Features of rest in the Crimea in March

  1. Climate features
  2. Where to go?
  3. Sanatoriums and pensions
  4. What can be seen in March?
  5. Leisure for tourists with children
  6. Guest reviews

Rest in Crimea has always been popular with our tourists. Now the direction is experiencing a special rise. At the resorts of Crimea developed infrastructure. The construction of new facilities is underway. If you have already been to the Crimea, then surely you plan to come again.

Vacation does not always fall on a warm season, and if everything is clear with the summer season, then the question arises as to what to do at the resort, for example, in March. We offer many ready-made solutions for a comfortable rest in the Crimea in early spring.

Climate features

The sun, the sea, the beach - so many people think when they hear the word "Crimea". Therefore, March does not attract tourists for recreation, since all this is still impossible. But to come to the Crimea in the spring can be beneficial, because:

  • you can enjoy really beautiful, juicy and fragrant spring nature;
  • there is no large number of people;
  • your wallet will not be so much devastated as in summer: rental housing and entertainment will be much cheaper.

March is the month when trees, grass and shrubs begin to bloom in the Crimea. You can enjoy blooming snowdrops, hyacinths, high-growing sleep-grass, gorgeous pink almonds, luxurious magnolia and amazing henomeles (Japanese quince).

However, at the same time frosts are possible at night, occasional rains and cold, harsh winds darken walks by the sea. In early March, the weather is unstable: the rain is replaced by the sun and vice versa. It is usually cold at night, sometimes the temperature drops to 0 degrees. You will need an umbrella and warm waterproof clothing.

In the middle of the month the weather improves, it gets warmer (up to +15 degrees). And primroses begin to bloom. In the second half of March, the Crimea turns into a green flowering garden.

Air temperature depends on the climate.

  • It will be warmer in the south - The weather warms up from +6 (at the beginning of the month) to +10 (at the end of the month), but often there are cloudy days. The good news is that there is no prolonged rain.
  • In the center and in the north of Crimea the weather is cooler, cold winds blow and it rains. A slight cooling is possible at night, and this is normal. Daytime temperatures are usually within +8 degrees. The only thing that darkens the beauty of March is the cold wind, accompanied by dank rains.
  • Eastern Crimea pleases with a large number of sunny days, rare rain and warmer weather - by the end of the month the air warms up to +16. But it is too early to swim.
  • West Crimea characterized by comfortable weather - the thermometer reaches +9 degrees during the day with almost no rain. This is the perfect time for a spa vacation. Only a sharp wind blowing from the sea and cloudy days spoil the rest a bit.

The Black Sea is warming slowly. The temperature is kept within +8 degrees, which is not conducive to comfortable bathing. Only walruses and people in special wetsuits can afford to swim in the March Sea.

The weather in the Crimea at the end of March contributes to long walks, visits to excursions, visits to museums and galleries, sightseeing, hiking in the mountains (especially visiting the cave city in Chufut-Kale).

Where to go?

It is best to relax in the big cities. Rest in the villages will be boring, as life stops here from October to May.


At this resort, you can first feel the arrival of spring - there is no cold snap, and at the end of the month you can enjoy the lush greenery and colorful flowering of trees, shrubs and flowers.

Zoo "Fairy Tale", the theater of marine animals "Aquatoria", "Nikita Botanical Garden", a crocodile farm diversify your holiday.


The city-port is suitable for sanatorium and cultural recreation. Art lovers will be delighted to visit various museums and attractions:

  • Genoese fortress;
  • the towers of Constantine;
  • the magnificent Museum Square;
  • Wax Museum;
  • Theodosia Museum of Antiquities;
  • the Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev Museum;
  • A. A. Grin Literary-Memorial Museum;
  • Museum of Illusions (very interesting for children);
  • National Art Gallery. I. K. Aivazovsky;
  • Money Museum.


Familiarity with the culture of different nations - the magnet of the resort. The most interesting sights:

  • 19th century Armenian church;
  • Turkish baths;
  • a kind of synagogue Yege Kapai;
  • unusual mosque Juma Jami.


