Domestic cats

The most beautiful cats: the best breeds

The most beautiful cats: the best breeds

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  1. Top rocks
  2. What colors are recognized as the most beautiful?
  3. How to choose a kitten?
  4. Care rules
  5. Adaptation period

The life of modern man can not be imagined without many things. Now the Internet, smartphones, beautiful clothes, gourmet food, apartments and much more have become important. For centuries, one thing remains unchanged. But this is one thing and can not be called a thing - they are pets. At any time in any country pets appreciated. Somewhere they even worshiped and worship to this day. For example, in India, the sacred animal is a cow, in China - the tiger, in Thailand - the elephant.

People kept and contain a variety of exotic animals. And what is the most popular animal in Russia? Of course, there are two types - dogs and cats.

But according to the rating and an independent survey among pet owners, it turned out that it was cats that became the most popular.

And given that we live in the modern world, among the most simple, but certainly cute breeds, there are those, at the sight of the beauty of which you simply blend.

Top rocks

Of course, it is impossible to single out the most beautiful breed, considering that now, according to conservative estimates, there are thousands of them, but still you can try comparing all the polls and ratings. Intentionally, the article will not be distributed to different types of cats, as each cat is good in its own way. Color, grace, charm, eyes, size of wool, even among representatives of the same breed are different.


Unusual name for the same unusual representative of the feline world. From the usual cat it is distinguished traits of character, as it will suit even avid dog lovers. The fact is that the burma has devotion and is also easy to train. The commands to sit, lay, bring, she will easily do all this after a short training course. As you know, cats are very capricious animals, and, of course, proud. But it is the Burmese that contradicts all these statements. In addition, she is incredibly beautiful and looks like a panther. She always needs a company, and she perfectly carries travel in transport. Her eyes have a stunning golden sheen, and her wool is shiny.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex has an amazing view and structure. The fact is that he is a descendant of the Egyptian cat breed. But taking into account their features, Egyptian cats are not everyone likes, and not everyone is ready to make them at home. Cornish Rex is really very similar to the Egyptian, but unlike the relative, it has a harsh to the touch short wool, which most often has a gray noble color. He has big ears and an elongated, stately body. He is not thin, his physique is very in tune with large ears, as well as big eyes. He is also very thermophilic. It is possible that a battery or a lamp will become his favorite place in the apartment. They are also very smart.


Those about whom one can say for sure that they are cute kittens. It is the kittens, as the exotic ones have huge eyes, large ears, but a very compact body. The combination of these factors makes you think all your life that you are a kitten, and not an adult cat. Exotics add to their sweet way frequent purr and incredible tenderness to the owner.

Maine Coon

This is not only beautiful animals, but also one of the largest cat breeds on Earth. Their weight can reach 20 kg, and height (in length) 1.2 meters! Around the world, Maine Coon owners are proud of their furry inhabitants of apartments and houses. Its wool, in spite of its fluffiness and beauty, needs minimal care. This breed combing itself and does not form lumps. True, help it will not be superfluous.In Russia, the largest representative is Adam's cat, 117 cm tall. And the world record was set by a handsome man from the United States named Stewie. His height was 123 cm.

Four-legged growth is considered from the tips of the ears to the very tip of the tail.


One more representatives of the feline world with dog thinking. Their unique color is similar to a cheetah. And unlike most cat breeds, these absolutely do not dislike water, but, on the contrary, run into it themselves.

Persian cats

Popular in the world breed of cats. You can not ignore these little lazy couch potatoes. The fact is that Persian cats love to sleep. Their sleep can take 18 hours from having 24. Now there are more than 100 species of Persians, varied in color, length of hair, eye color. Even their “trademark” snub nose is now not common among all members of the breed.


Not to be confused with the Burmese. Absolutely different types, just with very similar names. Burma was bred in Asia by monks. These cats are very similar to each other in coat color and eye color. All of them have a penetrating blue color of the iris, and the wool has an average length and is always light and soft to the touch.

