Beige manicure

French manicure beige and milky shades

French manicure beige and milky shades

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  1. History of
  2. Classic option
  3. Who is suitable?
  4. A variety of palettes
  5. Useful tips

French manicure, which appeared more than 30 years ago in America, has long won the hearts of many fashionistas. This nail design method is a simple but insanely elegant way to complement your look.

French manicure is suitable for everyday wear (for work and study), as well as for festive exits. In addition, this design will never be the cause of oblique glances of passers-by or disgruntled comments of the chief - it is quite elegant, calm and discreet.

Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of interpretations of this design (in particular, using bright colors and contrasting shades), the classic version in beige tones still holds the leading position.

History of

French manicure, as we know it and love today, appeared 35 years ago in the United States. Jeff Pink, the founder and owner of one of the popular companies engaged in the production of varnishes and other manicure products, became his ideological inspirer.

When one of the friends (and part-time and the director) complained to Jeff that during the filming process they had to make frequent stops in order to correct the manicure for the actors, Pink got excited about the idea of ​​creating a manicure that would maximally emphasize the natural beauty of the nails and would not throw eyes.

So arose already become a traditional jacket.

Classic option

Beige or milk french on the nails - this is a classic version of the implementation of this manicure.

So, usually the nail plate (namely, its main part) is covered with a transparent color or a shade of pastel color palette (beige, milky or light pink).

After that, a strip of white color is applied on the tip of the nail (by hand or using a stencil). Traditionally, this line can be straight or take the form of a crescent.

Who is suitable?

French manicure in soothing pastel colors will suit every fashionista. It is combined with any style of clothing, suitable for girls and women of any age, profession and lifestyle.

The vocation of this nail design method is not to give brightness or contrast, do not become the color accent of your image, but make your nails more well-groomed and neat.

A big plus in this regard is the fact that, unlike various complex design solutions, you can make a french service yourself at home, without resorting to the help of professional nail technicians and without going to beauty salons.

A variety of palettes

Of course, when it comes to pastel colors, first of all we mean beige or milky tones. However, some other colors can be used to apply an elegant French jacket. These include:

  • light pink;
  • nude
light pink
  • beige with a slight yellowness;
  • light brown;
  • powdery

In addition, you can experiment and come up with new options.

beige with a slight yellowness
light brown

Color change

If you want to refresh your image a little, or are tired of the classic jacket, but at the same time do not want to resort to any cardinal and too original options, try changing the colors in some places or use several milky shades at once.

So, you can paint the main nail plate in a light pink color, and apply the upper line with a nude coating (other combinations are possible).

Thus, you diversify the standard jacket using the same neutral milky color palette.

Useful tips

In order to make your beige jacket look as attractive as possible, Use simple tips.

  • Before applying fresh manicure, get rid of the remnants of old varnish and prepare your hands. So, it is useful to make a mask for the hands or apply a cream, you should also make a cut manicure and treat the cuticle.
  • Important! Between sessions of manicure, you must take breaks. Once a month, refuse to apply lacquer and make only a trimmed manicure. Thus, your nail plate will be able to "relax."
  • After the French manicure has completely dried on your nails, cover it with an additional final layer of fixative. Thus, your design will last much longer.

In more detail how to make the French manicure in house conditions, learn from the following video.

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