Removing stains from clothes

How to wash gouache from clothes?

How to wash gouache from clothes?

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  1. What is gouache?
  2. How to remove stains?
  3. White clothes
  4. Colored fabric
  5. Old stains
  6. General tips

If there is a small child in the house, then during the creative process the mess is provided. Plasticine, crayons and paints leave traces everywhere. Remove gouache paint from clothes is quite difficult, but possible.

What is gouache?

Gouache is a water-based paint. The color of the gouache is determined by the appearance of the coloring pigment, which is ground into powder during production. White gives it a thick matte structure.

In modern production, substances such as fruit gum, dextrin and glycerin. They act as plasticizers. Apply as a binding basis phenols or gum arabic. In the child gouache in the composition instead of gum arabic is glue.

There are three types of gouache, depending on the destination:

  • artistic gouache It is used only on special canvases for drawing. The feature quickly absorbed into the surface allows the paint to be applied in several layers for saturation. It contains white, gum arabic and distilled water;
  • poster gouache contains PVA glue and kaolin. Thanks to these substances, the coating becomes more dense, and the color - more saturated. It dries quickly. Use this paint for the manufacture of various posters and decorations. In terms of composition, children's gouache is closest to the poster;
  • fluorescent paint can glow under ultraviolet rays;
  • acrylic gouache. Modern developments allowed to add acrylic to gouache. It gives the chance to cover with it any bases and is not washed off after paint dries.

How to remove stains?

In the case of a gouache stain, you should first think about how best to remove it from clothes at home. On sale there is a huge amount of specialized stain removers. They should definitely take advantage. However, long before this, various folk remedies were invented for removing paint stains.

Among budget products is widely known. "Antipyatin". Judging by the reviews, it copes well with many types of pollution. Of the more expensive products for removing stains use "Vanish", "Stork"stain removers from Amway and Faberlic.

All products should be used according to the recommendations on the package and look for what types of fabrics they are suitable for.

If the store product did not help, or it simply was not at hand, you can use the popular recipes for removing stains.

Not all of them are equally well suited for all types of fabrics.

With synthetic materials it is much easier to remove the stain than to wipe the clothes from natural fabrics.

The most well-known and proven time means include the following:

  • Take a soiled cloth, moisten it liberally with water. Using ordinary laundry soap, rub the polluted area and leave it for about half an hour so that the stain is thoroughly soaked. Then try to lock in the dirt and rinse in clean water. If necessary, repeat the procedure again. Soap is suitable for all types of fabrics and for processing children's clothing.
  • In extreme cases, you can try to work on the stain with dishwashing gel consistency. It is applied to the contaminated area, pre-foamed, and left on the fabric so that it is well soaked.
  • Mustard powder also has cleansing properties.It is necessary to dilute it with water to a mushy consistency, then apply the resulting paste on the contaminated surface. It is necessary to leave the product for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

The easiest way to bring gouache with synthetic fabric.

If the above methods did not help, try using ammonia. The most effective formula is a mixture of ammonia and oxalic acid.

Means should be combined in equal parts and applied to the stain. The solution should be given time to soak the fabric, and then wash the clothes in the washing machine.

You can try to use a nail polish remover. Apply it on a cotton pad or cloth and rub it into the surface, then be sure to wash the thing with the powder in the machine.

Natural fabrics are likely to cause you a lot of trouble. In this case, household chemicals that are available in many homes will come to the rescue. Try to remove the stain with purified gasoline. Apply a cotton swab moistened in the solution, and leave a little bit for the gasoline to react with the paint. After that, you need to wash the product in a typewriter to eliminate the smell. Suitable for these purposes and "White Spirit". It has a less pronounced smell than gasoline. The processing scheme is the same.

Vinegar perfectly copes with stains of paint for drawing on synthetic clothing. It is necessary to apply it with a tampon on pollution, leave it for a while, and rinse the product in water to get rid of the smell.

Gasoline works well, but it can leave unpleasant consequences on the fabric - stains from oil stains. Alcohol will help to cope with them. You need to soak them with a cloth and wipe the stains, then rinse the thing again.

