Facial photorejuvenation: what it is, the pros and cons of the procedure

The modern aesthetic field of medicine (cosmetology) has many different methods and procedures. With their help, trained specialists eliminate cosmetic defects as much as possible and contribute to the preservation of young skin. One of the newest methods is photorejuvenation of a person, which appeared on the market of services only two years ago, but is already in great demand among the fair sex.
Features of the procedure
Photorejuvenation is carried out with a special apparatus that acts on the skin with intense pulses of light with different frequencies. However, such a broadband stream does not emit ultraviolet radiation and does not carry the risk of injury to the dermis. Depending on the task and individual characteristics of the client, the specialist adjusts the wavelength and determines the optimal exposure time.
The procedure has a number of effects on the skin of the face.
- Evens out skin color, whitens it. According to the physical laws, light reflects streams of light, and dark, on the contrary, attracts it. The skin reacts in the same way - various pigment spots, vascular nets and freckles are exposed to point heating. Melanin is destroyed, pigmentation decreases, and small vessels begin to contract. The pulse of light is able to penetrate the epidermis by 2-3 cm.
- Restores some skin characteristics: ability to stretch without damage and resist deformation. Light flashes cause collagen and elastin to be synthesized at an accelerated rate, thereby enhancing the regenerative processes and biochemical reactions. All this leads to an increase in elasticity - wrinkles are smoothed out, scars become less visible. The oval of the face is tightened, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, enlarged pores are narrowed.
- It has a therapeutic effect. The high-intensity light irradiation technique destroys pathogenic microflora and all harmful bacteria, effectively heals various damages and acne, prevents recurrence of acne and exacerbation of the herpes virus.
The benefits and benefits of the procedure are described below.
- The skin condition changes in a positive way, the effect of the method is persistent, although it takes some time to develop.
- Localization is not limited to the face zone only - the method is successfully applied to the neckline, neck and even hands.
- There is no mechanical damage to the skin, resulting in no scars or scars.
- The procedure itself is relatively painless. However, people with a low pain threshold may experience unpleasant or painful sensations.
- The number of sessions varies individually, but the duration does not exceed half an hour on average.
- It is well combined in co-op with other anti-aging treatments.
- The rehabilitation period is different comfort, since there is no need for hospitalization. All prescribed limitations are simple to implement and do not affect the daily rhythm of life.
- It is allowed to apply decorative cosmetics.
The disadvantages and disadvantages of the procedure are described in several positions.
- Strict contraindication for some diseases.
- Before visiting a specialist, it is important to make sure that he is qualified and knowledgeable. An intervention by an unqualified cosmetologist can result in a burn.
- The full course is quite long given the breaks between sessions, which can be up to 6 months.
- Sessions can be carried out only in the months of minimal sun activity - from about October to April.
- Skin must be carefully protected from sunburn.
- With tender and sensitive skin, temporary but persistent irritation may develop.
- The launched process of cell renewal requires a certain time, so the rejuvenating effect appears fully only after 1-2 months.
- Photorejuvenation procedure is quite expensive when compared with other measures to preserve the youth of the skin.
The duration of the anti-aging effect is from 6 months to 4 years - it all depends on the age of the client, individual characteristics and how carefully the recommendations of the cosmetologist were followed.
Proper preparation for the session - the first step in obtaining an excellent result. It is necessary to strictly observe certain rules before going to the beauty salon and especially after it.
Preparation consists in some actions which need to be executed.
- First of all, it is worth getting advice from a professional dermatologist. The client has the legal right to become acquainted with all the documentation that confirms the qualifications of the master, his experience and the quality of the equipment used.
- Complete refusal to sunbathe about a month before the appointed date.
- Refusal to apply tanning at the same time.
- Restriction of the peeling procedure 14 days before the session.
- Refusal for 7-14 days before the upcoming session from visiting pools and saunas.
- 4-7 days before the procedure, it is worthwhile to limit the use of pharmacological drugs - antibiotics, aspirin, drugs with vitamin A, ibuprofen, diclofenac.
These recommendations should not be neglected, since this is the prevention of various complications. For example, taking these drugs can cause the development of subcutaneous hemorrhages.
For moral training you need to know how the procedure works, how it is carried out.
- The patient fits on a couch and occupies a comfortable position.
- The area of skin on which the procedure will be carried out is carefully processed with tonic. If the skin is sensitive, then local anesthesia is performed.
- To protect your eyes from radiation, the doctor gives you to wear glasses, a bandage or a mask.
- The skin on which the procedure will be performed is treated with a special gel in order to protect the epidermis from heat and improve the permeability of light pulses.
- Then begins processing point light pulses in several series. The first series affects the epidermis, and the second already affects the deeper layers of the skin.
