Domestic cats

Why do cats sleep at the feet of the owner?

Why do cats sleep at the feet of the owner?

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  1. The reasons
  2. Can you sleep together?
  3. How to teach to sleep separately?
  4. Recommendations for the organization of the bed

Cats have long become favorite pets for many people. Every day, these wayward animals surprise their owners with their unusual habits and behavior. Many cats prefer to sleep at the feet of their master. In doing so, they choose someone from a family member. Why do animals like it so much? Is it worth it to wean the cat from this habit? We will understand today together in this matter.

The reasons

Despite the fact that cats live alongside people from ancient times, humanity still fails to fully understand the behavior of this pet. Moreover, each pet has its own individual character. Therefore, for many people, cats still remain mysterious animals, and sometimes it is difficult to assess the reasons for their behavior and understand what it really means.

These animals very quickly get used to their owners and instantly become pets of the family. Every pet in the house has a special place where he likes to relax. For example, many cats love to lie at the feet of their master. Someone has a very positive attitude to this, considering that in this way the animal relieves the person from diseases. And this behavior is alarming and even scary for someone. What does this actually mean and what are the reasons for this behavior of pets? An unequivocal answer to this question is impossible. But there are several popular versions that explain this behavior of pets.

Explanations of veterinarians

Surely many cat and cat owners often turned to veterinarians with this question. Like most doctors, veterinarians are also skeptics, so they do not believe in various national signs, superstitions and all sorts of theories that put forward bioenergy. They have a completely logical and simple explanation on this.

Veterinarians say that cats are heat-loving animals, and this is the true reason for this behavior.

Since this animal loves warmth and during sleep it prefers cozy and comfortable conditions, the cat always chooses the warmest place in the house. In the cold season it is a place next to the battery, a cozy sofa or master bed. That is why, in order to rest in comfortable conditions, many cats climb under the blanket of their owners and sleep at their feet.

Professionals explain such love to heat simply. The fact is that during sleep the animal does not move and begins to freeze a little. In order to prevent overcooling of his body, the animal initially seeks for itself a warm, cozy and safe place.

Explanations of bioenergy

Bioenergy companies have their own version. For many years, bioenergy from different countries have been studying the characteristics and habits of these mysterious pets. It has long been known to all that cats are very sensitive animals. In addition, they are credited with unusual abilities.

For example, there is a theory that these animals can not only feel the negative energy, but also neutralize it.

If you believe this theory, the cat can easily find a cluster of negative energy in the house. Their favorite place for rest and sleep is just a cluster of such energy. It is necessary for the cat to lie only a little at this place, as the negative energy is neutralized and no longer conceals any danger. In this case, do not worry about the health of the animal itself, since it does not bring him any harm.

Often this energy accumulates in the corners of the room. But it often happens that the animal falls on the chair, the chair where the person had recently been sitting, and at night prefers to sleep at his feet.

Note that the cat selects only one family member. This suggests that the pet feels the energy of the person and tries to help him, neutralizing the whole negative. It is worth noting the fact that many bioenergy are confident that the negative energy of a person accumulates in the lower part of his body.

In addition, bioenergy put forward another interesting version. They say that every person draws energy from space. This process occurs unconsciously, and the person himself does not feel this and does not realize it. Initially, this energy carries a positive charge. But as soon as it passes through the body, it changes and becomes negative. Cats feel this perfectly and help a person to neutralize bad energy, thanks to which many people actually manage to get rid of bad mood, headache and even some diseases. Also, many fans of this theory are confident that in this way the animal eliminates not only the negativity and diseases, but also helps to prolong life.

Folk omens

Previously, there were many popular signs that said that a person should never sleep in the same bed with a cat, that this would have a bad effect on his health and destiny. But times are changing and people too. Therefore, no one believes in old signs for a long time, but they listen to new signs and versions with great interest.

Many people believe that in this way the animal shows its tenderness and love towards the person. By the way, not many cats are selfish, as is commonly believed. Often they do not tolerate loneliness and they always have their own pet in the family for whom they have tender feelings. Why, then, does the animal prefer to sleep in the legs? The fact is that these pets do not like to be annoying and do not want to occupy a leading position in the house.

Therefore, they choose the place at their feet, thereby showing not only their love, but also recognizing their owner as a leader and protector.

In addition, there are several curious folk signs on this score. For example, they say that if a cat sleeps all the time next to a person, then this is a serious reason to see a doctor. According to folk signs, cats perfectly feel a person and thus try to warn him about a particular disease. Perhaps such a pet habit suggests that this is the beginning of a varicose or some other disease.

