Hand care

How to rejuvenate your hands at home?

How to rejuvenate your hands at home?

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  1. Causes of skin fading
  2. Aging Prevention
  3. Ways of care
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. Recipes for rejuvenation
  6. Anti-aging masks
  7. Cleansing lotions
  8. Useful hand baths
  9. The best scrubs for peeling

To date, cosmetology has made such progress, which it was impossible to even think 10-15 years ago. Every day, new creams, procedures and products are invented to rejuvenate the skin. Unfortunately, many girls in pursuit of the perfect face forgets about the beauty of hands, and in fact they grow old much faster. This article will discuss different ways to rejuvenate the skin of the hands and protect it from fading.

Causes of skin fading

Every woman knows that unkempt hands can completely spoil the first impression of a man. Of course, it is impossible to stop the aging process, but it is in our power to understand and take into account the causes that cause it. Let us examine several factors that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.


Bright sunlight always uplifting, improves well-being, brings to mind pleasant days spent at sea or in nature. However, you should not abuse the sun. Ultraviolet - one of the main enemies of women's skin. A long stay in the heat in summer provokes drying of the skin and dehydrates the body. Pigment spots, dryness begin to appear, the skin becomes rough.

In winter, when it is cold outside, the hands of many girls are unbearably cold even in gloves. The impression is greatly enhanced in the presence of an icy gusting wind. At this temperature, blood circulation decreases, and the hands, again, are at risk of premature aging.

Household chemicals

Think about it, do you often wear gloves when washing dishes or a bathroom? If not, it is better to start doing it right now. Components that contain cleaning products, sometimes extremely aggressive and adversely affect the skin of women's hands. The same applies to the constant use of gels and antibacterial soap. Of course, hands should always be kept clean, but washing out uncontrollably will only harm. If you constantly use these tools, the layers of the skin will no longer serve as a defense against the entry of bacteria.


Over time, the body produces less and less collagen, and such changes have a strong effect on the face, neck and hands. This is a completely natural process that happens with every woman. The cells gradually decrease the amount of water and fat, so the skin becomes thinner and becomes pigmented.

Hormonal disorders

The most dangerous hormonal disorders occur in women of different ages. They can begin in adolescence, and progress during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause. Such disruptions stop the production of estrogen, forcing the skin to age quickly. Especially these processes are visible on the hands, if you do not protect them from weather conditions and aggressive detergents.

Aging Prevention

In order to keep the skin of the hands beautiful and healthy as long as possible, cosmetologists recommend to follow a few simple rules. Preventive methods do not require you a great investment of time or money.

Here are some basic tips for girls with skin problem hands:

  • always wear gloves or mittens in cold or windy weather;
  • Do not use hot water to wash your hands: it dries your skin very much;
  • when cleaning houses, protect your hands with rubber gloves, and in case of excessive sweating of the palms, sprinkle them with baby powder;
  • Try to expose hands to direct sunlight less, before going out it will be useful to apply a protective cream or lotion;
  • after each wash, use emollient greasy cream;
  • choose the right soap, only soft cream-based options will do;
  • often do a manicure, because it means not only nail care, but also useful baths for hands;
  • drink at least two liters of water so that the body always receives enough liquid.

Ways of care

Rejuvenating your hands at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You do not need to go to expensive clinics and order the services of a cosmetologist.

A good idea would be to master a small workout for the hands, which will help them to always stay in good shape. One of such trainings is gymnastics for brushes. Before exercise, be sure to apply a moisturizer.

The technique is as follows:

  • we stretch our arms well and at a fast pace we connect, and then we move our fingers apart;
  • on one hand slightly spreading the fingers, and the second trying to spread them a greater distance, after the exercise, be sure to shake hands, you can lightly pat them together;
  • take a small ball and try to squeeze it as tight as possible with your index finger and thumb (if you didn’t have a ball at home, imagine that it is in your hand).

For old skin a great helper is a rejuvenating mask.

