Clothing care

How to wash wool items?

How to wash wool items?

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  1. Fundamental rules
  2. Ways
  3. How to wash stains?
  4. How to dry?
  5. If the fabric has sat down
  6. If stretched
  7. Useful tips

Woolen things not only protect well from the cold, they are still very beautiful and pleasant to the touch. When buying people, few people think about how to care for them. In fact, it is not so difficult. It is only necessary to take into account some recommendations that will preserve their purity and original appearance for many years.

Fundamental rules

To ensure that the final result of cleaning does not disappoint you, but the thing served for a long time, You must comply with certain conditions:

  • In the process of washing throughout all its stages it is necessary to carefully monitor the observance of water temperature. Ideally, it should not exceed 40 degrees for sheep wool. Camel and Angora prefer lower temperatures - from 20 to 30 degrees. Under the influence of high temperatures, the fibers are drawn out and change their shape, which may entail a change in the appearance of the wool product for the worse or even damage it.
  • Powdered products should be preferred gels - they are better rinsed. They can not be applied directly to the fabric, it is better to dissolve in water until completely dissolved. Alkali and chlorine are unacceptable, because the product they have processed becomes loose, hard, loses volume and changes color.
  • Since washing many products can damage their appearance, it should be resorted to only in extreme cases. Sometimes it is enough to clean with a non-stiff brush or to remove single contamination with the help of special liquids and cloths. Unpleasant odors are easily weathered on the balcony. Do not spray perfume or use powder with a strong flavor.
  • Soak time should be limited. Optimal - 20 minutes, maximum - 3 hours.
  • Before washing it is necessary to remove all stains separately and be sure to turn them inside out. Loops and other openings can be temporarily protected so that they do not increase in size. Accessories are removed so that it does not damage the fabric.
  • Rinsing, spinning and drying should be careful to avoid stretching in length or width.


All the basic information about how to wash this or that thing can be found on the tag or label. Most often, the instruction is a character that is important to correctly interpret.

The main ways of washing are:

  • In the washing machine - the most popular, as it saves time and effort, especially if there are children in the family. Modern models of such equipment do not harm woolen things and significantly facilitate the work of a housewife.
  • Manual - the most suitable for knitted products, but requiring some time and effort.
  • Dry cleaning that applies to certain products. For example, downy shawls, shawls in the form of a cobweb, a coat of cashmere or boiled wool, felted items of footwear, clothing or toys. If the thing is especially dear to you, do not try to clean it yourself, it is better to use the services of professionals.

Machine wash wool includes several steps:

  1. Powder or liquid should be suitable for the machine. Place it in the appropriate compartment.
  2. Put the item on the drum. Remember that wool absorbs a lot of water and in this state has a lot of weight, so you need to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum allowable.
  3. Select the appropriate mode (“wool” or “delicate wash”). The number of revolutions should be minimal.Soak and spinning for certain products and types of wool must be turned off.
  4. After completing the wash, do not immediately pull out clean things, let them drain and finish. This method is suitable in cases when you need to wash bulk items (blanket, blanket, mattress cover, jacket).

Co-washing with other delicate fabrics is possible, but it must be noted that villi can remain on them. To prevent things from falling off and making no pellets on them, use a special bag.

Manually can be washed not only by industrial means, but also by folk methods. An excellent powder substitute can be soap shavings or soapy root. Children's suits, socks, hats, scarves, slings should be washed with hypoallergenic children's soap.

An alternative to household chemicals can be mustard powder, diluted to the consistency of sour cream. It is used for soaking, then gently rinsed and allowed to drain on a wire rack. Other auxiliary natural products can be a decoction of potatoes or beans, ash, crushed chalk, wine vinegar. For softness, glycerin or hair conditioner is added to the rinse water.

During hand washing, the product is gently moved around the container. No need to squeeze, squeeze and twist it.

White and color products

Before washing things must be sorted into dark, colorful and light. Each group needs to be washed separately. The biggest problems may be with new colored things. To check how much they are subject to molting, the first time it is better to wash the thing manually.

If the clothes are in close contact with the skin when wearing, and at the same time they strongly color the water, it's worth thinking about how safe she is. Substandard dyes with a saturated pigment can cause a strong allergic reaction. This is especially true of thermal underwear and children's clothing.

To fix the color, use salted cold water (tablespoon per liter) or vinegar. There are special tools for colored, white or black things that help preserve the brightness of the color.

If the thing is still faded or there are divorces on light things, it is still possible to correct the situation. The white item can be bleached using any suitable bleach or hydrogen peroxide.. Vinegar solution will help colored faded things.. It is important to take these actions before the laundry dries.

