Domestic cats

Holistic-class cat food: manufacturers rating and selection rules

Holistic-class cat food: manufacturers rating and selection rules

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  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Top dry feed rating
  4. List of wet foods
  5. Tips for choosing
  6. Veterinarian reviews

The health, character and longevity of a cat depends on 2 factors - genetic characteristics and peculiarities of care. Care, in addition to various procedures, involves nutrition. And it is food that has a greater effect on the state of health. Due to convenience, more and more owners choose special feeds for their tailed animals. The latter have many varieties, one of them is holistic-class food.

What it is?

Holistic-class feeds differ from their usual composition. The source of protein in holistic feed is primarily fresh, high-quality meat, and not bone meal and by-products. Finally, in this type of feed there are no preservatives or flavor enhancers. Consider the characteristic features of the composition of holists.

  • Squirrels. Always represented by proteins of natural origin - dehydrated or fresh fillet of meat, fish. Only certain types of meat are used - chicken, turkey, lamb, rabbit, pork is not used. In the composition there is no vegetable protein, which can be represented by potato or pea protein, corn gluten.
  • Carbohydrates. In holistics, carbohydrates can be represented by lentils, potatoes, rice, peas. Wheat and wheat flour, corn are not used as additives.
  • Preservatives. Naturally, to preserve the freshness of the product can not do without preservatives in the composition. In holistics, safe, naturally occurring tocopherols are used. Synthetic preservatives, even those that are permissible, should not be present in holistics.
  • Cellulose. Fiber is not always found in premium class feeds, especially since it is absent in economy class feeds. But in the holistics, dietary fibers are mandatory, but their number does not exceed 10% of the composition. In most cases, it is dried carrots, apples. A beet bench press, which is sometimes also found in holists, is considered slightly less useful.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex. In holistics, it is present in the right ratio and includes the maximum possible combination of useful elements. Necessarily - Omega 3 and 6. To improve digestion, many manufacturers include probiotics and enzymes in the feed.

Initially, the holistic group was classified as a super premium class feed, however, it is worth noting that their quality even in this category was the highest. Nowadays, holists more and more often singled out into a separate class, which, again, surpasses the super-premium version in its benefits and nutritional value. For the first time the term "holistic" (from Greek - "integral") was used by the American manufacturer Innova. While there are no clear standards for the definition of the feed - standards, GOST.

Holistic is a high-quality, all-natural, balanced product.

According to the manufacturers, the composition of such feed is completely natural and safe, that it can be eaten even by a person without harm to health (making food for animals from the same thing that a person eats is one of the manufacturers' postulates). However, holistiki - this is still food for pets.

Their composition was developed from the standpoint of nutriciology, and it, in turn, is guided by the principles of genetics and dietetics.That is, Holistic food allows you to provide the body's need for BZHU, minerals, vitamins, maintain the biological activity of a pet and not harm its genetic code when the latter is transmitted to the next generation.

Despite the obvious benefits for the cat to eat natural food, it is better to first consult with a veterinarian.

Even a holistic may not be suitable for your pet if it has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or urolithiasis. In this case, the cat pick diet food.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of holistic is the natural composition, which significantly reduces the risk of developing allergies and pet diseases. Another “plus” is the balance of the composition - food includes everything that is necessary for the health of a pet, including vitamin-mineral complexes. Due to the high nutritional value of Holistic, this feed is consumed less than cheaper and less nutritious options. So we can talk about the economy of consumption as one of the advantages. In addition, the holistic are already enriched with vitamin-mineral supplements, the pet owner does not need to buy and give them separately. It also saves time and money.

Dry holistiki are produced in small granules, therefore, it is convenient to offer them to both adult individuals and kittens.

The main difference between holistic and other food is that the diet of an animal is obtained as close as possible to the diet of a wild cat. And this is primarily meat and only a small percentage of cereals and fiber. In the feed class Holistic meat takes 50-70% of the composition.