Also, cats often lie down not only at the feet. Sometimes they choose an area of ​​the abdomen or back. People sign says that the cat always finds the most problematic place on the human body and with its warmth, with its energy, heals it. During an inflammatory process, an area of ​​the human body becomes hotter. Cats feel it perfectly and go there.

For example, during a cold or flu, many cats fall on the head or neck of a person.

Can you sleep together?

A cat does not pose any danger to humans. Therefore, do not worry about the fact that the pet is constantly sleeping next to you. As their pet, these pets choose someone for themselves and always lie down next to it. Such love can be easily explained. The fact is that cats like the smell of a certain person. He gets so used to him that he tries to stay with him at all times of the day or night.

Sleeping in a bed with a pet is possible, if it does not cause you discomfort. But sometimes it is better to avoid it. For example, if you sleep very restlessly, often toss and turn in your sleep.In a dream, a person cannot control himself and can harm his pet. Many animals also sleep deeply and in order not to injure the cat, it is better to arrange for it a separate sleeping place.

Also, you can not sleep with a cat for those who suffer from allergies.

Such a neighborhood is not desirable for a pregnant woman. In order to protect yourself and the health of the future baby, you should sleep in your bed without a cat. If the cat is already accustomed to sleeping with the hostess all the time, then you need to wean him from this habit.. Especially since soon, when the baby is born, there will be an infant next to the woman, therefore it is undesirable to have a pet in the same bed.

Many pets have a very positive attitude towards the youngest members of the family and love to sleep in their beds.

Do not allow the cat to sleep in the bed of a small child. The kid can choke, choke on hairs fluffy animal. In addition, most children sleep very restlessly, shudder in their sleep, turn very much. Thus, a child can harm a cat or a pet. Many cats are frightened by harsh sounds, movements and may inadvertently scratch a child from fright.

Since by nature, all cats are awake at night, the pet, upon waking up, can start playing with the toes, which will disturb your sleep. And if the pet is carried away, it may scratch you.

In the event that your pet regularly goes out, you should not let him sleep on the same bed with you. He can bring any infection from the street, which will adversely affect the health of all family members.

How to teach to sleep separately?

In order to teach your beloved pet to sleep separately, you should arrange for him a comfortable bed. How exactly to do this, we describe below.

  • After you prepare the bed for your pet, do not rush to install it in one or another corner of the room. Every cat has its favorite places in the house. Therefore, it is best to place a house or couch there.
  • Put your pet in a specially prepared place so that he can carefully study everything. Whether he liked a new place to sleep or not, it will be clear right away. If the pet is still small, you can draw his attention to the sleeping place with the help of catnip. By the way, for adult animals, such a bait is also great.
  • In case the pet already has a favorite litter, problems should not arise either. For example, he has long chosen your old scarf or T-shirt and is constantly sleeping on it, then you can put this thing in a cat's house.
  • At night, close the door to your bedroom. Of course, in the first few days the pet would absolutely not like it. But afterwards he will understand, he will get used to and will no longer be outraged, and he will start staying for the night in his house.

Recommendations for the organization of the bed

In order for the cat to sleep in its place at night, and not in the bed of the hostess or the owner, it is necessary to organize the most comfortable and cozy place for it. As mentioned above, cats have a very positive attitude to warm, comfortable places. In addition, they prefer to sleep in a clean place and it is for this reason that they choose the bed of their master, and sometimes they climb onto the shelf of a closet with clean bedding.

Pet bed should be comfortable, warm, dry and clean.

In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that most cats and cats love to sleep not on the floor below, but on an elevated place. This allows them to feel completely safe. Also pets try to choose dark and quiet places for an overnight stay. They prefer a quiet and cozy corner to open space, which is hidden from prying eyes. For this reason, they are not indifferent to the various boxes and love to sleep in them.

  • A bed for your beloved pet should be spacious, comfortable, with an open or closed top. Perfect even a large wicker basket.Since the animal is thermophilic, it is better to arrange a sleeping place near the battery. Inside, it should be soft, clean and warm.
  • A cozy place for a pet should be located in such a way that the pet could easily observe everything that happens. Be sure to install the house or deckchair so that the cat has the maximum visibility. Do not place the bed too high. Remember that the animal should be comfortable there to climb.
  • Use soft and pleasant to the touch fabric. You can make your own mattress or pillow, and you can choose a ready-made option, which is in every specialty pet store.

    If you want your pet to love your bed and sleep there all the time, you should regularly monitor its cleanliness. Clean the mattress of wool and dust, wash it regularly. Do not use powder or flavored soap during the wash. It is best to choose a neutral option, for example, baby soap.

    The answer to the question of why cats sleep in the legs of a person can be found in the following video:

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


