Domestic cats

All about cats breed faces

All about cats breed faces

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. Conditions of detention
  5. Feeding
  6. Breeding

In addition to the usual for all the fluffy representatives of the cat family, living with a man in the dwelling, outwardly unusual animals are also very popular today. To representatives of this class of cats is to include the breed of the face, in demand among breeders around the world.

History of origin

There are several versions of the origin of cats breed faces. The first option is the appearance of animals with such unusual external data as a result of the crossing of the Sphinx and the American Shorthair cat. In this case, the breeders planned to get offspring without hair, the kittens were born partially covered with short hair, which was considered an abnormal development. However, animals not only survived, but also developed and grew beautifully.

After analyzes, it was found that representatives of the cat family, born by crossing such cats, are distinguished by good health, and the appearance is the result of mutations at the gene level. In addition, the tests allowed scientists to establish that the animals that came into being did not inherit the genetic similarity with the Devon Rex or Sphynx, but belong to short-haired cats.

Another version of the appearance of the new breed is the story of a resident of the state of Virginia, who has an offspring from an ordinary domestic cat with a partial coat of wool on her body. After the owner of such unusual tails turned for help to the sphinx breeder, another case of birth of kittens with such unique external qualities was registered, but in the state of Tennessee.

Genetic tests have shown that animals from different states have the same recessive gene in which the mutation occurred. It is this fact that caused cats and cats to have a similar exterior. The name of the breed stuck thanks to the owner of the cats. And further work of scientists with a breed of werewolf animals allowed them to fix all the signs of this species.

In 2012, a standard was developed for pets, which was adopted by most world organizations, in light of which the breed began to gain popularity among cat breeders around the world.


Animal breeds of faces differ significantly in their external characteristics from other members of the cat family. There are a number of features of the exterior.

  • Body. The body of the animal is correct, in the light of its size the cats look thin. The musculature of representatives of this breed is evenly developed, so that the pets in their movements demonstrate agility and grace. The tail is longer than the average length, the end is slightly narrowed. The tail should be smaller in size.
  • Limbs. The paws of the cats are set flat, they do not stand out in their length, however, the hind limbs should be slightly shorter than the front ones. Wool on the bottom should be absent. The pads on the legs will be rounded.
  • Head. The skull of the leeks has a wedge-shaped shape with rounded edges and an oblong frontal bone, while the head of cats of this breed will somewhat exceed the size of the skull of the rest of the cat family. The ears of the cat-cat should have a wide base and pointed ends, the ears will be set wide. Eyes almond-shaped, located with a bevel up. For animals of this breed, a rather open look is characteristic.The color of the pupils is predominantly dark, while kittens can be born with a yellow colored iris.
  • Wool. The main characteristic of the exterior of cats breed faces is their coat. According to the tactile sensations, the fur coat in werewolf cats is rather soft, it does not stand out for its density. The length of the villi can vary from short to long. The density of the pile will depend on the season and molting. The undercoat of the leeks is practically absent Some breeders believe that werecats are hypo-allergenic.

The color of animals is predominantly black with gray hair, this color among specialists is called roan. In the face there is light wool at the base, but gray at the end or with a black tip. Cats and cats of this breed are distinguished by good health as well as endurance.

However, animals are still little studied, so it is possible that in the future they may be found any congenital diseases.

Character traits

In addition to their uncommon appearance, pets are distinguished by highly developed intelligence, as well as initiative and contact. Cats are quite active, willingly playing with or without a person with different toys. Likoevs can be walked in the open air, they will actively explore the territory, if necessary, stand up for its protection from uninvited guests. This character trait is more inherent in cats.

At home, pets are spent most of the day in motion; it is very rare to find a cat that will sleep almost all day. Likoi love to take part in human affairs, they are in the center of attention with pleasure. Pets quickly get used to their breeder, so they need daily contact with him, as well as new impressions. With strangers may exhibit some wariness, however, due to natural curiosity, they can make contact with a new object or object that has appeared in a dwelling.

Breeders of faces say that cats often spend time in the pose of a gopher, and they also use their forelimbs more actively in the game. Cats and cats are not devoid of hunting instincts, so they can show them inside and outside the house. On walks, they can play and catch small insects, but rarely are interested in larger prey. Walking animals is recommended on a leash.

Cats-werewolves are endowed with the instinct of the protector, therefore they are able at some points to demonstrate their care in relation to all members of their family. In some cases, pets come into conflict, even with large animals, when they feel the need to defend their interests and protect the breeder.

In the light of such features of unusual pets in appearance, it is worth considering in advance the number of animals living in the same house with their faces.

Conditions of detention

In light of the features of the exterior of pets of this breed, the maintenance of such cats will require certain knowledge and skills from the breeder. The highlight will concern pet grooming. Likoi are prone to frequent molting, so in the dwelling it will be necessary to carry out more cleaning and cleaning of soft surfaces where the cat spends time. Animals will need to be regularly combed, for these purposes it is recommended to use a soft brush, so as not to damage the sensitive skin of the pet.

Often it will not be necessary to bathe the mollusks, it can be limited to wiping the bald parts of the animal’s body with a damp cloth. After such hygienic procedures, the cat should be wrapped in a towel, as pets can become overcooled and fall ill. Special attention from breeders will require the eyes and ears of cats. They need to be cleaned with wet cotton pads. In order to avoid the development of any diseases, cats and cats should daily remove the accumulated secret in the corners of the eyes. There should be no sulfur and other impurities in the auricles.

