Overview of Crimea bays

  1. Where are you located?
  2. The largest coves
  3. Most visited places

The coastline of the peninsula of Crimea is heavily indented. There are more than 75 bays and bays. They are all very different. In some of them there are comfortable secluded beaches, somewhere beautiful views, worthy of the artist's brush, or historical sights. To choose a suitable place for rest, tourists should learn more about the bays of the Crimea.

Where are you located?

If you start listing the names of all the bays, the page may not be enough. We will tell therefore about the largest and most famous. And in order to better represent where they are, we divide them along the geographical sides of the peninsula.

On the southern coast

The southern side of the Crimea is popular with tourists due to the climate, reminiscent of the Mediterranean. And sheltered from the winds in any of the bays, wild rest lovers will be able to feel quite comfortable.


Bugaz Bay is located in the Sudak area, but far enough from it (10 km). Therefore, you will have to travel independently by car or by water, since there are no public transport routes. Nature and water here are considered one of the cleanest and well preserved in the Crimea. Helped the previously existing mode of secrecy. The fact is that on Cape Meganom, which bounds the gulf on one side (on the other - M. Tolstoy), is a military base.

And in the bay itself were carried out secret development, which, apparently, did not have a negative impact on nature.

Bugaz can be considered the sunniest place in Crimea; here it can be up to 300 clear days a year. One beach is covered with dark gray sand, the other - fragments of stones, detached from the surrounding rocks. On large boulders like to sunbathe some tourists. Within walking distance from the beaches there is a camp site and a boarding house, so you can stay quite comfortably and inexpensively. And since it is not very easy to get from settlements to the bay, there is never a crowded sea.


From Sudak you can also get to the Kapselsky bay, from where you can see well and Megan, but it is located between the caps Frenchwoman and Alchak. The non-verbal name "Kapsel" can be translated as a "black spot". The sun-scorched valley of the same name was the same when it was seen in 1825 and was described not by laudatory expressions by A. S. Griboedov.

Now this place only pleases tourists, including beautiful views. There is an opportunity to relax with a tent, and with comfort in a boarding house. Interesting floating hotel-steamer "Swallow", which participated in the filming of the film "Cruel Romance."


Blue Bay is located near the village of New World. It is located between the Karaul-Oba rock and the Kapchik cape, which surrounds the bay with clear blue water in a semicircle.

You can find another name for this bay - Tsar's. It is connected with the fact that The rulers liked to rest in this place, in particular, the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II came here in 1912 at the invitation of Prince L. S. Golitsyn. The blue bay from the land is not easily accessible, so a path was cut down for the emperor in the mountains to the grotto in which the wine cellar was located, and to a small convenient beach, later also named Tsarsky. During the earthquake of 1927, the trail collapsed, but now the path has been partially restored.

Besides Blue, the New World has two more “multicolored” bays: Green and Blue. The names speak for themselves, the water there has just such shades.


To the west lies Kutlak Bay. It received its name from the river Kutlak, the valley of which is located here. The coastline stretches for 3 km from the Karaul-Ob mountains to Cape Ai-Fok (Kabanego).A narrow pebbled beach is about 2 km away. The attraction of this place is “Fortress Assandra”.

Sometimes the bay is called Veselovskaya by the nearest settlement (Merry). But it should be noted that not far there is another bay, which is so called.

Love Cove

This paradise with a romantic name is located near the village of Rybachiy, this is the bay of love. A round bay with crystal clear water and an inaccessible beach attracts lovers in the first place. But their privacy can be broken by lovers of sunbathing naked or divers, who also like this place very much. And rarely anyone is stopped by the fact that only the “goat” path leads here by land and it will be necessary to walk through numerous stones. However, you can get there by swimming.

Interestingly, the bay has a volcanic origin. Not far from the path there is a crater with a diameter of about 3 meters, which is the mouth of an ancient volcano. And if you dive in the clear water, you can see bizarre figures of stones, one of which looks like a monkey. Therefore, the bay is sometimes called Monkey. She is - one of the smallest, its length is only about 100 meters.

Just do not confuse it with the Cup (bathroom) of Love near Cape Tarkhankut, on the west bank.


This bay is the transition of the south coast to the west. It is located between the capes of Aiya and Sarych, the length is 12 km. The coast is uneven, you can count about 10 small bays. The Greek word "Laspi" means "dirt." This refers to therapeutic clay, left over from numerous thermal springs in the past. The average air temperature in winter is + 5 ° C.

The bay is also known as the Batiliman tract, located on the coast and belonging to the reserve of Cape Aya. Here grows a rare plant that is found only in the Crimea - Stankevich pine. Both air and water are very clean.

In the West

For the western coast is characterized by shell and pebble beaches. Recreation places are famous for curative mud and salt lakes.


The bay belongs to the water area of ​​the Karkinitsky Bay, which is known for its flat bottom and because of this the water in it quickly warms up after winter. On the origin of the name Karadzhinsky there are several opinions. Perhaps the name Karaj was the name of the owner of this place. Maybe there used to be a lot of roe deer here, since one of the translations means this animal. Some researchers believe that "Kara Ji" from Turkic can be translated as "wild grass."

