
Highlighting on foil: types, performance and care

Highlighting on foil: types, performance and care

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  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Kinds
  3. What is required?
  4. How to highlight hair?
  5. Aftercare
  6. Beautiful examples

In an effort to change its appearance, the first thing a girl does is change her hairstyle. It is not necessary to trim beautiful, long, curly curls, you can simply paint them, and the best is to make highlights. This method allows you to refresh the female image, and as for the harm to the hair, it is minimal. The main thing is not to forget about daily care in order to preserve their unrivaled brilliance, beauty and health.

Advantages and disadvantages

Few people know that the highlighting technique appeared due to the hairdresser Jacques Dessange, the owner of a network of beauty salons. Girls regularly came to him with golden tips of strands on her hair. As a clarification, they reported that they were on vacation in southern countries, and this effect was obtained from exposure to bright sunlight. This phenomenon inspired Dessange, and he decided to create similar hairstyles by artificial means using hair dye and oxygenator. He also owns the development and creation of a rubber cap to highlight individual curls and a modern device that creates curly Babyliss curls.

When using the highlighting technique on foil, be sure to read the information indicated on the packaging of the coloring matter. In the same place, in capital letters, information prohibiting admitting the contact of metal objects with paint will be indicated. After reading the instructions, there may be a lot of questions and doubts.

But do not worry and give up trying to transform your image. There are no reasons for panic, the foil used at the very first contact with air is covered with an invisible ionic grid, which creates obstacles for any chemical reactions.

The technique of highlighting on the foil has a considerable number of advantages.

  • Quick painting. After applying the coloring composition, the foil used is tightly closed, respectively, the natural heat is stored inside, thereby accelerating chemical processes.
  • Lack of smell. Any paint has any unpleasant odors, and the tightly sealed foil does not let them through.
  • Convenience of separation and fixing hair. Due to the metal structure, foil is convenient to use when dyeing long strands. After applying the paint, the metal sheet is wrapped and fixed without using different hairpins, clips and clothespins.

    Along with the advantages of this technique, there are a couple of drawbacks.

    • Preliminary preparation. Before starting the dyeing procedure, you will have to independently cut the required number of foil sheets of the required size.
    • Lack of control of clarification. Since the foil does not have a transparent structure, it is impossible to see the lightening process of the curls.
    • The experience of the novice master. The method of highlighting the foil at home is not immediately given. It is best if the beginner master has at least a minimum internship.
    • Material. Foil is often used not only for hair coloring, but also for cooking. Accordingly, its consumption increases several times, and constantly have to re-buy new rolls.
    • Foil of different colors. Having mastered the method of highlighting under the foil, you can begin to study the coloring. To do this, you will need to purchase multi-colored sheets of foil so that you can visually distinguish the color of the colors used.For example, under the yellow foil curls stained with a shade of blond, and inside the red foil hair becomes red.


    Highlighting under the foil is used in many variations of color performance. And this is not an ordinary addition to the hairstyle. These techniques allow you to radically change the style and image.

    • The classical method. This method involves the clarification of the same thickness of the strands of hair, taken through the same distance from each other. Mostly classic highlighting is a small feathers of bleached curls, located across the entire surface of the head.
    • Slug technique. This method involves the use of contrasting shades of natural hair color. Coloring curls occurs on the front side of the head and on the crown.
    • Veil technique. In this case, small strands of hair are painted on the top of the head. This type of coloring allows you to turn lifeless hair into a voluminous hairstyle.
    • American method. This method allows you to color the strands and ends of hair in any shades of red. It can be copper or red color, the main thing is to get the effect of saturated overflow from the sun's rays.
    • Ombre technique. This method allows you to create a smooth transition on your hair from dark, saturated roots to bright ends, which looks very impressive, stylish and fits any image.
    • Blonding technique. The described method of dyeing hair requires sufficient knowledge from the master, so at home it is not worth taking on the process of such clarification. When creating hairstyles, you will need to apply simultaneously four or five color schemes, each of which should be a few tones lighter than the previous one. Qualitative work will be expressed in the effect of strands in the sun.

    What is required?

    On the one hand, it is very convenient to come to a beauty salon, sit in a client’s chair and enjoy peace of mind, watching how an experienced master leads the work. On the other hand, it is possible to carry out the highlighting procedure at home, the familiar atmosphere most positively affects the mood of a woman who is ready to change beyond recognition.

    So, in order to start highlighting on the foil, you should prepare some hair care products and materials. A set of foils as the most important and main attribute is not attached to this list. Without it, the process of highlighting is impossible.