A feature of the breed is the accumulation of brown secretion in the area of ​​claws, so the pet's limbs must be regularly examined, trimmed claws, without touching the living part of the nail. In light of the unusual type of cat hair, they are extremely sensitive to high and low temperatures, therefore In winter, pets are recommended to be additionally warmed with clothes for cats, and in the summer, to the maximum, protect against direct sunlight on the epidermis, which can lead to burns.

For an active pastime in a dwelling place, it is best to install a gaming complex at home, as well as to purchase several toys. For adult cats, you can buy a regular tray, but for kittens of this breed, it is more correct to choose an option with low sides to make it easier for the animal to climb into it. As the animal grows, its size gradually increases.

As fillers allowed the use of products for short-haired cats. It may be woody, silica gel or mineral composition.

Like any other pet, Cats need to conduct routine vaccinations, as well as preventive treatment from parasites. As a rule, these seemingly exotic felines do not show any allergic reactions to the vaccine or hygiene products. Not observed in animals allergic to food. The kitten should receive the first vaccination at the age of 2-3 months. Planned deworming is carried out at least once every 3-4 months; treatment from ectoparasites with face will be needed once every 6 months. With proper care and a good diet, animals of this breed can live with a breeder for more than 10 years.

If the breeder does not plan to engage in the further breeding of the mats, it is best to castrate or sterilize your pet. Cats are usually sent for surgery to reach 7-12 months, however, in this matter it is better to rely on the opinion of the veterinarian. As for the male, they are usually castrated at the age of 10 months to two years.

In most cases, young cats and cats more easily tolerate surgery and recover after it.


In drawing up the diet for the peeks, several basic rules should be followed. It is not recommended to overfeed your cat. And for the menu of an exotic animal it is necessary to select only high-quality food, containing in its composition a maximum of vitamins and nutrients. For animal breeds, they are advised to give preference to industrial feed. The priority will be wet food, but allowed the use of dry species. As for the class of purchased products, it should not be below the super premium.

In the natural menu, the breeder will need to additionally enter vitamin complexes. Some breeders point out that when keeping cats on regular food, they can sort out the proposed food. In cats, the diet should contain meat and fish, dairy products, vegetables and cereals. The number of meals per day will depend on the age of the cat. So, for kittens of the breed in the age of 2 to 4 months, it is recommended to make a menu with 6 meals.

Every month it is recommended to reduce the number of receptions once, so that by the year the cat eats 3 times a day.

Adult animals are allowed to feed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. If the pet will eat natural food, then with extreme caution, it should offer fresh milk. Breeders recommend to enter it in the menu no earlier than 6 months, so as not to cause disorders in the digestive system. For the faces it will be mandatory to include boiled eggs, lean meats in the diet, you can offer fruits to your pet, except citrus and exotic fruits.

Due to the increased heat exchange, animals are recommended to give portions that are slightly larger in volume than to cats and cats of other breeds. Among the banned products should be highlighted:

  • spices and nuts in any form;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty meats, especially pork;
  • legumes;
  • confectionery;
  • smoked meat;
  • bones from poultry and fish.

The presence of fresh drinking water from an animal is mandatory.


If there are one or two heterosexual pets of this breed, you can take advantage of a unique opportunity and try to get the offspring of these interesting cats by yourself. Today, you can find not only kennels in every cattery, and the growing demand for pets with a similar appearance can bring the owner a tangible profit in the future.

However, the first priority in this case will be membership in a specialized breeders club. The next step is the participation of animals, which are planned to be used for crossing, in various exhibitions. This moment is necessary for the cat or cat to be officially allowed for breeding. If there is only one face, he needs to pick the appropriate pair. It is important that this animal also had club membership and participated in exhibitions.

There are a number of requirements that must be met by the partner.

  • The main issue is the state of health of the animal. It should not have birth defects, as well as external deviations from breed standards.
  • The best option would be a person with a pedigree. In this case, you can be confident in the pure blood of the selected animal.
  • Usually before breeding between cat breeders a contract is concluded. It is necessary to prescribe all the conditions, as well as the rights to future kittens.

Cats are not recommended for mating in their first estrus.. As practice shows, the probability of reproducing healthy kittens will be higher if you miss at least two estrus in an animal.

The optimal age for pregnancy cat will be one year. As for cats, they can be allowed to mating at the age of 13-14 months.

      From a physiological point of view, a healthy cat is able to give birth up to five times in one year. But this option is stressful and depleting for the animal, which can adversely affect the health of the offspring, as well as shorten the life expectancy of the mother. After each birth, the pet must be given time to recover.

      It is recommended to invite a veterinarian for the first birth of a young animal. Immediately after them, the doctor will be able to objectively assess the condition of the cat and offspring, and also exclude the likelihood of developing such serious illnesses as mastitis, inflammation of the uterus, etc. If there are any complications, the next birth in cats should occur after at least a year.

      As a rule, breeders are of the opinion that it is not recommended to give birth to a cat of the breed more than 3 times in 2 years.

      For more on cat features, see the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


