Silica gel cat litter: the pros, cons, and recommendations for choosing

Today, almost every family has its own pet. Most often we are talking about a dog or a cat, although many prefer to keep at home and more exotic animals. But, anyway, getting into the house, almost all animals do not have the skills to properly go to the toilet, which is why they have to bring up our smaller brothers. It should be understood that it must be comfortable for an animal to satisfy its natural needs. And if we talk about a cat, then silica gel cat litter is the best solution.
It should be understood that a material such as silica gel is a solid sorbent of hydrophilic type that looks like a regular dried gel. Its production is carried out from a thoroughly dried polysilicon gel. It has almost the same composition as the sand. Excellent absorbing properties due to the fact that gel filler has granules with a porous structure.
Note that silicate gel works so effectively that it absorbs not only liquid, but also excess moisture from air masses.
In general, it should be noted that silicone and silicate-based fillers contain up to 98 percent of this substance. In its normal state, these are round balls or transparent crystals, which change color depending on the color and properties of the absorbed liquid.
A number of companies producing silicone fillers often add granules of various colors to the transparent substance: from blue to pink. Also on the market you can find options for fillers with flavors.
Advantages and disadvantages
Now let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this category of fillers. First, let's talk about the strengths of the product in question.
- Silicate filler for cats has a rather large porosity, which makes it quite easy to absorb liquid and reduce the humidity around the tray by about 40 percent.
- The considered material belongs to the group of chemically inactive, and is also not exposed to fire and high temperatures.
- It does not appear mold and bacteria.
- In the room where there is such a tray with a filler, there will be no unpleasant smell.
- Granules do not stick to the pet's paws and the floor remains as clean as possible.
- Granules have the highest durability of the chemical type, as well as high strength of the mechanical type.
- Balls or crystals absorb a fairly large amount of liquid, which makes it possible to change the contents of the tray less often. That is, a standard 4-kilogram package will be enough for a pet for a fortnight.
But despite the advantages described, this type of filler for trays has several disadvantages.
- This filler is harmful if the kitten has eaten it or wants to do it. Eating can cause stomach problems, which is why for cats that are prone to this, it is better not to use this type of gel.
- In no case such granules should be flushed down the toilet. Their disposal must be carried out exclusively with household waste.
- The filler should be stirred every day, due to the fact that when they are fully saturated, a puddle forms in the tray and the animal simply does not want to climb there.
- If the filler is made in the form of hard crystals, they can injure the tender legs of the animal.
- When the substance absorbs moisture, it makes a hiss and crackle, which may scare the animal. It can also emit noise when an animal starts digging it.
In general, this type of filler has both strengths and some weaknesses.
It should be said that there are varieties of fillers that differ in their essence, as well as composition. If we talk about the composition, you should name 4 main categories:
- woody;
- corn;
- clay;
- silica gel.
The woody variant can lump as well as absorb. The material is quite eco-friendly, which can even be flushed down the toilet. Best for kittens. But the downside is that the sawdust can be spread by animals around the room.
Clay filler can also clump and absorb. It is convenient to dig, and it is as close as possible to the natural environment. But easily carried around the house. Corn is environmentally friendly and remains in the tray. Can only be absorbent.
It should be mentioned that fillers are divided into two categories by type of activity:
- clumping;
- absorbent.
The first option is interesting because with the ingress of moisture, this area turns into a lump. The second can absorb liquid and odor, but its consistency will not change because of this.
If we talk about the varieties namely silica gel filler, it is flavored and not flavored. It can also have a different shape - round, large or in the form of crystals.
Crystals for small kittens are not the best solution, as they can damage their legs. But in general, the form does not give any advantages to one or another type, and therefore everyone decides for himself which option to use for cats.
Now it will not be superfluous to give a rating of the highest quality fillers of this type. Having come to the store, you can see that there are a lot of manufacturers of such goods. But which one to choose? We will try to make a rating based on customer feedback.
In their opinion, one of the best solutions on the market is silica gel called “Snowball”. This solution is white, made in the form of medium-sized crystals. It has antibacterial properties, perfectly absorbs unpleasant odor and belongs to the budget category. He also has a fairly economical expense.
A number of buyers point out the main drawback of this product - high dust content. "Snowball" is probably the most budget option for cat litter. It has to be changed about once every 1.5 weeks. A 4-liter package is enough for about 2-3 applications.