- Photorejuvenation is carried out carefully and not quickly, the duration of the session varies from 10 to 60 minutes depending on the goal and the area of the treated skin.
- At the end of the procedure, eye protection is removed, the remaining gel is removed, and a sedative is applied to the skin.
The procedure can be carried out at home.
- Compliance with all general recommendations, as well as prior consultation with a cosmetologist.
- Attentive acquaintance with the instruction.
- A test flash is conducted to check skin sensitivity. If after 24 hours there is no severe hyperemia and burning, then the procedure can be performed.
- In advance, all preparation measures should be observed - in no case should they be neglected.
- The working surface is cleaned with tonic without alcohol-containing substances.
- Apply a special gel, if indicated in the instructions.
- Be sure to protect your eyes.
- Then you can begin processing. It is carried out pointwise - one impact on one site per session. The nozzle should be moved along the massage lines. The exposure time is determined according to the instructions.
- Eye protection is removed and gel residues are removed.
- A healing agent is applied.
- 24 hours does not urinate the treated area of skin.
- After that, you must strictly follow the rules of the rehabilitation period so that the skin heals properly.
- Laser technique. In this method, the source of light pulses is a solid-state laser emitter. With it, you can adjust the wavelength depending on the goal. The positive side of the laser is a point and deep impact with low-impact polishing of the skin. As a result, it begins to be intensively updated, coagulation structures are formed, as a result of which the capillaries are emptied.
- IPL Technician Intense Pulsed Light - work with high-intensity light pulses. There is an impact of the luminous flux with a certain long and fairly high tunable intensity. Special equipment makes it possible to remove not only vascular nets, but also pigment spots.
- ELOS technique. Electro - Optical Synergy - Electro-Optical Synergy. A feature of the technique is the combination of light pulses with electrical pulses. The impact simultaneously of two types of energy gives an enhanced effect of renewal and rejuvenation of the skin.
- Collagen photorejuvenation technique. The technique involves the use of specialized red lamps, also called collagen lamps. Due to the peculiarities of red light to penetrate deep into the skin up to the hypodermis, impulses are converted into the energy of chemical bonds of organic substances, which stimulates the production of fibrillar protein.
- LED technology. Light - emitting diode - LED therapy. This is the softest technique in which infrared and ultraviolet thermal radiation is completely excluded. For work, specialists use pulses with different lengths and act on certain layers of the epidermis and dermis, thereby achieving the desired effect.
- Technique BBL. Broad band line - broadband radiation. The procedure can be done on the platform Joule Sciton, using the latest developed devices. Technique involves the use of the power of impulsive light to deliver energy to certain areas and to a certain depth. The light is absorbed and accumulated by melanin, blood pigment and water, thanks to which the start of the formation of collagen begins. As a result, rejuvenation occurs.
Indications for use
Facial photorejuvenation is not a surgical method or other mechanical intervention in the integrity of the skin, so there are certain indications for it that are important to discuss with a cosmetician and find out how the skin can change and what the effect of the procedure will be.
It should immediately be said that, despite the advancement of technology, it will not reverse the pronounced age-related changes in the swollen facial shape, sagging skin, deep wrinkles and large cicatricial formations.
The indications for photorejuvenation include:
- lower skin turgor;
- the appearance of small wrinkles;
- minor scars and other similar superficial damage;
- nervousness of the complexion;
- the presence of freckles or age spots;
- effects of acne and rosacea;
- development of vascular nets and stars;
- expansion of pores;
- problematic, oily or excessively dry skin.
The method has some age limits, directly related to the desired effect. In other words, if the goal is to remove freckles or pigmentation, then the procedure can be performed even for children. If rejuvenation is the main goal, then the procedure is applied after 30 years, that is, precisely at the time when the first signs of aging appear. The effectiveness of the method at this time due to the weak severity of age-related changes.
However, the expediency of the technique is optimal up to 50-55 years. This does not mean the refusal of the procedure, but the effectiveness of the use greatly decreases.In any case, at this age, before a photorejuvenation, it is necessary to consult with a competent specialist and not to forget about individual features.
Contraindications to photorejuvenation are divided into absolute and relative.
Absolute contraindications:
- oncological diseases;
- blood diseases with dysfunction or structure of any blood cells;
- disorders of the endocrine system;
- diabetes of any type and etiology;
- chronic and acute diseases of the skin;
- eye diseases;
- presence of moles and birthmarks on the operation site;
- very dark skin from nature;
- hormonal imbalance with subsequent increased hairiness;
- age from 75 to 90 years.
The following describes the relative, that is, temporary, contraindications, ignoring which can cause severe harm to the skin.
- Solar cycle with maximum activity of sunlight. The optimal time of the session is the autumn-winter period.