These masks make hands soft and moisturize the skin for a long time. Cosmetologists advise to resort to this tool once or twice a week. Before applying the mask, you can try and bath. You can even make them in front of a TV or computer. There are many other proven tools that really help the skin of the hands to find a second life.


The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, a softening cream. Creams, designed to keep the hands young, always contain a lot of glycerin, which makes the skin softer and velvety. There are several types of such creams: nourishing, moisturizing, protective, anti-aging, medicinal. The composition of the product may also vary. When choosing a cream, do not forget about your skin type.

The mask is what helps the hands literally in a moment to look younger. The best masks are obtained from products known from childhood. It can be raw vegetables, fruits, eggs, chocolate, honey, dairy products. The main effect of the procedure is nutrition and saturation of the skin with beneficial trace elements.

After a frosty and windy day, frozen hands will be ideally warmed by a small bath.

It will not only make the blood circulate faster, but also remove the roughness of the skin. For the preparation of trays most often use a variety of herbs, vegetable decoctions, dairy products, cosmetic paraffin.

To cope with wrinkles in women after 50 years will be able to do nothing but massage. Thanks to the massage, the skin is well saturated with oxygen and begins to breathe. The supply of beneficial vitamins and minerals to the upper layers is activated, providing the necessary nourishment to the skin. If you regularly do massages as early as 30 years, then the appearance of wrinkles can be forgotten for many years.

For the skin to always shine and look well-groomed, it is necessary to update it. Rough, old cells that make hands so unattractive are the result of washing floors and walking without gloves.

Active peeling - what you need in this situation.

Ingredients for the procedure are often coffee grounds, sugar, honey, oatmeal, grapes.

Criterias of choice

In order not to be mistaken and choose the right option for hand care, you should consider your own skin type.

For dry, constantly scaly hands the best choice will be nourishing and moisturizing creams.Moisturizer has a light texture and is very quickly absorbed, so you can apply it at any time of the day.

Nutritious creams are usually fat, it is best to use this cream for the night.

It does not mean that normal or oily skin does not need additional hydration. For this type of skin, light moisturizing and protective creams are well suited. They are recommended to be applied before going outside, especially if the weather is cold or windy. But to reduce age spots and redness, use a lightening cream: it will whiten the skin and improve the appearance of hands.

Selecting a cream, you should definitely study its composition carefully.

Here are some effective components that are essential in the care of hands:

  • glycerin and lanolin - suitable for moisturizing very dry skin;
  • Panthenol - has a calming effect, reduces allergic reactions;
  • Aloe - is a real fount of healing substances;
  • beeswax - normalizes water-fat balance and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Bisabolol - has an antiseptic effect, fights bacteria and inflammations;
  • avocado oil - contains many vitamins and rejuvenates the skin;
  • vitamin C - prevents aging of the skin, protects against germs;
  • shea butter - makes the skin smoother, more pleasant and youthful.

There are also several types of masks. There are different masks bases: cream, gel or collagen. Using these tools, you can achieve several results: skin rejuvenation, renewal, nutrition, whitening.

There are masks that saturate the dermis with oxygen, so that the skin breathes freely.

When deciding to try a particular remedy on yourself, follow a few rules:

  • Do not use masks with citrus or berry components, having wounds or scratches on your hands;
  • wash and steam your hands well before applying;
  • if the mask is purchased at the store, strictly maintain the time specified in the instructions;
  • wearing a mask, do not forget to wear disposable gloves on top;
  • After washing, spread your hands with a nourishing cream.

Using baths in everyday hand care is a very good solution. Any type of skin responds to such procedures very favorably, but there are no contraindications. Baths can be different, and most often girls choose medicinal herbs to achieve a good effect.

However, the procedure that really helps to quickly bring the dermis in order - paraffin therapy.

