Removing stains from clothes

How to wash the paint from clothes?

How to wash the paint from clothes?

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  1. Paint got on clothes: what to do?
  2. Reaction of different tissues
  3. How to scrub dyes at home?
  4. Useful tips

Doing repairs in the apartment, painting a picture or doing hair coloring, you may encounter such a problem as splashing paint on clothes. In the end, it can happen even from accidental contact with a painted wall in the stairwell or a shop on the street. In this case, the actual question arises - how to remove paint from clothes?

Paint got on clothes: what to do?

If you hit the paint on any thing in the first place, do not panic. The main rule is that there is no pollution that cannot be cleaned.

Another question is how complicated the cleaning procedure will be. And it depends on the composition of the paint, on the material of the fabric. Of course, it is easier to remove fresh paint than the one that has already dried. But, nevertheless, in order not to spoil the thing, it is impossible to scour such pollution with everything that comes handy. For this, there are special tools, both store and home, which will help to remove this or that paint from a certain type of fabric.

Reaction of different tissues

Every thing will react to the stain of the dye in its own way, and to different types of tissues should be a special approach to cleansing:

  • Into things from cotton the liquid is well absorbed, and the fabric dries quickly. If it is necessary to clean the stain from a cotton T-shirt, then it is necessary to prepare a slurry, which will be composed of white clay and gasoline, the polluted area is greased with this composition and left for two to three hours. Then the t-shirt is erased with the addition of a stain remover or bleach (for bright things).
  • Synthetics will be burned under aggressive solvents, so it's best to use ammonia with salt. First, the contaminated area is treated with ammonia, then the thing is soaked in the pelvis, which already has salt water.
  • Leather product (for example, a jacket) is easy to clean, to remove a stain of paint, it is enough to take a cloth dipped in sunflower oil. To fix the result should be soap. After the procedure, to eliminate greasy oil marks, it is recommended to wipe the cloth with a wet and then dry wipe.
  • With delicate fabric (silk, kapron) to remove the dye is quite difficult, aggressive methods of exposure (caustic solutions) can spoil your favorite thing. Here the way with warm liquid ammonia is suitable. It is necessary to wet the cotton wool in it and gently rub the affected area. After this thing must be washed and rinsed in water with salt.
  • Wool, like cotton, quickly absorbs liquids; the paint from this material is rubbed off with crushed soap with heated alcohol. This prepared composition should be applied to the affected area, such as a sweater, and gently wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • If a stain of paint turned on things from polyester, then you can eliminate it without spoiling the clothes. Polyester in its appearance resembles cotton fabric, but it is more durable due to the synthetic component, and easily tolerates mechanical stress. It is advisable in this case to use washing powder with butter. The thing is soaked first, the mixture is applied to the contaminated area, then the clothes are washed in a typewriter or manually.
  • To clear of paint jeans and do not damage the structure of the fabric, you should use gasoline or turpentine. If this method did not give results, then you need to purchase a special stain remover with oxygen content.

It is better to act as quickly as possible until the stain is dry, otherwise there is a risk of not getting rid of the old stain or spoil the thing with the wrong solution.

How to scrub dyes at home?

In order to wash paint from clothes or shoes, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the structure of the material, but also to color. Spots from a white shirt will appear differently than dirt on black pants. In addition, the type of paint is important. In order not to spoil your favorite sweater or to properly remove the dye from expensive pants, worth considering - what kind of paint to scrub.


Usually a stain of this paint appears on children's things, because small artists use this dye to paint. To wash such a thing will not be difficult, simply wash the clothes in the car or manually with the addition of detergent.

Before washing, you can put on the stain (if it is large) a special tool, for example, “Vanish”, which has established itself as an effective stain remover. Honey paints for drawing are eliminated in the same way.


The most insidious type of dyes, because they are extremely difficult to clean with clothes. But there are several ways from which you can choose the right one.

But it is worth remembering that before you begin to clean, you need to scrub the paint with a knife or brush and apply grease to the stain (sunflower oil or petroleum jelly).

This is necessary for softening, only then the spot is immediately removed:

  • You can clean the thing with a mixture of detergent and regular butter. A prepared composition is applied to the contaminated area with a cotton pad, left for fifteen minutes, then washed off.
  • Effectively eliminates the oil dye gasoline, but it must be clean (from the tank of the car will not work, but from the lighter fit). You need to carefully rub the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline.
  • Another proven method is dishwashing liquid. It is added to warm water, and then the resulting solution is applied to stains. Immediately rub nothing, in this form the thing is left for two to three hours, so that the liquid is well absorbed. After the time has elapsed, the stain is cleaned with a brush and rinsed with water.
  • You can use acetone, which is found in many nail polish removers. It is applied to the paint (just a few drops) and eliminates it in fifteen minutes. But this method is not suitable for acetate fabric (for example, artificial silk), and traces can form on colored things from acetone.
  • If a stain of oil paint has fallen on clothes made of white cotton, then a remedy is suitable, for the preparation of which you will need chopped soap and soda in the amount of one spoon. This mixture is boiled in a liter of water, in which a polluted thing is dipped literally for a few seconds. After that the clothes are washed in the usual way.


