What birds live in the Crimea?

  1. General information about the birds of Crimea
  2. Who lives in the woods?
  3. The inhabitants of the steppe zones and mountains
  4. Who lives near the reservoirs?
  5. Rare species

The peninsula of Crimea is considered an unusually beautiful place where there are many representatives of flora and fauna. Due to high mountains, sweeping trees in this area, many animals and birds have found their place of residence. A variety of birds pleases the eye of tourists and locals.

General information about the birds of Crimea

Scientists have determined that the bird fauna of the peninsula of Crimea consists from representatives of 19 orders, in her description 300 species of birds are marked.. In accordance with the nature and duration of their stay in the area, there are nesting and non-breeding birds. The first are sedentary, snow nesting. The nesting birds in the summer, in turn, are divided into flying, wintering, randomly flying.

Such birds are the most important for the region, as they influence its flora and fauna for a long time.

Flying birds tend to visit the peninsula in a certain period of the year, thereby destroying insect parasites in the area where they rest and feed. These representatives are objects of hunting. The names of nesting birds are striking in their multiplicity; it is this group that has the largest percentage in the Crimea, their 60% of the total number of birds. Among them, an equal number of settled and migratory.

On the peninsula about 17 species of wintering birds were recorded. Rare species are represented mainly by predatory representatives. The landscapes and nature of the peninsula is an important factor in determining the species diversity of birds, their feeding habits, migrations and biological characteristics.

Who lives in the woods?

The borders of the plains and forests of the Crimean peninsula were inhabited by such birds:

  • forest horse - It is a small bird resembling a sparrow;
  • mist It is considered the largest thrush, it weighs 140 grams and is similar in appearance to a song thrush;
  • raven is a very large representative of the crow family, it is quite strong and has excellent opportunities to fly.

The spotted woodpecker found its habitat on the flatter slopes. The passerines are presented in the form of a cleft-elohik, which favors winter family life. Also among these are 3 types of tits:

  • big;
  • azureas;
  • long tail

The miniature representatives of birds include blood orange flakes, rattle, and pikas. Nimble woodcrops in the forests of the Crimea can be called nuthatches, wrens, charging, and many others. The owl-owl also belongs to the forest species; it is a night predator. Daytime predators are presented in the form of a sparrowing hawk, a goshawk. We also give representatives of the hunting fauna, who prefer forest land.

  1. Woodcock. The uniqueness of the bird is manifested in the nightlife. This noble creature is in great preference of hunters.
  2. Kulik-Chernysh. The bird has the size of a starling. Its main feather color is dark brown with white patches. It has a second name - the whitetail, due to the eye catching the tail. When choosing a place of residence, prefers wet coniferous forest and swamp.

    The avifauna of the forest-park, park zone of Crimea amazes with its diversity. In these parts of the peninsula 14 species of sedentary birds found their habitat. Among them are such birds as the sparrow-tavern, the brightly colored goldfinch, the jackdaw, the rook, the forty, the linnet. Among the singing representatives are quite common jays, vociferous finches, nightingales.

    Near the people on the peninsula settle about 22 species of birds.

    The inhabitants of the steppe zones and mountains

    The steppe Crimean region was inhabited by living beings later than the rest of the sites. People from the steppes of Ukraine have become living in the territory, they have different species composition. On the peninsula of Crimea, steppe birds occupied a significant percentage of the territory, however, many birds are on the verge of extermination. A prominent representative of the steppes of this region can be called a strepta, a kulik-tirkushu, and also an amateur of night vigils - a wader-avdotka.

    As there is dry air on the steppe territory, insufficient moisture, poor vegetation cover, many plowed lands with toxic chemicals, the number of species of birds is not so great here. During the whole year on the territory of the Crimean steppes you can meet a bustard, this fast steppe inhabitant is considered the heaviest flying bird. In Crimea live these types of lark:

    • field;
    • small;
    • crested
    • steppe.

    The above birds are not perched on trees, they are "landowners." Quail and streptic can stay for the winter if the year is warm. These birds are considered great runners, which tend to the ability to hide. In the old steppe forest-steppe the next birds got used to live.

