
Melchior spoons: what it is, benefit and harm

Melchior spoons: what it is, benefit and harm

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  1. What is melchior?
  2. The benefits and harm of cutlery
  3. Marking
  4. How to distinguish from silver?
  5. Storage and care

The demand for spectacular cutlery is always high, despite the fashion, this gift was always considered a status. Whatever lifestyle a family leads, a beautifully decorated table will decorate any holiday. Depending on the budget and taste, devices made of silver, nickel silver or nickel silver are purchased.

Outwardly, they differ little from silver and just as difficult to care for. Especially common sets of tablespoons of the alloy.

What is melchior?

Melchior today is far from being as popular as 50 years ago, this alloy is used in the manufacture of not only dishes, but also jewelry. Due to its resistance to corrosion and external resemblance to silver, German silverware was very common in its time. The composition of the alloy consists of the following elements:

  • not less than 70% copper;
  • no more than 30% nickel;
  • about 1% of manganese and iron.

Earlier zinc was also included in it, but today the material with such a composition is called nickel silver, where cheap zinc partially replaces expensive nickel. Melchior badly transfers moisture, has low thermal conductivity.

The benefits and harm of cutlery

Tea and table sets of nickel silver were very common in the USSR. There were several factories producing similar products. Nobody thought about the benefits and harms of these dining items. However, since there are several different metals in the composition, it is not surprising that their regular use leads to health effects. There is an opinion that, if used improperly, nickel silver affects health adversely.

Among the advantages of such dishes can be easily identified:

  • durability, strength;
  • budget price;
  • beautiful and status appearance;
  • does not corrode;
  • heats up slowly, so easy to use.

There are downsides to the devices of nickel silver:

  • darken and require careful care;
  • if the devices are devoid of coating, they can give the metal in taste;
  • can not be used for cooking.

With regard to health, then harm to the body can only be using nickel silver products for cooking. In the process of heating the oxidation of copper releases certain toxins, contacting with different products. Therefore, it is not possible to cook food in the oven or on the stove in a nickel silver dish. The health benefits of using nickel silver spoons are regularly evident. A small number of metal molecules do not fight bacteria like silver, but are needed by the body. To increase the ingestion of substances such as iron, nickel, copper, it is enough to constantly eat with the help of nickel silver spoons and forks.

The amount of these substances is microscopic, but has a beneficial effect on health.


Gold and silver dishes are not only extremely expensive, but also fragile. Tea and tableware made of alloys, more durable and no less beautiful. Spoons, forks, knives and other appliances bear a stamp, a stamp in the form of an inscription, which denote certain information. Most often these are letters in the form of abbreviations and numbers. Items made in the USSR and Russia have the following markings:

  • ISC - transcript means a nickel silver composition, which is analogous to nickel silver;
  • if it is written FINE, MN - then you have tea or table nickel silver items;
  • Stainless on spoon - implies stainless steel;
  • AL - aluminum.

In addition, when silvering or gilding, additional markings with the sign of the corresponding metal are also assigned. The marking MZC is used in the manufacture of not only cutlery, but also jewelry, equipment, fittings. It stands for copper, nickel, zinc. Nickel silver is covered with silver without fail, so that there is no taste and smell of metal. Soviet GOST requires the following proportionality of the components of the MNC alloy for table and tea appliances;

  • copper from 60%;
  • nickel from 13%;
  • zinc from 18%.

The inscription MNC 15-20 means exactly the percentage ratio - 15% nickel and 20% zinc, so it is not a problem to calculate the amount of copper. According to GOST, the thickness of the coating is also defined - 24 mm for forks, spoons, tongs, tureens, trays and dishes, 18 mm for the cup holder.

You can often see markings ZiD and ZiSh on vintage cutlery, this designation of the place of manufacture of sets:

  • ZiD - plant them. Dzerzhinsky;
  • ZiSh - plant them. Shevchenko (there are records in the Ukrainian language).

