How many years did Maine Coons live and how to prolong their life span?

Maine Coon is a breed of cat bred in Northeast America. The large size of the animal was the reason for the appearance of some misconceptions. Kittens are bought reluctantly because of the fear that they will not live long. Those who turned out to be bolder and purchased them suffer from uncertainty, fearing the early death of the cat. But not so bad.
a brief description of
Of all the cat breeds, the Maine Coon is special. It stands out among other representatives of the cat giant size, memorable appearance and mind. Cats have a large woolly head. The cheekbones are high, the whiskers are long, and on the ears are tassels that make animals look like a lynx. Although the physique of the Maine Coon is developed, they are graceful creatures. Their paws are long, ending in disgusting "boots". They have a long and bushy tail.
Whatever the coat color - brindle, spotty, monophonic, smoky or variegated, it is long, silky and thick.
At exhibitions you cannot meet cats with lavender, chocolate or Himalayan color. On such a color is a ban in the standard: they are not bred. The Maine Coon has an unusual and melodious voice. They do not meow, begging for food, and purred a request to the owner.
The life expectancy of all cats, not just Maine Coon, depends on conditions, care and health. As they say, the Maine Coons live 4, 5 or 6 years, but this is not true. At this age, breeders simply remove them from breeding for the influx of new blood, and not because of the imminent death.
Soreness of the breed is a myth. Cats do not die earlier because of the mysterious hereditary diseases, which are written on the forums.
Large size does not shorten the pet's eyelids. Critics erroneously think, drawing an analogy with giant and large dog breeds. The lifespan of a Maine Coon does not depend on its size. Maine Coon cats live 14-16, and cats 12-15 years old.
The quality of life of a pet depends on how long it lives. If he is loved, then the conditions of detention must be perfect. Maine Coon - the most unpretentious breed of cats.
It appeared in the wild and ruthless climate of Northeast America.
There will be no special hassle with care. The cat will take care of itself, and the owner is required only once a week:
- combing wool;
- hygiene of the ears, teeth, eyes and mouth;
- care for claws.
Performing the procedures from the list above is a guarantee of the absence of problems with the health of the cat. Excessive care for cats to anything. Some breeders are not against games, walks in the fresh air.
They are beneficial, allowing the cats to develop their body, show the hunter's instincts (in a private house, the Maine Coons turn into a thunderstorm of mice and rats) and improve their intelligence.
When it is not possible to walk animals, they buy or make a game complex with their own hands. Their trainings in the constructed “small town” are subsequently observed with interest: cats not only show tricks, jumping from one place to another, but also get into funny stories.
Caring for a healthy and balanced diet is what the caring owner first thinks about. He feeds the pet on time and does not allow overeating: he does not need hunger and excess weight.
The owner excludes from the diet of cheap food, knowing the insufficient content of trace elements and minerals.
Food from your table is given only if it does not contain sugar, spices, salt, dyes and preservatives. Do not feed the cat with it until they consult with a veterinarian. The doctor will prescribe supplements, trace elements, guided by the age and health of the cat.
Disease prevention
By nature, cats of this breed have good health and excellent immunity. Rarely on the light of posterity with genetic abnormalities. Often breeders are lost and slow down, having noticed alarming symptoms.
Vomiting, lameness, lethargy, diarrhea, mournful meowing, refusal to eat or water - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor, and not experiment with medications.
A trip to the vet will save nerves and finances to the owner. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, minimizing the damage to health and the development of serious problems with the cardiovascular system and joints. Immunizations are done on time. A tetrapod animal is given antihelminthic and antiparasitic drugs.
Breed features
Newbie breeders do not welcome affectionate attitude. They do not see a social animal in a cat and do not think that it should feel caring and good attitude towards itself. They “talk” mentally to the Maine-Coons, but they do not impose themselves.
We can not exclude the premature death of representatives of the breed. It is possible due to improper maintenance or oversight. In the Maine Coon is not the same as in cats of other breeds, the structure of the body.
They will not land on their paws, falling from the window sill or jumping from the table onto the sofa. In this case, one imprudent step, which is not excluded from this dimensional pet, will lead to a fall. He may be the last. Even if the cat clusters and lands successfully, it can get hit by a car or become a victim of stray dogs. To exclude the death of a pet, the owner takes the following measures:
- sets and fixes furniture and other items in the apartment (figurines, desktop photo frames);
- covers and installs meshes with a small lattice on the windows so that the Maine Coons do not climb on them and jump;
- removes medicine bottles, shampoo bottles, toxic chemicals for summer pests from shelves, pedestals and tables, so that the pet does not eat them or hurt them with shrapnel during games.
What to look for?
Maine Coons are curious cats. All that they see on the table or on the floor, they will try to tooth, after having sniffed. They often "feast on" the decorations of the hostess, stale bread and small details from the designer. With the same success they eat poison, walking on the street. Therefore, walking alone is forbidden for them.
Maine Coon is not naughty and eats everything they give him, but feeding low-quality food will come around in the future.
The cat will develop allergies and problems with the digestive and excretory systems.
Because of this, urolithiasis, renal failure and other ailments that can shorten the life of a pet develop.
Buying a Maine-Coon cat from the hands, the breeder risks to buy a sick kitten. Subsequently, he finds out that he is ill with hereditary diseases from the list below:
- renal polycystic;
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
- hip dysplasia;
- spinal muscular atrophy.
It is difficult to change something if the kitten is sick. To protect themselves from such situations and to receive healthy offspring in the future, the animal is bought in the nursery.
From what care is organized for the cat breed Maine Coon at home, depends on its lifespan.
With proper feeding and maintenance, many problems can be avoided. If the pet is sick, timely access to the veterinarian will save his life and reduce the risk of complications.
How to keep the breed at home, see the video below.