Clothing care

How to clean a leather bag at home?

How to clean a leather bag at home?

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  1. General rules
  2. Is it possible to wash in the machine-machine?
  3. How to wash different types of skin?
  4. How to wash inside?
  5. Remove stains
  6. How to clean a white bag?
  7. Useful tips

Among all the accessories that spectacularly adorn a female image, a leather bag has always occupied one of the most prominent places. This product is not only stylish, but also very practical, however, and it gets dirty with time, needing to restore the original look. Fortunately, every woman of fashion to solve this problem is not so difficult: it is enough to know how to clean a leather bag at home, which will be discussed later.

General rules

First you need to note, for any bag of leather should be regularly looked after. Ignore this advice is not worth it, but because the owner of such products It is reasonable to consider the following significant points:

  • light bags need more frequent care than dark ones;
  • products whose material is artificially aged leather are notable for increased wear resistance;
  • Accessories that are decorated with suede inserts or have a varnish, should be cleaned with the utmost care;
  • bags made of embossed leather should not be washed under running water.

There are a few general recommendations that can bring a lot of benefit to owners of leather bags. Here they are:

  • glycerin, vaseline or hand cream are optimal for softening the material of the product;
  • Before you start cleaning the problem area, it should be treated with a soap solution mixed with a few drops of ammonia;
  • removes simple pollution helps makeup remover.

If on the surface of the accessory there are scuffs, scratches and other minor damages, then after cleaning the accessory they can be hidden by using a cream of a suitable color.

Is it possible to wash in the machine-machine?

Taking into account the experience of many fashionistas, it can be stated that the method of cleaning in question is extremely risky. Practice shows that most leather products do not tolerate such a wash, even in those cases when its delicate mode is selected. As for accessories from imitation leather and lacquer bags, then to relieve them from pollution in the washing machine can not in principle.

In order to wash the product from genuine leather in an automatic machine, you must adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • completely empty the bag;
  • if possible, disconnect from the accessory all parts whose material is metal - in order to avoid damage to their skin and drum;
  • pack your bag in a laundry bag or an unnecessary pillowcase;
  • select the delicate mode of the device at a temperature of 30 ° C.

Upon completion of washing, the leather product should be dried well, making it a natural way.

How to wash different types of skin?

Like any other accessory used with enviable regularity, a leather bag gradually loses its former appearance. Due to negligence, changes in temperature and humidity, as well as various kinds of mechanical effects, its surface loses its spectacular shine, gets dirty, becomes dimmer and begins to shine. In most situations, such symptoms can be eliminated with the help of ordinary improvised means, selected taking into account the color of the product and the characteristics of its material.


Light bag.Such accessories require more frequent maintenance than their dark “colleagues”, since any, even the most insignificant dirt, is clearly visible on their surface. To clean similar products, It makes sense to use the following tools:

  • Soap solution to which a little hydrogen peroxide is added. After putting the surface in order, all residues of cleaning agent must be removed from it in order to avoid the appearance of stains. Using this method, you can wipe off the pollution of the average level of complexity.
  • The napkin previously moistened in warm water. This method is suitable for simple tasks such as dust removal.
  • Egg white with milk. The use of this mixture is especially justified in situations where it is necessary to clean the bag from thin leather. For the preparation of such a cocktail, you will need 1 protein, which must be whipped in 3 tablespoons of milk. Apply this tool for 10 minutes, sufficient to dry it. The final step is to remove the mixture with a moistened cotton pad.
  • Face tonic or makeup mousse. Using these tools, you can easily wash the handle and the seams - the most labeled places of all bright bags.
  • Citric or acetic acid. A weak solution of any of these substances has an excellent lightening effect, and therefore it is reasonable to use it to return to the accessory a presentable appearance.

Unfortunately, sometimes the pollution is so difficult that you can not clean your leather bag at home with the help of the tools mentioned earlier. In such cases, you should use a special composition designed to care for light leather furniture.

Black bag. Due to its color, such accessories require a relatively rare tidying, however, in any case, it should not be abandoned. Dust on the surface of a black bag can be removed with a damp cloth. and the solution which is prepared as follows allows to get rid of dirt:

  • a small amount of ammonia and a tablespoon of rubbed soap should pour 200-250 ml of warm water, and then mix everything well;
  • after applying the solution on the problem area of ​​the surface, it must be carefully rubbed, but without excessive efforts;
  • the third stage of the procedure is the removal of residues of the cleaning composition and wiping the bag;
  • after getting rid of impurities, it is advisable to treat the accessory with a cream of moderate fat content.

Another effective tool that can remove complex contaminants and add shine to the surface of a black bag is wet coffee grounds. If you wrap it in a woolen or flannel rag, you need to rub the problem area of ​​the product well. It is possible to get rid of the remains of thickening by means of a napkin, having cleaned the cleaned surface with it.

Red bag. Tidying up of colored leather bags has its own characteristics, and therefore rightly deserves separate consideration. An example is a red product, cleaning which involves the use of the following tools:

  • ordinary wet wipe (suitable for removing dust);
  • soap solution that can cope with more complex contaminants;
  • water repellent spray, having a suitable shade and designed to care for accessories from colored leather;
  • dishwashing liquid, which allows cleaning the most problematic areas from dirt.

