Domestic cats

Cartesian cats: breed features, nature and rules of care

Cartesian cats: breed features, nature and rules of care

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. Pros and cons of breed
  5. Conditions of detention
  6. Feeding

Cartesian cats at first glance look like the British, but in fact they have a natural origin. These animals are from France, very rare. However, the complexity of finding a unique kitten is more than paid off by its attractive appearance, positive character and high intelligence.

History of origin

Cartesian cats are classified as aboriginal. The latter means that they appeared naturally, without human influence. Rather, it was minimal - in France, people imported the ancestors of Chartreuse (another name for this breed). It is believed that these people were the Crusaders, and they brought the descendants of Manuls and Egyptian cats to French soil. However, it is not known for certain.

There is another theory. According to her, cats were brought from the Arabian Peninsula and from Africa traders. It is believed that the person did not participate at all in the process of the appearance of the Chartreuse. By the way, this name has Spanish roots and means local very soft and pleasant to the touch wool fabric. It appeared only in the XVII century and initially designated any cat with blue fur.

The second name (appeared earlier), Cartesian cats, is associated with the monastery of the Cartesian Order. In the "neighborhood" with the monks, cats were seen from the XVI century. While living in the monastery, cats caught mice, thereby developing hunting skills. For this, the monks were held in high esteem, and the latter even dedicated poems to monastic micelles. At that time they were in almost every yard and were called cats of commoners. By this name it is clear that they were not of particular value.

During the centenary war and the famine accompanying it, the Cartesian cats were exterminated - their meat was eaten and the fur was put on clothes.

After the war, their numbers fell to a critical point, so phenologists attended to the protection and preservation of individuals. Work began on the standardization of the breed and after the Second World War, cats were considered a great rarity, which affected their value. In Europe, the Chartreuse again almost fell under the reduction of the population, because the British were popular. The Cartesian cat was proposed to be combined with the British breed. Fortunately, this was prevented by the growing popularity of the Chartreuse in the United States.

Since the 60s of the last century, the Cartesian cats appear as pets for the richest and most famous people in the states. Breeders defended the right of the Cartesian individuals to a separate species, which is quite true, since they differ qualitatively from the British not only in the features of their fur and character, but also in their genotype. Today the breed is considered established and implies shorthair gray-blue cats with yellow or copper eyes.

Today, the breed meets the standards adopted at the beginning of the twentieth century, the breed is clean thanks in large part to American and French breeders.


The animal has a medium size. Cats are usually larger than cats. The weight of an adult individual varies from 4 to 9 kg, therefore, cats are often referred to as large cats. Despite the rather large weight, individuals differ mobility and dexterity. The body of the Cartesian specimens is muscular - with wide and powerful shoulders, chest. The paws are rather short, which, in combination with the muscularity of the body, gives the impression that the animal is stocky. If we talk about specific numbers - about 30 cm at the withers.However, the breed standard, this indicator is not registered.

Adult animals, in addition, are distributed in breadth, which gives an additional volume to the animal's body. The neck is short, powerful, goes into the back. Often, with abundant nutrition, a noticeable fold is formed on the neck. Paws seem rather thin for such a large body. Front - stronger and visually often longer than the rear. The brushes are large, with long claws.

The back is also quite strong, wide, straight. The tail has an elongated shape and tapers towards the tip. The head resembles an inverted trapezoid, on which medium-sized ears “stand up” high on the top. The rounded forehead gently “flows” into a straight nose of a gray-blue color. Divers bright, combined with plump cheeks, because of which the animal's face has a good-natured look.

If you look at the little face, it seems that the cat is smiling. This is due to the unusual arrangement of whisker pads and pigmentation features. Eye color - closer to golden orange (from honey to copper). The important point is that the presence of a greenish tint in the color of the eyes is unacceptable (this is one of the signs by which the Cartesian cat can be distinguished from the Russian blue). The eyes are round, large, in most cases - close set. The look of the animal is expressive, intelligent, attentively studying.

According to the breed standard, the animal has a blue color, the tips on the tips have a silvery shade. Because of this, the coat seems to be especially shiny, iridescent. The undercoat and the rest of the fur are completely identical in tone, which creates a feeling of special pomp of the fur coat, gives the effect of "double" fur. Gray should also be paw pads and spout. All deviations are considered marriage.

