Pink manicure

Pink manicure: a variety of shades and fashion ideas

Pink manicure: a variety of shades and fashion ideas

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  1. Visual effect
  2. Choice of shades
  3. Choosing the shape of nails
  4. Features and varieties of lacquer products
  5. Designer technology
  6. Dressing
  7. Combination with other colors
  8. Trends of the season

Pink color is one of the fashionable shades of manicure this season. If earlier it was associated with bohemian and glamor, then today multi-faceted color is more popular than ever for women of different age groups and social status. About what he is this season and what they say fashion trends, will be discussed further.

Visual effect

Pink itself is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Few people think about the fact that this shade is able to affect the state and well-being of a person. With it, you can get rid of depression and improve your health. Combining two colors (red and white), pink symbolizes different feelings. For example, passion, sexuality, but at the same time tenderness, purity and gullibility are characteristic of him.

At first glance, it seems gentle and romantic. It characterizes renewal and femininity, as well as innocence. From a psychological point of view, this color is saturated with the energy of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. However, the color has a reverse side. His other qualities are frivolity and impermanence. Someone even agrees that this color is chosen by girls who need to stand out from the crowd, drawing attention to themselves.

In general, pink manicure is a choice of dreamy and sensitive natures.

However, the color is not so simple: it is chosen by girls who are outwardly open enough, but in reality it is difficult to understand what they are thinking about. With regards to the influence of pink on the state of girls, it is worth noting: the color calms, relieves aggression and stress. Few people know, but it is able to influence the pulse rate, and also reduces pressure and favorably affects the work of the digestive organs.

Pink manicure always looks elegant. At the same time, he often does not need additional embellishment, because often the main beauty is the gel polish itself used with a noble texture. However, it is important to understand that pink does not tolerate rivalry, because of this manicure loses its expressiveness and becomes tasteless and childish.

Choice of shades

More recently, pink nail color was considered something of marshmallows, designed for teens and celebrities. He emphasized the romance of nature, hinting at its sophistication. Today, fashion offers women to try different tones of pink, choosing for their bows between rich and light shades. The palette of pink shades consists of warm and cold, light and dark tones, which can be orange, magenta, purple, lilac, brown and gray.

For example, one of the best tones of pink varnish products today are:

  • delicate rose quartz;
  • light, white and pink;
  • creamy pink;
  • shade of rose water;
  • white-purple;
  • pearl;
  • warm pink;
  • pink and peach;
  • pink balsam;
  • strawberry cream;
  • pink and lilac;
  • light salmon;
  • pearl-peach;
  • rose coral;
  • lotus hue;
  • pastel pink;
  • dusty rose;
  • silvery pink;
  • dark pearl;
  • beige and peach;
  • pinkish gray;
  • peony pink;
  • mauve;
  • saturated pink.

The palette of pink consists of more than one hundred shades. It also includes such tones as almond coral, maroon rose, lilac pink, rose red, rose wine, fuchsias, violet pink. Raspberry, magenta-crimson, rose-beet tones, as well as the shade of a bayeno berry, nude, deep pink and pink-smoky hues are popular this season.

The color palette is so diverse that to choose the right option for the design in pink will not be difficult.

Choosing the shape of nails

Usually with the advent of the new season, fashion trends state the perfect correct and popular form of nails. This season there are no hard frames: a woman chooses an ideal form based on the characteristics of her nails. Of course, the best shape is considered to be the elongated on the nature of the nail plate with a rounded edge. However, those who have a nail shape is far from ideal, have to grow it.

The almond form of nails is back in fashion. However, while fashion trends are in no hurry to declare the return of the nails of the “butterflies” with their characteristic long length and sharp ends. Ideally, the almond nails have a small length and oval, slightly pointed edges. This is quite enough for decoration, while long and sharp nails are not only inconvenient, but also look somewhat aggressive. These nails look repulsive, feminine manicure in pink, they will make aggressive.

Choosing a straight line cut nails, it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, they are able to acquire the appearance of false nails, and this is now unfashionable. Uglysshi short nail plate with a straight line cut. In this case, the oval or almond edge will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Features and varieties of lacquer products

Quality manicure today performed using modern lacquer products. Pigmented varnishes in pink, which are now used to cover the nails, are hybrid coatings that combine the properties of gel and varnish. Unlike conventional varnishes, gel polishes need to be dried on each layer of pigment applied.

To do this, use a special device - a UV lamp. As a rule, one or two minutes is enough for complete drying of each layer, depending on the type of pigment used, as well as the base and top, without which more than one salon manicure is impossible. Distinguishes gel varnishes and durability: such a manicure can decorate women's hands up to four weeks without the need for correction. As a rule, it does not peel off or crack; it always looks fresh, as if it has just been made.

