Domestic cats

Popular breeds of brown cats and cats

Popular breeds of brown cats and cats

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  1. Features
  2. Breed list
  3. How to choose a kitten?
  4. Content policy

Brown cats are not just pets, but symbols of harmony, stability and tranquility. The dedication and ability to train makes them related to dogs. Properly chosen pet and ensuring proper care will help to find a faithful friend who will accompany his master everywhere.


All breeds with brown wool are bred by artificial means.

Only parents have direct influence on the formation of color, the rest of the pedigree do not pass on their coat color genes. The cats inherit the color from the mother, the cats receive a combination of coat color from both parents.

Cats of brown color have an unusual character: they are very dependent on their owners.

If a cat or cat is ignored, the animal can become depressed and lose interest in life, start to hurt and lose weight.

All individuals of brown breeds have common character traits:

  • good nature
  • curiosity;
  • sociability;
  • friendliness;
  • increased activity;
  • playfulness;
  • devotion.

Representatives of brown breeds are extremely difficult to tolerate separation from the owner, so it is recommended to travel with them. On the road, they are unpretentious, easily adaptable and ready to go for the owner to the ends of the world.

Brown pets are easy to train, they like to bring a ball to the owner.

Individuals with a marriage in coloring are not allowed to exhibitions, because the appearance does not meet accepted standards. They are also not allowed to mating, as they have poor health, and in subsequent generations genetic diseases can appear. Such individuals are recommended to be sterilized.

Before purchasing a kitten, you should be familiar with the requirements for the appearance of different breeds of brown cats.

Breed list

Representatives of brown breeds have the most diverse appearance: from refined sleek-haired Abyssinians to long-haired Persian fat men. Cats are larger than cats.

The Abyssinian cat was considered a sacred animal in Egypt.

Features of the appearance of the Abyssinians:

  • medium build;
  • weight 3-4.5 kg;
  • tightened developed muscles;
  • short, smooth hair without undercoat (therefore, molting is less noticeable than that of other brown cats and cats);
  • color can vary from dark brown to light apricot;
  • coat on tummy lighter, but should not contrast with the overall color.

    The following colors are considered brown: wild, bay and beige.

    Havana also belongs to the breeds of brown cats, she bred from the crossing of a Siamese cat with a black shorthair American cat (after several generations, a strong saturated color was obtained). It has the following features:

    • rather large muscular body;
    • weight 4-6 kg;
    • narrow muzzle and widely spaced ears with an inclination forward;
    • bright green eyes;
    • short coat of uniform red-brown color.

      Individuals of this breed often have problems with their teeth; therefore, it is recommended that, from 4 months, the kitten should be given prevention of dental diseases by a veterinarian.

      Chocolate Persian cat is a representative of the most lazy "sofa" breed of all brown breeds.

      Distinctive features:

      • muscular squat body;
      • weight can reach 6-8 kg;
      • strong, stocky body with the right proportions;
      • muzzle flattened;
      • miniature snub nose light coffee;
      • thick short neck and rather massive paws;
      • round head with small, low-set ears;
      • round expressive eyes can vary in color from orange to copper;
      • a long soft coat with a thick gray undercoat.

      Exot chocolate bred in America, representatives of this breed have a very capricious character.

      Distinctive features:

      • weighs from 4 to 7 kg;
      • stocky build;
      • round head;
      • massive lower jaw;
      • color varies from shade of wood bark to rich coffee color;
      • hair is short, silky, tight to the body;
      • eyes wide apart.

        The Burmese cat is an American breed, the standard of which is marble color.


        • weight from 3 to 6 kg;
        • body build strong, muscular;
        • the color is sable (deep dark brown, the ears are almost black) and champagne (the color of coffee with milk, the tail and brown face), while the tummy should be lighter than the back and should not contrast with the main color;
        • short silky coat;
        • yellow eyes are especially appreciated.

          Devon Rex is the most difficult breed for breeding. Individuals of this breed have an unusual appearance:

          • weight from 2 to 4.5 kg;
          • body build is fragile;
          • long thin legs and tail;
          • small head with large ears;
          • muzzle is narrow;
          • color from honey to brown;
          • curly soft six;
          • almond shaped eyes.

