Domestic cats

All you need to know about Cornish Rex cats

All you need to know about Cornish Rex cats

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. How many live?
  5. What to feed?
  6. How to care?
  7. Upbringing
  8. Health
  9. Breeding
  10. Owner reviews

In the 1930s, Cornish Rex cats lived in Moravia. Locals believed that they were sick, and subjected them to destruction.

History of origin

Cornish Rex breed was bred in 1950. The history of its origin is very interesting. In the county of Cornwall, a female farmer, Nina Ennismore, cat Serena brought kittens, among which was an unusual-looking baby. Nature rewarded him with curly hair, a thin and flexible body and a wedge-shaped head.

The cat had very big ears, from which he looked like an unearthly creature, and they called him strange - CalliBanker. Since at that time the village cats, the inhabitants of the English farms, mostly differed from each other only in color, Miss Ennismore, after looking at the cat, decided to castrate the matched pet, almost depriving us of the breed of these amazing cats.

The veterinarian, to whom Nina brought a matured cat, had a good knowledge of genetics and saw the beginning of a new breed in Callybanker. Considering the doctor's advice on breeding cats, Miss Ennismore went to the breeders A. C. Jude and B. Stirling-Webb - they were known at that time and had great prestige and a good reputation in the field of breeding. The vet's words that Kallibanker will be the first in the feline family, which will be different from those recorded in nature, have been confirmed by Dr. Jude.


Now the duty of Nina Ennismor was the task of breeding a new breed, the name of which she came up with - Cornish Rex. The beginning of the name of the breed indicated the area where the kitten appeared, and the second part of the name of the breed determined the occupation of Miss Ennismore (she was the owner of the farm for the breeding of rabbits with curly hair of the Astrex breed). Scientists-breeders were asked to check the stability of the Kallibanker mutation, and when the cat reached puberty, it was connected to the mother, the cat Serena, which does not stand out for its natural beauty and breed.

After some time, three small kittens were born, two of them had the same curly wool and an unusual appearance, as well as Kallybanker. In the living of the two "astrakhan" remained the only cat, he was later named Polda.

From year to year, Miss Ennismore continued her experiments on crossing, in this case fixing the correspondence of “astrakhan” to smooth-haired kittens. Compliance was 55% in the direction of "curly-headed". The properties typical for this breed were preserved under the condition that the female and male were carriers of astrakhan fur. But after 6 years of breeding work, Nina Ennysmore started having problems with finances.

Growing and keeping animals has become difficult. The very first cats, Serena and Kallibaker, suffered a terrible fate - previously beloved cats put to sleep at the request of the owner Miss Nina Ennismor. Cornish Poldu was waiting for a similar fate, but Siliconist B. Stirling-Webb decided to continue working without the help of other employees and bought the cat (however, when the biomaterial was collected on the cat's experiments, Poldu was in for a fatal accident - he was neutered).

In 1957, an officially registered Cornish Rex cat appeared in England, and in the same year Francis Blanchery purchased two cats of this breed and transported them from England to the territory of the United States of America. Thus, the "resettlement" of these peculiar animals took place.One of the first animals transported, having a bright red color and called Tabby, did not give offspring.

After some time, the blue cat (nicknamed her Lamorna Cove), already pregnant, was transported to the United States, where she brought the offspring of white kittens with a blue tint - two adorable Cornish Rex babies. It should be noted that the father of the kittens was Poldu, who at that time was not yet neutered.

The Cornish Rex breed in the United States began with this amazing story. Ellen Weiss, amateur and breeder of cats, could not resist the charm of Lomorny Cove's babies; she bought the cat and called him Marmaduke (later other lines of Cornish Rex breeds went from him).

In an effort to engage in breeding work more actively, Miss Weiss decided to get acquainted with the famous Nina Ennismore, with whom she wanted to enter into an agreement on a profitable breeding deal, but Miss Ennismore had managed to get rid of her farm by that period, which she regretted , as the money offered by Ellen Weiss, could fully compensate for all the costs of animals with interest.

Once again, cats of this breed were at risk of extinction. In order to somehow prevent the disappearance of the breed, they were crossed together. Subsequently, the North American shorthair cats, as well as Siamese and Burmese, became the genetic material for this.


