Domestic cats

Kora cat: origin, characteristics, care

Kora cat: origin, characteristics, care

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  1. A bit of history
  2. Description
  3. Content
  4. How to choose?
  5. How to breed?

Affectionate kitty or phlegmatic cat - a favorite animal in many homes. If you have not got a fluffy friend yet and are just looking closely at the representatives of various breeds, we suggest you to get acquainted with a wonderful karat. Before making a final decision, learn about all the nuances of keeping this pet.

A bit of history

Korat cat is a representative of a rare breed of Asian origin. Another name of Korats is “S-savat”, translated from Thai, meaning “bringing happiness.” In the northeast of Thailand is the province of Nakhonratchasima, located on the beautiful plateau of Korat. Due to the place of residence the breed got its name.

Corats are mentioned in the ancient manuscript of the XV century Tamra Maew ("Treatise on cats", "Poems about cats"). This book contains descriptions of 23 breeds of Thai cats that bring either happiness or misfortune. “Lao flower” (this is the name of this breed in Tamra Maew) is a symbol of good luck, prosperity and a rich harvest. For this reason, the corats were never sold or exchanged - they were brought exclusively as a gift to their owners.

Newlyweds at the wedding were often given cats of this breed for a happy and long family life, and to high-ranking people - to attract good luck.

The traditional rain ceremony is not without corals, which are a symbol of a rich harvest. This breed came to America in 1959 due to the fact that diplomat’s wife, Gene L. Johnson, brought a cat to the Daru and a cat, Nara. Officially, the US Korats recognized in 1965. In Britain, this happened only in 1975. Nowadays, Korat cats are sacred, their export outside of Thailand is prohibited. In Thailand, purebred krates, there are only 2,000 individuals.


Korats are often confused with British and Russian blue cats. But they have an original appearance. In antiquity, the color of this breed was compared with the color of a rain cloud, and the color of the eyes - with the color of a rice grain.

Body structure

Coracy cats are small and weigh 3-4 pounds. Seeming fragility is deceptive. If you take a cat in your arms, then feel its heaviness. This is due to the fact that the cortex, instead of the fat layer, has a significant amount of muscle, which gives them activity and endurance. The main characteristics of the breed are presented below.

  • The shape of the head is in the shape of a heart (due to the convex superciliary arches). The animals have a wide and flat forehead, a well-developed chin, powerful jaws, large canines of a predator.
  • Round and widely set eyes bright green (sometimes the color of amber). Finally, eye color is formed by 4 years. Due to this form of the eye, the look of the cortex sometimes seems naive. Interestingly, open eyes are round, and half-closed resemble the eastern section of the eyes.
  • Large, alert, high-set ears with sharp tips. Thick coat covers the outer edge of the ears.
  • The nose is shaped like a lion, with a small crook at its tip. This is different from the British krats.
  • The small body has well developed muscles, a beautifully curved back and a broad chest. Thanks to this, high cabinets and tables are not a hindrance to the pet.
  • Front feet shorter than the rear. The feet near the claws are oval in shape, the pads are dark blue or just blue.
  • Thick and strong tail at the base, tapered towards the end.
  • Due to the lack of undercoat, the fur coat is tight to the body.All this creates the effect of a silky and shiny coat that is pleasant to iron.
  • By the standards, the color of the corats is blue with a silver tint. The nose, lips and paw pads are dark blue or lavender.

More blue and green eyes - such a kitten will be the most expensive.


Korat sociable, loyal, affectionate and people attached to the cat. They feel well the mood of the owner - they will be amused, if he is sad, they will help get rid of stress and fatigue, they will “heal” the sore spot with their warmth. These mustaches do not like loneliness very much, they start to get bored and sad. They need a lot of love, which, in turn, they also give to the owner and his family members. They are so loyal to the owner that they can always follow him around the apartment, like a dog. Quickly find a common language with children, love to play with them.

This is a very sociable breed. But you will never hear loud and piercing cries. Their "vocabulary" consists of so many different sounds, with the help of which the fluffies will explain to the owner what they want.

In this they will be helped by an expressive face with intelligent eyes.

Korat observant and active, love to play. Therefore, you need to get ready, that someone will always run around the apartment. They are also little thieves. You can find your missing items in the most unexpected places.

These cats have a developed sense of mutual assistance and danger. Because of this, they sometimes act as guard dogs in Thailand.

The Korat have a high intellect, so they are well trained in training, they clearly understand who is the master.. In relation to other animals, they can show their superiority and jealousy, they believe that the owner is their property. Ideal to make a couple of krats, and they will entertain each other.

Korats have a small feature - they do not tolerate loud sounds, shouts and sudden movements, a large number of guests at home. For families with small children, this breed is not suitable. The best owners are single people who have enough time to spend time with their pet, an elderly couple or families with older children and no other pets.


Caring for cats Korata does not cause much difficulty, because it is clean and independent animals. But curiosity may make life a bit harder for coraces - they can climb into places where the owner did not even expect to see them. Therefore, you should keep the toilet lid or aquarium closed, special nets should be installed on the windows, it is better to remove dangerous indoor plants to an inaccessible place, and at the same time check the furniture in case a little mischief is stuck there.