It is important that the blue tint is uniform over the entire surface of the wool; its transition to mauve or pink is unacceptable. Marriage is considered the presence of white spots. Kittens may have a strip pattern that is not a marriage. As the animal matures, it disappears, the fur acquires such valuable color uniformity.

In the absence of genetic diseases and proper care, the Cartesian cat lives 14–16 years.

Character traits

By the nature of Chartreuse - this is a typical phlegmatic. The cat easily gets on with people and even small members of a family. It should be noted the calm, non-aggressive nature of the animal, its cleanliness and the ability to quickly assimilate the procedures adopted in the house. Favorite pastime Chartreuse - nap in a cozy warm place. Most of the day they spend it that way. However, during short periods of activity, the animal plays, demonstrating the wonders of dexterity and the skill of a born hunter.

Chartreuse have high intelligence and quickly learn the rules of behavior in the house. However, the total dressure is considered offensive for themselves, and the execution of commands that have been marked as optional for themselves is below their dignity. It may seem like a wild animal, but it’s not. To their master, the Chartreuses are betrayed; they love to polish on his lap.

Cartesian cats are delicate and not annoying; if a person is busy, they will not bother, but wait aside.

They are tolerant of children, even if the kids too much show their love to the animal. In this case, the pet will try to get away as quickly as possible, and it will do so not in a hurry, but with its characteristic grace and aristocracy. Despite the fact that cats are very tolerant of children, they are jealous of other pets to the owner. That is why you should not contain Cartesian individuals with other pets, they can be cruel to the latter.

They quickly remember the nickname, recognize the owners, are favorable to the guests. They are jokingly even called philosophers of the feline world.It seems that in their bliss and sleep they will come to know some mysterious truth, but nothing feline is alien to them - they are rather curious, playful. Pretty soon Chartrezy get used to the tray and nail. Cartesian cats are hunters by nature, and besides, thieves. The cat can easily pull something off the table and eat it. That is why it is important from the first days to wean a kitten from such theft.

Perhaps, as a positive feature, it is worth noting that the cats are rather silent. The Cartesian specimen will not meow, begging for affection or food. If the animal still meows, it does so very quietly and delicately. Some owners even worry that in case of danger the pet will not be able to loudly enough for help.

Pros and cons of breed

The advantage of the representatives of the breed is the nature of the animal. Due to their high intelligence, complacency and some laziness, they are excellent for keeping in city apartments, will become a companion to lonely people, and will also be a safe animal in families with children. Despite its aristocratic slowness, the Chartreuses are excellent mousetraps. In a private house, they will also be useful.

Undoubtedly, the luxurious appearance is another breed advantage. They invariably cause admiration, can participate in exhibitions. It is worth noting that while this Chartreuse are quite good health.

Despite its appeal, Cartesian cats are quite unpretentious in care, do not require special care for their hair. The quality and color of the latter can not affect one or another diet (as it happens in the British, for example). But at the same time the animal's coat causes allergies, and also abundantly molts.

Chartreuse are prone to allergies, which can trigger a number of fatal diseases. For this reason, you should monitor their activity and nutrition.

Cartesian cats do not tolerate a long separation from the owner, do not like "hugs". In this they are similar to the British - they come for affection when they want it. This breed is a great rarity, so the cost of a kitten is quite high. Because of the similarity with the British, fraudsters often give out the last for the Cartesian cats. It is better to buy a kitten from breeders, making sure of its originality.

If there is no due experience, it is better to entrust the search and selection of a kitten to an independent professional.

Conditions of detention

Shorthair Chartreuse requires a lot of attention to his coat. Usually, it should be combed twice a week. For a thick undercoat, a puchherka will do. Sharp hair should be combed with a massage brush. If fallen hairs appear on the body of the animal, they should be collected with a special mitten. During the molting, these procedures will have to be repeated daily.

