Woman Leo: characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, suitable gifts and charms

This woman can admire and love, envy and jealous, hate and deify. What certainly will not succeed is to remain indifferent. Bright charisma combined with seductive appearance and versatile talents distinguish the Lioness from among the other signs of the zodiac.
The female lion among the other signs looks most noticeable. Nature generously rewarded her with talents, indomitable will and determination (traits more characteristic of men), decent manners, special charm and charm. As a result, these girls have a steady success with members of the opposite sex.
According to reviews, this is a very bright sign for all characteristics. It can be very clearly defined if an important planet, such as the Sun, Mars or Mercury, was not involved in the horoscope. There are no halftones in their character: only black or white, yes or no. They are very unambiguous and categorical both in the perception of the environment, and in their judgments about it and, accordingly, in behavior.
Fire Lionesses are born in the hottest and most prolific summer months from July 23 to August 22, ending the circle of mysterious Cancers and anticipating the substantial Virgos. This is the fifth sign of the zodiacal circle under the dominant influence of the Sun. This planet determines all the levels of life of his ward: from the love of sunburn and a large number of light sources in the home to hot temper, fire, constant catastrophes and wars that Lions often provoke around themselves.
Representatives of this zodiac sign should be aware of their very strong eponymous totem animal.which retains its activity throughout the year. This is one of the most powerful mammals on the planet. The ancients awarded him all possible powers and abilities. A highly respected animal among many cultures was considered sacred. It correlated with the cosmic energy of the Sun, giving strength to all life on planet Earth.
An important point in determining the characteristics of a person is the decade into which a person falls by the date of birth. Each of them, in addition to the Sun, has its own dominant planet, which also has a noticeable effect on the sign.
The first decade (July 23 - August 1) is influenced by Saturn. These are mystical-minded Lionesses who do not tolerate compulsion. They revel in their power over people and circumstances, and tend to be disregarded when making decisions.
In the second, the most favorable decade for Lviv (August 2 - August 12) individuals born under the influence of Jupiter are born. He gives the sign wisdom, prudence, and so necessary restraint at certain moments. Born during this period, there is some snobbishness in the manner of behaving when choosing clothes.
Third decade (August 13 - August 23) under the influence of Mars gives the sign of militancy and enhances many of its characteristic features. In such women, the thirst for fame, vitality, the desire for power and a high appreciation of their own abilities have been multiplied.
This is a masculine, active sign, with clearly directed yang energy. That is why many of his representatives are rightly accused of male character and mindset. However, such words sound like a compliment to them. This sign, correlated with fire, characterizes quite hot-tempered and passionate representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.Their motto: “I command! "Such women rarely listen to someone else's opinion and often go to their goal through, simply destroying all the obstacles with their powerful energy. They can take into account only the opinion of an experienced person in an area who is an authority in their own eyes.
The metal corresponding to the sign of the zodiac is gold. Moreover, its shade should be golden or reddish, but in no case white. Only natural stones: diamond, ruby, emerald, topaz, tiger eye, amber.
Flowers Leo - peony, chrysanthemum, sunflower, rose and its wild brother rosehip. Trees that are close in energy to the sign are cypress, poplar, cedar.
A suitable color scheme consists of black and all shades of fire: red, yellow, gold, orange, purple and scarlet.
Character traits
Not everyone has a royal appearance, but everyone certainly has the ambitions of the king of animals. Although the Lioness in the grooming and ability to submit themselves, even with very average external data, cannot be found equal. They are always careful about themselves, even when a crisis occurs in their lives. And the worse they feel, the more brilliant they look. Bright makeup allows you to hide behind a peculiar mask a sensitive soul of a kind-hearted lioness. But even few people know about her qualities. After all, the queen can not afford to be weak.
It should always be perfect to the tips of the nails. There are also a woman Leo periods of recessions and depression. But she, like the legendary heroine of the film “Gone With the Wind” Scarlet O'Hara, cannot long be disheartened. “I'll think about it tomorrow,” is her motto for this case. And indeed, it is better to go to bed with a fresh head, because a full-fledged dream, like nothing else, perfectly influences female beauty. Therefore, even after insignificant falls, the Lioness quickly comes to form and goes on with her head held high to the envy of the ill-wishers, of whom even this beautiful, generous lady has a lot.
Its fundamental features are the desire for secular society, erudition, pride and inability to compromise, crystal honesty and the magnanimity of the king of beasts. She is very self-sufficient, demanding of people around and to herself. He chooses the most loyal friends, loves sociable and interesting people with a great sense of humor. She does not understand female friendship, she has several friends for various kinds of leisure activities, but more often she is friends with men.
What is she in love and marriage?
