Domestic cats

Toothpaste for cats: types, choices and tips for using

Toothpaste for cats: types, choices and tips for using

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  1. When to start and how many times to clean?
  2. What is needed for cleaning?
  3. Which brushes to choose?
  4. How to choose a paste?
  5. How to brush your teeth a cat?

In the wild, animals do not need to brush their teeth. They are self-cleaning due to coarse fibers of natural food.

But our pets need to take care, to help clean the teeth from plaque and tartar.

When to start and how many times to clean?

On the advice of veterinarians, the cat's teeth should be cleaned at least 1 time in 5-7 days.

It’s never too late to start brushing your pet’s teeth, but it’s better to start doing it when they are small. So they better get used to this procedure.

What is needed for cleaning?

To brush your pet's teeth you need brushes and toothpaste.

But there are also other methods and means for cleaning the teeth of the cat. You can clean the tartar from the vet by mechanical and laser method.

And besides toothpaste, there are gels, sprays, vitamins, special dry food, tablets and just raw meat and bones, which also help to clean the teeth from tartar and plaque.

Which brushes to choose?

There are several types of brushes for pets.

  • Finger. Put on a finger during cleaning. There are two types: bristly and massage. Usually sold together. Bristly need to clean the teeth, massage - to massage the gums.
  • On the handle. It looks like an ordinary brush, but the bristles are specially designed for cleaning the mouth cavity of cats.

How to choose a paste?

First of all, toothpaste should be safe for the cat (cat) so that it can be swallowed. And also it should have a good shelf life.

All toothpastes or what replaces them, can be classified by therapeutic properties.

  • Medical - used for the purpose of the veterinarian, when there is a disease in the mouth. Preparations of this group are used by the course.
  • Therapeutic and prophylactic - used for weekly cleansing and healing of the cat's mouth.

A number of agents can be attributed to therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

  • Toothpaste for cats - Available with tastes of beef, chicken, fish and other attractive flavors for cats. The color of the paste is white. For cleaning, no more pea paste is required. Do not foam.
  • Dental gel for cats - produced mainly without flavorings. The color may be different: from transparent to dark brown, which is not a deviation. It is applied to the gum or cat cheek.
  • Liquid Toothpaste for Cats - it is a colorless liquid with a slight smell of medicine. It is added to the water for drinking pet. Convenient for those pets who do not like to brush their teeth. But it is required to do it daily.

Dry food for cleaning the teeth of the cat - is available in the form of granules, sticks, pads. Made from particles of bones, veins and other natural food.

The mechanism of action is the machining of teeth from plaque and tartar. 20-50 grams per day is given.

Dental spray for cats - available in bottles with dispenser. The color of the spray may be different, it depends on the composition. Easy to use. After processing, it takes 20-30 minutes not to give another cat food.

Tablets, vitamins - biological supplements are available in tablet form. Consist of vegetable and meat-containing components. Have flavorings, nice cats. Per day give 1-3 pieces.

If you notice that your pet has a strong bad breath, bleeding gums, tartar, yellow or gray patina, best to see a veterinarian. He will determine what your pet needs, and if necessary, prescribe a dosage form.

How to brush your teeth a cat?

First of all, introduce the pet with a brush and paste. Give your cat a sniff of pasta, and play with a brush.

  • Prepare a toothbrush and toothpaste. Sit at your convenience, and try to relax your cat, stroke, scratch.
  • Begin to clean the front teeth. Movement should be smooth, fast, do not press hard. From the outside and inside of the movement of the brush should be from the gums to the tips of the teeth. On the upper surface of the teeth from the rear teeth to the front.
  • According to the recommendations of the veterinarian, the whole procedure should not take much time - 15-30 seconds.

Do not be upset if you can not clean all the teeth from the first time. Over time, the cat will get used. And if not, then there are other alternative ways to clean the teeth for cats.

The procedure for cleaning the teeth of a cat can be viewed in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