- Woman while carrying pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- The procedure can be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after sunbathing and applying an artificial tan.
- Exacerbation of the herpes virus. Before the session, it is important to fully undergo treatment.
- Period of increased body temperature.
- Reception of some pharmacological substances.
- The presence of damage on the treated area of the skin.
Subsequent skin care
The rehabilitation period is no less important than the procedure itself. For irritated skin, good and proper care is needed so that all microdamages heal without unpleasant consequences.
Care products:
- within one week it is necessary to lubricate the skin with regenerating creams or ointments, which the master writes out;
- face can be cleaned with cosmetic milk and tonic only without the presence of alcohol in the composition;
- to comply with the water regime, drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day;
- take a course of vitamin and mineral complex;
- 2-3 weeks not to leave the house without sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 (if the sun shines very bright, then not less than 50).
In the rehabilitation period, you need to limit some activities.
- For 14 days it is necessary to limit sunbathing.
- For the same period, strictly refuse to visit the sauna, baths and pools. During this period, overheating and chlorine-containing substances in water are very harmful.
- Cosmetics containing alcohol and steam baths are undesirable.
- At least a week is desirable to limit or refuse to take alcohol and smoking.
Possible complications
Each woman tolerates a session differently: one complication, other than redness, may not be present, while the other will have severe swelling and bruising. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body and is poorly controlled.
However, the most common external causes of complications are:
- ignoring training measures;
- the manipulation of persons with contraindications;
- unprofessional beautician;
- errors in the rehabilitation period.
Mild effects may also occur after the procedure.
- Slight hyperemia and irritation - the phenomena disappear on average two hours after the session.
- The feeling of painful tickling irritation and a strong burning sensation disappear two hours after the session.
- Darkening of pigmentation, formation of a crust. The process is associated with the destruction of the pigment. This phenomenon passes a week later. The resulting crust disappears, and in its place remains only a healthy epidermis.
Sensitive skin is more susceptible to this and can sometimes cause severe discomfort. The healing time is slightly longer, but in general such effects pass on their own.
There are other consequences after the procedure.
- Swelling of the face. This is a fairly frequent complication, which lasts an average of 2-3 days. If the swelling is not very pronounced and goes well, then you do not need to do anything.If the edema lasts more than three days, then it is necessary to visit the salon where the session was held. The cosmetologist must find out the reason for the long healing and prescribe aids.
- Excessive hyperemia with skin sorenessnot passing two days later. Sometimes it goes along with swelling. In this case, you need to visit a beautician as soon as possible.
- Hematomas. Bruises appear in the event of an incorrect selection of the power of the pulse or the ingestion of prohibited drugs before the session. The treatment is carried out with healing agents and takes time.
Do not be afraid of possible troubles and avoid photorejuvenation. They develop only in 2% of cases from all conducted sessions, and they can be prevented by careful selection of the salon and following all recommendations.
Most of the patients are satisfied with the results of facial rejuvenation. Moreover, clients (especially up to 45 years) note a positive effect only an hour after the procedure. The skin before and after the session underwent dramatic changes, almost no side effects, bruises and swelling.
Patients aged 45 and older had to undergo surgery several times to see the changes, however, they were also satisfied. Deep wrinkles that have affected the deep layers of the epidermis, right up to the hypodermis, have not completely disappeared, but the skin has become fresher, the wrinkles have become less sharp, and the facial contours and flakes have tightened.
Negative reviews are mainly based on discomfort and fear. It is very important to prepare not only physically, but also morally, since fear causes women to worry and keep themselves in tension, which causes the feeling of pain and distrust of the procedure to increase.
The opinion of professional beauticians is also positive. Experts believe the technique is a real alternative to surgical interventions. But they note that the maximum benefit from the operation can be achieved only when it reaches 35 years.
However, one should not go into false misconceptions about the omnipotence of photorejuvenation. This event will eliminate minor flaws, but there will be no fundamental transformation. To enhance the effect, the problem of aging must be approached in a complex with the introduction of additional therapies and procedures.
As mentioned earlier, unqualified personnel and incorrect procedure can lead to serious consequences and injuries. Therefore, it is important to choose a good salon, find out its reputation and the time it spent on the market. You can ask around and get feedback on special thematic forums and sites.
Each patient has the full right to know all the nuances of the procedure and possible complications, to see certificates confirming the quality of the equipment, the license of the dermatologist. Also, it would not be superfluous to talk with patients and find out their opinion about the clinic and the quality of services.
It is important to consider that this procedure is expensive, with a variation depending on the class of equipment used, the area of the treated skin, the technique used. If the price for the service is suspiciously low, then you should think about the quality of the equipment. Of course, in the regions the prices are slightly lower.
How the procedure of photorejuvenation of the person is carried out, look in the following video.