Hand care

Make masks for hands

Make masks for hands

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  1. Features
  2. Rules of application
  3. Recipes
  4. Tips

The arms are the part of the body where age-related changes are primarily manifested. It is important to take care of your hands from an early age. Unconditional positive effect on the skin have special masks. This article will describe in detail how to make a mask for your hands, what ingredients are necessary for this. What exactly will be the effect on the skin and the general condition of the hands depends on the composition of the cosmetic.


The main reason for the discomfort on the skin of the hands, as well as the need to use special masks, is dryness. It also causes more rapid aging of the skin.

The following factors cause this process:

  • lack of protective gloves on hands when working with toxic substances or detergents;
  • deficiency of essential trace elements and vitamins;
  • lack of regular proper care and care for the skin of the hands;
  • unhealthy diet and bad habits;
  • problems with the immune or endocrine systems;
  • sudden weather changes;

    To avoid the consequences of all these effects, you should try the effect of a hand mask on yourself. It helps the skin to preserve youth, become more elastic and soft. In some cases, masks can even beneficially affect the blood circulation processes. In the cosmetic stores there are various options for finished products, but it is believed that the most useful mixture can be made with your own hands at home. This is due to the fact that the homemade mask contains a larger number of natural components, its shelf life is organic, which explains the absence of those additives that are used for the purchased products.

    In addition, some masks are quite expensive, and they do not always have the promised effect. But if you do not adhere to a specific algorithm of actions and rules, even a self-made hand mask may not have the proper effect.

    Rules of application

    Mask for hands will positively affect the condition of the skin only subject to the following rules.

    • The minimum frequency of application should be 2 times a week.. With less regular procedures, the impact will not be so obvious. Certain types of masks are recommended to put courses.
    • Be sure to prepare the skin before applying the mask. With the help of hand massage you can speed up blood circulation. Do not neglect special baths, which will enhance the effect of the further procedure.
    • Prepare the mixture not in advance, but immediately before useSince natural nutrients lose their properties over time and their shelf life is short.
    • To benefit increased mask gloves are recommended. They can be polyethylene, but in order for the skin to get more nutrients, wool gloves are worn on top as well.
    • If the skin of the hands has any damage, for example, cuts, burns and wounds, then eliminate the mask, which include various acidic products (berries and lemon juice).
    • Be careful when choosing a mask, if you have allergies on any products, as well as if you suffer from skin diseases. Be sure to consult your doctor before the procedure.
    • It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water.You can also use cotton pads.
    • To the components of the mixture penetrated the deep layers of the skin of the hands, they are recommended to be applied at night. If you do not want this, then it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, so that the skin after it is not exposed to contact with foreign substances, and the benefit was maximum.
    • After you wash your hands off the mixture, it is recommended to use A special soothing cream with a moisturizing effect.

    By adhering to these rules, you can independently saturate the skin of the hands with nutrients and improve its appearance without adverse effects on health.


    There are a huge number of recipes for masks that can be easily made by hand. The main thing is to decide before creating a certain composition - what kind of result you want to achieve.

    There are two main effects of masks:

    1. fight against dry skin, its moisturizing.
    2. neutralization of the aging process.

      For each of these options, there are separate lists of recipes that can be easily used for cooking at home.

      To prevent dryness, use the following mask options.

      • Composition of honey and olive oil. Take the olive oil and honey in a ratio of 1/3, mix them and sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice. Cover your hands with this composition, wear cotton gloves and leave the mask on all night. To achieve an effective result, carry out the procedure a couple of times in 7 days.
      • Citrus juice and honey are also squeezed for a mask with flax oil.. Oil and honey need to take in the amount of 1 tbsp. l and combine with the juice of one lemon. For 2 hours, apply the composition and wear gloves. Then wash the components with warm water and moisten the dermis with a cream.

      If twice in 7 days to carry out such a procedure, over time, the skin will not only moisturize, but also become softer.

      • Honey in a small amount also goes well with oatmeal, taken in an amount of 1 tsp. and one egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients, cover their hands, wear gloves and leave overnight. The effectiveness of the mask is very high, so it can be done only once a week.
      • Cucumber pulp is used as an effective moisturizing and emollient. and to even out skin tone. The flesh of the peeled vegetable is rubbed on a grater, and then applied to the hands for half an hour.

      Do not be lazy to do this simple procedure every other day, then the moisture balance in the skin of the hands will always be normal.