Turkish Angora

Once upon a time this species was exclusively white and had multi-colored eyes. Over time, everything has changed a little, but the beauty of the breed has remained unchanged. The breed is derived from a wild-looking feline, but is completely domesticated and turned into a gentle miracle that remains the favorite cat of the Turks. From this cat you can rarely hear the familiar "meow." She likes to communicate very interesting sounds, without opening a mouth. Snow-white color though rarely found, but still it is.

And if you have such an inhabitant living at home, then you should know that this is a lot of luck.

Pixie bob

A relatively recently bred cat breed, which is famous for two features at once. First, they are exactly like lynx, but only several times smaller. And secondly, they have a very short tail. The name went just the same from this phenomenon, because the translation of the name of the breed - "short-tailed elf."

In Russia, it is not often encountered, as the species is bred in Canada.


There are many domestic felines on the planet who look like small predators. One of these representatives is the toyger. The name itself speaks for itself - tiger. Its light orange wool and black stripes look so natural that it can even be confused with a real tiger cub. Of course, it will not grow to a tiger size, since its maximum weight is only 6 kg, but it is a pleasure to have such beauty at home. In addition to its beauty, toygers are infinitely intelligent, muscular and very playful.

Norwegian Forest Cat

One of the most fluffy thoroughbred cats. It has the most beautiful long hair of grayish reflux, and the neck border is snow white. It is very similar to the Maine Coon, but it has its own unique image, which no other breed of cats in the world has. She is very proud, but at the same time she will not let herself be bored due to the fact that she does not like keen attention to her person. This breed can not be called affectionate, but you can surely be called friendly. Easy to get along with other representatives of the cat. He does not recognize hugs and kisses, but he respects scratching.


"Round" pet. It has a very cute face, plump cheeks, a round pelvis and thick hair. One of the distinguishing features is the complete absence of a tail. The tail is the strongest expression of emotions, but the absence of it in the Menks does not mean that this breed cannot speak out. On the contrary, they are emotional, love to play and swim. And thanks to their powerful muscular legs, cats of this breed can jump excellently both in height and in length.


This is really the name of the breed. Of course, the breed was bred by crossing, but the child of this crossing was amazing.It has a thick, beautiful coat and very short paws.

Cats of this breed, unfortunately, are rare.

They were derived through the Munchkin and Persian relations. And the genes of these cats when combined often mutate and form various diseases. In addition to the short paws, the cat has a very small muzzle, which gives it a charm. However, with regards to paws, there is also a species called Napoleon Classic. This subspecies is quite ordinary paws.


And this breed is not just very beautiful, it is also truly exclusive and insanely expensive. The view of this cat combines all the features of domestic and predatory cats. This can be understood only by the sight of this beautiful creature. Her mom and dad became an ordinary domestic cat and an Asian leopard.

In addition, the breed of such cats is safe for allergies, who have long dreamed of having a cat, but were not able to because of poor health.

True, the cost of such a pet can reach $ 100,000.

What colors are recognized as the most beautiful?

It is not possible to call the most beautiful breed unequivocally, and it is impossible to definitely name the most beautiful color. The taste and color, as they say. Different colors say a lot not only about the breed and character of the pet, but also about the tastes of the owner.


Almost no need for explanation color. It's simple. In another color can be called monophonic. This means that all the hairs on the skin have exactly the same shade and no abnormalities, that the roots, that the tips - no. Otherwise, we will talk about the lack of colors. Even thin stripes, overflows or spots are excluded in this color.

Perhaps the exception is only red seals. The fact is that at red cats at least the minimum outflow of wool is laid at the gene level.

In addition to wool, the eyelids should be monotonous, foot pads, spout.

But white pets do not have this color. The explanation is that they are colorless, that is, they are naturally devoid of any colored pigment. If a white cat has at least a couple of specks or a small tint of beige or gray color, then it is no longer considered white and monotonous.


The name is unusual, as is the color itself. But it occurs in nature very often. Tabby is called such a color, which adorns the wool pattern. Most often it is similar to the coloring of predators such as cheetah, tiger, lynx and other representatives of the cat. In addition, on a fur coat can look through and all sorts of patterns: hearts, circles and much more. On the face, starting from the forehead, there is always a pattern that comes from the nose itself. Summed eyes and bright cheekbones - nature and tabby tried.

Color tabby is divided into several types.