Naturally, the natural composition of the product dictates its higher cost, which is perceived as a disadvantage. In addition, not every pet shop has holistic sales. A number of manufacturers, even in large cities, sells such feeds only through the Internet. In addition, while well-known manufacturers do not offer holistics in accordance with the type of animal breed. Due to the lack of flavor enhancers and synthetic additives, the pet may not appreciate the delicacy. The likelihood of this is especially high if earlier the animal was eating food with amplifiers and flavorings.

Top dry feed rating

Farmina n & d

Among producers of dry holistics, the product from Farmina N & D holds the leading positions. The company's manufacturing sites are located in Canada, Brazil and Italy. The product line is quite extensive and includes feed for kittens and pregnant and lactating cats, for sterilized and neutered pets, for adult cats, as well as a special series for cats with urolithiasis.

As for the taste line, it also includes several types of holistics - first of all these are low grain and grainless types, as well as delicacies with quinoa and pumpkin.

The cheapest way to order a cat product in the manufacturer's online store.

Buyers note the diversity of flavors of Farmina N & D food - lamb with blueberries, boar with apple, salmon with orange, chicken with apple. Also presented are foods with green tea extract, aloe vera and grape seed. Negative reviews, indicating problems with the chair or allergies after the cats use this food, were not found on the net.

Gina elite

The Canadian feed Gina Elite was highly appreciated by specialists. The manufacturer boasts an even more extensive line than the one discussed above. In addition to the types of holistics described in the previous review, the brand produces feeds for cats living a heightened active life, pet food with sensitive digestion and a product for removing lumps from the gastrointestinal tract. In general, the manufacturer is very concerned about the digestion of the caudate, so all food includes probiotics. Minimum packing for adult pet food - 8 kg.

Pronature holistic

Dry holistic Pronature Holistic (Canada) can be used for feeding kittens, adult pets and elderly low-lifeline fluffies.Food is categorized as grainless, for adult pets there is a separate line, enriched with a complex for the health of fur and skin. The official domestic distributor of the company is the company "Ivanko", so on their website feed has the lowest cost.

The appreciation of pet owners has earned Pronature Holistic Turkey with Cranberries. A high protein content (38%) and a reduced amount of fat make it optimal for castrated and sterilized animals, and cranberries - prevention of urolithiasis. According to the owners, pets eat treats with pleasure.


Another well-established holistic producer is Acana. To be more precise, this is a production group that also includes the Orijen brand. The line includes products for cats and kittens, as well as adult cats that are prone to corpulence.

Despite the many positive reviews about this feed, there are also negative ones. The reason - the feed did not fit a particular pet, causing digestive disorders.

This is why it is so important. in the selection of food schemes and specific food consult a veterinarian. At the same time, there are many Acana accolades on the Internet. It is suitable even for cats with allergies. Many owners of the caudates write that Acana and Orijen are interchangeable, which is very convenient. True, Orijen has smaller granules, which a number of users find not very convenient for adult animals.


Grandorf feed (produced in Belgium and Thailand) has 2 forms of release - dry and wet food. They are intended for adult cats, including neutered and sterilized, for pregnant and lactating individuals, as well as kittens from 3 weeks. Dry feed from this manufacturer is low-grain, there is a grainless feed for adults (improves the condition of the skin and fur). Some dry foods are enriched with probiotics. Wet products are all grainless. The most profitable to shop in the manufacturer's online store.

Barking heads

The British brand Barking Heads is also considered one of the best, has 2 forms of release - dry and wet food. They can eat kittens and adult cats, pets older than 7 years and animals prone to obesity. In addition to the main line, there is a variety to improve the quality and shine of wool.

Innova EVO

Completely grainless feed (dry and wet) is produced by Innova EVO. they are intended for adult cats. Experts note the highest quality feed, however, it is impossible to find it in Russia. Exit - order on foreign sites.