Of course, many have heard about this new technique and prefer to do it in a professional salon. Home paraffin therapy is much cheaper, and the result will be no worse. The only thing that needs to be purchased is a paraffin bath. In the use of such a bath - a more convenient option than a water bath.

Recipes for rejuvenation

There are a lot of products that can restore skin elasticity, make it beautiful and healthy. At home, it is easy to prepare masks, lotions, baths and scrubs. To do this, you need only a few products from your refrigerator.

Anti-aging masks

Masks are the best way to get quick results in a short time. If you can still afford to restrict yourself with lotion or scrub before the age of 45, then after this age care should be taken more carefully.

Recipe 1

It is necessary to take carrots and cucumber, wash thoroughly, trim the "ass". Mix vegetables well in a blender until smooth. In the mixture, add two tablespoons of olive oil and half a vial of vitamin A (sold in pharmacies). The mask is applied for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

Recipe 2

Boil until readiness two large potatoes in uniform, turn into mashed potatoes. In the finished puree you need to add a few tablespoons of hot milk and one spoon of olive oil. The mask is held for about 40 minutes.

Recipe 3

We take two tablespoons of honey and melt well to a liquid state.Honey mix with chicken yolk and a pair of tablespoons of very fat sour cream. Mask with honey is recommended to withstand half an hour.

Recipe 4

Grate one large yellow apple on a grater, mix with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of cream. You can wash off such a mask in twenty minutes. It is worth noting that after 50 years, masks with apples are not the best idea. It will be more productive to use bananas, strawberries and grapes instead.

Cleansing lotions

Use lotion daily - a mandatory rule for anyone who wants over the years not to lose the freshness of the skin. Home made lotions are a good alternative to expensive shopping.

Recipe 1

Take one tablespoon of dry chamomile and calendula and mix well. The resulting mixture is necessary to pour half a glass of boiling water and insist about half an hour. After the time the infusion is squeezed through cheesecloth and add three teaspoons of glycerin.

Recipe 2

For such a tool will need to squeeze the juice from the cucumber. It should make a full two tablespoons. In the same proportion we take a decoction of oak bark. The ingredients are mixed with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Next, pour the mixture with a liter of pure water, let stand for a day, and you can use.

Recipe 3

The following recipe can help to get rid of wrinkles and age spots: in a small container, mix three tablespoons of fresh grapefruit juice, ammonia and glycerin. It is recommended to use lotion every other day.

Useful hand baths

Baths - a pleasant and useful means of skin rejuvenation. The duration of the procedure can vary from 10 to 30 minutes, but nothing will happen if you hold your hands in the water a little longer.

Recipe 1

The best reviews of the girls leave about the miraculous chamomile bath. The healing properties of chamomile from ancient times helped to maintain the natural beauty of not only the hands and face, but also the hair. To make the composition, boil three liters of water and pour about 100 g of dry chamomile there. To enhance the effect, you can supplement the tool with a few drops of rose, ylang-ylang, orange, and eucalyptus essential oils. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes.

Recipe 2

You can make a very simple bath. For this you need potatoes. A few potatoes are boiled until cooked, and half a cup of lemon juice is added to the resulting broth. Hands in the resulting mixture hold 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 3

Two liters of full-fat milk are heated on the stove. Next, add 50 g of corn starch or potato starch to hot milk and mix well. The duration of the adoption of such a bath - 20 minutes.

The best scrubs for peeling

It is known that dead skin should be removed so that the hands have a well-groomed appearance. There are some good scrub recipes that are suitable for any skin.

Recipe 1

For effective means you need to mix half a cup of sugar and a quarter cup of honey. The resulting mixture is gently rubbed on the skin for no more than 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream.

Recipe 2

About 50 g fat sour cream mix with crushed sea salt. The composition also add three tablespoons of olive oil. Scrub is applied for five minutes.

Recipe 3

100 g of coffee grounds are mixed with liquid soap and rubbed into the skin for 5–10 minutes.

On how to care for your hands at home, so that they always look young and beautiful, see the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


