Removing stains from clothes

How to wash grass stains from jeans?

How to wash grass stains from jeans?

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  1. Features
  2. Main ways
  3. How to eliminate old stains?
  4. Expert advice

Summertime - it's time to walk, rest in nature. Often the faithful companions are favorite jeans that provide convenience and comfort during leisure, so they often get dirty. Many wonder how to wash the grass with jeans.


Jeans - versatile fabric, which is characterized by durability and convenience. If any kind of dirt appears on clothes, do not delay the washing process. The earlier you start cleaning the jeans from the grass, the easier the process will be.

The grass has a protein structure, so before washing the soiled product should be soaked in water, but only in the cold. You cannot use hot water, because then green spots will firmly stick into the fabric.

To remove grass stains from jeans, it is worth using enzyme washing powders, because they provide fast protein breakdown, contributing to the complete elimination of stains.

It is necessary to adhere to a specific sequence when washing the grass soiled jeans:

  • The place of pollution needs to be wetted in lukewarm water and pressed a little.
  • The stain should be sprinkled with powder or carefully rub with soap.
  • Leave the clothes for about 15 minutes so that the product is absorbed deep into the jeans fabric.
  • Wash clothes by hand or a typewriter.

Main ways

Remove the herbal pollution is not always possible with the help of washing and modern powders, so you should pay attention to folk remedies. At home you can easily find all the necessary tools for high-quality cleaning of your favorite jeans.


Ammonia has a strong, unpleasant smell, so before applying it you must wear a gauze bandage and open the windows so that the pungent smell disappears quickly.

Ammonia vapor can cause severe poisoning. Calcium is a universal remedy because it allows you to cope with different stains that are hard to remove.

It is necessary to take a cotton swab or a small piece of cloth, dip in ammonia and carefully wipe the stains from the grass. After that, the jeans should be washed in warm water.

In order to quickly clean the grass spots on light-colored jeans, mix ammonia and water in equal proportions, and add only 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to thoroughly wet the stains on the product with this solution and let it soak into the fabric, leaving it for about 10 minutes. Next, the tool must be washed off the clothes, but only in water with a temperature not higher than 30 degrees.

To quickly scrub the grass stains, you can use an aqueous solution of ammonia, for the preparation of which you will need 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 200 ml of warm water. Stains need to moisten with a solution and wait about 30 minutes. After all contaminated places you need to thoroughly lather soap and still leave for 30 minutes. After these procedures, jeans can be put in a washing machine.


You can use table or wine vinegar. Grass stains can be simply moistened with vinegar and left for 60 minutes. If the amount of vinegar allows, then you can take a brush and, dipping it in an acidic liquid, carefully rub contaminated places. After the vinegar reacts with the protein structure of the grass, the treated places should be washed with water and sent to a washing machine.

Boiling water

Boiling water does not help to cope with the old spot, it can only be used to remove fresh grass.

It is necessary to pull the jeans over the tank, and pour the spot with boiling water. The fabric should be kept tight, because only in this case water can get into all the fibers. Watering boiling water can be done several times in a row.

After the product should be immediately washed in a typewriter, using the maximum allowable water temperature.


Baking soda is an excellent stain remover, so it is often used when removing various stains on clothes. It is in great demand because it is cheap, always at hand. Its only drawback is that it can damage the texture of fine fabricsso you should be careful.

To prepare the solution will need some water and a few spoons of soda. As a result, a mushy mixture should appear. To enhance the process of eliminating grass stains, you can add a tablespoon of vinegar to the mixture. The resulting mixture should be applied to contaminated places and leave for 60 minutes.

If you need to quickly remove the stain, you can rub these dirty areas with a brush for 10 minutes. Next, the jeans need to be washed in a typewriter or by hand with the addition of washing powder.

Lemon acid

A few spoons of citric acid, diluted in 200 ml of water, do an excellent job with various stains. It is necessary to wet contaminated areas of clothing and leave for 40 minutes. Further clothes can be sent to the washing machine.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is only suitable for cleaning light jeans, as it can lighten the fabric. She perfectly lightens the coloring pigment of the grass. To treat stains, you must use a cotton swab. Carefully treat the stains from the grass and leave for one hour. After the procedure, jeans can be washed by hand or in a typewriter.


There is always salt in every home. To prepare the solution will need 200 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of salt. Using a sponge, it is necessary to apply the solution on the stains and let it soak into the fabric, leaving it for about 20 minutes. After you can send jeans to the washing machine.


An excellent stain remover is toothpaste, but you can only use white paste. It is necessary to squeeze it onto the brush and rub it into spots, then wait until it is completely dry. After you need to remove the dry remnants of pasta and wash clothes.

How to eliminate old stains?

To remove old stains of grass, you can use one of the above methods, but only increase the time of exposure of the agent to the fabric. You can leave the treated spots for three hours, and better all night. In the morning, you can already wash your jeans, there will be no trace of grass.

Expert advice

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Do not immediately apply a stain remover to the fabric, especially if colored jeans are affected. It is always better to test in an inconspicuous place, so as not to completely spoil the thing. Thus, you can make sure that the color of the jeans after the stain remover does not suffer.
  2. When removing stains, it is not necessary to apply a lot of force, since strong friction can damage the fabric, damaging the fibers, and the herbal pigment will be absorbed even deeper into the fabric itself.
  3. It is very difficult to remove old stains. It is best to clean your jeans as quickly as possible for easy stain removal.
  4. You should not experiment and apply at once all known methods of eliminating grass stains. If it is too hard to approach cleaning, then the grass will sink into the fabric even deeper, and it will be impossible to get rid of green spots.

For information on how traditional methods of removing grass stains work, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