Today, manufacturers of hybrid varnishes offer several options for the attention of modern women of fashion:

  • matte and glossy;
  • with pearl shimmer;
  • temperature or chameleons;
  • options "cat's eye";
  • with a translucent texture;
  • shimmer and with glitter;
  • Metallic effect options.

On the basis of these pigments today you can create unique designs in pink.

In this case, the types of coatings can be modified by using the finishing coating. For example, the same glossy gel polish can be made matte or even velvety, covering it on top with a thin layer of the top with a matte effect. The price of the issue is small, but the effect is not just beautiful, but chic and status.

Designer technology

To date, there are several basic techniques for performing manicure. All of them are inherently simple, but require accuracy and perseverance, as well as preliminary preparation of the nail plate. Precisely correct and high-quality preparation will be the basis of a professional type of manicure. Consider some of the most sought-after design techniques on the fingers of your hand this season.


This manicure is nothing more than staining the nail plates with a single color gel polish. Cover the nail completely over the entire surface.It would seem a simple solution, but if you choose the right texture or, say, a contrast gel polish to emphasize, this design will be stylish and expensive. For example, it can receive the same status due to the matt velvety surface texture.


Under this technique imply a design in which the upper edge of the nail plate make out the so-called smile (arcuate stripe) of a contrasting color. The width of this season is reduced, as varies form. If earlier classical design was welcomed, today the service jacket to geometric methods and asymmetrical lines. For example, it may not be round, but diagonal, and also made in the form of an angle.

Upside down jacket

The selection of the cuticle area or the lower outline of pink nails is one of the trends of the new season. Today, this design is considered stylish and fashionable, and it can be done in different ways. In one case, it is a strip in the cuticle zone, lined with small rhinestones. Often it is an arc painted with contrasting varnish or even silver. Remarkable is the fact that today the accentuation of the cuticle area can be both asymmetrical and long, almost half-delineating the nail plate.


The design with the so-called holes at the bottom at the base of the nail plate is one of the best techniques of a modern manicure in pink. However, if before the holes were made with contrasting shades of gel polish, today the negative space technique is used in this design. In essence, the well is left unpainted or isolated with its unpainted arc.

The technique is quite fresh and original, such a manicure looks easy and relaxed.


The gradient or ombre effect is created using several shades of gel polish. They can be related, which allows you to create a unique design, demonstrating the play of color. Some people, on the contrary, prefer to use contrasting pigments for the ombre effect, for example, stretching pink to lilac or purple. Make a similar decor using a special sponge, which is applied pigments. Someone creates a gradient right on the nails, combining contrasting colors with a brush.


This technique is based on translucent pigment. In another way, it is called "panty hoses", since it is somewhat similar to the effect of nylon pantyhose. For it use a transparent varnish and the main pigment, as well as acrylic paint, as the technique involves drawing. Pigment is dripped into the clear lacquer, the lacquer is stirred and applied on the nails, then dried, they create patterns and cover with a layer of topcoat. Today, this technique is one of the most fashionable. In this case, the masters manage to make it not only monophonic, but also contrasting.

Rub in

This product can also be attributed to the trends of the new season. On the market rubbing is presented in a fairly wide range, which allows you to choose the option with the desired effect to decorate the nail plates. This product is rubbed into the pigment, achieving the desired effect. Due to rubbing manicure can look not only bright, but extraordinary and elegant. However, to achieve a harmonious effect, you need to carefully select the desired option.

Cat's eye

This design does not lose popularity for several years in a row. Today, however, coatings with a cat's eye effect are more interesting. For example, the nail plate can be poured in several shades, which allows you to use this lacquer product to emphasize manicure. To give the desired effect when performing technology using a special magnetic tool, which bring as close as possible to the painted, but not dried nail plate.

Broken glass

On this day it is one of the most relevant techniques that allows you to create a bright and memorable manicure. Make this design with a special film.A protective layer is removed from it, cut into small pieces, and then glued to the nail plate on a layer of undried finish. At the same time they are placed close to each other in order to get the effect of broken glass. Cover the top of the film twice so that the surface of the nail plate was flat.

It is worth noting that on light pink tones such a design looks softer, while on a bright basis it sometimes seems sharp.

Acrylic Powder

This substance is in essence nothing more than a special polymer powder of a different color, with which the coating is given a special rough texture. In this case, the application of acrylic powder can be partial, as well as complete, in which it is used on a layer of applied, but undried top coating. If the task of the master is not the texture of the coating, but the drawing, then it is created with a top, and then the flock powder itself is applied. This design looks volume, but stylish and new, the coating itself looks status and velvety.


Broths are microscopic beads, which are used as the main texture of the nail or a means of decorating it. In general, it is microscopic powder-caviar or something resembling semolina. It is applied to the undried top, and then dried under a special (UV or LED) lamp. Today, such a substance can be bought in different shades of pink, which makes it possible to decorate with accent nails to match the basic pigment.