During breeding, small changes occurred in the breed, but at the same time a large variety of colors and colors appeared.

You should know that it is strictly forbidden to cross relatives of the Cornish Rex now.

To date, cats have gained immense popularity due to the appearance of an aristocratic appearance and boundless love and affection for their owner.


Common Cornish Rex cat standards:

    • a distinctive feature of the breed is pronounced aristocracy;
    • cats have short “astrakhan” wool that does not have an awl hair;
    • head of the correct oval shape;
    • the muzzle looks like a small wedge, the forehead smoothly passes into the nose of the Roman type, which is vertically in line with the chin;
    • the ears are rather high, wide and large at the base of the head;
    • eye section is oval, eyes are arranged with a slope upward, the pigmentation of the iris of the eye corresponds to the color of cat hair;
    • jaws strong, bite straight;
    • cheekbones are high, the chin is quite pronounced;
    • neck conquers with its grace, but rather long and muscular;
    • torso muscular, long, toned;
    • limbs graceful, muscular;
    • tail long, tapering towards the end, flexible, similar to a whip.

    Brief description of an adult cat:

    • an average growth of 23-27 cm;
    • weight - from 3 to 5 kg;
    • adult cats are much larger than females.

    Popular colors of kittens:

    • white: the eyes are golden or blue, the pads on the paws and the nose are pink;
    • the black: this color is always saturated, the eyes are golden in color, the nose and pads on the paws are black;
    • chocolate: eyes of dark color, pads on paws and nose of dark coloring;
    • redhead: golden eyes, paw pads and nose pink;
    • Gray: golden eyes, nose and paw pads are also gray.

    Character traits

    Cornish Rex are very active, inquisitive, cheerful. They are refined intellectuals, their character docile and soft. These cats are neither vindictive nor dirty, but very attached to the owner. The tail, wagging like a dog, shows increased susceptibility. Feeling the mood of the owner, they know how to behave in any situation. Very obedient, learn simple commands. They can walk on a harness, and, like dogs, bring small toys during training.

    Corniches are considered very active. They will never bask in the sun or "fall down" on the couch, as other cats do.Animals love to explore the area (albeit known from feline childhood) and will never disregard a rustling newspaper forgotten in a chair or a sparrow sitting by the open window.

    Try to remove the more valuable and necessary things, because the object, whatever it is, will be regarded as a new game by Rex. In any case, you need to be able to distract the pet's attention to a cat's toy or an abandoned ball.

    Create mobile game situations in which the Cornish are "up to the mark", because these cats are very active and are simply crazy about the creation of the chase.

    This breed of cats is slightly annoying and, trying to spin under their feet, its meowing makes itself felt, but feels very well the mood of the beloved owner and can give loneliness if the person needs it. In other cases, you will never be bored. Cornish Rex cats are wary of strangers. To keep a distance is very important for these animals, but they always start to shorten it first. If a cat feels that a person is not dangerous, he will be the first to allow himself to be stroked, and maybe he will even jump onto your lap.

    When purchasing Cornish Rex for a long friendship, you need to remember that this breed of cats does not tolerate solitude. Do not leave the animal for a long time. Prolonged absence of the owner can lead to not very pleasant consequences. It is not necessary to start birds and rodents with them, because this can wake the instincts of a wild hunter in them.

    How many live?

    Given the good genetics of this breed, the life expectancy of these amazing cats is quite long. Much depends on proper care and nutrition and the attitude of the owners to them. A Cornish Rex cat with a good care and maintenance can live 15-20 years.

    What to feed?

    With the content of corniches one should not allow the appearance of fat folds in them, the cats should look slim and fit, with well-defined muscles. It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of the daily ration of cats must meet the energy needs, as animals lead an active lifestyle, on top of that, cats with short hair need a lot of energy to heat the body. Portions of food are determined empirically. If the animal does not eat enough and looks very thin, you should not limit it to food, you may even need to increase the diet.

    When choosing a balanced balanced food suitable wet and dry food. It is important to know that this breed is distinguished by sensitive digestion. The amount of dry food should not be higher than 1/6 of the total feline diet. The water in the bowl must be updated twice a day. When feeding with natural food, the diet should include 20% of vegetables, cereals and dairy products and 80% of meat.

