Lamination of hair

Lamination of hair at home: the pros and cons, step by step guide

Lamination of hair at home: the pros and cons, step by step guide

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  1. Features
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Necessary funds
  4. Step-by-step instruction
  5. Recipes
  6. How much is holding up?
  7. Hair care after the procedure
  8. Reviews

Almost every girl seeks to care for her hair, but it often happens that not everyone has the means for salon procedures. Then various folk recipes come to the rescue, the effectiveness of which is in no way inferior to professional means.

In recent years, the procedure for lamination of hair has gained immense popularity. In the article we will take a closer look at the features, important nuances and rules for carrying out this procedure, get acquainted with the most popular recipes of compositions and masks, and also find out how to properly laminate hair to itself.


Lamination is a special procedure applied to the hair of various compositions that cover them with a thin protective film. This film helps protect hair from external factors, as well as fill damaged inner parts and retain moisture inside the structure.

The peculiarity of the procedure at home using not expensive formulations, but folk methods, is that chemical components do not cause additional damage to the hair, so after washing the composition they will not become even more brittle and dry than before the procedure.

Natural components, on the contrary, will help nourish, and with the help of the cumulative effect, restore damaged structures.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other procedure, lamination at home has both advantages and disadvantages.

Among the benefits note:

  • all components are of natural origin, which makes the procedure completely safe for the health of the hair and scalp;
  • thanks to natural ingredients, the procedure is aimed at nourishing, moisturizing and strengthening hair structures;
  • if the procedure is carried out correctly, the curls are covered with a shell, so they will be protected from the harmful effects of the external environment;
  • if the procedure is performed on dyed hair, the color pigment lasts much longer;
  • in addition to nourishing and strengthening, the procedure also has an impact on the external state of the hair, making it more shiny and silky;
  • Silky and obedient hair facilitates styling.

    By cons include:

    • the procedure does not suit every type of hair;
    • during the procedure, because of the application and absorption of part of the compositions, the strands become heavier, which means that the hair may lose some of the basal volume;
    • due to the weighting of the hair can also increase the risk of loss of the follicle;
    • Various components of even natural formulations for home lamination can cause allergies due to individual intolerance of certain ingredients;
    • staining after the procedure may be useless;
    • in addition, the procedure will have no effect on the extended strands.

    Necessary funds

      Depending on the method of the procedure, you may need different ingredients that have a certain impact on the structure, appearance and condition of the hair.

      Let's take a closer look at what might be needed for lamination of hair at home and see what functions each tool performs.

      Be sure to need a foil so that when heated with an iron or a hair dryer, the effect of lamination is achieved, but without damaging the hair.Foil can be used in two ways: to separate each strand, or to wrap all the hair completely.

      To make a mask in one of the recipes you need gelatin. The variant is the simplest in composition and easily doable at home.

      Castor oil is needed in order to smooth the scales on damaged hair, to nourish them with useful substances and to give a silkiness and shine.

      One recipe uses coconut milk. This ingredient is very useful for protecting hair from the harmful effects of the environment, giving them softness and nutrition with vitamins contained in natural ingredients.

      In order to be able to carry out the lamination with your own hands at home, you may need some tools:

      • comfortable dishes in which you can prepare a mask and heat it;
      • reliable comb - best of all, that it was a double-sided version with a number of large teeth, as well as a number of small frequent teeth;
      • to apply a hair mask, you will need a hairdresser's brush with stiff bristles;
      • to cover the head after applying the mask will need a thick plastic cap;
      • and in order for the heating effect to be more effective and last longer, it is better to use a thick towel made of natural materials.

      In addition, to prepare the hair for the procedure will need a good cleansing shampoo. In extreme cases, you can add to any other little soda, so the effect of cleansing, disclosing hair flakes and preparing the structure for applying the composition will be more effective.

      Step-by-step instruction

        When all the ingredients are prepared, you need to proceed to the procedure itself. To self-lamination passed without much difficulty, consider the step by step recommendations for the procedure.

        1. You need to thoroughly wash your hair without using hair balm.
        2. After washing, you do not need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, just wet them with a thick, well-absorbing towel.
        3. In order to make your hair easier to comb, you can treat them with a special spray, unraveling naughty curls.
        4. Hair must be thoroughly combed and divided into separate strands.
        5. At the next stage, the composition is prepared and applied to the strands. You can use a special brush, or do it all by hand - it depends on the convenience and the length of the curls.
        6. After applying the composition you need to wrap the strands in foil.
        7. We heat the iron to the maximum temperature and thoroughly warm up every wrapped strand. If the hair is very short and it is impossible to use the iron, then we warm it with a hairdryer.
        8. After heat treatment of the strands we put on a cap.
        9. Next you need to wait a certain time. For each recipe it is individual.
        10. Remove the cap and foil, wash the hair with a gentle agent under cool water and using a hair conditioner.
        11. To fix the lamination at home, you can rinse curls with vinegar-based decoction.
        12. You need to let your hair dry. So that the composition is better fixed on the hair, it is better not to use a hair dryer after the first wash for drying hair.


        In order to achieve the effect of lamination on their own, there are many recipes of various compositions that are suitable for both colored hair and curls damaged by exposure to high temperatures.

        Honey Based

          In order to prepare a tool for lamination on a honey basis, you will need the following ingredients:

          • honey - 1 tsp;
          • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
          • castor oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
          • eucalyptus or calendula oil - a few drops.

          Honey must be heated in a water bath and mixed with butter and egg. Then the dishes with a mask should be removed in a cool place, so that the composition has cooled and thickened slightly, after which we apply it on curls, heat it and leave it on the hair for 30-40 minutes.