  • Mackerel or tiger. Many strips throughout the body. Their color can be different.
  • Marble. Wide randomly located along and across the strip form a marble effect. Interesting patterns may appear.
  • Spotted color. This is the color of this cheetah. The spots are located on the body and the face of the cat. In rare cases, they almost form stripes, but there’s still a gap between them.
  • Ticked tabby. Under such a complex name hides a very unusual beauty color. It does not have a definite pattern, but on the face you can see the remains of stripes. But the hair on the body is dyed unevenly, as if she had been made an ombre.

Shaded color

If a ticked tabby still has stripes on itself, then the shaded color can be called a real ombre cat. The hairs, as it were, are slightly not brought up to the ideal, but nevertheless the cats - the owners of this beauty - look really rich. Most often, lucky with the color of the British breed and Persian cats.

At first glance, it seems that the cat is monotonous, but as soon as it takes the first step, the wool begins to “play”, especially in good light or in the sun.

This also includes a sub-color - silver. Here a pattern is created, thanks to the differently dyed tips of the hairs.The base of the hair is very light or almost white.

By the shaded color can be attributed to smoky and anti-smoke colors.

Smoky color belongs, having a uniform colorless base and, approximately from the middle, hair of a different color. With such a pattern, while walking, the wool begins to disperse, forming the effect of "walking smoke."

Anti-smoke coloring is less common. In this case, the hair from the root is dyed with one color, and the very tip is white.

Color point

In other words, this is zonal dyed wool. Zones are always the same: the tail, the “boots” on the paws, the muzzle, the ears.

Description of wool color always goes according to the general scheme: the base, that is, the base color + if there is, then the picture + the word point itself.

But, in addition to such basic schemes, some species of cats have their own individual color point names. For example, already known to us Burmese are called purple, chocolate, sable and others.

"With white"

This is a kind of color. As mentioned above, the white color of wool is the pigment-free area of ​​the cat, which is called colorless. However, it is impossible not to select it as a separate subspecies. To be literate, the name will be “with white”. Why it happens? The wool in this case can be of any color, for example, red. It can be any picture, say, tabby. But in the midst of all this, it will be possible to easily see white spots. Such a description would sound like "tabby red and white." Even if the predominant color of the cat's fur is white, the postscript will remain the same.


And this color can combine all the above colors. Its colors can range from smoky to red and cream to lilac. Shaded, silver, point - all this can be a tortoise color.

What is a tortoise color? This is a combination of stripes, spots, all kinds of "scales" and other variations of colors and patterns on the cat.

How to choose a kitten?

Choosing a kitten is a very important job. Most people choose a cat to live together and take care of him. But some people specifically take the cat to participate in various competitions. The most important thing is to look at the future pet and understand that it is your animal. Beauty does not recede to the last plan, but all people like different breeds. Let's try to find out what the features of a kitten can say about him.

Boy or girl

There is a belief that cats love their owners more, and cats like housewives. Indeed, this is partly true. But in any rule there are exceptions. Which of them is more affectionate, can not be said. Again, it all depends on the breed, because there are completely unfriendly, brutal breeds, but there are, on the contrary, such that they do not dismount from the knees of the beloved owner.

It is also believed that cats are more vengeful than cats. But what kind of cat will take revenge if it is loved and well cared for?


The color of the eyes of kittens is almost always the same and it is difficult to choose a particular cat, not knowing which eyes will be in the future. However, if you know the peculiarity of the breed, then we can safely assume an approximate hue. For example, the Burmese will necessarily have a shade of gold, the Thai will have exceptionally blue, while the Siamese will have bright blue, less often blue.

With age, eye color may fade. And it is set to the desired color for about a year. Landmark cats in the dark also depends on the color of the eyes. Green-eyed pets see best, worse blue-eyed.

When choosing a kitten, look into his eyes. They should not be any extra drawings and "crumbs." All the excess says about deviations from the norm.


The value also has a tail, its length and shape. The tail is a continuation of the spine, which is why it should not be attacked under any circumstances. Also, the cat's tail is her mood and state of health. When choosing a kitten, pay attention to the fact that the tail is not bare and "walks" freely around.

Bred or yard?

