Domestic cats

How to make friends between cats in the apartment?

How to make friends between cats in the apartment?

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  1. Should I start a few cats?
  2. Preparing for a new pet
  3. First meeting
  4. Why do cats conflict?
  5. How to stop a fight
  6. How to make friends?
  7. Frequent mistakes

A person purchasing a cat must understand that this is a huge responsibility. And if you decide not to have one pet, then the responsibility increases by several times. In our article we will tell how to make friends between cats in the apartment.

Should I start a few cats?

If the owners of one cat in the house a little, then you can start the second. This solution has both advantages (cats relieve stress perfectly) and disadvantages (increase in maintenance costs). Therefore, you need to think about whether you have enough free time to care for both animals and “pull” you financially.

Many give birth to a second pet, thinking that the first is boring to be at home alone during the absence of the owner. This is not reasonable. It should be understood that the representatives of the feline breed are not gregarious animals, so they do not need company. The attention of the owner is another matter, it must be given to any pets: both to dogs and cats.

Starting a second cat as a company should only be the case if you are not at home all day and you cannot spend enough time with your pets. However, it is important to understand that some pets are not able to find a common language and will constantly conflict, even if the owner does everything to reconcile them.

A depressed animal will always experience stress that will not lead to anything good. If pets for a long time can not get along, then one of them will have to give to another family.

Preparing for a new pet

Before you start a second cat, it is recommended to prepare an apartment, dividing it into zones. If each of them has their own drinker, feeder and tray, they will become friends much faster. It is desirable that the animals do not overlap during eating, in the rest and toilet areas.


For a novice cat, you should make a separate bed, preferably in another room. The old cat will never let the “newcomer” to his place of rest. Prepare for a new tenant a separate mattress and place it away from the “bedroom” of another cat. A big advantage would be if there is a door between the rooms. At night, it will have to close, at least the first week.


If the pets are still strangers to each other and did not have time to make friends, then, most likely, they will show aggression at the close location of the food bowls. Therefore, the "new" cat must be fed from a separate bowl in another room, where the "old" cat never eats. After a while, when the pets become friends, the bowls can be put side by side or purchased double.

It is not recommended to feed the animals at different times. So both cats will be busy eating and they will have no time to take food from a competitor.


Before purchasing a new pet, take care of purchasing a second tray for it. By the time of its appearance, the tray of the first cat should be already soiled. So the animal will understand that this toilet already belongs to someone and, most likely, will choose the one that is cleaner.

Cats-strangers are strictly forbidden to go to the same toilet, as there will be a conflict, and the oppressed pet will start shitting in the corners.

"New" cat should be placed so that it does not disturb the "old". It is not recommended to change the conditions for the old cat. It is important that he did not feel any infringement of rights due to the appearance of the second pet.

First meeting

The process of dating cats is a very important point. It depends on this factor how their relations will be built in the future. Almost all the owners at this moment make a grave mistake: either pushing them face to face, closing them in the same room, or immediately spreading them in different rooms, taking away the opportunity to communicate. Both in the first and in the second case the conflict will be inevitable, and a fight will surely follow.

Before meeting you need to cut the claws of both cats. "Manicure" should be done shortly, but it is not recommended to cut the claws at the root, go through the nail file at the tips. New pet claws can be trimmed both at home and in the stairwell. Also, this task can be easily handled in any salon for animals in a few minutes.

Some breeders recommend mixing the smells of both cats with such an opportunity.

This simple procedure is quite simple: take a dry towel and stroke both animals in turn. Pay special attention to the paws, cheeks and the area under the tail.

To bring the new home home should be correct: take a box of the appropriate size and place the cat in it. Cut out small holes so that she can follow what is happening around. In the process of dating, all interior doors must be open so that in case of a fight, one of the cats can escape. And windows, on the contrary, are forbidden to open.

Put a box with a housewife in the middle of the room and do not let it out for a while. It is important that the old-timers get used to the new smell. So the cats will have the opportunity to talk.

After an hour you can open the carrier, however, the cat must remain inside. He himself will understand when you can go. Some pets are immediately selected to explore the new terrain, others can sit for half a day inside. Leave the animal the right to choose.

When the newcomer decides to get out of the box, the old-timer will begin to show that this territory belongs to him. You may hear a hissing, threatening growl. In most cases, the "newcomer" with his whole appearance shows that he does not care. He tries not to cross his eyes with the aggressor. Such actions pet shows that it is not a supporter of conflicts. The owner should not interfere, it is better to act solely as an observer until such time as the fight begins.

Single punches, aggressive meowing are considered normal reaction. Be patient and let the animals sort things out, otherwise you will only delay the moment of the fight. The sooner the pets find a common language, the sooner peace will reign in the house, any hint of conflict will disappear.

If both cats look each other in the eyes without stopping, you should be careful. This is a sign that the newcomer does not want to recognize himself a guest and is ready to fight for a place. In this state, pets can be from a few seconds to 2-3 hours. If you do not have time to sit and watch them for so long, then you need to separate them in different rooms.