    Amazing ancient city located at the confluence of two seas It attracts a huge number of attractions, such as:

    • The crypt of Demeter;
    • Temple of St. John the Baptist;
    • Panticapaeum;
    • Tsarsky Kurgan (the resting place of the Bosporan rulers);
    • the ancient city of Mirmeki and other ancient Greek cities;
    • Adzhimushkay quarries;
    • Museum of Oceanography.


    The former capital of the Crimean Khanate will tell a lot about the glorious history of these places. The magnificent Khan's Palace (Khan-shed), the Bakhchisarai Fountain of Tears, the Miniature Park, the Assumption Cave Monastery, the Monastery of St. Anastasia, and much more will not leave you indifferent.

    Sanatoriums and pensions

      March is an ideal time for recovery, therefore sanatoriums and boarding houses will gladly welcome you. Among the best inexpensive health care facilities, you can choose the option depending on the desired direction of treatment.

      • "Health Resort" (Evpatoria). Ideal for the recovery of children with respiratory diseases.
      • "Alushta" (Alushta). Here you can not only get qualified treatment, but also have a great rest.
      • Kirov Sanatorium, located in Yalta, will help people with diseases of the nervous, respiratory or digestive system.
      • "Sunrise" (Theodosius). The most popular resort where mineral water is used in the treatment. Specializes in the treatment of respiratory and digestive organs.
      • Sanatorium named Pirogov (Saki) - treats a whole spectrum of diseases (gynecology, nervous diseases, urology, locomotor system, respiratory organs, digestive system). Saki mud is one of the valuable methods of treatment.

      What can be seen in March?

      March is not suitable for outdoor recreation and swimming, but is ideal for sightseeing, as this is facilitated by comfortable weather and the absence of a large number of tourists.


      Magic waterfalls are especially attractive at this time. In the spring they are filled with water, and in the summer they completely dry out. Below are the most picturesque waterfalls.

      • Jur-Jur This powerful waterfall never dries out. It is good to walk here in hot time. But for swimming is not a very good place, because you can get hurt by stones.
      • Uchan-Su. The highest waterfall of Crimea. Beautiful both in spring and winter.
      • Cheremisovskie waterfalls - Waterfall of Youth, Gorges, waterfalls of Tears and Love. Only a long way here darkens this beauty a little.
      • Geyser. Tourists are rarely brought here, so you can fully enjoy its beauty.
      • Forest Fairy (or Brave) Frequently visited by magicians and people who consider the waterfall a place of power. We'll have to work hard to find it.
      • Waterfall of the Three Saintslocated in Toplovskoy monastery, valued for its healing water, which eliminates eye diseases.
      • Spring. Hundred meter handsome is famous for his fast disappearance.February-March is a great time to admire it.
      • Su-Uchhan. If you swim in its huge stream, surrounded by small streams, you can rejuvenate. True, the water temperature is only 5 degrees.
      • Jurla Pure water, which can be drunk, flows down, forming a beautiful pattern.
      • Waterfall Golovkinskogo. 12-meter snow-white stream flows over the rocks, decorated with green moss.


        These speleological Crimean treasures:

        • magnificent Marble Cave;
        • Three-eyed, or Skelsky cave;
        • the most popular and longest Red Cave (Kizil-Koba);
        • unique Snake Cave;
        • Ice Cave, or Big Buzluk (the most dangerous and mysterious);
        • The cave of the Thousand Skulls (Bin-Bash-Koba) is a creepy and mysterious place. Safe for children.

        Cave cities

        Mysterious cave cities attract tourists no less than beaches in the summer season. Houses in the rock - an interesting sight:

        • the capital of the principality of Theodoro-Crimean Mangup (or Mangup-Kale);
        • Eski-Kerman;
        • similar to the Tepe-Kerman volcano;
        • Bakla;
        • ship-like cave monastery;
        • Kalamita;
        • the most famous Chufut-Kale;
        • ancient rock temple Chelter Marmara.


        Not only mild climate, magnificent nature, warm sea, but also magnificent palaces are the hallmark of the Crimea. In March, you can see all this beauty without a large crowd of people.

