Lamination of hair

Lamination hair professional tools at home

Lamination hair professional tools at home

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  1. Features
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Overview of means and brands
  4. Step-by-step instruction
  5. How much is holding up?
  6. Hair care after the procedure
  7. Reviews

Among the impressive number of services offered by beauty salons, lamination of hair with professional products has a special place, with some obvious advantages. It enjoys well-deserved popularity, but many girls and women are not satisfied with its price, which can hardly be called democratic. The best solution for them, which allows to achieve an excellent result and save money, is to carry out the procedure in question at home, which will be discussed later.


Lamination is a cosmetic procedure involving the application to the hair of a special composition, which covers them with a protective film and significantly improves the appearance of the hair. Components of such tools are proteins and plant extracts, as well as vitamins and other active compounds that contribute to the solution of the problem.

The most popular type of lamination is classic. It provides for the creation of a thin transparent film and allows the use of ingredients that change the shade of hair for a short time. The color version of the procedure described is also noteworthy: it involves the use of resistant pigment that dyes hair for a longer period of time.

As for bio-and phytaleamination, their main feature is a completely natural composition (in the second case - with a high content of vitamins and plant extracts).

If we highlight the indications for the procedure, then their list will be as follows:

  • dry and brittle hair, as well as their small thickness;
  • prolonged exposure to head of wind wind, salt water and direct sunlight;
  • split ends of hair;
  • dyeing, curling and other procedures (to achieve the longest effect).

Besides, Lamination greatly simplifies hair styling, and therefore it can be confidently recommended to owners of short haircuts.

The main contraindications to the procedure described are:

  • hair tendency to excessive loss;
  • chronic and acute scalp diseases;
  • thick hair (as a result of lamination, it becomes even heavier);
  • severe mechanical damage to the skin.

In a situation when the condition of the hair does not allow to perform the procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to their treatment, which lasts about 30-60 days and involves the use of firming, nourishing and moisturizing agents. If after a specified period the hair becomes more healthy, it can be safely transformed in the described way.

Advantages and disadvantages

Practice shows that the advantages of lamination hair significantly more than the shortcomings. The most significant benefits of this cosmetic procedure are listed below:

  • superior appearance of hair;
  • a noticeable simplification of the styling process;
  • long preservation of tone of a dyed hair;
  • effective protection of hair from negative environmental factors (for example, high humidity or heavy wind);
  • safety due to the absence of aggressive compounds in the composition of the means used;
  • reducing the number of split ends.

In addition, lamination helps straighten hair and negates the likelihood of their electrification.

The disadvantages of the described procedure include:

  • the inadmissibility of coloring hair for the next few weeks (otherwise the effect of lamination is lost);
  • lack of moisture and oxygen, which affects film-covered hair;
  • comparative fragility of the achieved result.

An increase in the mass of hair, which increases the likelihood of premature hair loss, also deserves attention.

Overview of means and brands

Before proceeding with the lamination of hair at home, you must choose the means, the composition of which corresponds to the specifics of the task. From products of dubious origin, it is desirable to refuse, in order not to risk the health of the hair and get the optimal visual result. We list the professional means for lamination, which experts recommend first.

Matrix Pro +

One of the best deals of the famous American brand. The kit consists of a conditioning shampoo, firming lotion, laminate, activator and a hair straightening cream.

Lebel cosmetics

The product, developed in the Land of the Rising Sun, suggests the presence of a lamination agent, shampoo, conditioner and fixative lotion.

Paul Mitchell Inkworks

Professional solution from the United States, suggesting the presence of a firming shampoo, a mask for restoring and moisturizing, lamination products and a preparation for a long and damaged hair.


This set, which was developed by Italian specialists, is represented by four cosmetic products - cleansing shampoo, mask, special lotion and fluid “Liquid crystals”.

Sebastian laminates cellophanes

Another offer from the United States of America. The set in question assumes the presence of a color or colorless lamination agent, a shampoo and a protein mask.