    Approximate diet:

    • feeding vegetables is supposed to be both raw and boiled (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower), they are mixed with meat and given several times a week, sometimes vegetables are changed for cereal;
    • dairy (sour-milk) products - kefir, cream give daily + instead of delicacy cheese;
    • raw yolk with sour cream and curd give a week 2 times;
    • boiled offal (chicken hearts, liver, kidneys) - once a week;
    • boiled chicken (always boneless) - daily;
    • frozen beef raw - daily;

    It is imperative to introduce sprouted wheat sprouts into the diet, animals gladly eat them, and this supplement contains quite a lot of trace elements and vitamins.

    For kittens there is a separate diet:

    • cereals with milk give up to 3 months;
    • curd - three times a week;
    • whole milk is allowed to give only up to 5 months;
    • they are fed chicken breasts for up to 3.5 months (after that they can be fed in chicken legs);
    • frozen raw beef is poured with milk, then cut into slices (helps from constipation);
    • boiled meat can be mixed with vegetables;
    • you can not feed the kittens with meat or vegetables;
    • per day, you can give 30 grams of beef (approximately 8 months increase to 120 grams);
    • feeding kittens with fish is strictly prohibited.

    Due to possible stomach disorders, as well as food poisoning, forbid kittens to eat right from the floor.

    How often to feed the kittens:

    • 1.5-2 months - up to 5 times per day;
    • 3-5 months - 4 times;
    • 6-7 months - 3 times;
    • from 8 months - 2 times.

    A kitten in a bowl must always always have clean water. It should be remembered that stale water can cause gastrointestinal upset.

    How to care?

    To maintain the beauty of the cornish should be washed 2 times a month. To begin to teach a kitten to water procedures should be approximately 16 weeks. It is necessary to wash the cat with massaging movements in the growth of wool The water temperature should be about 38 degrees. After bathing, wool should be soaked with a towel, but not wiped. If the animal is not afraid of a hair dryer, then you can dry it in a warm mode. To create astrakhan fur, natural citrus oils are used on wool.

    Combing Corniche is often not recommended, as cats of this breed do not shed. When combing apply mitten or brush with natural bristles, so as not to harm the fine wool of the animal.

    It is recommended to choose structure-forming shampoos before going to the exhibition, during the rest of the time you need to use special zoo shampoos.

    Mandatory Cornish trimmed claws. In cats, they are quite sharp, in this case it is necessary to constantly ensure that the cat does not spoil the furniture or inadvertently leaves a scratch on family members. Trim the claws very carefully, only 1-2 millimeters of the transparent part of the claw.

    It is necessary to cut with a special clipper (its size should be medium). Before the procedure it is important to process the instrument with a cotton swab with alcohol or an alcohol wipe, then, cutting the claw, file it, giving it a rounded shape. Some breeders use natural cosmetic oil for nails, it protects the cat's claws from delamination and moisturizes them.

    Check your kitten's teeth weekly and visit a veterinarian if necessary. Care of a cat's teeth should be daily. Teeth can be wiped with plantain extract, wound with gauze on a finger, or cleaned with a rubber thimble. You can also buy toothpaste or a special toy for brushing your teeth at specialty stores for pets. Do not forget to include in the diet of solid food, useful for teeth.

    It is recommended to apply simple boiled water to the eye care and chamomile infusion once a week (eyes are treated for the prevention of infectious diseases). Ears "Rex" need constant care. In order to clean them, you must use petroleum jelly or special care drops (clean them with a cotton swab). It is necessary to monitor the ears of a pet in order to prevent ear diseases in time.

    The list of necessary items for the care of Cornish Rex:

    • cat shampoo;
    • claw cutter;
    • cotton pads and sticks;
    • petrolatum;
    • special toothpaste and brush for cleaning the teeth of the animal;
    • powder for cleaning wool;
    • dry shampoo for cleaning wool.


    Being in the "childish" age, Cornish Rex cats easily amenable to training. If you purchased a kitten, try to immediately draw a line and show what is allowed and what the animal cannot do throughout its cat life. You should not punish the animal for a small offense and raise your voice, because in the eyes of the cat you will look big and formidable, but not the source of affection and love.

