Removing stains from clothes

How to wash a greasy stain on jeans?

How to wash a greasy stain on jeans?

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  1. Decontamination methods

All people, without exception, came into conflict with oil stains on their favorite jeans or on the clothes of family members. Not necessarily in such cases, headlong run to dry cleaning, because such stains can be easily removed and at home. If you encounter such a problem, it is very important to act quickly and in proven ways, so as not to spoil the thing and keep its old color.

Decontamination methods

Nowadays, you can remove grease stains in different ways. Ranging from popular recipes and ending with special modern means.

Washing powder

The most common and unsophisticated way is the usual laundry detergent. But when used properly, powder is an excellent stain remover. Just wash your favorite item in the washing machine with added powder.

You can also pour a little powder on a dirty section of fabric, cover with a paper towel and iron a hot iron. If this method did not help you, do not be sad, read the following methods to remove greasy stains.

Stain remover

Use with extreme caution. Before you begin, be sure to read the instructions, as the stain remover is a specialized chemical-based tool. The procedure for selecting a stain remover is as follows:

  1. First you need to determine whether this stain remover to your jeans.
  2. You also need to know if your jeans are designed for stain remover effects.

Carefully select the desired tool. After all, if you use an unsuitable stain remover, it is fraught with not only otstyryvaniem greasy stains, but also the appearance of lighter spots on the fabric. For example, from the use of bleach.

Laundry soap

This method can be classified as "popular recipes." Laundry soap perfectly helps in the fight against old oil stains. Cleaning is done as follows:

  1. We moisten the soap and rub the dirty area on the fabric.
  2. After about an hour, wash off the soap suds with water.

If the stain is not washed out, repeat the procedure and erase it in a typewriter on a regular basis. It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the oily blot is very old, it is best to rub it with soap several times, wrap the jeans in a plastic bag and leave the thing to lie down before washing for at least 12 hours.

There is still a way to add regular sugar:

  1. Repeat the manipulation with soap, but do not wash it off.
  2. On a site that requires cleaning, add a pinch of sugar.
  3. We give this mixture to brew for 10-15 minutes, then brush off everything with a brush.
  4. Wash by hand or in a washing machine.

Means that is used for washing dishes

Soap remedy with special components perfectly copes with greasy stains:

  1. First, it is better to soak jeans in water with detergent.
  2. Before washing, add a little detergent for dishes to the laundry detergent (in the same compartment). This procedure is needed in order to enhance the effectiveness of the powder.

But, if you do not use the washing machine, it does not matter. You can pour the stain with detergent, rub this place until a light foam forms and leave the thing to lie down for a while, then wash it by hand.

Paper towel

Putting a towel to the area where the problem occurred, just for a couple of minutes. If you immediately blot an oily blot with a paper towel, it will be much easier to wash off a greasy stain in the future.

Although the paper towel is a rather commonplace fixture, it absorbs most of the fat and makes further difficult struggle with stains of this kind more effective. Consider using a paper towel on old stains is useless.


This simple hygienic means not only protects our teeth from caries and other diseases of the oral cavity, but also perfectly removes oily blots. To remove the stain, simply cover the contaminated area with a layer of toothpaste and leave the jeans for a while.

After this time, wash the thing in the washing machine in the usual mode, or do it manually. Remember When using this method, it is not recommended to iron the fabric with an iron. Just smear the jeans with paste and then wash.


If you want to quickly get rid of fat areas, the best method in this case there will be gasoline, kerosene or acetone:

  1. Apply a few drops of gasoline to the problem area.
  2. After a couple of minutes, the fuel must be washed off with cold water. Do not worry, the unpleasant smell from gasoline will disappear itself for some time.

Although gasoline is the fastest way to protect against oily stains, it is not suitable in all cases. Before applying fuel to the stain is better to test it on an inconspicuous area on your jeans.

Because gasoline is a very aggressive substance, if mistreated, it can eat away a piece of paint on a fabric. It is necessary to treat him as carefully as possible.

Grated potatoes

Shredded potatoes, along with modern means, perfectly copes with oil marks on your favorite clothes:

  1. First you need to grate the potatoes on a fine grater.
  2. Apply potato gruel to the contaminated area. It is best to apply from the inside.
  3. After half an hour you need to remove the gruel from the clothes, it is better to make it a crust of rye bread.
  4. We erase the thing manually or on a washing machine.

Turpentine and alcohol

A great way to remove old grease stains from clothes:

  1. First you need to mix the alcohol with turpentine. The ratio is 50/50.
  2. We process the polluted place on jeans with the obtained solution.
  3. After the procedure, we thrust the thing into the machine and erase it.

If you want to enhance the effect of this solution, you can add a little bit of shaving soap to it. This will greatly accelerate the process of removing spots.

White vinegar

Every self-respecting hostess in the house will definitely find white vinegar or vinegar suspension. Therefore, problems with its search should not arise, unlike gasoline.

To remove the stain, it is enough just to moisten the paper napkin in vinegar and wet the greasy area. This option is the most good for removing old stained spots. Before removing contaminants, it is best to check the suspension in an inconspicuous area of ​​tissue. As damage is possible.

Artificial sweetener

This method is also not lagging behind others in terms of its effectiveness:

  1. Put on the damaged area a little artificial sweetener.
  2. It is enough to hold it for about 20 minutes, after a time we wash it off with cold water.
  3. We erase a thing in the washing machine or manually.

Ether and Magnesia

You are lucky if you have such old components at your fingertips, because they are also good at removing stains:

  1. To remove the fat blot you need to mix the ether with magnesia in the ratio of 50/50.
  2. To rub the obtained essence into a dirty site of fabric.
  3. Let the solution stand for about 3 hours.
  4. After this operation, wash things in the washing machine.

a piece of chalk

If you don't have powder on hand, it doesn't matter. You can add chalk, because its chemical structure is more like tooth powder:

  1. Rub the oil area with chalk, apply it in an even, small layer.
  2. Clean the item from the chalk with a regular brush.
  3. We erase in the machine or manually. It is necessary to add washing powder to precisely wipe the thing from the stain.

Heat treatment

To remove fat from clothes, you can use the help of an iron:

  1. Turn the jeans inside out and place them on a flat surface.
  2. Put a paper napkin on the patch with a stain for jeans.
  3. Pour the oily blot with talcum powder or starch.
  4. Cover this mixture with another paper napkin and iron.

This method is effective in that the absorbent will absorb iron melted fat.


Probably, many of us after getting on the clothes of something fat, people are advised to fill the site with salt. Well, surprisingly, this method is really effective:

  1. Apply a pinch of salt to the contaminated area of ​​your clothing.
  2. Salt will be absorbed in the interval of 3-4 hours.
  3. After the procedure, brush off the salt and wash. Manually or using a washing machine.

Summing up, we can say that it is better to select these methods, depending on the degree of contamination of your clothes. If you did not manage to remove the stain the first time, do not despair, try again. After all, as soon as you find an effective way for you, you will forget what fat stains are.

How to remove grease stains from clothes, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