It is more practical to choose monophonic clothes. Combined colors can be enhanced by using weak green tea (it is applied to colored parts) and salt (for white parts).

How to wash stains?

You can get rid of stains using professional dry cleaning services or pick up a stain remover. Improved tools act gently and delicately. If there is not enough money and time, you can use homemade products at home. The main thing is to make sure that it is really safe, using a tissue sample or less visible part.

The greasy stain and traces of chocolate can be removed in the following ways:

  1. Sprinkle contamination with talcum powder, salt or tooth powder. After three hours, the residue can be shaken off and washed, as usual.
  2. Using a slurry of potato starch and skim gasoline, which must be applied for half an hour, remove the stain and wipe with soapy water.
  3. Soak in saline for half an hour, then wash as usual.
  4. Wipe with a mixture of vinegar (a tablespoon in a glass of water) and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Remove yellow traces of sweat should be ammonia or medical alcohol, a strong aqueous solution of salt. Traces of cosmetics or paint are well removed with sunflower oil.

Any solution and substance is applied with a clean cotton swab or cloth, they should be changed as they become dirty. Things are laid out in one layer on a flat surface covered with a cloth.

How to dry?

The next important stage after the removal of dirt and odors is drying. Be prepared for the fact that this is a very long process, as the wool absorbs a lot of moisture. Pressing, the more effort, the product is not necessary. It is enough to let the water run off, leaving the product folded or wrap in a towel and press without twisting.

So that the thing does not deform, Do not dry it upright on a hanger or rope. Clothespins are also not suitable, since after them there may be traces in the form of dents. Drying should occur only in a horizontal position. Wet product should be carefully, not stretching spread on the fabric (it is better if it is cotton - then drying does not take much time).

If other fibers are present in the composition, if necessary, the process can be accelerated using a special drying cabinet, by adjusting its mode or hair dryer - naturally, it cannot be brought close and the elevated air temperature used. Heaters and other heating devices are prohibited as they affect the structure and density of fibers.

After improper drying, things can lose their texture and ability to protect from the cold, become harsh and unpleasant to wear. And high temperatures can contribute to shrinkage. Of course, many consequences can be corrected, but it is better not to allow them.

If the fabric has sat down

Sometimes, despite the observance of all precautions, the product can be significantly reduced in size. In this case, you can hold a series of resuscitation measures:

  • spray the product from the spray;
  • soak in pure water or hydrogen peroxide solution (10 ml per 10 liters of water);
  • wash with air conditioning (or shampoo) and dry.

Depending on how exactly the shrinkage occurred, you can do the following:

  • If it is necessary to stretch the sweater or sweater in different directions, after soaking or washing it should be placed on a flat surface and at certain intervals (for example, every 20-30 minutes) to give the necessary shape.
  • If the matter concerns not the width, but the length of the product (for example, trousers or dress), you can hang it upright and even hang a small load. The most extreme option is to put it on yourself and periodically pull the sleeves, legs or hem down.
  • For hats, berets, socks and mittens, you can use suitable items in the form - a pan, a can, or simply fill the inner space with paper or other available materials.

If stretched

The main advantage of pure wool models over mixed ones is that their very structure contributes to both stretching and compression, which is why knitted things fit well, fit the figure and emphasize all its advantages. If synthetic is included, recovery may be almost impossible. Things can become great in three cases:

  1. As a result of frequent or even daily wear. Low-quality products quickly lose their original appearance. Especially, if a person has a habit of pulling down the cuffs.
  2. When establishing the wrong temperature when washing or drying.
  3. As a result of inaccurate wringing.

The solution to this problem can be the following:

  • Wash with special products that increase the elasticity of the fabric in hot water.
  • Ironing a not yet dried out product with an iron (naturally, through an additional layer of fabric).
  • Using popular methods - you need to take for soaking aqueous solutions of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, soda (20 liters for 2 liters).

Useful tips

Although sheep's wool is a natural material, it can become a strong allergen. Therefore, people with animal allergies should exercise caution.

It is necessary to store outerwear of this kind on hangers in covers. If things are placed on shelves, heavier things are put on the bottom and light ones on top.In order to avoid wrinkles and bruises, do not fold it several times. Although wool has such a property as restoring the shape of fibers due to elasticity, it is not necessary to abuse it. They can be ironed, but very carefully, without much heat.

To remove the pellets, use a special machine or brush. Do not use a blade or scissors - this is unsafe and may damage clothing.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to provide reliable protection from moths. To do this, you can purchase special plates, spray or use more traditional methods - to keep close to the fragrant herbs.

For details on how to wash wool items, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


