Removing stains from clothes

How to wash orange stains?

How to wash orange stains?

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  1. Peculiarities of pollution
  2. Fabric cleaners
  3. Ways of breeding
  4. Tips

Even a neat person is not insured against the appearance of stains on clothes. Some of them can be easily removed with regular washing, while others require special treatment. Spots from oranges, juice from this citrus are considered to be difficult.

Peculiarities of pollution

Oranges can leave visible and difficult to wash stains on clothes. This is due to the high concentration of organic acids and coloring pigment in their composition. The first begin to corrode the fabric, disrupting the structure of the fibers. This, in turn, allows the pigment to penetrate deep into the fibers, dyeing them.

In the fight against orange citrus pollution, time plays a crucial role. Fresh stains, if you start to fight them immediately after the appearance of the spot, sometimes you can remove even with ordinary water. In other words, the pigment at this moment is on the surface of the fabric and as if washed off.

If more than an hour has passed, especially several hours or days, the fibers of the fabric are damaged, and the pigment eats deep.

Fabric cleaners

Not every stain remover will cope with orange stains. On the packaging of the product should be stated that it copes with this kind of trouble. Another point is to make sure that the stain remover is suitable for a particular fabric. Most of them are effective on white fabrics, but can spoil the color thing.

Preference should be given to plant-based compositions without chlorine and other aggressive components in the composition. White stubborn dirt can be removed with bleach. You do not need to pour it directly on the stain, it is necessary to wet the sponge in the composition, even better - dilute it a little with water.

Bleaching pencils are becoming quite popular. They are convenient to use and almost all of them cope with orange marks on the fabric.

Ways of breeding

One of the easiest and safest ways to remove orange stains is to place them under cold water. However, this method “works” only on fresh stains set no later than 10-15 minutes.

It is enough to turn on cold water and place the place of pollution under the flowing stream. The time of such exposure will be 2-3 minutes. However, the hostess herself will see that the stain first faded and then completely disappeared. After that, you should wash the thing in an appropriate way.

Another option is to sprinkle fresh spot with table salt. It is left on things for 7-10 minutes, then washed off with cool water. At the end of the thing is erased in a suitable way. Exposure to salt may not be safe for colored and delicate fabrics.

White things that do not sit in hot water can be treated with boiling water. For this, a very hot liquid is poured directly onto the stain until it disappears.

Another effective, but in some cases dangerous, way to clean a fresh orange spot is to treat it with vinegar. The important point - you can not pour vinegar essence directly on the pollution. First, the liquid is wetted with a cotton pad or stick, which is used to gently handle contamination. This should be done until the stain turns pale and disappears. Then be sure to rinse the item in warm water.

Citric acid can be used instead of vinegar. First you need to prepare a bleaching solution by adding 10 ml of hot water to it with 1 tsp. Of acid. The composition with a cotton swab is applied to the pollution, after which you need to give the tool 10-20 minutes to activate.Then you should wash the lemon concentrate and wash the thing in the usual way.

The use of citric acid can be combined with soaking or steaming. First, the thing is soaked in soapy water or treated with steam, after which the stain is covered with lemon composition and perform the actions described above.

The old spots are a much bigger problem. One of the technologies involves their removal of hot steam. For this thing you need to keep on steam for several hours, then soak in powder and, finally, wash by hand or in a typewriter.

Most of the methods described are suitable for further washing both by hand and machine. The determining factor will be the quality and characteristics of the fabric. However, sometimes you have to resort to hand washing or using the machine.

In the washing machine

Orange spot can be treated with glycerin. It is sold in a pharmacy. It just needs to be poured onto the stain and left for an hour and a half, then rinsed under the water and sent to a washing machine. First you need to set the mode of "prewash", and then the usual - the one that is suitable for a particular thing.


The most common and time-consuming way to get rid of the old orange spot is to soak things for many hours. To do this, the washing powder dissolves in warm water, which this time you need to take a little more than usual. The soaking solution should be concentrated.

Soaking should last 2-3 hours, periodically you can check the stain and slightly wipe it. After soaking, the stain can be rubbed more intensively with your hands or with a brush until it disappears completely. After that, it is recommended to do the thing manually.

When removing stains from bulk and dimensional items (for example, a carpet), you can prepare the following mixture - mix soda and dishwashing gel. The latter should be taken 2 times more than soda. Apply the product for 30 minutes, then rinse with water and rinse with a sponge.


Before using any of the described methods or a ready-made composition against stains, you should make sure that the composition does not spoil the fabric. To do this, a small amount of it is applied to the back seam and left for 10-15 minutes. If after this time no negative changes are detected on the tissue, the agent can be used.

A small trick will help to avoid the appearance of stains and a new spot around the already existing contamination during its removal. To do this, the area around the pollution should be sprinkled with talcum powder or wheat flour.

You can not just remove the stain and plan to continue to wear the thing. When drying, stains may form, and the stain itself will appear at a lower intensity. In this regard, after removing stains thing must be washed using powder. This will help prevent the occurrence of the described troubles.

For other ways to remove stains from citrus and other fruits, see the attached video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


