begin to behave differently than before.

    Pregnancy affects the character. The female of the exotic can begin to show more affection, and it can also become aggressive. How exactly she will behave is impossible to predict.

    The main thing - periodically show the animal to the vet, especially in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. And also it is worthwhile to worry about the place for future delivery in advance. You can use a large cardboard box for this, lining the bottom with newspapers and pieces of cloth.


    The duration of the process itself can be from 2 to 6 hours. Kittens can appear with different frequency. Man should not interfere in this process. If the birth proceeds normally, the cat is able to handle itself. It is important to ensure that the cat does not accidentally step on the newborn kittens, and also to stimulate their breathing. Cats do it simply by licking - they lick the kittens nose and mouth to clear it of mucus, and nothing prevented the kitten from breathing.

    Care for kittens and cats

    The first time after giving birth to a cat, discharge occurs, which must always be cleaned on time, maintaining cleanliness in the place where she is used to lying. The main thing is nutrition. To feed a cat after childbirth is necessary several times more, because its body is extremely depleted. It is also important to give her plenty of drink.

    Newborn kittens are blind and will sleep almost all the time, so do not worry if they are not very active. The cat will feed the kittens itself, the main thing is not to forget to feed it abundantly.

    Kittens will open their eyes about 9-10 days after birth. Immediately try to determine their future appearance is useless. Almost all kittens have bluish eyes, and pigmentation begins with the third week of life. Soon the kittens will learn to walk, but they will eat the females' milk for about three weeks. After this period, you can teach kittens to eat from the bowl. The diet should be replaced gradually, it is difficult for babies to switch from milk to heavy foods. To begin with, you should give dairy products, then porridge. Relatively stronger kittens can start to give a little meat or fish.


    The most common phrase in the ads for the sale of kittens that they are accustomed to the tray. And this is true, because people tend to buy a kitten who already knows how to go to the toilet and doesn’t use furniture with walls. Therefore, already with the advent of the initial motor activity, it is worthwhile to start teaching small exotics to the tray. Place for their tray must be placed next, because the little kittens will be hard to find a toilet, which is in another room.

    If someone from the kittens got into the habit of shitting at the same place, but not in the tray, then you can rearrange the tray in that place. The method is extremely simple, but effective.

    Most likely, the kitten will start to go to the tray and eventually get used to it. It is necessary to purchase kittens clawboards and toys. Already at a young age, they need to sharpen claws, and gnaw something, as they are teething. Therefore, it is worth buying toys without pointed parts that could damage the kitten's mouth or get into his stomach. The toy should be simple and reliable. But you can also take the kittens for a physical examination to the veterinarian for prevention.


    Consider what kind of health problems are most characteristic of exotics.

    Let's start with a question that is characteristic not only of exotic cats, but also of other breeds. This is castration or sterilization. Not everyone knows how to properly care for a cat after castration, but this is a very important point concerning its future health.

    Castration and sterilization is carried out to individuals that are not intended for further breeding. For the operation of castration of a pet must be given at the age of about 8 months.

    At that age, he had already grown strong, but the reproductive and reproductive systems were not yet fully formed. In the first days after the operation, exotic need to ensure complete rest. Perhaps the first time he will need painkillers. Immediately after surgery, the eyes are dry for cats. The fact is that the operation is performed under general anesthesia, but during anesthesia the eyes do not close, therefore they dry out. You can gently blot the eyes with a damp cloth so that they recover faster, or use eye drops.

    Exotism is often a problem with the sinuses. Difficult breathing or other defects are usually associated with the structural features of their flattened nose.

    Above it was said about the need for teeth brushing and the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity of exotic animals. The most common disease affecting their teeth is the formation of tartar.

    Sometimes there are diseases associated with cardiovascular diseases. In this case, it is necessary to make fundamental changes in the diet of the animal.

    For all cats, the problem with the kidneys also remains. In principle, the disease is also associated with the peculiarities of the diet. If you feed the cat a healthy and varied food, then problems can be avoided.

    In any case, if you suspect that the cat feels unwell, you should definitely not take home treatment, but you should first of all show the pet to a specialist. The veterinarian will carefully examine the cat, if necessary, take the necessary tests, write out medications and give recommendations on the diet and maintenance of the pet. In general, exotics have good health and good immunity.

    If you correctly follow all the recommendations for caring for them, then the risk of any diseases will be minimized, and the cat's life expectancy will be very high.


    So, exotic cats deservedly conquered the world and the Internet due to their sweet appearance and extremely friendly character. This is an ideal pet that does not require careful care, picky in food and quickly learnable. You don’t get bored with him, because exotics are very fond of outdoor games with their masters, they treat children well. As a rule, they are very attached and loyal to one person, and certainly they will never forget him. The presence of such a cat adds comfort to every home.

    Details on the care and maintenance of exotic at home, see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate.For health, always consult a specialist.