    Rexs adore pleasant company, they like it when they pay a lot of attention and they love to sit in the hands of family members. Cornish Rex can easily be taught to serve a paw, bring small toys, as well as commands to sit and lie.

    Cats of this breed calmly walk on a harness along the street and in general their behavior sometimes resemble dogs. Animals are well aware of the purpose of the tray, and what a scraper is needed for, and in this sense you will have no difficulty with them in maintaining comfort and cleanliness in the house. The owner of this unique animal Be sure to purchase a cozy and warm cat house. Active Cornish fit a large game complex of the house and various game elements (claws, ropes).

    If there is no possibility to install a cat town, you can do with a beautiful stylish house or a stove bench.

    For the maintenance of the cat, in addition to the bed, you will need:

    • cat toilet;
    • toilet filler (with medium-sized granules, designed for medium-sized shorthair cats);
    • care products (see list above);
    • feeding bowls - 3 pieces (1 meant for water and 2 for food);
    • bag-carrying (in case of walking, moving or going to the vet);
    • toys for cats purchased at the pet store;
    • medium sized scraper;
    • quality feed;
    • first-aid kit (contents individually);
    • clothes for cats in the form of a sweater or jacket with a hood (in case of walking.

    By the way, on a walk instead of a harness or bag-carrying these cats like to be placed on the hands or shoulder of the owner (sometimes they climb on the head).

    This unique breed can perfectly fit in any family:

    • with a small child (cats easily get along with children);
    • an elderly couple (cats can cheer them with their cheerful disposition);
    • in a family where there are people suffering from allergies (cats do not lose hair even during the molting season).


    If you do not intend to breed Cornish Rex, it is better to sterilize or castrate. It is possible to sterilize and castrate animals after puberty in a period of 1.5 years of feline life (this is due to the correct formation of the urogenital system). The operation takes place in a veterinary clinic and usually lasts 15-20 minutes under local or general anesthesia. As a rule, after anesthesia, it takes 24 hours to recover the animal. Try to pay more attention to your beloved pet on this day. If during the day the cat anesthesia did not pass, be sure to contact the veterinarian where the operation took place.

    The female, who did not bring kittens and did not undergo sterilization, over time, begins to have health problems, and the non-casted cat is able to mark all corners in the apartment all its cat's life, excreting specifically smelling substances with urine.

    The Cornish Rex breed is characterized by good health, but you should still know that some diseases do happen to them.

    • Alopecia. At birth, a kitten on it appears a gentle fluff, which after two weeks disappears and the animal becomes bald. It happens that the disease affects not only wool, but even claws and whiskers.
    • Atrophy of the eye retina - This is a genetic disease. Unfortunately, the Cornish are among the leaders in this disease. Set the disease can only in a specialized clinic.
    • Disturbed metabolism. Similar troubles with well-being at Cornish Rex can occur due to improper metabolism. Whether the metabolism is violated can only be determined by a veterinarian.
    • Hypokalemia - complex disease of lack of potassium. The disease is recognized as hereditary and can manifest itself in a baby if the male and the female suffered from this ailment.
    • "Greasy tail" - occurs due to the strong secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands that are under the tail. A waxy mass with an unpleasant smell accumulates on the woolen cover of the tail, inflammatory processes occur, the skin reddens and becomes wet. In the case of a chronic form of the disease, the tail becomes bald.

    It is worth reminding about vaccination: vaccinations, made on time, will save the cat from various diseases. And, of course, we must not forget to carry out prevention from worms.


    When the female is one year old, she can be knitted with a male, but be sure to skip the first heat. It is better to start looking for a partner in advance, because it may happen that there is not a suitable “groom” nearby. The necessary contacts can be found in the breeding nursery, but be prepared for the fact that you have to go to the cat's territory. It is desirable that this was a short trip, as the road adversely affects the mental and physical condition of the pregnant cat.

    If you have decided to breed kittens, you must:

    • execute documents on the cat, confirming the pedigree;
    • get a description of the animal from the club felinologist;
    • find a partner;
    • with the owners of the "groom" to issue a contract;
    • in the club to take a document for registration binding
    • show the cat to the vet, check for vaccinations and treat for parasites;
    • Be sure to cut the claws in order to avoid scratching the partner.