Especially delicate fabrics require a careful approach. There is a recipe for such materials - a mixture of glycerin, liquid ammonia, and denatured alcohols taken in equal proportions. The solution must be carefully poured directly onto the stain, allowed to soak for 20 minutes, and then rinsed well several times.

White clothes

White fabrics have their own specific processing. First of all, you can use any bleach to remove gouache stains. It is better to choose the means as part of which there is no chlorine.

If you need to remove dirt from a synthetic blouse, chlorine can spoil the fabric. Baking soda is an excellent tool for affecting white things, which is in the arsenal of any housewife. It is poured directly on contamination, pre-wetting the fabric with water. You can try to scrub the stain with a rag or soft brush.

After that, you need to wash the product in a typewriter with ordinary powder and rinse thoroughly.

Toothpaste can help to quickly remove gouache from a white shirt. Thanks to modern active ingredients, it has whitening properties. 5 minutes after application, the paste is rinsed with water.

If there are divorces, the thing can be washed in the machine completely. A slightly extreme, but effective method is to place a product of white color in oxalic acid dissolved in water. Soak it should be no more than an hour, and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Colored fabric

Bleach should not be used to clean colored fabrics, that is, your stain remover should be designed for colored materials. It is better not to use solvents and “White spirit”, they can change the color of the treated area, and as a result the thing will be spoiled. This is especially true for multi-colored synthetic products.

It is also better to set aside soda and toothpaste, but soap, dishwashing detergent and vinegar will help to remove contamination.

If your kid or you in the creative process left a whole palette of stains on jeans, you will have to work hard to get them out. Colored denim has a high density, which means that gouache eats deeply into its texture, and pollution must be affected by strong means.

For optimal results, you can try to mix in equal parts gasoline and table vinegar, apply this solution to the problem area, leave for about half an hour, then rinse the clothes thoroughly under running water.

Old stains

It is good if the contamination on clothes was noticed immediately, but most often it is detected some time after the occurrence. Old traces of gouache to bring the hardest. It hardens and, due to its adhesive properties, penetrates deep into the fabric fibers.

There are several tips for successful removal of old spots:

  • To remove old dirt, it is better to pre-soak the clothes in water for a couple of hours. It can be further treated with laundry soap or add laundry detergent.
  • If the gouache is dense and has been applied for a long time, you can treat the stain with usual or liquid ammonia before soaking, then soak it, as in the previous case. After all this, you can apply all of the above tools, depending on the type and color of the fabric.
  • If a thick layer of gouache gets on the surface of the clothes, then the dried paint should be carefully scraped off with a knife, then the affected area should be covered with laundry soap and left in a soap solution for a couple of hours. All other cleaning products should be applied with a brush.
  • Fluorescent paint should be cleaned with eucalyptus oil. They gently lubricate the stain, scrub it with a clean cloth. But this technique is not suitable for delicate materials such as velvet, silk, chiffon. You can meet the recommendation to use eucalyptus or butter for pre-treatment and mitigation of pollution from gouache, but after these actions on the product will remain an oil trace. You can get rid of it with alcohol or nail polish remover.

General tips

There are recommendations applicable for any methods of removing gouache stains:

  • If you notice a stain, you need to remove it as soon as possible, otherwise the dirt will fall into the fabric, which will complicate the task.
  • Try to determine the most accurate type of paint, then it will be easier to apply the most effective methods of dealing with the stain.
  • If the gouache is on clothes with a thick layer, you need to gently remove it with a brush, knife or blade, but only if the stain is completely dry (otherwise you can rub the paint even deeper into the fabric).
  • Always read labels on clothing carefully. They indicate the composition of the material, which cleaning methods can be applied to it. Wash may be prohibited at all.
  • If purchased stain removers are used, they should be matched to the color and type of fabric.
  • Wear special gloves when handling household chemicals.
  • Strong compounds, such as alcohol, solvent or “White spirit” can damage the fabric, so it’s best to try them out first in an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.
  • Soak items soiled with gouache need to be in cold water, otherwise the binders will begin to harden when heated, making the stain practically unreducible. This rule must be observed when washing in a typewriter.

For more tips on removing paint from clothes, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