You can not say for sure. Breed cats are more intelligent. They are easier to accustom to the tray, to explain that tearing furniture - it is ugly, to prohibit jumping on the bed. At the same time, mongrel cats are less whimsical to feed, care and even filler.

Cats with pedigree have fewer diseases or they are completely absent. In the case of cats from the yard is unknown. And if there are already pets at home, the purebred cat can infect them.

But if you still decide to take a pet from the street, you can immediately take it to the veterinary clinic and even leave it for a few days for diagnosis and treatment. Then an absolutely healthy animal will come home ready to receive your love and care.

And here you can immediately make a reservation that yard cats have immunity many times stronger than pedigreed.

Pedigreed cats can choose unusual and very interesting in appearance. Short legs, big ears, narrow eyes, long hair. Yard usually do not choose, and give birth "at the request of the soul."


Whatever the kitten may be - purebred or yard - it can not be taken before 10 weeks old. They, like children, have unformed immunity up to this age and depend on their mom for their nutrition. At this age, the kitten is better accustomed to the extraneous noise of the apartment, such as a vacuum cleaner, washing machine and more. And to the tray to teach him at this age easier.

Recommendations for selection

  • Kitty must be active. Again, this speaks of his health.
  • Kitty should eat well. Of course, given the stress that new people took him to a new place, his appetite may be slightly disturbed, but not for long.
  • All wool (body, ears, eyes, whiskers) should be whole, soft and beautiful. Deviations can be caused by a vitamin deficiency.
  • Under the tail should be dry.
  • If you choose a particular breed, consider whether you can provide it with all the conditions for living. After all, some breeds are particularly picky.
  • Buy a kitten or take it for free - also a task. Most often, the gift of giving or yard cats, or mongrel, or adults. And the most common cause is an allergy in a child. If you do decide to take the cat by the year, then keep in mind that he may behave very capriciously with you, or he may not get along at all.
  • The best pedigree kittens are sold at various exhibitions. Such exhibitions are held in any city. You can come to admire, learn all the rules of care for a particular breed, view the pedigree of a cat and even see how it behaves with other kittens.

Care rules

Now, when the breed of the kitten is defined, the kitten is chosen, and he is healthy and handsome, you need to learn all the rules of caring for him. And then the kitten will grow into a beautiful "lion" and for many years will delight you and your family with its lovely antics.

Be sure to pre-need to buy all the things for your pet.

These include: tray, filler, paddle, bowls for food and water, food for kittens, a scraper, bedding for sleep, furminator, scissors for a cat, a scaring and training spray, carrying. Everything in order in more detail.


They are different - with a mesh, open and closed.

Tray with mesh does not imply a filler, but it is not entirely comfortable, since the smell does not absorb anywhere, and if you leave the house, even more so the smell will soar in the atmosphere of the apartment.

An open regular tray assumes a filler. In this tray there are bumpers, thanks to them the filler does not fall out beyond the limits of the capacity when the "affairs" are instilled into the cat. True, if this is done very actively, then the bumpers will not save much.

The third type is a closed toilet. This is a toilet with a roof. The most expensive, but the most convenient. Inside the filler is poured, through the door the kitten comes in to handle the need. When digging in, the filler will not leave the toilet, and the odor will not go through the apartment.


There are several types of them: lumpy, absorbing and locking.Of course, you will choose the one that you like, but the kitten may not appreciate the choice and refuse to go to it. Most often this happens with absorbent fillers. And in most cases they are cheap wood fillers, which in 90% of cases will not like pedigree cats, and in 50% - domestic animals.

The most economical fillers - locking. And the most popular ones are crumpled.

Lump filler
Absorbent Filler
Locking filler

Food and Water Bowls

There is no particular philosophy here. From any bowls, any pets are perfectly drunk and eaten, be it a golden bowl or a cup made of used sour cream cans.


Here you need to consult with experts. The market now presents a huge number of brands and varieties. There are gentle and medicinal feed, there is a fat, for the finicky, short-haired; with chicken flavor, with taste of vegetables, with cream ... The veterinarian will advise you on the choice of food for your pet. But you can consult at the pet store, there are often people working with animals.

