Domestic cats

Popular breeds of black cats and cats

Popular breeds of black cats and cats

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  1. Color features
  2. Temperament and eye color
  3. Types and their description
  4. Rules for the care of black wool

The ancient Egyptians considered black-furred cats sacred animals. In the brutal Middle Ages, black cats were burned at the stake along with imaginary sorcerers and witches. For a long time it was believed that a black cat brings misfortune, and the population of blacks was on the verge of extinction. Relatively recently, someone saw that against the background of black wool, these blue, green or amber eyes seem unusually bright, and the look - mysterious.

Black-haired cats became popular, many breeds of these amazing creatures appeared. It is worthwhile to take a closer look at them and it will become clear why they are so loved all over the world.

Color features

First you need to dispel the myths that for centuries have been created around the black color of cat hair. The black color of the fur is the result of genetics, and not the machinations of evil forces. Color is inherited, from mother to son - In most cases, a black cat gives birth to kittens with the exact same coat color.

The pigment of melanin which represents microscopic granules is responsible for color.

This pigment in turn breaks down into such two components as:

  • Eumelanin completely absorbs light and gives black pigmentation with all derivative colors: chocolate, blue, purple, faun;
  • Pheomelanin is responsible for all varieties of red.

Inheritance of a particular color depends on the sex of the mustache-striped, since the cat has one X chromosome and it can be either black or any shade of red. Cats have two X chromosomes, so kittens with a black, red or tortoise color can be born.

Temperament and eye color

Nature has provided black cats with a docile and peace-loving character. They are genuinely attached to a person, able to capture his mood and condition. Chernyshs are considered to be the best healers: they take the negative on themselves, transform it into positive energy and return it to their owner. This animal is not characterized by aggression. Thanks to their playfulness and cheerfulness, they will become good companions for children's games. If the owner often moves from place to place, they quickly adapt to new conditions.

A black cat is a reliable predictor of weather, especially for those who live in a zone of seismic activity.

The disturbed animal begins to rush restlessly around the house, forcing the owner to leave the building. However, black cats are loved not only for the livable character and colorful appearance, but also for the expressive look of the huge eyes. It was long thought that the most common combination was a black cat with green eyes. Although genetic scientists tried so hard to bring an animal with an unusual color of the iris, that today it is almost impossible to meet a cat with natural emerald green or grassy eyes.

Today's green is one of the possible shades.

Thanks to science, numerous species of animals with blue, amber, olive eyes have appeared. In this case, the breeders warn that as they grow older, the cat may change eye color.

For example, without exception, all kittens are born with blue eyes. Then it all depends on the pigmentation. If the front of the eye is pigmented more, the cat will have yellow eyes. If the pigment is in the back of the pigment, you get green eyes.

Types and their description

As a result of breeding, scientists developed interesting breeds of cats.The future owner is no wonder and confused. Before you decide what kind of purebred cat to bring into the house, it is worth exploring the existing species of these graceful pets.


To begin with, it should be emphasized that the only bright representative of black-haired cats is bombay. This breed appeared thanks to the American breeder and breeder Niki Horner, who wanted to have a perfect copy of the Indian wild cat at home. For crossing, short-haired individuals of an American cat and a Burmese cat were selected. Her color is a shade of sable, ideally black. Get the kittens with fur perfect black color turned out only in the fourth generation. But it allowed to establish certain standards of the new type of cats.

Representatives of the Bombay breed are characterized by coal-black dyeing of wool. Nose and paw pads of the same black color. White spots are not allowed. In rare cases, kittens are born with a white spot on the chest, which disappears as they grow up. The characteristic features of Bombay are considered to be a neat head with round, far-set eyes and medium-sized ears. He has a muscular body, small paws, a graceful gait.

Almost 100 percent similar to a wild panther. However, this breed was bred as a miniature copy of this formidable predator.

