Crimea in June: weather and rest

  1. Weather
  2. Pros and cons of the rest in June
  3. Where better to go?
  4. What can you do at the beginning of summer?
  5. Seasonal berries and fruits
  6. Reviews

Summer is a holiday time. A peninsula of Crimea with its diverse attractions and comfortable climate - a great option for a vacation in any month. Most prefer to rest in July or August, but this opportunity does not always fall out, and therefore often people have to take vacation in other months. If we take into account all the nuances and subtleties of the weather in June, the rest in the Crimea can be no less comfortable, and perhaps even more enjoyable, than during the hot July and August months.


Crimea is a rather large peninsula in terms of area, therefore, weather conditions in the same month at different points may, although slightly, differ from each other. In addition, the temperature of sea water in different parts of the Crimea also varies. And this is not surprising, because the peninsula is washed by two seas - the Black and Azov Seas - and has a fairly long coast. But do not worry too much about this, as the difference is not too significant, and is only 3-4 degrees, so you can go to any place you like.

The weather in the Crimea in June can not be called hot, but at the same time it is quite comfortable for rest. The average temperature in the first summer month, taking into account all days and different points of the peninsula does not fall below + 19ºС, at the end of the month, this figure increases, and the air becomes warmer.

The average daily temperature is rarely below + 23ºС, as the sun still burns during the daytime. In the middle of the day, and this is usually from 12 o'clock, in some places the temperature can completely overcome the 27-degree mark, and such high rates keep from 12 to 16 o'clock.

This time period is best spent, of course, in a cafe, but if you want to fully enjoy the sun, you should use protective creams and, of course, a suitable headdress.

The night temperature in June is quite low, it can be said that at this time of day it is rather cool there, the average figure is within + 14.15ºС. After sunset, the earth's surface begins to slowly cool, and the heat rises, so the average temperature rarely drops below + 18ºС. The coldest period is at dawn - at this time the temperature is usually no higher than + 10ºС, therefore if there is a desire to meet the sunrise on the seashore in June, then it is better to dress warmer. Closer to 9 in the morning it becomes much more comfortable, the air warms up to + 20ºС.

For people who find themselves in the Crimea in June, the temperature is not only air, but also water, because in most cases it is the opportunity to swim in the sea and attracts tourists to the peninsula. In the first half of the month, the water temperature in the Black Sea barely falls to + 18.19ºС. The Sea of ​​Azov is shallower, so it warms up to + 21ºС. In the second half of June, the water becomes a little warmer, its average in the Black Sea varies within + 19.20ºС. At some resorts, the water can warm up to + 22ºС on the coast.

Sometimes the temperature of the sea due to the rise of cold streams of water to the surface can drop to + 13ºС. The sea becomes cold and, to put it mildly, not very comfortable for swimming. But fortunately, such a phenomenon does not happen more often 2-3 times a month, and “water discharge”, as it is called, can occur not only in June, but in the most visited months (July, August).

Not only the temperature of the air and sea water excites tourists who are planning to spend their holidays on the Crimean coast, but also the amount of possible precipitation.The amount and frequency of precipitation depends on the specific region - the closer to the resort are the mountains, the higher the probability of rain. As a rule, the number of rainy days in June is not very large. The amount of precipitation is also not very large and does not exceed 100 mm, and in some places of the peninsula they fall no more than 75 mm.

Pros and cons of the rest in June

June is a month quite suitable for holidays in the Crimea, as there are many advantages of such a holiday compared to a holiday in July or August.

The main advantage is, perhaps, a small number of people in this period in the Crimea. Families with small children, which constitute the most numerous group of holidaymakers, choose, as a rule, the hotter months, which means that there will not be many people on the beaches and in the cafes. You can safely choose a place on the beach and not necessarily at arm's length relative to a neighbor, and have lunch at a cafe you like without tiring waiting for an order due to a large crowd of people.

No less important is the purity of sea water in this period. It has long been known that the more people on the coast, the more turbid the water becomes. August is especially distinguished by this, since it is him who is most often chosen by families with babies.

In June, the water is the most pure and transparent, and therefore there is no need to sail far from the coast to enjoy the sea. You can safely swim near the shore or just lie at the edge of the sea, taking sun baths along the way.

Surprisingly, the sunburn in June pretty well falls on the skin. He quickly "sticks" and without ugly reddening. The sun, though quite active in June, but the angle of incidence of the rays on the earth has not yet reached its maximum (until June 22), and therefore the probability of getting burns is not so high.

The sweltering heat, which is characteristic of July and August, is absent in June, and therefore you can diversify your vacation not only with a beach holiday, but also with visiting sights, of which there are many in the Crimea.

In June, the weather conditions allow us to inspect the surroundings and travel to interesting places even in the middle of the day, the air is not as hot as in the other months.

A special advantage of the rest in June are also low housing prices. June is the beginning of the season, there are not so many people, and therefore owners of hotels, houses and apartments to attract customers significantly reduce housing prices, especially in the first half of the month.