Most importantly, food should not be bought at a human food store, but at the pet store. In ordinary supermarkets they sell food that can ruin a cat's stomach from the very first months.


Claws in a kitten are from the first weeks of life. They are thin and soft, but over time they only get stronger and grow. Even if you cut them, the cat will still want to sharpen its claws about something. In this case, the assistant to preserve the furniture will be a scratching post. Here you can already pick it up according to the color of the furniture and the size of the apartment. There are claws that form whole locks in shape, and there are compact ones that neatly stand in the corner. Many scratching posts have a cat resting place.

The main thing is to show the kitten what this thing is.

Although, more often than not, they themselves understand its purpose and begin to sharpen claws.


Such a terrible word is understood only as a comb. It has thin iron teeth, often located on the surface. The furminator is needed not only for cats with a magnificent head of hair, but also for a short-haired one. Just need the second to use it less often.

But long-haired is recommended to comb once a week for sure.

Firstly, that less wool was in the apartment, well, and secondly, that wool was not clumped.

Scaring and training sprays

They need the kitten to know where to go can not, what can not be touched, and that, on the contrary, at his disposal. If it is possible to spray all unwanted habitats of the pet in the apartment with scaring sprays, then it is better for sparrows to sprinkle only the tray, since it teaches it to the toilet.

These are the most basic points with which you need to meet a kitten. And now we turn to the main components of care, which will be needed not only at the meeting and for the first time the pet's life at home.

  • Once in six months, it is advisable to visit the vet for the purpose of prevention. If you visit a private clinic and think that admission is expensive, think about it - a sudden treatment will cost more in monetary and moral terms.
  • I want to go back to the diet. In no case do not give the kitten food from the table. You have your own healthy food - he has his own. If you still can not resist, you can give a little yolk from hard-boiled eggs, kefir, beef and boneless chicken, boiled or raw vegetables.

No way milk! His organism a kitten or an adult cat will not digest.

  • Do not forget to cut the nails of the cat, but only very carefully, so as not to damage the capillary under the nail plate. It usually shines through the nail.
  • Clean the kitten's ears so that the ear mites do not get in them, and every six months, dig in worms. Also, once a year, preferably in the fall, drip a flea medicine on the withers, even if the cat is a homebody. You can always accidentally bring these parasites "on their feet" from the street. You are not afraid of them, but the cat is very unpleasant.
  • Once a month, buy special sausages that are not only tasty, but also a natural toothbrush.

Adaptation period

You must be prepared for this period in the life of a kitten, and must also be patient. A small, not yet understanding kitten, came to a new home, a new family. Before that, he saw only his mother and another owner, and then someone was new. For almost any breed, relocation is stressful. Kitten adapts to new conditions for 3 weeks.

Every day you need to play with the baby. So he quickly gets used to your hands, and there will be confidence. Just remember that during the game you can not use aggression.

If, during the adaptation period, the kitten has worn your sneakers, "went" not there, be sure to scold him, but not with anger. He still does not understand anything. Give it a strict intonation, you can take the withers, but just do not raise your hand to him! This can never be done.

If there are children at home, explain to them that the kitten is smaller and weaker than them. That is why you do not need to drag the poor man by the tail and in every convenient situation in every possible way to beat him. But gently playing will be superfluous.

Be sure to buy delicious vitamins at the pet store. If the kitten did something good or right - praise him with a treat. This will benefit health, and over time the kitten will understand what is good.

Do not rush to sterilize or castrate a cat or a cat. Sterilization is done before the first heat. This is about 8 months old. A castration can be done up to a year. You can and later, but this is if your cat behaves well with respect to the furniture, you and other animals - the inhabitants of the house.

And most importantly, remember: any pet is, above all, a responsibility. Think more than once, are you ready to take care of the kitten? Are you ready to put up with tattered wallpaper and tagging territory? Match the pros and cons. Do family members living with you want to have an animal? And will the other quadrupeds get on with your new resident?

Whatever beautiful and incomparable kitten, he will demand attention. And the more thoroughbred he is, the more attention should be paid. If you survive the first six months, then it will be much easier.

With the top 10 most beautiful cats in the world and their characteristics can be found in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