    The important point: the cat should not be the first mating (the more experienced the male, the greater the guarantee that everything will be successful).

    Provided that the cat suits you, the female is usually brought to him on the second day after the start of estrus and left in the cat for 3-8 days. The most ideal time for fertilization will be the second and fourth days. Animals do not need to interfere with mating, everything should happen naturally. If in the morning you notice the calm behavior of the female, which admits the cat to itself and “rolls” over the back on the floor, consider that everything went well.

    Usually the pregnancy goes quietly and lasts about 65 days. Births are allowed a little earlier, and a little later (+/- two days). Childbirth ends with the appearance of "astrakhan" kittens from 4 to 5 babies. Toddlers are weaned from a cat in 2.5 months. As a rule, the owners of the “groom” at birth give birth to kittens of one baby for themselves, but it may happen that you will have to pay a certain amount of money equivalent for mating.

    A Cornish Rex cat is capable of bringing litter 3-4 times a year, but too frequent childbirth is undesirable because it requires a lot of strength from it. In order for a cat to bring healthy litter, it must itself be healthy and have the strength to recover. In order for the female's body to recover, it will be ideal if it takes 1-2 years after delivery.

    Owner reviews

    Given the feedback from owners of cats and cats of the Cornish Rex breed, it is possible to draw certain conclusions:

    • Cornish are responsive and do not like to upset their owners;
    • they are intelligent, tender, sociable, playful;
    • do not fade, their wool is pleasant to the touch;
    • love children, agreeable, loyal;
    • kind to others;
    • are amenable to training;
    • intellectuals.

    Disadvantages of Cornish Rex cats according to the owners.

    • In the first year of a pet’s life in a house, it can annoy me with frequent meowing, especially if the animal is often left alone (the loyalty of these cats is “off scale”).
    • Does not tolerate competition in the house.
    • Some cats are prone to overeating. Be sure to ensure that the pet does not overeat.
    • A specific smell is characteristic (in some individuals secretion between the paw pads is released, not everyone may like it).
    • Constant thirst for heat (this is due to the fact that the animal is short-haired, and therefore the temperature of its body is increased, so the seals have to look for warm places). For a private house and a cold apartment, such cats are not suitable.

    With all this, we must understand that you can find Cornish Rex, who do not have such negative qualities. All cats are very individual in character, but there are common features inherent in the breed. For this reason, before acquiring a similar animal, it is recommended to consider whether you can put up with its imperfections. But here it is necessary to realize that the disadvantages are present in any breed. You should also know that Cornish Rex is more susceptible to disease if taken from the hands, and not from the nursery.

    It is very important to determine what specific intention you pursue when choosing a cat, what you expect from it in the future (for example, suppose you want to get a reliable assistant in the fight against rodents, but this does not in any way relate to the Cornish Rex breed). For the majority of potential owners, an important moment in the process of choosing a cat is its origin.

    It is especially important to take into account not only their own desires and preferences, but also the availability of financial opportunities, since our smaller brothers with excellent pedigree are often simply not affordable for a middle-income buyer.

    Of particular importance is the age of your pet. Some cat lovers believe that the best solution is to buy an adult cat, not a baby. For people who live calmly and measuredly, in some cases it is quite difficult to deal with a kitten, as it must be very often fed, more attention should be paid to caring for it, because with the restless character of the baby he will “rush”, turning everything upside down, and demolish everything that comes his way.

    Mature Cornish Rex is often also characterized by a very cheerful disposition and agility, but still they are much more balanced than the kitten babies. Of course, if you nevertheless decided to acquire adult animals, then in the future you will absolutely not have to conflict with the difficulties of his training for the toilet. An animal with a pedigree should be acquired if you intend to actually take part in various exhibitions, in order to then have the opportunity to feel pride in your pet.

    If you are deprived of vanity and the animal you need as a close friend, then there is no difference with the pedigree "your brother is smaller" or not. The main thing is the important feelings that your beloved pet will give you.

    On the features of Cornish Rex cats, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


