Domestic cats

What and how to feed a kitten from 1 to 3 months?

What and how to feed a kitten from 1 to 3 months?

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  1. Power Rules
  2. We make a diet of natural products
  3. Overview of finished feed
  4. What should not be given?
  5. How to choose the type of feeding?
  6. How many times a day to feed?

When starting a pet, you need to clearly understand what exactly you will face. Caring for any pet is not easy, especially when you have to deal with a very tiny pet. If a kitten of a month of age is to appear in the house, it is necessary to prepare housing for it and read certain literature that will help to properly care for the crumbs and feed them with food that is suitable for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Power Rules

When a small kitten appears at home, you need to take care that it has a place to rest, play and eat. Territory arrangement for a pet is best done in advance or as soon as possible after its appearance, because then it is necessary to solve a much more important question regarding the nutrition of a new family member. In the event that a pet is purchased and lives with new owners without a mother, there is no place for him to get milk, which the cat gives to their kittens, therefore, it is necessary to decide on the regime and composition of food in the first days of life in the new house.

Properly compiled diet and diet will allow the pet to grow well, to be active and not to experience any discomfort in the new house. To give the kitten such an opportunity, first of all you need to choose exactly how the animal will be fed. There are 2 main options:

  • using purchased feeds;
  • thanks to self-cooking.

    Each of the options in its own good, so you need to decide what is more convenient in a particular case.

    It is not recommended to mix both options for a kitten aged from 1 to 3 months, as it will be difficult for his body to rearrange from one food to another.

    Those owners who prefer to cook themselves, will be more confident in the quality and freshness of the products that give a pet, this is a big plus of this option. On the other hand, when using ready-made feeds, the kitten gets a balanced diet, in which there are all the necessary elements that allow it to grow and develop as it should be.

    If the owner is inclined to self-cooking for the pet, he should know for sure that you can eat at such a young age, and which products should be avoided. In no case should one give the kitten food from the table, as it is not at all suitable for a growing organism.

    Another feature of self-cooked food is the complete absence of salt or any spices in it, since cats do not tolerate strong odors, and the fact that a person is tasty will not like the pet at all.

    In the case of cooking, the host must additionally purchase nutritional supplements, vitamins and mineralsto ensure the full development of the body of the animal and protect it from health problems.

    If we talk about ready-made feeds, then here, too, you should be careful in choosing, as the kitten needs only the highest quality food, which means you should not buy cheap and low-quality goods. The smallest are better off to buy premium food for which only the highest quality products are used, enriched with vitamins and minerals.

    Veterinarians recommend using ready-made products for feeding monthly kittens, especially if the owner does not yet have experience in caring for pets.

    As you gain relevant knowledge, you can try your hand at cooking, but it’s worth it only when the kitten is older. Nutrition more adult pet will already include dry food.

    We make a diet of natural products

    Homemade food is better for a kitten only if the owner knows how to make a diet, how to feed a pet during the day. Among the permitted and useful products are the following ingredients.

    • Meat - it should be low-fat varieties such as beef, turkey, chicken. For the comfortable use of meat it is worth boil it.
    • Offal - provide an opportunity to vary the diet. It is necessary to give them only in boiled form. Liver kittens should cook no more than once a week.
    • Sour milk products - bought on the day of feeding, which ensures maximum freshness of food. It is important to purchase products with low fat content so that the kitten's stomach can easily cope with the resulting food.
    • A variety of cereals - A kitten can be given rice, buckwheat, or oatmeal; the main requirement is the quality preparation of the product so that it does not have undercooked pieces that will impede the digestion process.
    • Plant Food - For a variety of food in the diet, you can add boiled carrots, beets, zucchini and greens. It is best to mix vegetables with meat, because in this combination the kittens are much more willing to eat food.
    • A fish - Kittens can only cook sea fish, which has a small fat content. It is especially important to consider the size, type and number of pits that can cause big problems in a small animal. Most of these pets are suitable cod, hake, haddock, but do not give fish more often 2-3 times a month.
    • Eggs - for kittens from 1 to 3 months quail are best suited, as they contain the most vitamins and nutrients. In addition, it is the minimum risk of becoming infected with something, as can be the case with chicken eggs. Quail eggs must be boiled, you can give both white and yolk, and eventually even allow the kitten to drink the contents of the shell. As for chicken eggs, it is allowed to use only the yolk, which will be beneficial in contrast to protein. In this case, the yolk is given only boiled and not more than 1-2 times a week.
    • Vegetable oil - for additional nutrients, you can add olive, sea buckthorn and linseed oil to food. You can add it to food several times a week in an amount not exceeding one teaspoon.