List of wet foods

Almo nature

One of the wet holists at the head of our top is Almo nature. The manufacturer pleases the tailed variety of flavors based on rabbit, chicken, trout and tuna. In addition, the product includes fruits, vegetables, seeds. Among the shortcomings - the complexity of the acquisition.

Innova EVO

The Innova EVO brand (it has already been discussed in more detail in the previous chapter) produces wet food for the smallest pets - kittens from 1.5 months. Food is enriched with proteins and probiotics, enzymes in order to strengthen the kittens' immunity and prevent upsetting the digestive tract.

Moonlight dinner

A special complex for the health of the heart and kidneys (a complex of medicinal herbs) of a cat contains Moonlight Dinner wet grainless food. Grandorf food is considered hypoallergenic, because it does not contain chicken protein compounds (it often provokes allergies), soybeans and grains. As part of canned food - high-quality vitamin-mineral complex.

Tips for choosing

In order for the feed to relate to the product of the super-premium new generation, it is not enough just one Holistic inscription on the package. Some unscrupulous manufacturers make such inscriptions, while the composition of the product does not correspond to the declared inscription.

    Interestingly, sometimes there is not even Holistic labeling on the packaging, while the composition allows us to judge that this is such a natural product.

    When buying you should pay attention to the features of the composition.

    • If the feed is of American or Canadian origin, then AAFCO, that is, the American Association for State Food Control, must be on the package. This body ensures that the product complies with existing animal nutritional standards.
    • The composition should not include useless and cheap ingredients: inert flour, offal, vegetable protein (potato and corn starch, soybean), cellulose, wheat and cereal (except for rice), synthetic preservatives, including those considered safe.
    • First of all, there should be a protein in the list of ingredients with the obligatory indication of the source of its receipt. It is optimal if the feed includes 2 types of protein.
    • After the composition, the following components should be indicated without fail: protein (for dry food - at least 30%, for wet food - at least 8%), fat (for dry food - no more than 8%, not more than 4;), fiber (not more than 10% for dry food and not more than 3% for wet food).

    The package must contain the brand name of the manufacturer, the trademark, the mass of the product (in kg and g), the date of manufacture and expiration date, the composition (first of all the ingredients are contained to a greater extent, then - in descending order) pet and feeding recommendations. It is important that the packaging contains a mark on the quality certificate and, if available, information about the distributor.

    To buy dry or wet food is a matter of owner selection. Dry is not so demanding in storage conditions, while wet is recommended to keep in the refrigerator.

    The wet form is convenient for kittens and elderly individuals who find it difficult to crack dry granules. But keeping young and adult cats on a wet monodiet is not recommended.

    The fact is that the pet's teeth are cleaned in the process of eating solid food. The best option is to combine and change feed from dry to wet. For kittens and animals with poor digestion, it is better to choose a hypoallergenic product. This property must be judged not by its advertising slogan, but by its composition - it must be grainless.

    Veterinarian reviews

      Based on the characteristics of the composition, veterinarians give the palm a primacy of the Acana brand. Surprisingly, this product has no flaws, but it has a lot of advantages - first of all, a balanced composition and a high content of vitamins. Even a considerable price in this case is not so much a “minus” as it is - confirmation of the naturalness of the composition. The same can be said about the feed, which includes only high-quality meat products - the Orijen holistic.

      The richness and naturalness of the composition can boast and feed from the company Grandorf. But according to experts, it has a high calorie content, it is worthwhile to offer it only to active young animals. Some doubts of veterinarians caused GO! In general, its composition is high-quality meat, however, on the packaging indicated the presence of a preservative in the feed. What specifically - is not said.

      Food with a high content of protein (Golden Eagle holistic) is suitable for cats participating in exhibitions, as well as for weakened individuals, animals after an illness, young energetic cats. Balanced can be called and the compositions of such products as Innova and Superpet.

      In the following feeds, no traces of legumes and cereals were found - these are the Now holos (has a “minus” - small granules), Cornilove and AATU.

      More information about the holistic-class feed in the next video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