Nail decoration is akin to art, especially when pink color is taken as the basis. It is important not to interrupt all the attention from the main shade, as well as to place accents correctly. Consider the materials through which today you can harmoniously decorate a pink manicure.


Hand decoration of nails with acrylic paints and varnish products is a real art that can be done by professional masters of nail salons. Thin lace lines that they draw on the nails look beautiful and organic, regardless of the idea of ​​the picture. For design in pink colors, these are often floral motifs, as well as butterfly wings. Acceptable for pink manicure abstraction, patterns of ethnic orientation, a variety of feathers, as well as drawings in sketch design.


Under this term refers to the use of ready-made dies with a variety of microscopic drawings. Make them accent nails, choosing the appropriate pattern that fits pink color. As a rule, it is all kinds of lace, as well as small flowers or unusual geometric patterns.

Drawing with the help of stemping is created quite quickly, and the print, transferred from the working part with the help of a special sponge, is smooth and looks professional.


It would seem impossible to combine tenderness and gloss in one manicure. However, current trends prove the opposite. A foil or a special foil film can be the very accent of the design, which will bring the desired mood into the design and will lift the mood of the woman. The main thing - do not overdo it, because the abundance of brilliance today is not welcome. You can decorate the nail plate marble effect with splashes of silver, mask the joint between two contrasting shades of pigment (for example, combining pink with white or blue).

Rhinestones and crystals

It is worth noting that today the surround decor has lost its relevance. Large crystals, which until recently decorated the nails of female fingers, today seem tasteless. It is important to understand that expressive manicure does not tolerate heaps. What is good in the style of Barbie is inappropriate in the bow of a modern fashionable woman, even if the direction in the style of Asian "lolit" is chosen as the basis of her stylistic image. The less glitter the pink design surrounds, the better.This does not mean that the sparkling decor is contraindicated, but its placement should be appropriate and dosed.


Massive decor in the form of volumetric elements - yesterday. Remembering that the pink color is complex, you need to avoid excessively weighting the design. This is especially important to consider when decorating long nails. Today, fashion trends tend to convenience, and the volume decor stands out by the fact that it clings to anything. This is often the cause of breaking nails, which gives a woman a lot of negative emotions.

It is also unpleasant that such a decoration is short-lived, no matter how lining it to the base.

Combination with other colors

Pink can not be called universal in color combination with other shades of the palette. He is quite selective in his choice of contrasts, otherwise he loses his expressiveness and looks childish. To avoid inept combining, stylists suggest starting from several methods of harmonious unity of pink. For example, it looks good manicure:

  • milky pink;
  • pinkish green;
  • combined with nude tones;
  • in contrast with light brown;
  • in combination with orange;
  • with gold or silver;
  • with a contrasting white or black pattern;
  • in a duet with lilac pearl pigment;
  • with sunny and lilac;
  • with white monophonic or dairy;
  • with dark gray;
  • with blue and nude;
  • with light beige;
  • with bright coral;
  • with burgundy gradient technique;
  • with turquoise.

Trends of the season

Today, a beautiful pink manicure welcomes the moderation of the decor. No matter how much you want to stick on rhinestones and crystals on your nails, you should not do this, as you should not overdo it with glitter and glitter. If you want something unusual, it is better to focus on the texture of the coating, rather than paint each finger in different shades of pink, and even top them up with a scattering of loose decor. Want to be fashionable - learn to choose the right colors and decor. The bright color of gel polish needs to be balanced with soft light tones (for example, choosing them for accent nail plates or a pattern).

You can evaluate the new design, referring to the examples of photo galleries, clearly showing what a modern and expressive pink manicure looks like.

  • Summer manicure with roses in pink and blue colors using acrylic powder.
  • Chic design option in shade of fuchsia with drawing of accent nail and dosing of rhinestones.
  • The combination of pink and nuda, accent nail decoration with black lace and small rhinestones.
  • Another solution in shade of fuchsia with white contrast. Simple drawn laces bring softness and lightness to the design.
  • Transparent jacket for the summer, made in the technique of negative space. The combination of pink with burgundy and cream.
  • An excellent and truly summer solution in the gradient technique that can be used to shape almond nails. The use of pictures and techniques of negative space.
  • Marshmallow manicure in pink and white with a pattern in a sketch technique. Cavai design will appeal to young fashionable women.
  • Laconic solution for every day in the classic technique.

Finger accent with simple pattern and varnish with sparkles.

  • Contrast pink and gray with floral motifs and simple hand-drawn mesh. Original design for the summer.
  • Design with rubbed in bright colors will not leave indifferent any woman of fashion. Professional drawing and placement of rhinestones.
  • Inverted jacket with the decoration of the nail plates Japanese kamifubuki.
  • Design on straight nails using clear lacquer and pink pigment. The combination of geometric patterns and floral motifs.

How to make a marble pink manicure, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