To avoid such trouble as changing the shade of the product, before using the last tool it is strongly recommended to test it on an inconspicuous surface area. If there is no change, you can proceed to a full cleaning of the bag without the slightest fear.

The main thing is that such events are not too frequent to avoid the gradual destruction of the upper layer of the leather accessory.


The optimal solution for cleaning such a bag is the use of any means for artificial leather that has a neutral reaction. After removing the dirt from the surface of the accessory, it should be thoroughly wiped with a napkin and allowed to dry completely, not forgetting to fill it with paper more tightly. As a rule, the remains of moisture completely evaporate during the day.

Special attention during the cleaning of a bag made of leatherette should be paid to its seamy side: it should not get wet. To maintain the latter in good condition are best suited. antibacterial wipes, eliminating simple pollution and not allowing the artificial material to "choke".

If, however, allocate funds that can not be cleaned bags of leatherette, then first of all those are chlorine-containing compounds. Even a small amount of them can destroy the surface of the product, making it unsuitable for further use.


Regular cleaning of such bags is carried out with the help of wet wipes, and it is justified to use lemon or onion juice to combat complex contaminants. The second tool is interesting in that it not only makes the lacquer surface clean, but also gives it a glossy shine. Its only minus is the characteristic onion smell, which can be eliminated by a solution of 9% vinegar.

Other means of giving the glossy bag a spectacular shine are:

  • Castor oil;
  • a mixture of milk with whipped protein.

After the surface of the favorite accessory is cleaned, it remains to be carefully polished with a soft cloth.

How to wash inside?

To remove dirt from the lining, which are not particularly complex, you can use shampoo or liquid detergent diluted in warm water. Putting the inside of the product in order, It is advisable to ensure that moisture does not fall on its leather surface. In addition, the lining can be cleaned with antibacterial wipes or alcohol.

With regard to the fight against heavy pollution, here can help:

  • A mixture of baking soda and water. Such a gruel should be applied no more than half an hour.
  • Staining pencils. After cleaning the surface with their help, it remains to wipe it with a wet cloth.
  • Aqueous solution of detergent and ammonia.

Another solution to return the purity of a bag to a lining is to use boric or acetylsalicylic acid.

Remove stains

Talking about removing stains from the surface of a leather bag, first of all, it is worth listing those tools that are universal:

  • Talc. A few pinches of the substance should be applied to the contaminated area and lightly rubbed, and then removed and poured again, leaving for half an hour.
  • Dishwashing liquid. A few drops, distributed over the spot and left for 30 minutes, are enough to remove it in most cases.
  • Potato starch mixed with warm water. It is necessary to treat pollution with such gruel ши hours, after which the cleaned place is lubricated with castor oil.

No less effective and have such tools as citrus juice and aftershave. They do well with stains, but they are not suitable for all colored leather products, being able to discolor paint. In order to avoid such a nuisance, it is advisable to test the chosen remedy on the barely visible part of the bag.

Worthy of attention and purified gasoline - an aggressive, but very effective tool that can solve the most complex tasks. As an option, with its help, really remove the greasy stain from engine oil or remove the paint that has dried on the surface of the leather accessory. It is possible to use gasoline either separately or by mixing it with baking soda, and after removing contamination, the treated surface should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or glycerin.

In this case, this method should be abandoned to owners of lacquer bags in order to avoid the appearance of dull matte spots.

How to clean a white bag?

Snow-white accessories are the most branded, and therefore have to be cleaned most often. To solve this problem, it makes sense to use both the above-mentioned means (lemon or onion juice, a mixture of egg white and milk) and others, A list of which is presented below:

  • A mixture of 1 tablespoon of finely ground salt and the same amount of vinegar. It is advisable not to use this combination for cleaning bags made of thin leather.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It copes well with contaminants that are not distinguished by increased complexity.
  • Napkins with antibacterial effect. This tool not only cleans the surface of the leather product, but also disinfects it.

Deserves mention and clerical eraser that can wipe off a lot of dirt.

The main thing is that it should be white, since any other shade of it can color the bag, making its further cleaning more problematic.

Useful tips

Taking into account the fact that leather bags do not tolerate ill-treatment, finally it remains to list a few recommendations for bringing such products in order:

  • aggressive cleaning agents should be resorted to as a last resort;
  • To avoid deformation of the surface of the accessory, you should not use brushes with coarse bristles;
  • if during cleaning the skin is soaked through, it should be dried without delay, avoiding prolonged contact with heating devices;
  • to combat stains, you can not use large salt crystals that can damage the surface of the accessory;
  • the use of coffee in the process of cleaning light skin must be abandoned.

Following the tips listed in this material, you can not only get rid of pollution, but also significantly extend the life of your favorite leather accessory. Due to this, the bag will be perfectly clean, without losing its other significant qualities - brilliance, shape and softness.

For information on how to properly care for your leather bag, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