The waters of the bay wash the village Olenevka. The coast is cut by small bays, has a length of more than 7 km. The beach is sandy-shell, but the bay is interesting not only for lovers of sunbathing, but also for avid fishermen.

On its territory there are two closed saline reservoirs: Liman and Karadzhinsky. But there are sources of fresh water, and even medieval wells.


This bay ends up as a Tarkhankut zakaznik reserve and is the “Beautiful Harbor” national natural park. You can get to it from the village of Black Sea, if you go in the direction of Olenevka. The place is suitable for those who want to isolate themselves from the outside world for a while, as the cellular communication practically does not work in the bay itself. The water warms quickly, so the swimming season opens early.

Near the Black Sea can be noted a few small bays: Narrow, Karamysh, Ozhinnaya, Circling.

To the east of the peninsula

The peculiarity of the eastern side is that most of the bays in question belong to the water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov.


It is said that during the storms of the local ships, in order to hold on, they descended two anchors. Also in 1784 there was a Dvuyakornaya battery. The bay stretches 7.5 km between the capes of Ilya and Kiik-Atlama (near Ordzhonikidze), and is also limited by the Tepe-Oba and Biyuk-Yanyshr ranges. Average depth - 3 m.


On the bank of Provato directly and is located the village of Ordzhonikidze. Interesting that the name is translated from two languages: from Italian as “verified”, from Greek as “sheep's place”.

The length of the bay is almost one and a half kilometers.


This bay stretches around Cape Kazantip for as much as 25 km. She walks into the land close, but very wide. The nearest settlement is the village of Mysove. On the other side of the cape is the Russian bay. The origin of the names is explained by the fact that in the old days the village was divided into two national settlements.

The beach of the Tatar bay is covered with shell sand. The entrance to the sea is convenient, but shallow. In some places, to swim normally, you will need to walk more than 100 meters.

Water at the expense of such a depth on hot days can warm up to 40 ° C.


The nearest settlement to the Cosmonauts Bay is the town of Shelkino. They say that the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin rested here, hence the name.

Dead and Silent

These two bays near Koktebel are separated by Cape Chameleon. The names speak for themselves, it is very quiet. And in the Dead it is also deserted, in addition, it is shallow and the decaying algae create a peculiar unpleasant smell.


On land, this bay will most likely have to be reached from Kerch through Novotradnoe and Zolotoe villages or through the village of Kurortnoye past Chokrak Lake. The length of the beaches of Generals is about 26 km, the views are beautiful. But experienced tourists warn that if you plan to spend a long time here, you need to bring water and food supplies with you.

The name of the bay was due to the fact that in the 1950s Lieutenant-General Chernoresz VA led the nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site. Here was his mobile car.


This bay is a sandy beach 4 km long, located in the north of the Kerch Peninsula. The name was given in honor of the commemorative landing of the 83rd infantry brigade in December 1941, as a result of which the entire Kerch Peninsula was liberated from the enemy. Tourists come here primarily because of the healing waters and mud of Lake Chokrak, which is located 50 meters from the coast of the bay.


In the old days, semi-precious stones were mined on the slopes of Kara-Dag Mountain, most of all carnelian. Hence the name of the bay, located here. And now sometimes a particularly successful bather is rewarded with a precious find.


Sevastopol is washed by sea water almost from all sides, no wonder it is sometimes called the city of a thousand bays. There really are a lot of them here. Actually, Sevastopol (more than 7 km indented into the land, the area - 7.96 sq. Km) includes more than a dozen smaller ones. But around the city are many bays that are not part of it. There is its own Golden Bay, Blue, and there is Salty.


In the west there is the Cossack Bay, on the bank of which the eponymous microdistrict of the city is located, or simply Kazachka. Cape Chersonese separates the bay from Kamyshovaya Bay, and on the other hand there is another small bay - Salty. The name Cossack is due to the fact that during the Russian-Turkish war, the Cossacks put up pickets here.

New (Sand)

On the coast of this bay is a park named after Anna Akhmatova. The beach here was created artificially, sand was deliberately brought in here, that's why they later called Sand or New Bay.

The largest coves

If we consider the length, you can make the following rating:

  • Generalskaya - 26 km;
  • Tatarskaya - 25 km;
  • Laspi - 12 km.

The depth of the championship will be for Balaklava. It is considered the deepest bay of Europe, as in some places the distance to the bottom reaches 35 m.

Most visited places

Everyone has the best rest. Most of the tourists are, of course, in places with developed infrastructure, for example, in Karadzhinsky Bay, Cossack or Laspi. Balaklava is also one of the most visited. Landmark - Chembalo fortress on Mount Castron (Fortress). Center for water sports (windsurfing, kiting) - Tatar Bay.It is possible to improve health with the help of healing mud, for example, in the Bay of Marines. And those who want to retire should visit the Bay of Love or Kipchak.

About unfamiliar bays of Crimea, see the following video.

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