Do not often bathe the animal, as a rule, 2-3 times a year is enough. Like most cats, Chartreuses do not like water procedures and may behave somewhat inadequately. For bathing, you should use water at a temperature of + 37– + 38 ° С and a special shampoo. It is not so easy to soak the pet's undercoat with water, so at first the animal's hair is drenched, and then shampoo is used. It is foamed and quickly distributed throughout the body, avoiding contact with the muzzle and ears. Shampoo should be gently rubbed into the undercoat and then washed off.

After the “bath procedures” the cat is wrapped in a towel or a warm diaper and allowed to dry slightly in this form. It is impossible to dry the fur coat of individuals with a hair dryer. This may dry out the coat and surface of the pet's skin.

It is best to bathe the animal during the molting period, which will allow you to quickly and effectively remove the old wool.

Every 2-3 weeks you should cut the claws of the animal, cutting no more than 2–3 mm. If you cut off the longer part of the nail, there is a risk of damaging the blood vessels. For haircuts should get shears or a special guillotine.

Once a week you should carefully examine the eyes and ears of the animal. Usually it is required to remove dirt from the ears. This can be done with a cotton swab dipped in warm clear water or chamomile broth. If discharge occurs, consult a doctor. Often from the eyes of the cat diverge "tearful tracks." As necessary, the animal's eyes are rubbed with soft cloths - tissue or paper. It is not recommended to use cotton wool for these purposes.

As for the haircut, according to the standard it is not provided. You can only trim sticking hairs. However, at the request of the owner or in extreme heat, the animal can be cut, this is done every 1–1.5 months. At least 2 times a year the animal is anthelmintic. You may need to do this more often - the exact frequency is usually indicated on the packaging of the drug for worms. With the beginning of a warm spring, the animal should also be treated with a drug that protects against fleas. If a Cartesian cat goes out, be sure to wear an oblater collar.

As a rule, Chartreuse is easily accustomed to the tray from small pores and the breeders take care of this. If you bought a kitten, it is enough to mark the tray in the new house with the smell of a cat. As soon as the pet has appeared in your house, watch him closely. If the kitten is going to the tray, encourage him after he has done his "business." If trying to find a nook, carry in a tray. Make sure that the animal can climb and climb out of the tray.

If the kitten has made a puddle, carefully wash it to get rid of the smell.

You can purchase a special tool in the pet store or use the improvised solutions - vinegar, alcohol, potassium permanganate.

You should also teach a kitten to scratch from the first days, it is better to do this during the game. If the kitten began to tear up the furniture (and it still happens at first), do not scold him, but rather carry him to the scraper. If the kitten began to actively use the latter, it should be encouraged affection or treat.

Due to its natural origin, the Cartesian cats can boast a strong immunity. Their weak points are the hip and knee joints. Hip dysplasia and knee dislocations lead to lameness, loss of mobility of the animal. Measures of prevention can be called a balanced diet, an adequate level of physical activity and regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian. In addition to the joints, due to excess weight, the animal's cardiovascular system is also under threat. The preventive measures are the same.

It is important to pay attention to the condition of the teeth in the period of the change of milk molars. This usually occurs at 4-5 months of age. The fact is that these individuals have rather strong milk teeth, they prevent them from growing native. At this age, you should once a week assess the condition of the kitten’s mouth and, if necessary, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Among dental problems - the appearance of tartar, especially in cats that eat homemade food.

Specialist assistance may be required in case of too close to each other incisors, which is often found in Cartesian specimens. Another possible problem is gingivitis. To prevent the occurrence of dental diseases will help the regular use of special sticks, bones. In individuals who eat dry food, this usually does not occur, as dense pellets of food themselves scrape away the plaque from the teeth of the pet.

By itself, the breed does not strive for walking. However, regular outings will ensure the necessary activity of the animal, to avoid obesity and related diseases. If you live in a private house, you can send the cat for independent walks on it. An important point - in the summer heat the animal quickly overheats, so you still need to control its promenade.For city dwellers a good option is a walk in the park or a forest belt, the cat is kept on a harness.

At the age of two years, the animal is considered ready for mating, although the mature age begins at 8–12 months. However, giving birth to such a young female can lead to severe pathologies. Females after two years of age usually stop growing, while males can grow in size up to 5 years.

For breeding, only purebred individuals are used, the search for which is best left to a professional.