        • bird home - the most famous and beautiful palace. Looks like a little castle from a fairy tale.
        • Livadia Palace. Former residence of the emperors of Russia, the venue of the famous Yalta Conference. Here you can see the statue of Stalin (which is now rare) in the company of British Prime Minister Churchill and US President Roosevelt.
        • Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai - the former residence of the Crimean Khans, and now it is 2 museums where you can see an exhibition of firearms and cold weapons. Here is the beautiful Fountain of Tears, which A. Pushkin wrote about.
        • Villa Stamboli (Feodosia) - an unusual palace like a mosque will not leave anyone indifferent.
        • Yusupov Palace (Koreiz) - the most mysterious Crimean building.
        • Vorontsov Palace (Alupka).
        • Massandra Palace.
        • The elegant palace of the Emir of Bukhara (Yalta). Unfortunately, this splendor can only be viewed from the outside, it’s impossible to get inside.
        • The majestic snow-white palace Dulber (Koreiz). Now here is a sanatorium. During the tour you will enjoy the magnificent oriental architecture, walk in a beautiful park. You can also calmly talk to God at the Prayer Niche.

        Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Yalta)

        A unique place where a large number of diverse plants that begin to bloom in March. Especially attractive are Japanese quince, magnolia, almond, fragrant honeysuckle. Also at the end of the month opens the exhibition of tulips.


        Crimea has always been a tasty morsel for different nations. Therefore, to protect the peninsula residents built a large number of fortresses that store historical secrets:

        • Genoese (Sudak) - an impressive sight;
        • Kutlak (v. Merry);
        • Chembalo (Balaclava);
        • Harcas (Gaspra);
        • Aluston (Alushta);
        • Genoese (Theodosia);
        • Yeni-Kale (Kerch) - from the only surviving bastion of the former Turkish "New Fortress" offers a gorgeous view;
        • Kerch fortress with mysterious underground passages - during World War II helped to protect Kerch from invaders.

        You can always stroll along the beautiful embankments and enjoy the healing Crimean air.

        Leisure for tourists with children

          Spring holidays and the first May days (May 1-10) are great for holidays in Crimea. The main thing is to carefully prepare:

          • rent a property in advance;
          • solve the issue of nutrition;
          • find out how close pharmacies, shops and hospitals are;
          • think through entertainment and accessibility to entertainment.

          You can relax with children in the following cities.

          • Yalta The Botanical Garden, the Fairy Tale Zoo, the Crocodilearium, the Museum of the Glade of Fairy Tales, the Ai-Petri and Yalta-Gorki cable cars, the Swallow's Nest, the rope park and the Small Farm Children's Center will make your vacation unforgettable.
          • Evpatoria. Children will appreciate the Dolphinarium, the Museum of Pirates of the Black Sea, Dinopark, Park them. Frunze.
          • Gaspra.
          • Theodosius. Children’s services include the Nemo Dolphinarium, a crocodile farm, South Park and museums for all tastes.
          • Koreiz.
          • Alushta.
          • Zander.

          If you like active rest, then with children you can go hiking to see waterfalls, caves or cave cities. Be sure to use tick protection.

          Guest reviews

          Despite the impossibility of sunbathing and swimming in the warm sea, the spring Crimea is still attractive for tourists, not only domestic, but also abroad. According to reviews, spring in Crimea is a good time for recreation and recreation:

          • the most important thing that tourists say is the absence of a large number of people and low prices, in contrast to the summer season;
          • magnificent nature, healthy air, picturesque waterfalls and magnificent attractions (palaces, castles, embankments) - all this makes the holiday unforgettable and gives a sea of ​​pleasant impressions
          • people who have health problems, speak positively about the treatment in sanatoriums and boarding houses, because at this time of year nature itself promotes healing;
          • families with children celebrate the possibility of entertainment for children.

          Tourists consider the weather to be the only minus, as + 15 degrees, wind, rain, fog can somewhat darken the rest in Crimea in March.

          On the features of rest in March, see the following video.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


