Flowering plants of Crimea

  1. What trees are blooming?
  2. What appears in the gardens?
  3. Cityscape
  4. What blooms in the forest?
  5. Poisonous plants

Crimea is known for its amazing warm climate, thanks to which in the middle of spring here not only trees begin to bloom in large quantities. Dazzling with a variety of colors not only flowerbeds in city parks, but also forest glades, botanical gardens.

What trees are blooming?

Driving through the territory of the peninsula in April, you can often find numerous trees that bloom with white flowers. This is the almond, which is the first here announces the onset of heat. A little later, other trees begin to join him, for example, plum and quince. Then early apple, cherry plum and pear. The wild relatives of these trees are connected at the edges of the forest, so the mountains stand in white.

This is the time when rowan and hawthorn bloom, exuding an incredible aroma that attracts bees. In the private sector, where small gardens are planted, it’s hard not to hear the buzz of insects. Some of the plants bloom profusely, covering the tree almost completely in white or pink. But there are those that bloom very modestly, for example, pistachio.

Judah tree also begins to bloom in April. It is difficult not to notice it among others, because purple flowers appear from the buds on the surface of the branches. The time comes when the Sakura is dissolved, which you should admire in Yalta or Evpatoria, and it is not necessary to go to Japan. And from April to May in some of the reserves of the Crimea, you can observe the unique flowering of plants from the Red Book - the Crimean pine.

April is the time for the blooming of the magnolia. Its large bushes become the main decoration of most front gardens in the private sector. It is very important for allergy sufferers to know when ambrosia blooms, as its pollen becomes the first cause of respiratory problems. The period of its flowering usually falls in autumn.

What appears in the gardens?

Since the Crimean peninsula is rich in gardens, numerous tourists rush to enjoy their magnificence in the early spring. Mid-April is an amazing time for those who want to see tulips in great abundance in flower beds. Every year, breeders come up with and develop new varieties that delight with incredible shades and shapes.

Alpine hills adorn the heathers, immediately located nearby hellebore and periwinkle. Honeysuckle and Lilac begin to bloom by the end of April along the alleys. Beside them flaunt cotoneaster and quince.

Near the tulips often have daffodils, right here on the flower beds planted pansies and muscari.


The Crimean cities are very beautiful, not only because historical monuments of architecture have been preserved on their territory. The administration tried to green the space as much as possible, so in April it becomes bright on the squares from tulips and other flowers. Under the sun flaunts yellow purge, can be found periwinkle that pleases with its delicate blue tint. Daisies Perfectly fit into this ensemble with pink-white color.

The most amazing place in the Crimea during this period is Bakhchisarai. This is a garden city that truly lives up to its name. Here they strive to decorate not only city streets, but also the areas in front of houses in the private sector.

There are large numbers of primroses in the flowerbeds here, they come in various shades:

  • violet;
  • whites;
  • red;
  • pink

By March 8 here, as in the south of the country, mimosa blooms. Spreading bushes and a bright shade of yellow become the main decoration of the area at this time.

What blooms in the forest?

Lavender actively blooms after a warm spring. On the territory of the Crimea there are whole lavender fields. You can enjoy their incredible views from June to July. And at the end of May, the meadows and the forest edges seem to be burning from a large number of open poppies. To guess when cyclamens appear in the woods is not so easy. The thing is that this flower appears with the first heat, the earlier it comes, the faster you can see small flowers in the forest. Sometimes even snow comes off in the meadows, and cyclamens already delight with their beauty. In March, you can already collect a small bunch, but sometimes even earlier.

Together with the cyclamens begins to bloom and forest peonyhowever, he does not have an exceptional "appearance", he is completely absent from fragrance. You can also meet snowdrops, lilies of the valley are becoming increasingly rare.

In small ravines where enough sun falls, one can see coltsfoot. Scilla, goose onions and crocuses can also be found at the beginning of spring in the Crimea, but not high in the mountains. If you climb higher, you come across geranium and veronicaimmediately blooms kupena.

Oddly enough, but in the forests of the peninsula can be found and orchids, which also appear in late April. There are other flowers that are found not only in tropical areas, for example:

  • Lyubka;
  • limodorum;
  • orchis;
  • polzegolovnik;
  • slipper.

Some of them are protected and listed in the Red Book. If you wander around the forest a little, you can see how the Crimean peony, which is also called the Red Book, has bloomed. For him, the season itself, as well as for other wild peony representatives. A truly magnificent view opens near the village of Yantarnoye.

In the steppes reigns another plant world. Come here to admire Lapchatka, forget-me-nots and birdworm. When all these and other plants grow together, it turns out an amazing carpet with lots of color. Closer to the marshland in the spring irises and cockerels have already bloomed. The first ones are usually purple, but there are burgundy ones, the second ones are bright yellow.

On the territory of the Crimea there are many species of wild violets. Some species have a pleasant blue tint, others are rich blue, and there are white ones.

Poisonous plants

You can admire any flower, but everything should be touched. Among those that need to get round, we note the following cultures.

  • Black henbane. The plant grows no more than a meter in height. On its bushes bloom flowers of white hue. The smell does not want to inhale. It grows in groups near landfills. Flowering begins in May, fruiting at the end of summer.
  • Dope The plant is characterized by amazing large dull white flowers, but such beauty is deceptive. It is found not only in the fields, but also above the roads and even near the houses. It is always not a single plant, but whole thickets. The period of active flowering occurs in the middle of the summer season, the fruits appear in the form of small hedgehogs filled with seeds in the fall.
  • Belladonna or nightshade: The plant is of the genus herbaceous, has bright pink flowers. The fruit tastes like cherry, but they are poisonous. Flower listed in the Red Book. When used properly, it can be beneficial because it has healing properties, but the dosage must be calculated correctly. Often grows in the forest in small glades, even on the river bank. Rarely found as a single plant, more often in a group.
  • Raven eye. A low flower, from the side resembles a blueberry berry, but this is not it. He likes to grow in the forest, where there is a lot of humidity.
  • Aconite. The plant is characterized by bright blue flowers, it is very dangerous.
  • Kolhikum. The plant grows small, the flowers have a delicate pink shade. Favorite place - open areas, including the edge, glade.
  • Fraxinella. A flower that can reach a height of about a meter. The flowers smell pleasantly, from the side it is very similar to the citrus scent. Occurs in the forest, in the fields and even in ravines.
  • Hogweed. He lives on the slopes of mountains, sunny glades, in the forest you can see large thickets.Differs in bad aroma at flowers, at contact with skin leaves burns.

About what flowers bloom in the Crimea in the spring, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