If the ISTC labeling is on the spoon, the second C is nothing more than a designation of the price that was previously put on mandatory products of any kind. In the 90s, this inclusion was canceled.

How to distinguish from silver?

First of all, silver is a metal of a pure kind, does not contain any impurities, but nickel silver is an alloy that has greater strength. Outwardly, they are very similar, so it is not easy to distinguish them. First of all, you need to properly consider the spoon.

The main differences:

  • silver is obviously heavier than nickel;
  • reflects light well;
  • over time becomes dull;
  • conducts electricity and heat better, heats up faster;
  • silver is more expensive;
  • the brand of the product, if it is genuine, is a test on silver, on Melchior it is a letter.

If in doubt, dip a spoon in iodine, in water or rub with a lyapisny pencil. Any color changes prove that before you rafting. The smell of metal also indicates the presence of an alloy, since silver has no smell, rubbing the product well enough to feel the aroma. You can hold the product with a needle, if there is a scratch, it is an alloy.

If you are not sure, show the spoon to the jeweler. The most accurate way to determine the composition is the chrompeak, which is dripped onto the object - the silver product is colored red.

Storage and care

Caring for nickel silver spoons is quite difficult, especially since Melchior often gets dark. In order for this not to happen, you need to properly care for cutlery. If they turn black, you should not despair, you can restore them to their original state.

The causes of darkening are many, the type of product is important, and how it is stored. Main reasons:

  • high humidity is a real disaster for nickel silver spoons, so they are stored in dry places, and after washing they are thoroughly wiped;
  • improper care, as food can get into tiny cracks, substances that change the appearance of the device over time.

For cleaning darkened spoons of nickel silver, various means and methods are used. They are perfect for cleansing regular nature, and from stagnant stains.

  • Foil. Most often used in conjunction with salt and soda. At the bottom of the tank is laid out the foil, on which there are products that need to be cleaned. They are poured soda-saline and sent to the fire for about 15-20 minutes. After that, the fire is turned off, and the products are left in water until they cool completely, then they are thoroughly washed and wiped dry with a soft cloth.
  • Special tools. They can be purchased in the economic departments of supermarkets, they are convenient to use, are available in different types: gel, powder, solution. The most convenient way is to use liquid-type products and special wipes. Excellent clean abrasive substances, but they can damage the set of tablespoons.It is recommended to purchase products that envelop the device after use, protecting it from moisture.
  • Soda and vinegar. This is one of the most cost-effective ways, especially since both products are in almost every kitchen. About 50 g of soda is dissolved in a liter of water, if you use vinegar - 1 tsp per 200 ml. Then this mixture is rubbed with wipes, rinsed, wiped dry.
  • Decoctions. The most popular broths for clarification of nickel silver - potato, garlic, from a shell. The shell of two eggs is placed in water (1 liter) and brought to a boil, the darkened product is placed there. After a few minutes, take out and washed, wiped. Potato broth is considered slightly less aggressive, it is better suited for periodic cleaning.
  • Ammonia. 4 tablespoons of alcohol are added to a liter of water, and this composition launders products even with very serious contaminants.

Often, after the procedures, nickel silver spoons dim to restore the lost shine, using a variety of methods:

  • toothpaste or powder - the products are simply rubbed with an agent applied onto a cotton pad;
  • potatoes - need half raw root vegetables, which are wiped with cutlery;
  • pasta - put the devices for 20 minutes in a pan with boiled pasta, leave the water in the pan, then wash and dry, and throw the pasta.

In order for nickel silver spoons to retain their original appearance for a long time and do not often require cleaning, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not store the devices in high humidity places in a closed box, it is better to wrap each of them with food-grade film;
  • Do not use aggressive products with chlorine, such as “Belize”;
  • wash your nickel silver appliances only by hand, you cannot wash them in the dishwasher.

How easy it is to clean the cupronickel in two minutes, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


