Fruits and nuts in Crimea

  1. Flowering gardens
  2. Formation of sweet cherry fruits
  3. Varieties of Crimean nuts

Any traveler who has received the opportunity to visit the Crimean Territory should definitely try the incredible abundance of tastes and aromas. The storehouse of nutrients and healing substances can be found in the gifts of nature of this peninsula - a variety of fruits and nuts.

Flowering gardens

Crimean climate is replete with stable sunny and warm weather. Fresh fruits of the south, which are sold immediately after harvest, without using refrigeration equipment, amaze with a dizzying bouquet of taste. With the onset of the harvest season, prices are correspondingly reduced. For guests, there is an additional opportunity to save money and at the same time enjoy a tasteful variety of local nuts, berries and fruits.

The agroclimatic resources of the region have a very beneficial effect on the growth of both fruit and berry trees that are usual in Russia and exotic. Since mid-May, the Crimea has been delighted with the first strawberries. These juicy and fragrant fruits will appeal to both children and the older generation.

Growing strawberries throughout the Crimea.

A little later the sweet cherry ripens, followed by the cherry. Cherry trees grow almost everywhere and do not require special supervision. And if the frost is not too damaged trees, then apricots ripen too. The season of selling exotic fruits of litchi opens in June, fructification lasts all summer, and sometimes until mid-autumn.

July and August are among the months richest in various fruits.

Usually ripen in early July peaches, and their bloom fascinates and attracts tourists. Toward the end of July, collect apples and plums. And August continues to sing grapes you can eat melons, watermelons and pears.

Unique gift of nature - fig tree, also known as figs. There are about 60 varieties growing on the Crimean coast and on the southern coast of Crimea. This unusual sweet fruit is distinguished by its taste and rich vitamin composition. In cooking, figs are used both in fresh and in processed form.

By September, ripen date fruit, start picking fruit persimmon and quince. Persimmon - one of the few types of fruit that ripens by the end of autumn. Growing culture mainly in the gardens. Also feijoa is ripening, for it there are all necessary climatic conditions in Crimea. Unlike many fruits and berries, raspberries bring crops several times a year.

This gives a unique opportunity to harvest more than once a season and enjoy the taste of your favorite berry enough.

Garnet in the Crimea planted in squares and parks. Choosing a sweet fruit is not so easy. The main thing - to carefully consider the skin. Ripens pomegranate in October. Most carry kiwi to the fruit, although it is one of the fragrant berries. Get this crop in October. Delicious olives in Crimea bred since 1785. Fruits are harvested and marinated as in a ripe form, so also immature, green. From the pulp of ripe fruit get butter.

In the botanical garden of the Crimea they grew exotic fruits - mandarins. Commercially collect tangerines in the Crimea have not yet become. But every year yields increase. Their collection is usually made in November-December. In the whole area of ​​the Crimea there are steppes, mountains, sea, parks, gardens, vineyards.

Thanks to this, you can enjoy the taste of fresh local fruits, get health benefits, recharge vitamins.

Formation of sweet cherry fruits

Sweet cherries are very popular among locals and popular among tourists.It belongs to the trees, preferring the southern areas with a sufficient number of sunny, warm days. It is in such favorable conditions for it as the peninsula of Crimea, you can get high yields. Due to the resemblance, many people often confuse cherries with cherries. Both are equally tasty and have healing properties. but the sweet cherry is usually sweeter, but the cherry is “sour.”

Pleasant appearance and juicy taste of sweet cherry makes it an attractive berry for most people (except for individual contraindications). Sweet cherry can be called an amazing gift of nature. Early harvests provide an opportunity to replenish nutrient reserves and enjoy the taste already in early summer. There is a berry, you can directly from the tree, add to the pastries, cook compotes with it, spin the jam for the winter. In short, the fruits are applied anywhere.

Sweet cherry is a very delicate culture, so it often gets sick or stops producing fruits, and can even die from active attacks from pests.