A real lioness can relive truly vivid and passionate novels, but she sees her family with her desired goal. He dreams of a big clan with many offspring who will gather on weekends and invariably ask for wise advice. Therefore, as a companion of life, such a woman will choose the one who can help make her dreams come true.
She is always surrounded by a crowd of fans, just love male attention, compliments and expensive gifts. She does not hide her requests, which is often taken by mercantilism by representatives of the stronger sex. In fact, this woman, who devotes so much time and energy to sharpening secular manners and acquiring external glitz, who has received an excellent education, active and interesting, simply does not consider it necessary to spend the precious time of her life on losers.
She needs a real leader in life, intelligent, generous, charming and courageous man with a sense of humor, which she will respect. Without this, marriage is meaningless. Naturally, the future husband must stand firmly on his feet and allow his wife to live on a grand scale. Otherwise, the Lioness simply can not fall in love. This does not mean that she is completely devoid of romanticism, just paradise in a hut is not for her. A man must be successful in at least something so that she can look up to him.Ideally, if the husband is older and more experienced, he can become a kind of mentor for such a woman. Leo is simply not interested in playing the role of a mommy with an infantile husband, she will not even build a relationship with someone who earns less than her.
But, having provided such a girl a carefree quiet life in prosperity, you will get a faithful, decent wife and a real mother of the family. The woman Leo is one of those rare persons, who, due to her energy, has time to work, take care of the household and at the same time look good without harming one of the aspects of her life. Of course, with good prosperity, she will most likely invite a housekeeper for cleaning. And it will be quite justified, because for the cost of an hour of their work most successful Lionesses can hire a whole cleaning team. But in the ability to cook and love for this process an excellent hostess can not be denied. She herself loves to eat, so the family will often enjoy complex dishes, pastries and homemade pickles.
In love, Lionesses are divided into two types. Some are quite cold, hiding their inner fire. They clearly hide it, so as not to be deceived, they do not believe the words of empty men. For a long time they can wait for the one who will appreciate and be able to build it on a pedestal. In a marriage of convenience, however, they are often unhappy. The crisis comes after 35 years, then the Lioness often meets her first love in life, rushing at her like a pool of water. If this does not happen, she can sublimate her unspent tenderness and passion into expensive hobbies, shopping, and entertainment.
Another type from youth is very in love, may have several bright and long novels. She gives herself to the partner without reserve, but as soon as the passion cools a little, she begins to see his true advantages and disadvantages. In this case, the Lioness may feel devastated, and the relationship exhausted. Through many trial and error, she will choose to be a companion at a fairly mature age just a reliable and kind husband who will admire a successful wife and be able to become her friend.
Suitable professions
Women Lions are good literally in everything that they undertake. They are valued for intelligence, sociability, optimism, energy, will and determination, ability to perform complex tasks. But she does not like every job. The best option will be with career growth or work in the luxury segment, where it can rotate in the world of wealthy and famous people.
Lviv is distinguished by high leadership qualities and the ability to manage people, so they quickly get out of their team to higher positions. Being subordinate and perform routine work is unbearable. If a woman Leo cannot become a leader and receive decent pay for her work, she will prefer the risky way to a businesswoman. So it is easier for her to realize her ambitions, because the Lioness is used to counting only on herself. She can not tolerate depending on someone's capabilities, hates incompetence or poor quality assistance.
If your boss is Leo, consider yourself lucky. She is ambitious and cares not only about her success, but also about the promotion of the entire enterprise. Get ready to perform complex tasks and processing, which will be well paid. One should not expect clear instructions from such a manager. You will be given a task, and the Lioness will leave you at the mercy of your professionalism. Telling everyone what to do and how to do it is to humiliate the professional dignity of an employee. She will gladly correct possible mistakes and point out shortcomings, she can give a couple of valuable tips. But here the employee will have to redo the work independently.
Leo woman loves to be the center of attention, she has some theatricality. She is not afraid to speak in front of a large number of people and has excellent communication skills and oratorical data. Such a girl can excel in the acting profession and show business and in everything related to the field of entertainment. With proper monetary grip and commercial abilities, Lionesses make excellent mentors and coaches in various fields of knowledge.
Representatives of the zodiac sign have a pronounced ability to learn foreign languages. The possibility of their successful work abroad or in a branch of a large international company is not excluded.
Leadership and the ability to communicate with people of different social strata allow a woman Lev to become a deputy, politician, businessman, public figure. On this slippery road, it is important for her to remember not only about her ambitions, but also about the essence of her ministry to a certain mission. After all, the main qualities of the Lioness, patronized by the Sun, are faith and truth. When evading this light can punish the most violent failures.