      To improve the process of digestion and help the kitten to cope with various problems, for example, breeding wool that has got into the stomach, you should buy special weed, which is in pet stores.

      Germinating and occasionally giving the kitten her food, you can avoid many problems. The process of feeding a small pet has its own characteristics, without the knowledge of which it will be difficult to grow it while maintaining health. Food for crumbs should be warm, not overheated, and heat treatment of products should be of high quality. All other cooking options will be unacceptable for a growing animal.

      Overview of finished feed

      If the owner doesn’t have much time to cook natural kitten daily, then it is easier to use ready-made feeds in the diet. For adult cats, they can be both dry and wet. For very small kittens, it is better to purchase a second species, but as they get used to becoming more and more mature, they can introduce them to more solid food. In addition to the type of food, you must be puzzled by the selection of the appropriate brand, which produces high-quality products that in no way threaten the health of pets.

      Among the most famous are the following brands.

      • 1 st Choice - These are premium feeds that are recommended for feeding kittens from two months up to the age of one. All components are of high quality, so the pet will receive a full range of useful substances. Due to the combination of quality and reasonable price, this option of finished feed is considered the most suitable for feeding kittens.
      • Hills science plan - feed of this brand have several options: two dry and one wet, so it will be easy to make the right choice. The quality of products in this case is also very high.
      • Royal Canin. The company offers pet food younger than 4 months (canned food) and older than four months of age (dry food). Due to the quality of products, this brand has long established itself as a reliable and trusted manufacturer of food for cats of any age category.
      • Happy cat junior - a specialized product designed for kittens from the age of 5 weeks to one year. The features of the development of the animal at each stage of growth were taken into account, the most suitable products of the highest quality were selected. All this allows you to safely trust this brand and use its products for their pets.
      • Purina Pro Plan - This brand can boast the presence of a certain variety of feed for kittens (dry and wet options). Good quality products, the choice of what exactly to feed a small pet, as well as an affordable price make this brand one of the most popular.

        Veterinarians and specialists note that kittens receive the most complete nutrition thanks to holistics - products that are created using technology that makes it possible to preserve their juiciness and freshness of meat.

        For feeding kittens, this option is considered ideal, but not everyone will be able to afford it, since the cost of such feed is quite high. The most famous manufacturers of such products are brands:

        • Eukanuba;
        • Orijen;
        • Pro Nature;
        • Innova Evo;
        • Superpet.

        Each owner can choose the most balanced version of the feed, which will differ in product quality and meet the age of the pet. It is not always possible to purchase food that the kitten will like, so you shouldn’t buy large packages right away, it’s better to give your pet a try of this or that option, and if he likes and is well perceived by the animal’s stomach, then you can stay for a while.

        What should not be given?

        Knowledge of how to feed a kitten, what feeds to choose and what to give, will not be enough, it is necessary to have information and what products are undesirable for it and even harmful. Among the most unfavorable are the following products.

        • Cow's milk - growing up, the pet begins to experience problems with lactose tolerance, so after drinking milk, its digestion will start to falter.
        • Bones - small bones can get stuck in the throat or esophagus, which will cause certain problems. When the pet becomes an adult, it will be possible to give him large bones, with the help of which he will be able to brush his teeth.
        • Smoked meats and fried foods - no smoked or fried foods should be in the kitten's diet, they are harmful to both small and adult cats. Such food is very difficult to digest and can adversely affect the health of the pet, causing irreparable consequences.
        • Certain vegetables and mushrooms - it is not necessary to feed the kitten potatoes, eggplants, onions and garlic, tomatoes, as well as legumes and mushrooms. Such food is difficult to digest and does not bring any benefit to the body.
        • Baking and sweet food - all bakery products of neutral taste, as well as sweet ones, cannot be given to the kitten. The same applies to any sweets, including chocolate. This food will only harm the pet's body.
        • Salt and seasonings - any food that is prepared for a kitten or an adult should not contain any salt or spices.These components extremely negatively affect the pet's health and become the cause of various diseases in the future.
        • River fish species - unlike the marine species, the fish in the rivers are subject to strong attack by parasites, which even after heat treatment do not disappear anywhere, but remain in the kitten’s body, gradually destroying it.
        • Fat meat - you can not feed your pet pork, fat, fat, because he will have indigestion, and will begin problems with the liver.
        • Chicken Skin - the kitten is not able to digest this product, so the body will not work well, will spend strength, and in the end will not receive any benefit or energy.
        • Egg white - chicken egg protein contains an enzyme that destroys biotin in the cat's body.
        • Medicines - their consumption is necessary only in rare cases and only on prescription by a veterinarian.