Another interesting option is called “Our brand”. This is an absorbent type silica gel filler. Made in the form of medium-sized white and blue granules. This manufacturer also produces similar products, but with different flavors.
Many say that the filler perfectly protects against unpleasant odors.
Another option is called CatStep. This is a silica gel filler that has white and blue crystals. The manufacturer claims that its products are an excellent solution that will help protect against unpleasant odors. It is also stated that thanks to this filler there will be no dust, and all liquids will be absorbed quickly and easily. In addition, the material is completely hypoallergenic. But this solution also has disadvantages, namely that its crystals are very hard and sharp and can injure the pet's paws.
Another interesting option has the name "Siberian cat." This silica gel filler has green, pink and blue granules. Its distinguishing features are:
- lack of smell;
- no dust;
- looseness to the cat's paws;
- hypoallergenic.
Many users believe that this is almost the best filler of the category in question.
Next, consider the option filler, which is called Smart Cat. This filler is also hypoallergenic, does not stick to the pet's paws, is environmentally friendly and easy to use. The manufacturer offers customers and flavored solutions: with the scent of apple, orange or lavender.
Another alternative to the options described above is called Sanicat. It is a clumping type silica gel filler, which has various colors and can be either aromaless or flavored. An important advantage of this solution will be that the balls are suitable even for kittens, and the risk of damage to the paws will be zero.
Another filler, which will be of interest to owners of cats, has the name №1. This is a premium class filler that is sold at an affordable price. It should be noted its special antibacterial properties, which allows it to stop the reproduction of various organisms after the cat has satisfied its needs. It should also be said that it is completely safe for kittens and young cats.
It is impossible not to mention the products of such brands as "Sea Cat" and "Lenta". The properties of the fillers of these companies repeat the rest, but are of high quality and deserve excellent customer ratings.
Tips for choosing
Now let's talk about how to choose the product in question. In general, it is quite simple. If you decide to give preference to just such a solution, then you should pay attention to the following points when purchasing.
- Inside the pack with filler should be a minimum amount of silicate dust. It is best then to purchase fillers that consist of the largest silica gel crystals.
- It is best to use white silica gel due to the fact that its toxicity is almost zero. The fact is that the manufacturer can use various substances with a certain toxicity to impart some color to the granules. As an example, cobalt chloride can be given.
- Before purchasing products of a manufacturer, you should familiarize yourself with the products of competitors and find out what features the products they offer.
- Will also play a role mass. For example, if you buy 50 kg of filler at once, then it may be more profitable, from a financial point of view, rather than buying it over several kilograms.
As you can see, it is easy to choose a quality silicate filler for cats.
How to use?
Now it is necessary to tell how to use the considered type of a filler. Note that despite the apparent simplicity, some users need instructions.
The process itself is very simple. It is enough to pour a few centimeters of the substance into the tray, which should be dry and clean. It should be said that different manufacturers indicate different amounts of silica gel. But, most often, users agree that the layer must be at least 5 centimeters.
If solid waste appears in the tray, then it should be thrown into the trash. To do this, you can use a special scoop, which usually comes with a cat litter. This device will provide an opportunity to leave clean granules in the tray.
About once a day, the silica gel that is in the tray needs to be mixed. This is necessary, so that the crystals that have already consumed their resources, did not become the cause of the appearance of the slurry.
Filler replacement should be carried out within the framework of recommendations given by the manufacturer. Usually a 4-liter bag for one cat is enough for about a month. If the cat breed is large, then the filler should be replaced more often.
It should be noted that fillers of this type should never be flushed down the toilet, because they can cause clogging and sewage clogging.
To accustom a cat to such a filler is easy. You can simply mix the silica gel to the filler that is used, and gradually increase its availability until you use it only.
If we talk about feedback, most of them can be called positive. For example, a number of users wrote that for fastidious cats that will not go to the same filler twice, this is an excellent solution, because the granules that absorb moisture and odor, make it possible to continue using the filler, which allows you to save it. Also, users say that the smell in the room will be significantly less than when using similar fillers.
Some catowners note the not always affordable price of such a filler, but they write that its cost effectiveness does not raise questions, as well as the fact that it is really convenient to use both the pet and its owner.
A number of users wrote that cats are afraid when silica gel begins to hiss, and it is difficult to get used to this phenomenon.
There are, of course, a number of negative reviews, but there are not so many of them, which suggests that, in general, the product in question was appreciated by the owners of cats.
An overview of Cat Step silica gel fillers can be viewed in the video below.