Domestic cats

History of the domestication of cats

History of the domestication of cats

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  1. About the origin of cats
  2. How did domestication happen?
  3. The appearance of animals in Russia

It would seem that cats and dogs have always lived next to a man. If the dog is completely subordinate to the person, then the situation with the cats is not easy. Their domestication did not completely happen. They perfectly adapt to life in the home, become good companions. These animals have a beautiful appearance and have a special grace, but at the same time have a wayward character.

About the origin of cats

Now all over the world there are more than 600 million cats, almost 200 different breeds were bred, starting with long-haired, Persian cats and ending with animals completely devoid of wool. More than 10 thousand years old cats live near people, helping them to fight rodents and other domestic pests.

Little is known about the appearance of cats. There are several versions of the origin of this wayward animal.

One of the most common is the religious version. During the Flood on Noah's Ark, a huge number of animals were saved from all over the world. Since the giant ship was on its way for a long time, a large amount of feces and excrement accumulated on it. Because of the strong stench and the appearance of rodents, all the inhabitants of the ark began to suffer. Rodents bred with great speed, eating stocks of provisions.

So that the animals would not die of hunger, God decided to help them by ordering Noah to stroke the elephant’s trunk first, then the lion’s nose. After that, a large pig jumped out of its trunk and quickly began to devour harmful waste. From the nose of a lion, a cat soon appeared and began to destroy rodents, which led to the rescue of all animals swimming in the ship.

According to another common version of the cats flew to Earth from space. According to this theory, the first animals appeared in ancient Egypt. They were absolutely bald, while animals could mentally convey the necessary information to people. According to the legend, having met a shaggy steppe cat, a bald cat immediately inflamed to him with passion, having decided to remain forever to live on Earth. A couple in love began to produce numerous offspring. Their representatives and became the progenitors of domestic cats.

According to American astronauts, when they landed on the moon, they discovered unusual artifacts. After laboratory studies, it was found that these small pebbles are feces of cats.

The most plausible is the scientific version of the appearance of cats. According to scientists, there were pets from the ancient Creodonts who inhabited our Earth almost 50 million years ago. The Creodons were impressive in size, so they kept the weak and small animals in fear.

Some zoologists claim that cats are descended from a small animal of the pro-virus that lived 20 million years ago. This animal externally resembled a marten, could quickly climb trees and had a wayward character.

Experts believe that two branches originated and existed from this animal: saber-toothed cats and ordinary cats.

More than 10 thousand years ago, the saber-toothed cats became completely extinct, and representatives of the second branch continue to exist today.

How did domestication happen?

Biologists are still arguing whether a cat has become domesticated, because this animal has not lost its hunting skills and habits of solitude, retains its independence.

Scientists are not completely aware of when the cat was domesticated, some of them are still arguing about when this happened.Often a natural question arises as to why people needed cats, because they did not give milk or meat, could not transport cargo or guard a dwelling.

Maybe, the animal itself came to man in search of food. The man realized that cats can get rid of rodents, and began to feed and lure them. It was beneficial for people to have such a hunter exterminating rodents and other animals. The emergence of such an animal in human life allowed people and their pets to coexist together, thus creating a kind of mutually beneficial situation.

Cats recognize semi-domesticated animals, which peacefully exist next to a man as long as it is beneficial. If the pet is left without a host, it starts to run wild. After the birth of small kittens immediately become more adapted to survival in the wild.

Feline representatives have long been worshiped by people.

  • Residents of Ancient Rome with particular respect for these animals, they worshiped them. For example, the goddess Bast had a cat's head. It was strictly forbidden for the population to harm these pets. During the fire, cats were the first to be carried out of the house. In the event of their death, the master was in deep mourning and shaved his eyebrows.
  • With special respect for the little animals and in Chinawhere their dedication and rodent control skills were highly valued.
  • Greeks and Romans also treated these animals with great reverence and love.
  • In eastern countries cats were revered very highly, because only they could easily enter the mosque.

According to legend, the prophet Mohammed, so as not to disturb the cat sleeping on his hand, ordered him to be cut off so as not to wake the sleeping animal.

In some European countries, these rat catchers are very highly regarded. Often the cost of a good cat exceeded the price of a cow.

  • According to scientists, cats were first domesticated in ancient Egypt 6 thousand years ago.
  • Archaeologists claim that their first images were found in ancient Egypt 4-4.5 thousand years ago.
  • During the excavations of Jericho found the remains of people near the cats. The age of such a find is 9 thousand years.
  • In Turkey, a statuette of a woman with a cat dated 4th century BC was discovered. er

With the advent of the Middle Ages, the time has come for the mass extermination of these animals. Individual disfavor was used by individuals of black or red color. It was believed that witches could move into them, so the cats were burned at the stake.

The domestication of rodent hunters began with Fr. Cyprus and Israel. Then these animals began to appear in Egypt and other parts of the world. So, in Europe, India and China, cats and cats appeared 2 thousand years ago, in America - about 500 years ago, and in Australia - almost 400 years ago.

The appearance of animals in Russia

In Russia, these furry animals appeared only in the 11th century. A large number of them were identified in the port cities, so it was believed that Oriental merchants delivered them on merchant ships.

Near Odessa, the most ancient remains were found. In the cities of the Baltic, separate individuals appeared in the 5–6th century, in the Volga region - in the 7–9th century. The cat was the keeper of the home and its symbol. She also among the pagan Slavs was considered a conductor of the soul to another world.

With the adoption of Christianity, St. Blasius becomes the patron saint of cats. Many believe that the popular nickname Vaska went from here.

These hunter-rat-catchers lived peacefully at monasteries and temples, where special loopholes were provided for them in the walls.

Initially, only royal persons and boyars could afford to keep pets at home, since they were simply not affordable for the majority of the population.

Peter the Great brought the cat Basil from Holland. Lived pet in the royal palace. For this, a royal decree was issued.

Very soon these animals became very popular. Breeding them has become a common occupation. Many churches kept cats in their possession of grain stocks.For an attempt to steal a home favorite, there was a large fine of money. In the 18th century, cats in Russia spread everywhere. The domestic cat becomes a favorite for its owners. At this time there were signs and beliefs associated with these animals.

Purposefully to breed new breeds of steel in 1800. For the exhibition in London, decorative views were specially bred. Siamese and Persian cats were especially impressed by the visitors of the exhibition. In the modern world, genetics are working on breeding other breeds of pets with different color, body size and type of fur.

Learn more about the history of the appearance of cats, you can further.

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