        The exclusion of products that are harmful to kittens will allow you to avoid accidental mistakes in the menu and will help your pet grow healthy.

        How to choose the type of feeding?

        To determine what type of feeding to choose for your pet, it is necessary to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of the available options. If the choice is made in favor of self-cooking, then it is worth considering what is good in this variant and what are the negative sides. The positive points include the following points.

        • The possibility of self-selection menu for a kitten. The owner himself can determine what to mix, when to give and in what quantity. Having well studied the addiction of a pet, you can highlight what he likes and make a diet based on the knowledge gained.
        • Security. In freshly prepared food there will be no additives, preservatives and dyes that can be found in some ready-made products for kittens.
        • The ability to diversify foodwhich will receive a kitten. With ready-made feeds it is quite difficult to do.
        • Lack of addiction to self-cooked food. There are a number of feeds that are beginning to cause addiction in a pet, and it becomes almost impossible to wean the animal from them. With homemade food such situations do not happen, so it is more appropriate.

          Among the shortcomings, there are only a few points:

          • special attention in the selection of ingredients for cooking, not to accidentally put unnecessary;
          • the introduction of additional additives and vitamins that will compensate for their lack of regular food.

          The advantages of this option of feeding a kitten are much greater than the disadvantages, but not every owner has free time to cook a varied and nutritious food, so many opt for dry and wet ready-made food.

          The advice of veterinarians in this case are as follows:

          • the finished feed should be of high quality, better than premium;
          • you should not feed your pet with the same food for too long, it is important to introduce a certain variety for full growth and development;
          • when switching from one type of feed or brand to another, it is necessary to carry out the process gradually, mixing the new product with the old one, and increasing its quantity a little.

            To decide whether to buy a pet dry food, you need to consider its pros and cons. The following points can be considered positive:

            • quality products have a complete list of vitamins and minerals that a kitten needs;
            • the diet is selected based on the age of the animal;
            • when using dry food in kittens, the jaws will actively work, which will only benefit the animals;
            • no need to spend time and energy on cooking for your pet;
            • the ability to feed the kitten in any place, as well as take food with them on long journeys;
            • the volume of each portion is indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

            In addition to obvious advantages, this option of feeding domestic kittens has certain disadvantages.

            • When buying an inexpensive economy class food there is a risk of harm to the animal, as it contains a high concentration of mineral salts, which eventually cause urolithiasis. In addition, such food may contain waste products that harm the growing body of a kitten.
            • Some feeds may contain fats, flavors and preservatives.
            • As mentioned above, an animal can develop dependence on certain types of food, and it will be very difficult to wean a kitten from such food.

              The choice of one or another option will depend on the owner and his pet. If you wish, you can please your pet with tasty and healthy dishes without any harm, while at the same time preparing something new and unusual to develop the cat's gastronomic sensations.

              If there is no opportunity, desire or time for it, then it is worthwhile to choose a quality food with an optimal composition, so that the pet grows and develops in accordance with its age.

              How many times a day to feed?

              Since the size of a small kitten is still small, it is important to give the correct amount of food at each reception. It is age that affects feeding frequency and serving size. It is recommended to give the pet food often, but in a small amount, otherwise it is possible to provoke the development of diseases of the digestive tract.

              The best option for feeding according to age:

              • one month old kitten should be fed 6 to 8 times a day;
              • two months - no more than 5 times a day;
              • three months - 4 times;
              • starting from 4-5 months and up to a year, the pet is fed no more than three times a day;
              • when the cat becomes old enough, you can go on two meals, it is recommended to do it no earlier than a year and a half.

                A newborn kitten eats only mother's milk and does not need other food. In 1 month, he no longer has enough of such nutrition, and it is necessary to introduce new food. It is best to start with dairy products (ryazhenka or kefir). Such products are poured into a bowl, which allows the pet to get used to self-feeding in the designated place and from certain dishes.

                By two months, you can begin to introduce pies for kittens and cook soft porridge, in which the ground meat is added.

                In 2 months, the kitten's diet becomes wider and more diverse, vegetables are introduced, which together with the meat is not frayed, and finely chopped. Dairy products are still important and should make up a large part of the diet. At three months of age, you can go on a full feed, a quarter of which are dairy products (but not milk in its pure form). The diet should also include cereals, meat and vegetables, which are cut into large pieces. If you wish, you can give your pet to try the vegetables raw.

                As for the amount of food in one serving, then approximate calculations are made according to the scheme - 150 g of products per 1 kg of kitten weight. These data may vary depending on the caloric content of food. In the case of ready-made feeds, the norms for each age group are already indicated on the package.

                About how to feed a kitten, see the next video.

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                Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