Breeders are trying to remove the berries that are resistant to pests, diseases and infections. But most of the trees still need to be disinfected for the purposes of prevention, and during the entire growth and development of the fruits, the sweet cherry must be provided with constant care. The most precocious varieties of sweet cherries can be tasted at the end of May, which makes it relatively inexpensive. The terms on which the sweet cherry ripens, depend not only on the climate, but also on the varieties. Early varieties of berries:

  • Maya;
  • April;
  • Valery Chkalov.

Despite early ripening, the variety “Mayevka” has a rather large burgundy-colored berry and is elastic in its structure. From mid-season sweet cherry fruits by the end of June receive. Especially distinguish the following types:

  • Donchanka;
  • Yaroslavna;
  • Sylvia.

"Donchanka", unlike other varieties, is undemanding when grown, pleases with constant and bulk crops, versatile appointment of fruits. Therefore, it remains one of the most famous varieties of the gardeners of the Crimea. Enjoy late types of sweet cherry varieties by mid-July:

  • Raisin;
  • Leningrad black;
  • Amazon.

The positive climate of the Crimea makes it possible to produce rather large fruits of sweet cherries.

Its color has a rich color, closer to burgundy, where less often you can see varieties of light shades. The taste of the berries is tart and fragrant. And this is not surprising, since the fruits of the Crimean cherry are absorbed by the sun from the beginning of May. Terms of ripening are the main advantage of sweet cherry over other berries. When she is ripe, there are usually no other berries and fruits in the garden.

Varieties of Crimean nuts

The climate of the Crimea is favorable not only for fruits and berries, in this extraordinarily beautiful area many kinds of walnut grow, which have long been among the most useful products. Mention of various nuts occur since ancient times. All the peoples of the world believe that they perfectly quench their hunger. The peculiarity of this product is that each fruit is in a separate peel-resistant skin. This feature gives it the opportunity to persist for a long time and not deteriorate.

Each type of nut has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages include their high calorie content and a huge number of various micro and macro elementsin the structure of the fetus. However, the lack of deficiencies in these fruits does not exclude the possibility of unpleasant reactions of the body. therefore It is not advisable to use them in large quantities. In addition, sometimes nuts can cause allergic reactions.

To Crimea Walnut brought the Greeks. No wonder this plant is called the tree of the first magnitude. He has a very strong fruiting up to complete extinction. Nutritional value is exceptional. Nuts are not only healthy and nutritious, but also incredibly tasty. Walnut oil is used in medicine and in the canning industry.

Thermophilic almond blooms beautifully in the Crimea. It is good not only with an amazing pleasant smell, but also with pronounced taste properties and healing qualities. Almond nuts are dried, they can be eaten fresh, added as spices.

Since ancient times, they grow in the Crimea and hazelnut. However, it is not possible to see a solid landing. Hazelnut bushes are placed in the form of garden plantations, near the banks of rivers, along irrigation ditches, between them. The mild climate of the Crimean coast on the south side makes it possible to cultivate here special varieties.

Quite a lot of peninsula trees chestnut. Their blooming with large pyramidal flowers delights and fascinates. Much to the chagrin, but in central Russia is not a very favorable environment for growth. pistachio tree. However, the Crimea and the adjacent regions were suitable for planting seedlings.

Fruits of pistachios practically cannot be eaten fresh. For this reason, they learned how to make different oils.

      In Russia pecan - little-known culture. It is a heat and light-loving plant, therefore it was able to settle down only on the territory of the Crimean peninsula and the Caucasus. It is a tall deciduous tree. The surface of the nut is dense, brown. Inside is the edible core of a pleasant, sweet aftertaste, in appearance remotely similar to the core of a walnut. Pecan is distinguished by a complete absence of partitions and leveled gyrus. Harvest in September and October.

      Crimea can be proudly called the wealth of Russia. If you look at the harvest by months, you can wonder endlessly the proposed variety of fruits, berries, nuts. A rich assortment of nature's gifts on the Crimean peninsula will satisfy the requirements of even the most discriminating consumers.

      On the cultivation of fruit in the Crimea, see the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