The female’s stream lasts from 5 to 10 days. At first, the nature of the animal changes - the cat becomes either overly affectionate or aggressive. Then the changes relate to posture - when walking, the cat flexes the back and lifts the tail high. On the third day of heat, the female begins to meow, calling for a partner. If at this time to stroke the animal, then it will fall on the front paws, lifting the back and tail. This time is considered the most successful for mating.

Signs that the cat has reached a mature period can be called more aggressive behavior, meowing, especially in the evening and at night. But the surest "symptom" - the cat starts to mark. Moreover, urine acquires a particularly specific odor, and puddles cannot be detected.

The important point is that before a viscous animals are examined by a veterinarian, anthelmintic. In the presence of dislocation of the patella, the individual is considered not suitable for mating. It is better to spend it on the territory of the partner, so he will feel more confident. It is important not to rush pets - the cat should get out of the carriage itself, it is worth giving the animals time to meet and look around.

To obtain a guaranteed result, the cat is left with the “groom” for several days.

After a successful mating, the cat becomes phlegmatic, spends even more time in the nap. A month later, her tummy is rounded, and 9 weeks after mating, kittens are born. The next estrus can begin within a few days after delivery. At this moment it is important to exclude the presence of a male individual next to the female. It can be dangerous both for her health and for kittens.

Up to 3 months, it is not recommended to separate the pups from the mother, which ensures their strong immunity and stable psyche. The first vaccinations "babies" set in 9-12 weeks. It is a vaccine against calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, chlamydia. After 2–4 months, revaccination is performed. On the eighth week, they are vaccinated against ringworm, at week 12 - from rabies, by 16 - from infectious peritonitis. Then all of these vaccinations do once a year according to the schedule of vaccinations. It turns out that the first vaccine usually puts the breeder.

If you do not plan the offspring of your pet, you should take care of their sterilization or castration. The first procedure implies the ligation of the fallopian tubes in cats, in cats - the seminal ducts. You can sterilize at any age, but best of all - before the first estrus and up to a year and a half in cats. Despite the fact that sterilization is considered a more benign operation, it is performed under general anesthesia. An important point - sterilization does not discourage sexual desire.

By castration is meant the complete removal of the ovaries and uterus (in a cat) and testicles (in a cat). Due to this, the animal does not experience sexual desire and, naturally, does not bring posterity. It is recommended to perform the operation up to one year. Both cats usually carry cats more easily. Last at the time of healing the seams need a special blanket.

It should be remembered that after sterilization and castration animals become more lazy, so they have a higher risk of obesity.


It is advisable from the very beginning of raising a kitten to decide whether you will feed her homemade food or dry. If possible, the selected food should be given to the cat throughout life, it is unacceptable to mix or alternate food from different food patterns. Another thing to remember is about cats are prone to obesity because they have an excellent appetite and low mobility. When choosing dry food preference should be given to the varieties of holistic, premium or superpremium. Consider the dosage recommended by the manufacturer for the cat of your age and weight.

If you feed your cat a homemade meal, also follow the recommendations for serving sizes. It is necessary to exclude from the pet menu fatty meats, raw river fish (any) and boiled river, sweets, smoked foods, dishes from your table. Milk is given to kittens, adults, it is undesirable because it can provoke an upset stomach.

An approximate diet Chartreuse may look like this:

  • lean meat - beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey; it is better to give the meat raw, it can be disinfected by preliminary freezing (for 10–12 hours) and subsequent scalding with boiling water;
  • a fish - only sea and only in boiled form;
  • chicken yolk or quail egg (once a week);
  • dairy products - low-fat cottage cheese, ryazhenka, sour cream;
  • vegetables - zucchini, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower.

    About half a year, the kittens are kept on a special diet, and then transferred to an adult diet. It is not recommended to drastically change the pet's diet, either during this period or at an older age. When feeding a cat homemade food should be cooked separately, without adding salt, spices. In addition, in this case, it is necessary to give the animal vitamin-mineral complexes. It is advisable to grow a special herb for the cat all year round. It can be mixed into the food or just let the pet “graze” on the window sill, allowing it to jerk the grass itself.

    Important! In a pet bowl, there should always be fresh, clean water.

    All about Cartesian cats, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