Please note that you need to take away the second cat, the “firstborn” must remain where it is usually located. Otherwise, you will provoke an even greater conflict, because the old-timers will think that the territory is lost.

Why do cats conflict?

Cats can start a fight completely unexpectedly, and even experienced owners can sometimes not identify the cause of the conflict. The following factors are usually noted.

  • Fear. This is the most common cause of quarrel. Fear is usually noticed by a new home. When “novices” attack “firstborn”, they act on the principle: “Attack is the best defense.”
  • Defending the territory. The main aggressor in this case is the old-timers. After all, the room for a long time belongs only to him and the owner.
  • Sexual conflict - A common phenomenon in the period of estrus. In this case, animals can be placed in different rooms.If there are no offspring in your plans, then males are recommended to be neutered, and females - to be sterilized.
  • Other interests. Here the reason may be food, toilet or toys. Usually such problems are noticed only by the owners of the proud and jealous cat breeds, for example, Siamese. They believe that the owner belongs only to them.

How to stop a fight

If the hissing simply did not go off, and the conflict turned into a fight, the cats roll, beat and scratch each other, then you need to intervene. Further developments will depend entirely on the owner.

Below are the main points that should be adhered to during conflict resolution.

  • The most effective way - use of a blanket, bedspread or bath towel. If the pets during the fight to throw a thick cloth, they freeze. You need, without hesitation, to take the new villager and take him to the next room right under the bedspread.
  • In very rare cases, the battle does not stop even under the covers. In this situation, you can mop repel cats from each other. The owner must respond quickly, until no one received major injuries.
  • You can throw pets with cold water. This is one of the most effective ways to end the conflict, the warring themselves will scatter to different corners.

Cats are divorced for a couple of days into rooms, then the owner must perform the process of dating again. If the situation repeats, then in two days we bring the animals together again. Manipulations will be made until they start to treat each other well.

If scratches are found after the fight, they must be processed. ointment antiseptic. For serious injuries, call a veterinarian.

How to make friends?

Cat and cat

Two adult males in the apartment give a lot of inconvenience, as they almost always conflict. In nature, it turned out that the habitat of cats is much larger than that of females. Consequently, the extent of this territory depends on how many cats it fertilizes. That is why cats have a negative attitude to the fact that someone occupies their premises.

Adult pets may treat each other well for months, but there will still be periodic conflicts. With the help of the fight, they will be able to determine who is in charge and, if possible, remove the opponent from their room.

If there is a female nearby, ready to mate, the fight between the cats will be especially fierce, and most likely will end in serious injuries or death of one pet, if the forces are not equal.

In addition to fighting, pets will mark the territory every time, trying to kill the smell of a competitor, which would entail an unpleasant smell in the house, which is difficult to erode.

It will be almost impossible to reconcile adult cats, therefore it is recommended to castrate both residents at least a month before they meet.

Cat and cat

And if two males make friends is almost impossible, then heterosexual pets can get along quite well. But be prepared for the fact that in the first days of communication the cat will periodically show character, hissing or striking the cat. So he shows his leadership.

Feed pets should be at the same time, but in different rooms. If they eat from the same bowl, the male will constantly eat everything himself. Consequently, the cat will quickly pick up those extra pounds, and the cat will always be undernourished. Both negatively affect health.

Many owners, in order to avoid fertilization of animals, simply breed them into rooms.

Unfortunately, this almost never works. If you do not plan to breed pets, then it is recommended to either castrate the male or sterilize the female.

Kitten and cat

Males are skeptical about kittens than cats. Cats by nature never take care of kittens, and in the event of a conflict they may even kill them. But an adult cat is unlikely to quarrel with a kitten, because the male understands that he does not pose any danger. And after a couple of weeks, the pets will surely make friends.However, you should still be safe: At first, do not leave animals alone. When the kitten grows up, further communication will develop based on its gender.

Cat and cat

The nature of cats is different: they can be stubborn, proud, and even fights. Aggressive breeds rarely make friends with a newcomer. It is not recommended to use force in raising pets, as the cat develops an even greater dislike for the competitor. You will have to be patient and persevere.

Representatives of calm breeds, such as the British Shorthair, can get along well not only with an adult animal, but also with a kitten.

Frequent mistakes

Sometimes the owners in the attempts to reconcile pets behave incorrectly. Here is a list of the most common mistakes.

  • It is forbidden to beat pets, even if a fight has occurred. No physical punishment is recommended.
  • Do not try to put yourself in the role of leader. The man - the leader of the pack only for the dog. Cats do not recognize the person as a chapter. You should be just a friend to them.
  • Do not make old-timers jealous. You should pay equal attention to both animals.
  • Do not put cats face to face. An oppressed pet can worry a lot, stop eating and even die.
  • Remember that cats are predatory animals. Never take them apart with your bare hands, as they can hurt you badly during the fight.

On how to make friends between cats, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