Korat cats are distinguished by fastidiousness in food - they eat what they give. They can be fed dry or wet premium food or independently prepared food. It is not necessary to feed a pet with food from the master's table, because people and cats have different needs. Natural cat food should be balanced and healthy, consisting of the following products:

  • lean meat (beef, chicken) - this is the main component;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish (1 time per week) - before use, the fish must be carefully cleaned and lightly boiled to avoid infection with worms;
  • vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, homemade yogurt);
  • chicken eggs (no more than 2 pieces per week);
  • cereals (millet, semolina, rice).

In the case of feeding cats with raw meat there is a risk of infection by parasites. To avoid this, meat before consumption should be kept in the freezer for 2 days (this is sufficient time to kill the parasites). Then you need to pour the meat with boiling water. There must always be access to clean water.


Korat love to be the center of attention, so they are always ready to play.A cat must have a cat house where it can work out its acrobatic stunts, and several toys that can be changed periodically.

The Korat are making significant progress in playing an aport, bringing the ball back to their master in the teeth. You can play ping-pong (rolling or throwing a ball) or make a cat's maze of bonded cardboard boxes. The main thing - during the games to ensure that the pet does not get into situations that represent a danger to his life. With korat it often happens because of their curiosity.


The owners of the kraits are lucky. There will not be much wool in their house, as these moustaches have no undercoat, due to which there is no shedding. Combing 1 time a week will help keep a silky coat in order. To prevent periodontal disease and the formation of tartar, cats need to brush their teeth with a special brush. To this procedure caused less discomfort, it is better to teach kittens to this from childhood.

Every 2 weeks is to cut the claws. Ears should always be clean, for this they should be checked every week and, if necessary, clean with a cotton swab and cotton pad. Eye cleanliness is also important - dirt is removed with a special cloth or a damp, soft cloth.

Corats easily get used to the tray, this is usually not a problem. There are cases when the owners taught their pets to use the toilet.


Korat have good health, they have a strong immune system. Sometimes seals can be susceptible to allergies, colds (due to lack of undercoat) and in rare cases of gallstone disease.

There are 2 genetic diseases that can affect the representatives of this breed:

  • ateosteogenesis - incomplete or impaired formation of skeletal bones;
  • gangliosidosis - lag in physical development in the period of childhood, accompanied by neurological symptoms

If the disease is transmitted from two parents, then, unfortunately, it is fatal. If the gene is obtained from only one parent, then the animal will be a carrier. Good care, regular check-ups and timely vaccination at the vet will help your pet live up to 20 years.

How to choose?

Kitten korat - expensive. Most often they are acquired for participation in exhibitions or breeding. There are no nurseries in Russia where they breed bark. The main breeding sites are Thailand, the United States and several places in Europe. The main thing - to be vigilant and not to buy instead of a silver cat Russian blue or British. A kitten should have:

  • vetpasrort;
  • pedigree;
  • vaccination certificate.

When assessing appearance and physical condition, pay attention to the following characteristics.

  • Body must be smooth, clean, free from wounds, scratches or any other skin lesions, swelling or swelling. Thick coat without bald spots covers the body. More expensive is a kitten with a more silver color.
  • Tummy should be rounded, but not a ball (as this is a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases).
  • Fall should be light pink. There should not be an unpleasant smell.
  • Anal opening - clean and dry. Moisture and sticky hairs indicate diarrhea.
  • Healthy kitten active and playful. After eating and immediately after sleep, he may be a bit lethargic, and this is normal.

Breeders are advised to choose the "average" kitten - the one who easily walks on his hands, but without obtrusiveness.

3 months - the ideal age when you can take a kitten. He has already received from the mom-cat all the nutrients from milk, necessary for immunity, the basics of education (how to use a tray and scraper) and communication.

How to breed?

Breeding krats is a time consuming and expensive business. This is due to several factors.

  • Mating is possible only between individuals of the same breed. Crossing with other breeds is prohibited. In Russia, it is difficult to find a partner with a documented pedigree.
  • The need for a genetic examination that will avoid the presence of gangliosidosis and ateosteogenesis.
  • Only a puberty cat is ready for mating, and this happens at the age of 4 years.

In the past 10 months, a carat cat should not be knit, as early childbirth can negatively affect its health. It is best to knit after 3 chutes. The ideal frequency of labor is once a year. This will help keep the kitty healthy and beautiful.

Before mating, you must:

  • undergo a medical examination of the animal;
  • de-worming;
  • conduct the necessary vaccination.

The usual number of kittens in a litter is 4 or 5, sometimes 9 babies are born. Gray fur and yellow eyes - these are born karts.

Castration and sterilization

If you get korata for fun, then your pet does not avoid it. The procedure is carried out in a specialized veterinary clinic, under general anesthesia for 20-30 minutes. You can castrate or sterilize a pet at any age, but it is better to do this as early as possible, since it will be less traumatic for the animal psychologically and physically.

The description of the breed krat see in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


