Features of fishing in the Crimea

  1. Best time
  2. Where to go?
  3. What fish are found in the Crimea?
  4. Spear fishing
  5. Ban on catching

Fishing from the shoreline is a great experience, but fishing from a boat is even more exciting. On the territory of the Crimea there are both fresh and salt water bodies, which are distinguished by a large variety of fish, but in order not to run into a fine, you need to know when fishing is prohibited.

Best time

When you can use a boat, you can go to the lake or go to the sea to a depth and get to the larger fish. The sea breeze makes you feel especially, and evening fishing is a time that allows you not only to relax, but also to see a beautiful sunset on the peninsula. November-December is the best time to go fishing in the waters of the Crimea. But this does not mean that there is nothing to do here for the rest of the year. There are paid lakes and endless seas where you can fish.

On the territory of Yalta, right at the pier or shore, you can often find fishermen who catch on an empty hook. But in order to get a quality catch, you need to wait for a flock of dolphins to drive in fawn of horse mackerel or mackerel.

It is here at a shallow depth, the joint begins to move around its axis and twists in a ring.

This tactic is absolutely not suitable for catching more serious prey, for example, gobies, flounder or mullet. They need to prepare gear, to choose the right time. The best places on the sea can be called the Kerch Peninsula, namely the territory of the Crimean Bridge.

It is worth remembering that different fish gives the maximum catch at different times of the year. Kefali lovers should go to the sea at the end of July, because during this period the water temperature becomes ideal for this type of fish. If you take into account the type of food that mullet uses, then it is caught near rocks, concrete breakwaters, where mussels and rapana live in large numbers. The depth of fishing is 10 meters. Bullheads are found in shallow water, at the same depth as the mullet. You can catch it on the stones at any time of the year, but to get a big catch it is best to go fishing in the Crimea in the fall.

Where to go?

The fishing map of the Crimean peninsula is very impressive even for experienced fishermen. In the freshwater part of the peninsula, fishermen prefer to fish in ponds, lakes and ponds. There are many professional and sports, hunting and fishing associations.

Most on the Crimean coast greet carp, bream, perch and pike, and in the mountains, if you try, you can catch trout. However, we must understand that chasing huge fish does not make sense. Only medium-sized individuals are found in the waters of the Crimea.

The small but picturesque lake Mikhailovskoye enjoys great popularity. This is a private lake, where for a very reasonable fee you can enjoy all the delights of fishing.

Freshwater Ponds

Among the fresh water bodies that you definitely need to visit in order to enjoy fishing, the following can be noted.

Guerrilla Reservoir

The lake, which was created by artificial means, is located in the vicinity of Simferopol. Fishermen who live near the peninsula know what it is famous for.

People come here for a few days, the local water is teeming with freshwater fish. Here you can catch in large quantities pike, grass carp, carp and bleak. In addition, perch and pike perch are found in the reservoir, as well as a chub.

It is for the sake of chub that numerous fishermen come here, but catching it is not so easy, you need to know the habits of the fish.


There are many positive reviews about this place. There are not only many types of freshwater fish, but also very beautiful nature. There is a crucian in the water, you can catch a rudd or a perch. Places are suitable for those who like to walk on carp or silver carp. But you can not fish without special permission, because the object has protected status. Even going through partisan trails, you can run into trouble and a large fine, so you should not risk it. By car here just will not drive up.


It is worth coming here in early autumn, when a large number of fish is found in local rivers and freshwater bodies. There are many ruddies, she gathers in large numbers in the mouths.


This object is protected, so the rest here is limited. There is trout in the water, you can catch a chub, a pike and a perch. Only here to enjoy the taste of the trout trout will not succeed, because the fish is on the verge of extinction, and with it you can only take pictures, and then release it back. Catch here on live bait and minnow, the average weight of fish to kilogram.


This place has special landscapes, but is valued for good fishing, which was allowed here not so long ago. Until 2016, the reservoir was a specially protected object, now you can enjoy fishing with a bait.


Experienced fishermen get real pleasure from the rest in this place. Fishing here is completely free. The catch will please with large carp, carp or minnows, which cats love very much. To catch a perch or perch, will have to go to the depth of the boat. Karp catch is quite difficult, but he often comes across when "hunting" for roach. It is best to come to the reservoir in late spring, it is possible in the fall.


On the territory of this object fishing fee. Fish in the lake is enough to not be left without a catch. The depth to be counted is 6.5 meters. From fish you can find white carp, crucian carp, silver carp or perch. The cost for a stay on the lake is charged per day per person and is 1000 rubles.