          On the basis of kefir

          This mask is different in that it includes not only natural ingredients of natural origin, but also vitamins. We will need:

          • kefir - 4 tbsp. l .;
          • egg - 1 pc .;
          • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
          • starch - 1 tsp. (add if necessary);
          • retinol acetate - 1 ampoule;
          • alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - 1 capsule.

          All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to damp hair along the entire length, including the roots. After warming the strands, you need to wait 40 minutes and then wash off the composition.

          African way

          To prepare the composition of this recipe is necessary:

          • coconut or cow milk - 0.5 cup;
          • half lime;
          • sunflower oil - 20 g;
          • starch - 1 tsp;
          • honey - 1 tsp.

          Warm milk should be mixed with lime juice, then add milk. In order for the mixture to be thick, we use starch. After the mixture has thickened, you need to add a little honey, and apply the composition to the hair. This mask should be kept on hair from 30 to 40 minutes.

          Indian recipe

          Lamination of hair in the Indian recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

          • banana - 1 pc .;
          • coconut or cow milk - 1 cup;
          • honey - 0.5 cups.

          All ingredients are mixed in a blender until smooth. A distinctive feature of this mask is that it is applied to dry, unwashed hair and for 2-2.5 hours without heating. After the time the composition needs to be washed off the hair and dried without using a hair dryer.


          This recipe uses a decoction of hops with the addition of other ingredients. We will need:

          • hops - about 10 cones;
          • flax seeds - 3 tbsp. l .;
          • warm water - 0.5 l;
          • starch - 1 tbsp. l

          Hops and flax seeds should be poured over with warm water and allowed to brew. Then within half an hour you need to bring it to readiness in a water bath, after which it is necessary to allow the broth to cool. Strain it through cheesecloth or strainer.

          Starch is added to make the mixture thicker, which greatly simplifies application to the hair. After applying the strands need to warm up, maintain the mask for 30 minutes.

          Gelatin based

          Perhaps this is the most popular and most effective recipe for lamination of hair at home. Gelatin masks are useful due to the fact that they have not only an external effect on the hair, but also have a cumulative effect, filling the structure of each hair.

          To prepare the mask, you must have:

          • food gelatin (granulated) - the amount depends on the length of hair, from 1 to 5 tbsp. l .;
          • water - 3 spoons for each spoon of gelatin;
          • hair balm.

          Gelatin should be poured with water, let the granules swell, after which they need to be melted in a water bath until homogeneous, so that no lumps remain. After the mask acquires a uniform consistency, you need to mix it with prepared hair balm based on 1 spoonful of gelatin - half a spoonful of balm.

          The composition should be applied to clean, damp hair, not getting to the roots. You can apply a mask on individual strands, wrapping them with foil, or on all hair completely. In the second case, the foil is used to wrap the entire head.

          Then put a hat on your hair or additionally wrap them in a plastic bag, wrap a warm towel. The mask should be heated and kept on the head for about an hour, after which it should be washed off without using shampoo and let the hair dry by itself.

          How much is holding up?

          Undoubtedly, every girl who liked the lamination of her hair wants the impressive effect of the procedure to last as long as possible, but it does not always meet the expectations.

          The fact is that the duration of the effect depends on many factors, but even with minimal influence of each of them, it does not last more than 6 weeks.

          For a more lasting effect, there are not enough components of herbal home remedies, and if you want to do the procedure for a long time, it is better to resort to salon services.

          Let us consider in more detail what determines the duration of the procedure.

          • The initial condition of the hair. If they are badly damaged, do not wait for a long-lasting effect the first time, in which case it will be cumulative.
          • The state of the body. It also happens that during some specific diseases or hormonal failures, any procedures have practically no effectiveness.
          • External influences. If you often wash your hair with deeply cleansing shampoo or use different thermal methods of hair styling, the outer lamination shell becomes thinner very quickly and the hair will again become brittle and dry.
          • And finally, various natural factors can affect the duration of the procedure. For example, excessive exposure to sunlight in summer in hot weather, salty sea water, or severe frost. In such cases it is worth covering the head with panama, hats and warm hats.

          Hair care after the procedure

            The duration of the lamination effect directly depends on the subsequent hair care. Therefore it is necessary to familiarize with some rules and recommendations.

            • As already mentioned, you need to wash your hair with a gentle shampoo containing only natural ingredients, without SLS and parabens. The same goes for hair balm.
            • You need to comb your hair gently, first unraveling the ends and gradually moving up to the roots.
            • To keep your hair shiny longer, it is recommended to rinse it with a cool nettle extract after washing.
            • For drying the hair, it is best to use the mode of a hair dryer with cool air, or let them dry on their own.
            • A gentle massage using extracts of various oils, such as castor, burdock, olive, flax or coconut, has a positive effect.
            • To keep your hair healthy and shiny longer, and their number does not decrease, you should not repeat the procedure too often. About once every six months, you need to give your hair a rest and get saturated with oxygen molecules, because too frequent weighting of the curls can lead to their loss.


            If you study the reviews on this procedure, it becomes clear - opinions are divided, since some girls enjoy it from salon procedures with professional tools, while others prefer natural remedies, considering their effectiveness to be no worse.

            Most girls prefer masks with gelatin, noting their effective properties and long-term effect. The remaining opinions are divided between the other recipes, but in almost every one of them there is honey and various nourishing oils.

            How to lamination hair at home with gelatin, see the following video.

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            Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