      • If the skin is exposed to heat or cold for a long timethen it loses a significant amount of moisture. In this case, you need to cover your hands with a mixture of banana pulp and a teaspoon of olive oil. Wash off the mask after a few hours. The recommended course is 3 times a week.
      • To moisturize the skin The same amount of olive oil can be mixed with a spoonful of strong green tea and cottage cheese, taken in the same proportion. On the hands of the mixture lasts half an hour. When applied at intervals of a day, you can get a very quick positive effect - the skin will change in just a week.
      • If your hands are dry enoughthen a mask of boiled potatoes comes to the rescue. Sometimes it is also diluted with milk. On the hands of the mass must be kept for 3 hours. The recommended frequency of the procedure - a couple of times in 7 days.
      • Sometimes the recovery procedure involves not only applying a mask, but also physical manipulation.. This approach is relevant in the case of a mask of grape pulp and oatmeal. Oatmeal is steamed, mixed with the second component, and then after applying the hands to the skin lightly massaged. It is useful to carry out the procedure 2 or 3 times in 7 days.
      • Skin-nourishing oatmeal is a key ingredient in the following recipe. 2 tbsp. l water added in 3 tbsp. l cereals, there also need to drop a little burdock oil and stir all the ingredients. Then the composition is applied to the hands and held for 2 hours.

      The beneficial effect of this procedure is also on the nail plate. It is enough to make such a mask only once a week.

      • The classic method of moisturizing the skin of the hands is the use of masks based on clay.. This ingredient can be mixed with various oils, sour cream or even aloe.
      • Mask from cocoa powder and glycerin will perfectly help to relieve the skin from dryness. Dilute about 40 g of dry cocoa with hot water, so that the powder will become a mushy consistency. Glycerin is added in the amount of 1 tsp, then it is thoroughly mixed again. This mask should be applied to slightly moist skin of the hands.
      • The simplest recipe mask to combat dry skin involves soaking white bread in warm water.. The resulting mixture is applied to the hands and washed off after half an hour. It is recommended to make such a mask every day.
      • If your hands do not have enough vitaminsThis is often reflected in the growth and condition of the nails. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use special masks with gelatin for the nail plates.

      Another type of hand masks is aimed at skin rejuvenation and the fight against age-related changes.

      Among finished products, the greatest demand is typical for alginate masks, and The most popular self-cooking options are as follows.

      • Aloe mask (The plant must be at least 3 years old). In addition to a few leaves taken from the bottom of the plant, 3 or 4 drops of ylang-ylang oil should be used, as well as sour cream with a fat content of 25%. Sheets cut from the plant should be thoroughly rinsed and left in the refrigerator for several days, placed in a bag of polyethylene. After the time, remove the leaves, chop them in a blender, mix with sour cream and butter, and then increase the temperature of the composition to 40 ° C using a water bath.

      Apply the mass on your hands and wear gloves.

      • If the skin of your hands has become flabby, irreplaceable will be a mask of cabbage juice. You will need only half a glass of sauerkraut juice, heated to the optimum temperature for you. It should be moistened with cotton gloves, and then put them on your hands for half an hour. You can enhance the effect by wearing more gloves of polyethylene or wool on top. It is necessary to rinse off the composition very carefully, then lubricate the skin with a cream rich in nutrients.
      • With age, pigmented spots may appear on the hands., therefore, not only rejuvenating, but also whitening mask is useful. This is the mixture of parsley and cucumber, taken in equal proportions (50 g each), and 1 tbsp. l sour cream. The green ingredients are ground with a blender, then sour cream is added. Everything is thoroughly mixed, applied to the hands and held for an hour. It is recommended to wear polyethylene gloves.
      • Among the natural vegetables useful for restoring the beauty of the hands is the carrot. 150 grams of grated vegetables mixed with 1 tbsp. l almond oil or olive oil and the same amount of sour cream. Using a water bath, increase the temperature of the components to about 40 ° C, then lubricate your hands, wear gloves and leave the mask for an hour. Since it is common for carrots to pigment the skin, apply a whitening cream after the mask.
      • Fresh or frozen strawberries have an excellent regenerating and rejuvenating effect.. To create a mixture of 50 g of berries mixed with 1 tbsp. l olive oil and 2 tbsp. l oatmeal It is desirable to grind flakes in a coffee grinder, and strawberries - in a blender. After mixing all the elements, heat them a little, put on gloves after applying and leave the mask for half an hour. Wash off the mixture with warm water, and then use a nourishing cream.
      • Citrus fruits can significantly improve skin firmness and elasticity., for example, oranges.To create a mask, the juice from half of the fruit should be mixed with a couple of spoons of grape seed oil, heat the composition and apply it with massage movements to the hands and nails. Then you need to wear cotton gloves and on top some more - from cellophane.

      The minimum duration of the procedure is 1 hour.


      So that the procedures for restoring and softening the skin of the hands are carried out with maximum benefit, listen to the following recommendations.

      • Do a home allergy test. Before using the mask on the entire surface of the hands, apply the mixed components on a small area for 10 minutes and rinse.
      • Before using a specific recipe, carefully read the algorithm of its creation, use only fresh products for the mask.
      • If you prefer finished products, read the reviews about it before buying. This will help you identify the best types of masks at the most reasonable price.
      • Begin to take care of the health and beauty of your hands from your youth. This will help you avoid problems in the future and preserve youthful skin for a long time.

      Another effective recipe for masks for hands, see the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