To achieve the desired result, you must use all the tools from the selected series and follow the sequence of actions recommended by the manufacturer.

Step-by-step instruction

Conducting the procedure at home should be preceded by a 30-day preparation, which includes thoroughly moisturizing and nourishing the hair with the help of appropriate balms and masks. Making sure that the hair is in good condition, you can proceed to the lamination, following the procedure below.

  • Without haste, wash the hair. If it is not cleared of fat and horny scales, the tool used will not be fixed properly, and the procedure will have to start over.
  • Distribute the color composition. In a situation where it is not provided, you can immediately go to the nourishing mask applied over the entire length of the hair.
  • Evenly cover the hair with the basic composition for lamination. Many experts advise to retreat several centimeters from the roots in order not to disrupt the supply of oxygen to the scalp.
  • Wrap hair with plastic wrap (alternative - use a shower cap) and a towel. This step allows you to avoid oxidation of the deposited composition and preserve all its properties.
  • Heat hair with hair dryer, choosing the average temperature of the air flow (three times for 5 minutes with 5-minute pauses). This contributes to a better absorption of active components by the hair, due to which the effect of the procedure is noticeably prolonged.
  • Wash off the remnants of the composition with water, whose temperature is slightly above room temperature, after 30 minutes from the moment of its application (depending on the specifics of the means used, this value may vary).

In conclusion, it remains to gently soak the hair with a towel and carefully comb it.

How much is holding up?

As a rule, the effect of lamination of hair is noticeable within 3-6 weeks.It comes to naught gradually, thanks to which the fair sex should not be afraid that the appearance of the hair could deteriorate instantly. If we single out the factors on which the duration of the above effect depends, then their list will be small.

  • Hair structure If they are porous, weakened or damaged, the laminating coating will not last long on them.
  • Type of hair. The duration of the effect of the procedure in question is reduced for both dry and oily hair. This is explained by the fact that the former almost instantly absorb the liquid part of the applied agent, while the latter do not allow the film to firmly fix.
  • Violation of the rules of the procedure. Typical examples are inadequate cleansing of the hair before lamination, the choice of incorrect duration of exposure and refusal to heat the hair.
  • Used compounds. The use of low-grade tools does not allow you to create a dense film and to ensure its optimal adhesion to the surface of the hair.

In addition, the hair needs a full care, prolonging the effect of the procedure.

Hair care after the procedure

There are several rules for hair care after lamination, following which allows you to maintain the health and excellent appearance of the transformed hair. Here they are:

  • upon completion of the procedure in question, it is advisable not to wash your hair for several days;
  • for 24 hours after lamination, you should refrain from using irons, ploy and hair dryers;
  • Cosmetic products that contain aggressive chemical compounds (for example, alcohol) must be discarded;
  • Using a hair dryer, it is advisable to keep it at a considerable distance from the hair (25 cm or more);
  • massage of the scalp, like a hair mask, should be done weekly;
  • to bring the hair in order to use a comb with natural bristles;
  • rubbed hair can not be rubbed (to remove excess moisture, just gently wet them);
  • It is necessary to refrain from using heating devices at maximum temperature conditions.

As for the frequency of lamination of hair, experts advise to do it once every 2 months or less.


    After analyzing the views on the procedure discussed in this material, it can be argued that they are positive in most cases. According to the fair sex, the main advantages of lamination hair are:

    • softness, smoothness and shine, worthy of the highest possible marks;
    • pleasant feeling of grooming, lasting for quite a while;
    • weighting of the hair, making them smoother;
    • effective disposal of split ends.

    In the negative reviews most often mentioned the impossibility of dyeing the hair during the period when they are covered with a laminating film. And also some girls, who mistakenly consider the procedure described as therapeutic, note that over time their hair takes on its former appearance.

    Summing up, it remains to state that Laminating with professional products at home is a task that the absolute majority of those who wish can cope with.

    Choosing the right product, perseverance and strict adherence to the instructions are all that is required.

    How to laminate hair at home by professional means, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


