Removing stains from clothes

How to wash lipstick on clothes at home?

How to wash lipstick on clothes at home?

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  1. What to do first?
  2. How to clean the stain from the white thing?
  3. How to save colored things?
  4. How to save a denim thing?
  5. What to do if outerwear is stained?
  6. For which fabrics which method is preferable?

Probably, every girl once faced such a problem as an ugly stain from lipstick that appeared on the collar of her favorite blouse or cuff of an expensive dress. The first reaction to such a find is anger and despair that you now have to part with a sweet heart, because it is known that it is almost impossible to wash lipstick in an ordinary typewriter, and dry cleaners are not always careful in working with clothes, so there is a risk of even more ruin the thing. But do not rush to despair - in fact, there are a huge number of ways to quickly and without harm to things remove ugly stain from lipstick.

What to do first?

First you need to calm down and not make hasty decisions, because most of the things in this situation were hopelessly ruined not so much by lipstick as by the rash actions of its owner. It is advised first of all to remove the maximum amount of lipstick using a dry paper napkin, but in no case do not do it with a rubbing motion, it is better soft and easy to touch the cloth to the cloth, each time turning the paper with a clean edge, until the surface of the napkin turns white after touching it.

But in no case don't do it with rubbing movements it is better to gently and lightly touch the cloth to the cloth, turning the paper with a clean edge each time until the napkin's surface is white after touching the cloth. However, remember that any manipulations with the cloth should be carried out immediately, otherwise the cosmetics will be deeply absorbed into the material.

After the lipstick is as clean as possible, you can proceed to further actions, and here a lot depends on what kind of thing you inadvertently messed up.

How to clean the stain from the white thing?

The worst nightmare of any fashionista is the ugly bright red stain of lipstick on a snow-white shirt. And despite the fact that our psyche perceives dirt on white things much more acutely than on a colorful blouse or dress with small peas, in fact white things are much easier to “reanimate”, if only because in this case we can pour the affected item with bleach.

But if you are against such a radical way of solving a problem, Try one of the following options:

  • Salt and lemon juice must be in the kitchen of any housewife. All that needs to be done is to mix these two components in a 1: 1 ratio, smear the stain with the massaging movements with the resulting mixture, leave it to soak for 30 minutes and after this time, rinse the thing properly. If this method does not work, try to treat the stain with vinegar. In combination with the previous exposure to salt and lemon, vinegar should finally remove the stain from the white tissue.

By the way, salt can be replaced by baking soda, keeping proportions.

  • Ammonia Perfect in that situation, if you find a spot after some time, and it already had time to properly "fit into" the fabric. In order to remove the stain in this way, you need to take two small (by the size of the spot) pieces of white cloth, one of which you put on the dirt and cover the second.Further actions are extremely simple - rub the stain with the help of the top rag until it disappears.

Of course, both pieces of fabric must first be properly moistened in ammonia.

  • Petrol, as you know, perfectly cope with any pollution. It is only necessary to collect a small amount of it on a cotton wool and wipe the stain. If the fabric will save gasoline stains - get rid of them with vinegar.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - also a good option. True, you need to be patient, you need to process the stain repeatedly, until it disappears completely.
  • The latter method, perhaps the easiest to implement it at home - use the most common dishwashing liquid. As is known, the composition of such tools includes components that actively fight with oil-based materials, so we boldly apply the product to the stain, leave it there for a couple of minutes, thoroughly rub the place of contamination with a brush and thoroughly wash the thing under running water.

By the way, instead of dishwashing detergent, take a laundry soap.

The main condition when working with any of the methods listed above is a thorough rinsing of the fabric, otherwise the product will be firmly absorbed into the fabric and the result may be the most unpredictable.

How to save colored things?

Clearing red lipstick from a colored shirt or a colorful dress is also not that difficult:

  1. You can use the most common eye makeup remover, especially well, if one is oily - this type of makeup cosmetics is designed to cleanse the face including waterproof makeup, so that it can cope with a normal lipstick quickly.
  2. It is often recommended to use turpentine in this situation, but the effect will be much more noticeable if it is mixed with ether in equal proportions. After processing the pollution, you need to wash the thing in the usual way, and then rinse it thoroughly in cold water. Sometimes after such manipulations the thing retains the sharp smell of turpentine - in this case, use the next wash with any fabric softener.
  3. A small amount of pre-heated glycerin can also help - you need to treat the stain with it, and an hour later remove the residue of lipstick with a brush and wash your clothes as usual.
  4. Ammonia (it is ammonia) will save not only your snow-white thing, but also any colored piece of clothing. However, remember about safety and use it only in a well-ventilated area.
  5. If you don’t have any of these substances at hand at the moment, try using toothpaste. To do this, take a new, not yet used (but soft) toothbrush, apply toothpaste on the stain, rub the stain properly, wait fifteen minutes and proceed with the wash. You can still do the same, but with a shaving cream. They say it also gives results without the risk of harming the tissue.

By the way, if none of these methods helped, there is still the last option - take a little talcum powder and a blotter, put talcum powder on the stain, and put paper on it, and then carefully walk around the thing with an iron (though not red-hot, but only slightly warmed up).

How to save a denim thing?

Despite the fact that when people talk about the trail of lipstick on clothes, the imagination immediately draws a snow-white men's shirt with a characteristic mark in the form of a kiss, the statistics asserts that in two cases out of five, denim items are stained. It would seem that a slightly rough denim is not salvable - the more you rub the stain, the more it is absorbed. But experts and in this case there are a couple of recommendations:

  • take medical alcohol (or vodka if it is not there) and a cotton swab, treat the stain until it disappears, and then wash the thing as you usually do;
  • hydrogen peroxide is also suitable, however, it is better to use it if jeans are light, because peroxide treatment will give a slight whitening effect.

What to do if outerwear is stained?

Of course, to wipe off the stain on lipstick with a leather jacket or, say, a raincoat fabric, is not difficult, for this you do not even need special recommendations. But if your favorite velor or wool coat is stained, you will have to try. But you shouldn’t go into a state of panic either - this problem is solved, if the stain is relatively fresh. You need to take any stain remover, which does not include chlorine, and treat the stain.

In the extreme case, the usual medical alcohol. But if the stain had time to dry out, only dry cleaning will help here.

Down jackets in this regard are not so whimsical - you can safely handle the stain with turpentine, and after that you should wash this place as thoroughly as possible with a damp sponge. Another method, albeit very non-standard at first glance, is ordinary hairspray. It needs to be sprayed onto the stain, and then brush the lipstick off the fabric with a brush, although this will only work if you do not let the varnish dry on the clothes.

By the way, it is no secret that there are special products, special cleaning pencils, which are specially invented to remove stains from cosmetics from clothes.

In more detail how to remove traces from lipstick from outerwear, the following video will tell.

For which fabrics which method is preferable?

Despite the fact that the choice of the method of removing stains largely depends on the color of matter, do not forget that not every fabric can withstand the effects of gasoline or ammonia. However, if the thing soiled with lipstick is made of expensive and delicate fabric, it is better not to even think about any home method of removing the stain. But here are a couple of recommendations on the compatibility of fabrics and cleaning products:

  • feel free to use soda with lemon juice and toothpaste when working with any cloth;
  • wool is best treated with those containing alcohol;
  • cotton will not suffer from contact with hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing detergent.

And remember that any stain needs to be cleaned, moving from the edge of pollution to its middle, and if the stain is too large, it is recommended to start cleaning from the wrong side of matter. This will avoid divorce.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


