Scottish cat

Features of white Fold Scottish cats

Features of white Fold Scottish cats

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  1. Story
  2. Characteristic
  3. Description
  4. Care features

A relatively young breed of cats - Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold) - very quickly managed to win love and popularity all over the world, attracting more and more admirers with its unusual appearance and various colors. A special place among them is occupied by infrequent white Scottish folds. Not every potential owner of a white lop-eyed kitten with blue eyes knows that it is for this species that cute animals have their own characteristics and nuances of maintenance and care.


Scottish Folds lead their history from classic British cats. The discoverer of the breed is considered a farmer from Scotland, William Rossi, who in 1961 noticed an unusual white kitten named Suzy from his neighbor. The kitten's ears did not stick up, as in ordinary cats, but were bent forward and lowered down. William became very interested in an unusual animal and after some time acquired his kitten, who inherited from his mother not only white color, but also an unusual ear shape.

William and his wife, Mary, crossed a white lop-eared kitten with a sleek British cat. As a result, the progenitor of modern Scottish folds has appeared. The breed was officially registered in 1965. But in 1971, it turned out that cats with an unusual appearance had health problems, as the mutated gene responsible for the unique shape of the ears endowed its owners with deafness and back problems. The existence of the breed was under threat.

But by that time Scottish Folds had already managed to acquire a mass of admirers, and active work began on the elimination of genetic problems. It was found that at the same time, both lop-eared Scottish cats (Scottish Folds) and rectangular cats (Scottish Straights) can be born. As a result, a way to significantly reduce the likelihood of a defective gene by crossing Scottish Folds only with Scottish Straights, and not with the lop-eared brothers, has finally been found. In this way, breed confirmed the right to exist.

Scottish folds
Scottish Straights


You can say that scottish folds are almost perfect pet options. The owners characterize the Scots as the most accommodating and peace-loving creatures compared to other breeds of cats and note their following positive features:

  • calm, peaceful nature;
  • moderately playful and inquisitive;
  • attached to the owner, but not jealous;
  • self-sufficient, not afraid of loneliness;
  • do not like heights, so do not jump on the furniture and do not spoil the curtains;
  • have a quiet voice, meow very rarely;
  • smart, trainable;
  • sociable, suitable for families with children and for the elderly;
  • get along with most other pets;
  • very clean;
  • longevity - with good care live to 20-22 years.

There is an interesting feature of behavior that is typical for Scottish cats: they like to occasionally stand on their hind legs and freeze in this position, like a gopher. This is due to the structural features of the spine, which requires such a kind of warm-up.

The disadvantages of the breed are mainly related to possible health problems. Scottish folds' weak points are joints and eyes. Since the breed arose as a result of gene mutation, arthritis and arthrosis, disturbances in the development of bones can be inherited.Eye diseases - glaucoma and cataracts - are found in older cats, and due to the structure and shape of the eyes, eyelids may occur. In this case, surgery is required.


The popularity of the Scottish folds is largely due to their very attractive and unusual appearance, which must meet the following standards:

  • maximum cat weight - 8-10 kg, cats - 4-5 kg;
  • strong, stocky body with a wide chest;
  • well-developed muscles, powerful paws and neck;
  • flexible tail of medium length;
  • spherical head;
  • round, bright, widely spaced eyes of various shades;
  • small, forward, folded ears;
  • small nose, round cheeks, massive chin;
  • short, thick, plush wool with a very thick and dense undercoat;
  • extremely diverse colors (smoky, tortoise, lilac, black, cream and many others).

White Scottish Folds with Blue Eyes. That white cat is considered the ancestor of the Scottish Fold. Among fans of the breed such color is considered to be very popular and popular. White lop-eared kittens with blue eyes, which cause a feeling of tenderness and purity, are especially appreciated. Such animals are born extremely rarely, and their fans often have to sweat in search of their dreams.

It is almost impossible to guarantee the appearance of scottish fold in the litter. All kittens are born rectangular, and only after 3-5 months the shape of the ears begins to acquire the final shape: it remains to stand or bend into the fold. The folding of the ears can be different: from single to triple. The larger it is, the more valuable and pedigree the cat is considered.

Even more difficult to predict the appearance of a white fold kitten. Even both snow-white parents due to the presence of a huge variety of colors in the genetic set may appear kittens of a wide variety of colors.

It happens that the color can appear only after a few generations, so it will not be superfluous to carefully examine the genealogy of the potential pet.

The pigment melanocyte is responsible for coloring the eyes of an animal. For the birth of a white kitten with blue eyes, such a confluence of circumstances is necessary so that the pigment content in the iris is minimal. Much more often the pigment is present in sufficient quantities, so kittens are born with yellow, brownish or green eyes.

It is necessary to take into account that a gene that provides a rare white color to an animal, unfortunately, in 50% of cases it gives its owner a defect - deafness. For this reason, when choosing a kitten, it is necessary to check its hearing. True, the problems with the hearing aid in such cats are compensated by the exacerbation of other sense organs. For example, a strong sensitivity to vibrations develops, due to which the animal reacts to the voice and recognizes movement. Often, the owners of hearing impaired cats do not even suspect the presence of such a defect, as the animals have a very good reaction.

More frequent is the appearance of a white lop-eared kitten with different colored eyes, one of which is blue. At the same time, deafness from the ear on the same side as the blue eye is possible.

When a kitten with blue eyes is still found and well tested, you need to be prepared to pay a significant amount for it than for a Scottish Fold of the usual color. Exclusive appearance of a cat will cost 30-50% more expensive than the standard price.

Care features

If you still managed to become the happy owner of a snow-white blue-eyed miracle, you must provide your pet with comfortable living conditions.

A house for a kitten is best placed in a secluded place, protected from drafts, to which the kittens are very sensitive. It is necessary to regularly examine the eyes and nose of the animal, since tearing can be a sign of a cold. The probability of getting bronchitis is also very high.

Scottish folds quickly become accustomed to the tray, while for white animals its height must be chosen more to avoid contamination of the paws and abdomen.

Snow-white wool will require more frequent bathing (for other colors, bathing is necessary 1 time in 2 months), while the detergents should be soft and neutral, without tinting components and fragrances. After washing, wet wool should be gently wetted with a towel and dried with a hairdryer to avoid sticking of dust.

Also, Scottish Fold should be regularly brushed with a special brush of medium hardness, but by no means anti-wool.

A kitten needs good nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements, which may contain natural food (lean meat, fish, boiled vegetables, cereals, dairy products) or premium food. If necessary, various dietary supplements can be included in the diet.

If the pet does not hear well, it is necessary to treat him with due attention on walks and not let one go outside. No need to shout and raise your voice at the cat - he can be offended and start ignoring the owner.

On the features of care for the cats of this breed, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