Despite the outward resemblance to a wild older sister, Bombers are extremely sociable and friendly. They easily get along with young children, play with other pets willingly, often climb into their arms, adore sitting on the owner's lap. These cats love outdoor games, an abandoned mouse or ball they bring back like dogs. The rest of the breed does not adhere to such strict rules to preserve the black color of wool, allowing for various colors. However, experts note that black cats have certain features.


Manx cats have a memorable appearance: a short body, fluffy hair and a square snout on a round head. They are characterized by prominent cheekbones, a slightly elongated nose, triangular ears, and slightly slanted, almond-shaped eyes. Another interesting feature of their appearance is the tail.

Often, representatives of this species are born with a short tail in the form of a pom-pom, or even without it. The normal tail length for members of this species is rare.

Manksy easily get along with all members of the family. They will never scratch a small child, even if it bothers them or hurts them. In extreme cases, the Manx will hide in a place inaccessible to the little tyrant. They are happy guests, so they do not have to lock in the next room in order to avoid trouble. With all the love for the household, these cats themselves choose their owner. Therefore, it is possible that they will gently purr everything, and only listen to and really seek the attention of one person.

If the house already has pets, Manx will quickly find a common language with them. And they will get a cheerful friend for games - after all, this mobile and curious animal simply does not know how to sit in one place for a long time. It is not by chance that curiosity is said - if this cat is interested in something, it will crawl onto any vertica to consider the subject that intrigues it. Therefore, all things standing on the upper shelves must be stable or well fixed so that the animal does not harm itself and does not drop anything.

Maine coon

This is one of the largest representatives of domestic cats. The weight of a male can reach more than 15 kilograms (females weigh less, but not much). These giants have thick soft hair, muscular body and powerful paws. The length of the fluffy tail can reach up to 50 cm in length. The head is massive with triangular ears and small but expressive eyes.

The animal has excellent health and great endurance - it is no coincidence that it was bred in the harsh climate of North America.

Despite the impressive dimensions, Maine Coon gently moves around the house, bypassing all obstacles. Tilted chairs, pillows dropped from a sofa or broken dishes are not about him. It is enough to call a small kitten once to order, he will quickly remember the location of the tray.

Maine-kun is a strong, at the same time friendly and peace-loving cat that does not snap at the unpleasant touch of an adult or the touch of a small child. He is trainable and can be learned by voice commands. It is not strange, this big cat is extremely shy and afraid of sharp sounds.

This balanced animal does not tolerate stressful situations, so the household should maintain favorable weather in the house so as not to spoil the nerves of themselves and their pet.


Persian longhair cats are distinguished by a spectacular appearance: a wide, pug-nosed nose, a massive head, small rounded ears, huge expressive eyes of yellow or orange color. These animals have powerful paws, large back and chest. Their wool deserves special attention: the Persians have a thick undercoat, and individual thin fibers can reach up to 20 cm in length.

If you stroke a Persian cat, you will feel as if you touched a soft, silky cushion. In principle, the lifestyle of these animals is not much different from the usual furniture accessory: they are lazy, do not like outdoor games and long running around.

A comfortable state for them is quiet lying down on a sofa or chair in the company of the owner.

In this case, the Persians are very sociable, affectionate, sincerely attached to all family members. They are unobtrusive - even if they need something, they will not mew hysterically, but will sit opposite the owner and look expressively into his eyes. Animals have good health, but they can get sick from lack of attention. Therefore, during the day you need to find time to communicate with the pet and not leave him for a long time alone.

Devon Rex

This is a small slender cat with a muscular body, thin neck, high legs and a long tail. She has a big head with high cheekbones, large ears and expressive eyes of yellow or green. Devon Rex is a short-haired breed. Often, their black fur casts with copper or silver, which is no coincidence: on the sides and back soft fibers fall in waves. Light is reflected from wool, forming a certain shade.

These cats get along well with all members of the family. They are equally fond of adults and young children, willingly take part in outdoor games.