But there are small drawbacks in the rest in June. It is unlikely to be suitable for people who have escaped for a week's rest, since there is a probability of precipitation in the form of rain, and even 1-2 “lost” days in such a short rest are of great importance.

Where better to go?

The peninsula of Crimea has a fairly extensive coast and is divided depending on the direction of the southern, eastern and western shores. The weather conditions on the coasts are somewhat different from each other, and the types of beaches are also different.

East and southeast direction is suitable for lovers of a dry climate and clean sandy beaches.

Kerch - This is one of the most comfortable resorts on the east coast. The weather here is quite warm, because the daily temperature indicator is not much different from the night one. During the day, as a rule, around + 24.25ºC, the water has time to warm up to + 22ºC, and at night the temperature is around + 22.23ºC. Although June is considered the most rainy summer month, but precipitation does not exceed 35 mm.

In Feodosia June is quite a warm month, daytime air temperature here rarely drops below + 22.26ºС, and at night - below + 18.20ºС. Sea water has time to warm up to + 20.22ºС, and sandy and shell-sandy beaches with a convenient entry into the sea will surely please families with children. The rains in Feodosia are not as frequent (on average 4-5 days), and they are short-lived as at other resorts.

Slightly south is located Zander. Here, the weather conditions are almost similar to Theodosia.The air is dry and warm, the daytime temperature is within + 22.28ºС, and the night air does not fall below + 18ºС. The average temperature of the coastal waters is + 21ºC.

The southern coast belongs to the most picturesque places of the peninsula, which is famous for its exotic vegetation and rather favorable climate.

AT Alushta the average temperature varies within 20.24ºC, and at night it is usually not lower than 17.19ºC. The water off the coast is somewhat cooler than in Feodosia and Sudak, its average value is within 19.20ºC. The resort is suitable for people who do not tolerate acclimatization, here the manifestation of its symptoms, as a rule, is not observed. Rains occur in June, but the number of such days is not very large, the average rainfall varies from 5-7 days.

Yalta - one of the warmest and sunniest places of the peninsula. The average daily temperature in June is within + 23.24ºC, and in the second half of the month it often rises to + 28.30ºC. And it is not surprising, because the resort is in the dense environment of the mountains, which do not allow the wind to "roam", and therefore even at night the temperature is not lower than + 19.20ºC.

The sea water along the coast is also warming up quite well, the average temperature varies within + 22.23ºC. The probability of precipitation is low, but rain does occur, the number of cloudy and rainy days varies between 5-6, no more.

The western coast of Crimea is no less attractive in terms of weather than other famous resorts of the peninsula. For resort city Evpatoria characterized by dry steppe climate. Here in June there are quite warm days (around + 25.26ºC), and comfortable nights (around + 19.20ºC). In Evpatoria, there are excellent sandy beaches with convenient entry, and quite comfortable sea temperature in terms of temperature (about + 21.22ºC). Precipitations, of course, occur in June, but they are not so frequent, and the rains are short in duration.

What can you do at the beginning of summer?

The Crimea peninsula in June is not only a beach holiday, but also an inspection of interesting sights, therefore, for curious tourists it opens a great opportunity to see something besides the sea and comfortable beaches.

In Sevastopol, you can see the St. George Monastery, the ancient aqueduct (aqueduct), the tower of the winds and visit the Malakhov Kurgan. Yalta is famous for such attractions as the Vorontsov and Livadia Palaces, the Swallow's Nest, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, and you can also admire the Ai-Petri mountain, the Uchan-Su waterfall and visit the zoo and aquarium. In Kerch, you can visit the current temple Ionna the Forerunner (built in the X century), the archaeological museum, go to the valley of volcanoes or climb Mount Mithridates up the stairs.

In addition, in each resort place different festivals and festivals are held, it is possible to take a boat trip on the boat or ride horses, walk along mountain trails or rent a bike, explore the surrounding area.

Families with children who decide to rest in Yalta can go to the Fairy Tale Zoo, where children can watch a variety of animals. In Kerch, a small fidget can be shown an ostrich farm, and if they are bored, they can be taken to a platform with a labyrinth. There is a beautiful dolphinarium in Feodosia, where kids can watch dolphin shows. In Koktebel, Sudak and Alushta, children will surely enjoy water parks with their various attractions, and adults will enjoy such entertainment as fishing, because Sudak and Alushta are the most popular places for this hobby.

Seasonal berries and fruits

Although June is the first summer month, there are already plenty of fruits and berries there. In the second half of the month you can buy apricots, peaches, strawberries, cherries and cherries. Prices, of course, are not the lowest, but quite affordable, especially in every resort, in addition to large supermarkets, there are also small street points, and markets, and small shops.


According to numerous reviews of tourists who visited the Crimea in early summer, their vacation in June was a success. Almost everyone notes a good sunny weather, quite comfortable, especially in the afternoon, temperature of sea water. Many have noted that even on few cloudy days there is always something to do not only for adults but also for children.

Numerous recreational activities, parks, excursions are quite affordable, and there is no need to spend money on an independent inspection of historical sites, because some neighborhoods can be reached on foot.

On the features of rest in Sudak in June, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