This reservoir will have to look in the mountains, there are very beautiful views. Fishing is prohibited here, you can even find established posts of the local police. But some take the risk and try to go here in a roundabout way.

It is better not to do this, because you can "earn" a fine.


Another regime object, which was not treated with due attention, so fishing enthusiasts could boast a quality catch. Those who catch from the coast are not bothered. As a catch, an artificial reservoir will delight roach, perch, bream and pikeperch. You can catch a large crucian on the moldy worm, and it is better to prepare live bait for the perch.


The necessary gear can be purchased in the village near the reservoir, even on the shore there is a shop. Fishing here is popular, you can rent a boat to go fishing in the depths. Local authorities have tried to properly organize and infrastructure. Not far from the water there are small hotels. From the fish in the water is found carp, grass carp, crucian carp and carp.


Perch lives here, but you can meet white carp, perch and pike. There are other types of freshwater fish, but you can only catch from the shore, boats are prohibited. You can not enjoy and underwater fishing.


For lovers of sea fishing here created a real paradise. The abundance of fish simply lures to the Crimean peninsula. Fishing can occur in a variety of ways: both from boats and from the pier or shore. The main and favorite species of fish here are flounder, Azov goby, mullet and pelengas.

There is also a universal fishing spot on the Black Sea. For example, in September, when a ban was imposed on catching mullet, the whole beach and the surrounding marinas are simply “teeming” with fishermen. They spend 8-10 hours on the beach. It is home to sea bass, mackerel, and blue fish.

The southern part of the coast extends from Alushta to Sevastopol. In this area there is an abundance of sea rocks protruding above the water, which makes it possible to fish directly from them. The biggest catch you can get from the boat. It is easy to catch perch, mackerel, sea fox (a kind of stingray). The coast has greens, small groupers and other small fish. The most famous fishing place on the west side is the rocky coast of Cape Tarkhankut. You can equally well catch from the shore, moorings or boats.

During the entire swimming season, sea fishing spinning is in great demand among tourists. Arabatskaya Arrow allows you to get a rich catch of mullet, pelengasa, which go to the shore all year. However, the real hunt here opens for red mullet, so most of the fishermen are in early spring.

At this time, the water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov (at a shallow depth) warms up to 18 C.

Going off the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov and pelegasa shoals. The abundance of algae, plenty of food and warm water - all this attracts fish. Flocks linger for several days, so fishermen often stay with tents on the coast. It is popular on the Black Sea coast and rock fishing. For those who do not know what it is, it is worth saying that it involves fishing fish in stones for artificial bait. Fish here from the shore and the piers at different times of the year.

If you want to enjoy high-quality fishing on the sea, then you should definitely go to the village of Sunny Valley. Here you can enjoy your holiday by renting a small house or putting up a tent on the beach.

What fish are found in the Crimea?

Crimea has a unique nature and climate, so sea fishing is available here all year round. The Black and Azov Seas have not only local fauna, every year fish swim here, which migrate to other water bodies. Among such travelers is herring, which can be found more often near the coast of the Caucasus. Through the Kerch Strait, she is forced to spawn, then enters the Sea of ​​Azov and follows upstream.

After the fish spawn, they swim back to the Black Sea to spend the winter. It is best to catch it in the fall, namely in October. In the Crimean sea waters comes not only herring, but also mackerel, you can find sturgeon, tuna and even kelamid.

If in the Azov Sea mackerel is only a guest, then in Black it is caught all year round. Best of all, the fish come in spring and autumn, because during this period the water temperature is ideal for it, so it does not have to go deep. In addition, in the salty waters of the sea are found:

  • bluefish
  • pelengas;
  • scorpas;
  • ruff;
  • flounder;
  • mullet;
  • sea ​​bass;
  • garfish;
  • burbot.

To catch all the presented species start from May, and the fishing season lasts until mid-autumn. Tourists are offered to fish from the shore, as most locals do, or to go on an unforgettable voyage.

The entire coast of the peninsula can be divided into three zones. The main reservoirs for fishing are the Black and Azov Seas, Lake Sivash. Each region is distinguished by its peculiarity, for example, in the Black Sea, mullet is caught more, many flounders and pelengas here.

Sea bass and mackerel should go to catch the southern coast, right there are found sea fox and ruff.