But unobtrusive - if the owners are not at home or they are not ready to pay attention to them, the Rex can perfectly occupy themselves. Often they are driven by irrepressible curiosity - this researcher needs to climb even into the farthest corner of the apartment. Any new item in the house will also be scrutinized. The same goes for visiting guests - the cat will not calm down until it learns a new person.

American curl

This breed is characterized by turned ears out and back. This symptom manifests itself in kittens as they grow up, and then not at all - about ⅔ litter grows with ears turned out. According to the standard, they have a wedge-shaped head, muscular body, average paw size. Curls have a soft coat with a slight undercoat. The standard allows for short-haired and semi-long-haired varieties of these amazing animals.

These small cats grow for a long time and fully gain weight in the second or third year of life - only 3 or 5 kilograms.

These animals have no predisposition to hereditary diseases.

By nature, Curls are friendly, positive animals. They tend to show curiosity and interest in the environment.If the work of the owner implies frequent moving from place to place, the smart American will quickly master the new conditions. These cats love to "talk" with their owner, love the signs of attention from the household. However, they are unobtrusive and can always find something to do. Expressing revenge for inattention by damaging furniture or clothing is completely out of the spirit of clean curls.

Before bringing this animal into the house, it is worth considering a few points. Curls should not be brought to families with small children - babies can damage sensitive cat ears.

And the American cat endures loneliness badly.. If it is not possible to devote time to a pet, it is worth picking a cat with a more independent character.


The Siberian breed is unique in that it was formed without the participation of breeders. Severe natural conditions have created a cat with a thick coat, a heavy muscular body, a dense short neck and a chic fluffy tail. For Siberians, a round face with low-set cheekbones, forehead and broad nose is characteristic. They have widely spaced round eyes of blue, green, gold and yellow. Between the paw pads and the tips of the ears are tassels.

Siberians are unpretentious, so you can start them in a city apartment or in a private house.

These beautiful micelova easily get along with all members of the family.: they like to communicate with adults, and to small children are treated like native kittens. They love to run, jump and play. They can climb to the highest places to study the objects standing there. If the owners are away for a long time at home or have little contact with their favorite, the Siberians truly bored and start having fun at night.

At the same time, the animal is distinguished by its independent character: it cannot stand it when it is bored with stroking and squeezing. To go behind the tail of the owner, demanding attention, they also will not. The hospitality of the Siberians is unusual: they have long roared at the stranger, considering it an immediate threat to the household.

Rules for the care of black wool

It is believed that blacks need special care. This is partly true, since the black color fade easily in the sun, forming a reddish tan. Therefore, the pet should not be allowed too long to be in direct sunlight.

There is another caveat: if the pet does not get enough protein, vitamins and trace elements, its coat will become dull and faded.

Prudent owner will take care of the diet of the animal, including meat, eggs, cat's grass and various supplements.

The rest is required to observe the following rules of grooming, taking into account the characteristics of each breed:

  • thick manx undercoat requires careful combing, at the end of the procedure, the cat's fur can be smoothed with a comb; It is necessary to bathe these animals no more than twice a year with the use of special shampoos and conditioners that enhance the shine;
  • fluffy Maine Coon, short-haired curl and Bombay need to be combed with a brush-comb at least once a week;
  • long haired Persians and Siberians require particularly careful care - cats should be daily combed first with a comb with sparse teeth, then the fur should be worked with a puckerher, and at the end of the procedure with a comb with frequent teeth animals can be washed up to four times a year, after water procedures, the wool should be treated with a special tool to facilitate combing;
  • curly devon rex after combing, it is imperative to stroke it with wet hands: then curly hairs will automatically fit into neat waves.

Great care difficulties there. If the owner sincerely loves his pet, he will easily find time to select a diet, combing wool, socializing and playing. But the furry pet will respond with a 100% reciprocity and will delight not only with a playful mood, but also with a luxurious appearance.

See the features of Bombay black cats in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