Lionesses should be especially careful in choosing an amulet, conferring only with their inner feeling to the subject. Representatives of the sign believe in mysticism. A successful talisman can really bring them sudden success and give them positive energy, become a talisman and inspire them to meaningful things.
As an amulet any images of a lion, an eagle, a ladybird, a swan will do. Solar symbols are also good (various images of the Sun): paintings in the interior, sunflower plants, bamboo with its inexorable upward and inexhaustible force, fiery colors. You can also use lucky numbers for a fire sign: 1, 5, 9,11.
Especially important for the Lioness is the choice of high-quality natural stones in jewelry. Properly selected, they will bring good luck and smooth out the negative characteristics of the mark. Do not wear other people's jewelry or purchased in a pawnshop, for susceptible energy Leo this is a great danger. An exception can be made only for the grandmother's family jewels, who tried to help in life, and then could become a guardian angel. It would be better if you knew your relative in person. However, if you do not want to repeat her fate in some way, then it is better to refuse to wear such jewelry.
The king of stones is like a diamond designed to emphasize the greatness of Lviv. He personifies power and strength, helps in successful contacts and energizes a strong personality. If for some reason Lev does not have a noticeable charisma (which is very rare), then you should not wear jewelry with this mineral, they will only take away the already insufficient energy of the sign.
Known as the “Stone of the Sun”, Heliodor is useful to those whose profession is related to science and teaching, as it accumulates the intellectual abilities of the owner. A Lioness can bring good luck in his personal life and achieving family harmony.
Golden topaz helps hot-tempered people to keep emotions under control, gives them wisdom. It is believed that this stone can even help unravel the cunning plans of secret enemies.
Tourmaline is useful to wear Lions of creative professions. It dispels fears, eliminates temporary insecurity and contributes to the development of the creative direction of consciousness.
Amber is a universal talisman for Lionesses. This yellow stone, as if imprinted in a ray of the sun, gives only a positive mood, enhances the energy of the sign, eliminates melancholy and protects from detractors.
What can you give?
When choosing a gift for a woman Leo is important its elitism and high cost. Fur coats, expensive jewelry, gorgeous bouquets of flowers from 101 roses - these women are not one of those who give up an expensive gift from modesty and a sense of self-responsibility.Moreover, the girl Leo believes that she is worthy of no less than the royal honors and the most expensive gifts in its definition. She will not appreciate indoor plants in a pot or hastily bought a soft toy in a nearby stall. The point is not in the mercantile spirit and notorious greed. She herself loves to give as much as she receives. And he always does it thoroughly, with great taste and not stint on spending.
A great gift for a girl Leo will be expensive gold jewelry with natural stones. She will appreciate the brand of the manufacturer, and the number of carats. Do not be afraid to buy too large a piece of jewelry: Lionesses like flashy shiny things. You can also give an unusual designer silver item, which will be supplied with a company certificate and issued in a limited quantity or even a single copy.
A good acquisition for the donor will be designer aromas. Lionesses love perfume very much and, as a rule, keep a whole strategic reserve at home. In this case, preference is usually given to sweet, heavy or oriental spicy flavors. For sure not to be mistaken with the smell, give the opportunity to choose the most bestowed, giving her a certificate for a generous amount.
If you are familiar enough, you can please your beloved with beautiful clothes. Women Lions prefer expensive fabrics and natural furs. Clothing should be bright, in fiery tones or shiny. An excellent choice could be a set of scarlet designer underwear or python leather pumps on a hairpin.
The liking will be to the woman Lev and all that is connected with the symbolism of the sign: souvenirs, paintings, writing materials in the form or with the image of a lion or cat. Loving impressions of the Lionesses will appreciate the ticket to the elite spa or to the concert or show that interests her.
If you do not know the taste of your girlfriend well enough, you can make a gastronomic gift. The main thing is that it should be elite, in beautiful packaging and not harm the immaculate figure of the Lioness, which she carefully protects. It can be a collection wine, a set of expensive rare spices, brought specially for it from Spain, a box of assorted Belgian chocolates. Whatever gift you choose, it must reflect the immaculate taste and high demands of the Lioness.
There are a lot of famous public figures among women in Lviv. All of them have bright charisma, solar positive energy, not leaving anyone indifferent who has ever heard their name. They are American actresses Kate Beckinsale, Charlize Theron, Mila Kunis and Sandra Bullock; Russian model Victoria Lopyreva; star of the series "The Vampire Diaries" Nina Dobrev; singers Whitney Houston, Jennifer Lopez and Sophia Rotaru; successful writer Daniela Steele; TV host Julia Vysotskaya.
Who will make a married woman Leo happy, see the video below.