    • Shrike, who happens to be a shrike and a black-browed. He is a major representative of songbirds. The shriek has a reputation as a hermit.
    • Oatmeal-prosyanka. This species is the largest among the buntings. The bird is characterized by brown color, sexual dimorphism and ringing chirping.
    • Gray partridge - This is one of the most sought-after trophies from hunters. Poultry meat belongs to the delicious species.
    • Greenfinch - it is feathered with a dense build, short tail and a distinct notch. The bird is granivorous and has dimensions that are characteristic of sparrows.
    • Slavka. This representative belongs to the sub-order of singing sparrows. This is a large feathered that is characterized by melodic singing.
    • Hoopoe is a small bird that has a bright plumage, a long narrow beak and a tuft. Masking under the habitat, he hunts reptiles.
    • Nightjar. The bird is nocturnal, it has a low-key gray with a brown tinge of feathers, so it can easily hide near the bark or forest floor.
    • Turtle dove - This is a small representative of the order of pigeons. Its feature can be called mustard color and the presence of "necklaces".
    • Oriole characterized by small body size, bright color, monogamy and loud voice.
    • Magpie. This species of birds has a marked feather color, which is characterized by contrast. The color of the plumage on the back, head and breast is black with a metallic or green shimmer. Other parts of the body are snow white.
    • Garden Bunting is a small bird that looks like a sparrow. Its plumage is not characterized by special beauty, however, it is brighter than that of a sparrow. The representative is highly regarded among songbird admirers.

      In the piedmont part of Crimea there is a field, steppe and crested larks. From the varieties of oatmeal here you can see the grass, spitholes, heater, golden bee-eater. For the northern mountain areas are characterized by such people as shrike, scoop, starling, goldfinch. In this region, it is not difficult to find the following varieties of nightingales:

      • western;
      • eastern;
      • European.

      Predators, for example, vultures, vultures, and griffon vultures inhabit the plains. On the southern slopes of the mountains live tit tit, titlet, crossbred, and mountain oatmeal. The cliffs are the places of settlements of the thrush, pikas, stone pigeon, tower and white-bellied swifts.

      Who lives near the reservoirs?

      The fauna of the Crimean peninsula includes waterfowl and seabirds. The most common representatives of the second category are the following.

      1. Silver Gulls. The bird is also called laughter because of the peculiarities of its cry.A representative nests on the territory of the whole coast; it can fly past ships, graze on the shore and on an empty autumn beach. A seagull is an omnivorous feathered species that taste not only fish.
      2. Diving This is a small representative of the fauna, which has a pointed beak. Its excellent opportunities for swimming and diving contribute to a successful hunt for prey.
      3. Cormorant - a bright representative of copepods. The bird is quite heavy, its feathers do not get wet. In the hunt for fish, a cormorant can swim and dive perfectly. On the peninsula you can find both large and crested representatives of this species.
      4. Heron. Long-legged, hidden, fearful creature that lives in the eastern part of the Crimea. Awkward bird prefers to feast on small fish, frogs, crayfish, mollusks and worms. The gray heron is considered to be the most common in the Crimea, and white is a little less common.
      5. Croak The bird that is nocturnal is rare and secretive, it has some similarities with the heron.
      6. Small bittern - this feathery settles on the bank of a stream and lake, as well as in reed and reed beds. This is the smallest species of heron that eats tadpoles, small fish and frogs.
      7. Swan. This representative of birds is represented in the form of a mute swan and whooper swan. It is beautiful in appearance, smart waterfowl is found on the coast and swims along the cities of resort destination.

      Rare species

      A variety of avifauna Crimea is able to hit many. It is unique and fragile, therefore its preservation directly depends on human activity. In the 60s of the last century, wonderful couples of beauty crane were living on the territory of the peninsula, which cannot be said about our days. This site is famous for extinct birds, there are also protected species.

      Not so much compared to previous years in the Crimea remained bustard and streptev. The decline in their numbers is associated with a decrease in places for nesting, plowing steppe, as well as the use of chemicals. The disappearing birds of the peninsula include the eagle and the pink starling. This area rarely becomes a nesting site for birds, most often a wintering place.

      Today, the swan can also be attributed to the individuals listed in the Red Book, and it is strictly prohibited to hunt them.

      For information on which birds can be seen in the Crimea bird park, see the video below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