Those who come for a big catch steer, you need to go to the Sivash. Since the fish is focused on depth, there is nothing to do without a boat. There are about 50 species of fish in this place, as well as shrimps, but fishermen come for valuable flounder pulp. It is here that the number of this representative of the seabed is the largest, so you can count on a decent catch. You can fish with success in the Sea of ​​Azov. Favorite places are numerous piers, shore, stones. The main prey here will be not only a bull, but also flounder, mullet, pike perch. When spawning begins, sturgeon sails here.

There are a lot of fish not only in the seas washing the peninsula, but also in fresh water bodies. Lakes can be both natural and artificially created, where fishing is paid, but there is always a bite and fish. Most often in such water is found crucian. You can catch a carp, a roach or a rather large pike. Perch and carp are also found in the water.

Expect an exciting fishing in the Baidar Valley, where there are several lakes. Here fishermen are attracted by large carp and perch. If you want to get a rich catch of pike, then you should go closer to the Gasfort mountain, the landmark is the city of Sevastopol. Here, not only fishing is absolutely free, but also unique landscapes that cannot be admired.

Salty Lake Sasyk, which is located between the city of Saki and Evpatoria, also offers high-quality fishing, however, you need to find a place where the freshened northern part is located. There are really a lot of fish here, most of it was brought in the 80s. Since then, small carps could not only settle down, but also give more than one offspring. In addition to it, you can catch a mullet, enjoy a good crucian or perch.

The rivers are not so friendly, but high-quality bite is observed on Chernaya, Kache and Belbek.

There are also reservoirs with paid fishing, where there is fish at any time of the year, because here it is strictly monitored. What is the advantage of this holiday, so it is that everything you need is near by. If you forgot your gear, you can buy or rent them near the lake.

On such a vacation they are going for a few days, there are comfortable hotels nearby and there are rental centers. On the shore, vacationers are invited into their shade paid gazebos, there are toilets throughout the territory, there are bathhouses and even barbecues for barbecues.

The most popular is Lake Kyzyl-Yar, which is located near a small village called Ivanovka. Places in the vicinity are not only fish, but also very beautiful. Fishing is relatively inexpensive, but without a catch you will not leave. Local waters offer a large number of pelengas, there is a perch, carp, crucian carp, grass carp.

In the village of Uvarovo (near Kerch) there is also a paid reservoir. They also offer day fishing and night fishing, it is possible to rent a small house. Already in the price for the room is the rental of barbecue and boat, if you want to go to the depths for a big crucian, roach or carp.

The mild climate, which nature has endowed the Crimea, allows you to fish in the winter. The variety of catch can not fail to please, the tuna and mackerel are happy to go, you can catch pelamid. Do not stop being caught even in the cold mullet, bluefish, mackerel.

If it attracts just this kind of fishing, then you should go to the Bachelor, but fishing here will be successful only if there is no storm or strong wind. The main prey on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov becomes the flounder in winter, which arrives closer to the coast when it is cold.

Spear fishing

Underwater fishing - one of the most popular forms of entertainment on the peninsula. This method is used not only by tourists arriving here, but also by local residents. Experienced and novice fishermen like to boast a quality catch. If you want to enjoy the beauty of underwater fishing, then you should go to Cape Tarkhankut, because it is here that water is distinguished by maximum visibility. The water column can be seen at a distance of 10 meters ahead and deeper. There are many reefs around, and numerous bays create unique conditions for successful fishing. Most often they come across harpoon sargan, mullet and mullet. But sea hunters try to catch a flounder, if that comes across.

Another, no less popular place is considered to be the environs of Balaklava Bay. Local fishermen call this place a "fishing bag." Mackerel, sea bass or bluefish and mullet can be found in the waters.

Ban on catching

There are special rules in accordance with which fishing is carried out on the territory of Crimea. Thus, on water bodies that have been granted general status, fishing is allowed at any time and in any volumes, if fishing rods, spinning rods and other systems are used, on which no more than 10 hooks are used.

It is impossible to fish on the sea, in the Kerch Strait and Sivash Bay, if the boat goes more than 1.5 kilometers from the coast. It is forbidden to catch flounder from January to May. The ban on catching mullet on the Black Sea is valid from August 20 and continues until September 10. Bychkov forbidden to catch from May to mid-June.

There are types of fish that are generally not allowed to fish, and the list is quite extensive. Among them:

  • bullhead;
  • flounder-kalkan;
  • small fish;
  • four-strip goby;
  • trout;
  • Black Sea salmon.

In water bodies located inside the peninsula, it is prohibited to fish from April to May, then from January to mid-June.

There is a ban on underwater hunting, it starts from mid-November and lasts until the end of March.

In the next video you will be able to virtually “fish” on the lake in Otradnoe.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