Gouache, like watercolor paint, is made on a water basis, so you can clean your clothes from gouache using a wash with the addition of Vanish. There are other methods:

  • Sometimes ordinary laundry soap can help, you should soak the thing in warm water, rub it with soap, then rinse your clothes for a while.
  • You can use the dishwashing detergent. To do this, you need to foam the liquid, apply it on the stains, wait about half an hour so that the product is well absorbed, then wash the thing in the car or manually.
  • If the stain is not old, then it will clean the toothpaste, which is applied to the place of pollution. The result will be noticeable in a few minutes.Typically, this method is used in the case when nothing else was at hand.
  • The paint is cleaned and with the help of soda, which is in every home. It is necessary to wet the areas of contamination, then sprinkle soda on them, wait a while, rinse. This method is only suitable for things of light shades.
  • Ammonia and glycerin can also eliminate gouache stains. They are used both individually and together (by mixing).
  • The presence of mustard powder in the house will be a plus for those whose clothes have suffered from gouache paint. It is necessary to add it to the water before the formation of a slurry and apply the resulting product to the stain. It is recommended to wait for some time, while wetting the mustard, otherwise it dries.

Water emulsion

This paint is made on a water basis, therefore, if the stain is fresh, it can be removed using simple water with soap or powder with the addition of "Vanish". If, when washing in cold water, the stain does not move away, then you can try to wash the clothes in hot water.

Another way is to clean the enamel with alcohol. It is necessary to wet them with a piece of cloth and rub the affected area, the paint should go off.


To remove a stain of acrylic paint from clothes, you can hold the item under a stream of cold water (pressure must be strong), and then wash it with regular powder or laundry soap. Other methods:

  • If the previous method did not give any results, then it is advisable to prepare a special solution that will help to cope with the problem. Ammonia mixed with vinegar and salt in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. The solution is applied to the contaminated area, rubbed with a regular toothbrush, then the item is erased in a typewriter or manually.
  • It will be much more difficult to wipe off a stained spot; for this you will need heavy artillery in the form of a special solvent and bleach (for light-colored fabric), and stain remover (for color).

Once the thing has been cleared of traces of paint, you can not immediately put it on.

It is necessary to immerse the clothes in warm water, separate from other things, thoroughly rinse them, then dry them in the fresh air. This procedure is necessary in order to get rid of the pungent odors of the cleaner. You can not use the perfume in this situation, they will not eliminate the smell of acetone or gasoline, but only briefly mask it. To keep things fresh and clean, it’s best to stick with the rinse and dry on the balcony for two days.

Useful tips

In order for the paint stains to be effectively removed and the favorite thing does not deteriorate, it is important to know The basic rules that will help avoid the situation getting worse:

  • Before you start cleaning things, you need to determine its material and type of paint. Because, for example, oil paint and watercolors imply different cleaning methods.
  • It is much more difficult to remove the old dried paint than the fresh one, so it is not recommended to wait until the dye is firmly absorbed into the fabric, and to start cleaning as soon as possible after contamination.
  • You can not start removing the dye on the front of the clothes, it must be turned inside out, otherwise there is a risk of discoloration of a bright thing. In order for the cleansing agent not to corrode the front side of the clothes through the purl, you need to put something under it to “absorb”. This can be a towel or ordinary paper napkin.
  • The previous rule applies to clothes with several layers, for example, skirts with lining. Between the layers in this case, before cleaning, lay a piece of dry cloth or polyethylene film. Thus, the solution will not spread, but be absorbed into the enclosed material.
  • First, you need to handle the spots from the edges, moving to the middle.
  • If you are unsure of choosing the right product for a particular fabric, you should not immediately generously water the thing with it.It is better to choose a small fabric area and drop some funds on it to see if a negative reaction of the material will occur. If not, then you can safely proceed to processing.
  • On thick and coarse cloth, the stain is much easier to clean than on thin matter. That is, getting rid of paint on jeans will be easier than removing it from a silk blouse.
  • There is a rule that applies to the area of ​​pollution. The smaller it is - the easier it will be to clean it.
  • Wipe the stain with a special tool with a cotton pad or light pieces of fabric (dark can start to fade from the solution), so it is best to prepare everything in advance. During the cleaning it is necessary to periodically change the cotton pads.
  • Before you begin to remove stains, you need to expand the product on the surface that is not painted, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the top layer, such as a table or parquet.
  • Oil-based paints to remove the most difficult, so in this case will have to exert maximum effort.
  • In addition to the choice of surface, it is important to take care of the choice of location. When removing stains with gasoline or acetone, you should take care that the window in the room is open (you can also get fresh air, for example, to the balcony). These substances are flammable, so you should secure your apartment. At the same time, fresh air entering through an open window will eliminate the risk of poisoning (due to the harmful vapors of certain solvents). In this case it is necessary to wear rubber gloves on your hands.
  • Parents often remove stains from children's clothing, because children like to paint in gouache or watercolor, and rarely do so without being soiled with them. But there is a significant plus. Usually, all these paint paints dissolve in water, so they are easy to clean.
  • Girls sometimes have to deal with the problem of hair dye on clothes. Here several ways can help. One of them is undiluted vinegar, which needs to be rubbed with pollution, and then wash the thing (you can add vinegar in the amount of one cup for machine wash). If the clothes are not colored, then hydrogen peroxide (previously heated) with liquid ammonia will come to the rescue. It all depends on the quality of hair dye, sometimes you can scrub the stain with ordinary soap, and sometimes it takes a few drops of glycerin or even gasoline.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities, you can always ask for help from a professional dry-cleaner, where experts will help you to remove difficult stains of paint from your favorite clothes.

Thus, using these tips and recommendations, you can easily remove paint stains from any type of material. But it will be better not to fall into situations at all, after which you will have to clean the clothes of dye. You need to be careful while drawing and repairing, and not leaning against the painted walls and not sitting on the painted benches in the park.

For more on how to remove paint stains, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate.For health, always consult a specialist.