          Devon Rex are owners of non-standard body proportions.

          The British chocolate cat is a true homemade teddy bear. Distinctive features are as follows:

          • cats weight from 3 kg, cats - up to 7 kg;
          • strong build;
          • short legs;
          • very thick shorthair with even thicker undercoat;
          • color from cream to rich chocolate.

          Chocolate color in the British is distributed as evenly as possible throughout the body, unlike representatives of other brown breeds. The formation of color can last up to two years of age.

          Scottish Fold brown cats and cats are the result of a natural mutation:

          • weight 4-7 kg;
          • strong body with a broad chest;
          • hanging ears, the tips of which are inclined towards the head;
          • the coat is rather short and thick, with a standard fluffy tail allowed;
          • color brown;
          • big brown or golden eyes.

            The standard of this breed allows all variations of color: from a uniform brown hue to blotches of spots of any color, including marble and brindle.

              Chantilly-Tiffany bred in New York.


              • weight about 5 kg;
              • physique elongated with soft contours;
              • wedge-shaped head;
              • silky coat without undercoat;
              • fluffy tail;
              • according to the standard, the color is allowed from lilac to brown with various spots or stripes;
              • bright expressive golden eyes oval.

              In cats and cats of this breed the most fluffy wool on the paws and in the area of ​​the collar.

              How to choose a kitten?

              It is better to choose a kitten at the age of 4 months, at this particular time all the defects of the breed appear. Marriage color testifies to an off-breeding origin or improper crossing.

              Before buying, you must decide on the sex of the animal: cats are more independent and with age can begin to avoid affection, cats are affectionate for life (of course, everything depends on the nature of a particular individual).

              Sterilization of cats gives more complications, longer heals than castration of cats.

              It is best to take kittens from familiar people, to be confident in their state of health, or in nurseries with a good reputation. You should not buy pedigree kittens at a discount, it may mean that the animal is sick, just because individuals are not rejected.

              It’s not recommended to take kittens before the age of four months, the cat teaches them to wash all the time, teaches them to the tray, in addition, the pet’s immunity for life is laid through the mother’s milk.

              Immediately after acquiring a pet, it is best to take it to the veterinarian for a comprehensive examination and testing for the presence of parasites, as well as to schedule vaccinations, determine the diet.

              A pedigree kitten must have a veterinary passport on a special form that contains the following information:

              • deworming date;
              • the date and name of the three vaccinations;
              • seal and signature of the doctor.

                Acne or spider veins on the skin of a kitten indicate poor health, unsuccessful treatment attempts (for example, bald patches are signs of depriving).

                The anal opening should be clean, pale pink in color, if there is redness - the kitten is most likely worms.

                Even if the kitten is just awake, the eyes should not tear, the iris is clear, without a wolf.

                The ears must be clean, without scratches and stains, both inside and out.

                A kitten must follow the finger moving from side to side, if it cannot focus - problems with the development of the brain, such a kitten cannot be taught to the tray, with age it can become very aggressive.

                Check the bite: the upper jaw should cover the lower, the wrong bite causes digestive problems, because the food will not be properly crushed.

                Cats with defects are not allowed to exhibitions, and also rejected from among the breeding producers.

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                The main indicator of a pet's health is the state of wool (in a healthy cat, silky hair).

                A healthy individual also has clear eyes, clean ears and good teeth.

                It is necessary to wash cats of brown breeds exclusively with special animal shampoos, taking into account a certain type of wool. Shampoo is better to choose after consulting a veterinarian.

                A brown breed cat needs complex nutrition, trace elements and vitamins.

                In addition to containers for food and water, cats and cats need a tray, a scraper, a house for rest and solitude, as well as safe toys. Long-haired individuals and cats with undercoat will additionally need a furminator.

                Proper care prolongs the life of the animal and helps to maintain its health until old age.

                Brown kittens, especially in early childhood, are very active, love to play and explore every corner of the apartment, with age, representatives of some breeds become phlegmatic.

                Cats of brown breeds are very friendly, sociable and inquisitive, but they require increased attention from the owner and very difficult endure separation even for one day. Such pets are most suitable for homebody, despite the fact that when traveling they adapt quite easily.

                All about yorisky chocolate cat look in the next video.

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                Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