    • Paint for hair dye. It is best to purchase from three to five different shades, each of which is a couple of shades lighter than the natural hair color.
    • Bowls for mixing paint. Each purchased coloring composition must be diluted in a separate container. It is best to use plastic containers, glass or porcelain.
    • Tassels The number of brushes should correspond to the number of colors used for coloring. It is best to buy a large set of coloring, where there will be brushes of different shapes.
    • Comb with a tapered tip. The comb is used to carefully comb the hair along the entire length. The sharp tip is designed to separate the necessary strands from the total mass.
    • Hairpins. Their main purpose is to fix unused hair in a certain point of the head so that the curls do not interfere with the main process.
    • Cream. Mandatory element that protects the skin from the negative effects of the coloring composition.
    • Old clothes. To carry out the dyeing procedure, it is necessary to wear any old things, for example, a T-shirt or apron, so as not to stain your clothes.
    • Hair cosmetics. This refers to balms, shampoos, as well as a towel for drying.

    How to highlight hair?

    Having made the decision to make highlighting at home, it must be remembered that all responsibility for the result and the health of hair will lie on the shoulders of the performing master. In spite of the method chosen, it is necessary to adhere to certain coloring schemes recommended by the craftsmen. Besides, do not deviate from the advice of manufacturers of the dyeing composition specified in the abstract.

    Classic highlighting is considered the easiest and easiest way to change the appearance. This method of coloring allows you to achieve the effect of clarification in two or even three tones. Foil in the process of dyeing has been used recently, a rubber cap with a huge number of small holes was used to a greater extent.

    To make a high-quality and luxurious classic highlighting with your own hands, you need to follow the instructions step by step, without deviating from the set path.

    • First you need to prepare clothes. For example, a protective peignoir or an old T-shirt. Cream to treat the skin near the beginning of the growth of hair and ears, then wear gloves.
    • Carefully comb your hair using a comb and put it together in a ponytail.
    • Dilute to a homogeneous state.
    • First, the hair on the back of the head is stained. The tufts of hair gathered at the crown are dispersed in several rows. Then locks of the required thickness are selected. The foil is placed under them, the hair is coated with a brush with dye to the tips. On the harvested strand laid out a second sheet of foil and corked in a small envelope.
    • Such actions with the foil must be done with all the other strands, the main thing is that they are at the same distance from each other, otherwise all the beauty will be scattered in a chaotic manner.
    • It should wait a little bit for the paint to work. Then rinse hair.
    • It is necessary to apply the conditioner or the restoring balm to the painted ringlets.

      The ombre technique is a smooth transition from the dark roots of natural hair color to bleached tips. It is not necessary to use only light shades of paint, you can apply any color, for example, red, yellow and even blue. The main thing is to do everything in stages, otherwise the hairstyle may not work.

      • First of all, a lightening compound is applied to the hair. It must be distributed from the middle of the curls to the tips. Leave for a short time and then rinse with running water. Then dry with a towel and give them a little bit of freedom. It should be noted that for the procedure of dyeing the hair should be wet.
      • It is necessary to make a parting in the vertical direction, and then another parting, but horizontally. Each individual part of the hair fix barrette or rubber band.
      • Occipital hair strand needs to be laid on top of the prepared sheet of foil. Then cover with dye composition, after which a sheet of metallic paper is laid on top. The edges are fixed, and the foil is rolled into an envelope.
      • This procedure must be performed with all other hair.

      Blondirovanie creates on the hair the effect of natural fading curls from exposure to bright sunlight. Hairstyle looks very impressive and quite natural. That's just the process of work is very time consuming. To carry it out at home, and even independently, should only be when the hand is already full and able to work with several individual colors.

      • First you need to moisturize your hair.
      • Then create a parting in the form of a zigzag vertically, and then horizontally. The received four parts of hair need to be fixed by means of hairpins.
      • On the back of the head should dissolve one part of the hair and separate one strand.
      • The separated curl is laid over the foil, a dye is applied to it, after which the metal tape is wrapped.
      • The same actions must be carried out with the other strands selected.
      • The dyeing process takes some time, after which it is necessary to get rid of the foil, and rinse the hair under running water.

        Technique balayazh allows you to add contrast to the natural hair color by lightening some curls. With even the minimum skill, it is very easy to perform this procedure at home.

        • First you need to make a horizontal parting, dividing the top and bottom of the hair with hairpins. Next, move the gum to such a level that the tails are the part that needs to be painted.
        • On the underside of the tail, a narrow strip of hair should be separated, placed on a sheet of foil and covered with a brightener. Then wrap the paper in an envelope.
        • Such actions must be done with all strands. The standard time for staining is no more than 15 minutes.
        • The lightening compound is washed off with running water, the hair is lightly dried with a towel, and the selected paint color is applied over it.
        • Upon completion, it is required to wash off the coloring composition and treat the hair with a nourishing balm or mousse.

        The technique of American highlighting is a kind of combination of light colors of the hair color palette and coloring in bright shades. After the procedure, saturated tints of various colors are visible on the hair. Before starting work, you will have to walk to a cosmetic store and purchase several types of shades of the same color.

        • To start the hair must be divided into three parts. The upper one will remain natural, the temporal zone will be painted in intermediate colors, the occipital part will be colored with the color chosen as the basis.
        • Correctly start painting from the back of the head. It is necessary to distinguish wide strands, cover them with color and close the sheet of foil.
        • In a similar pattern should be done with the hair at the temples, only the strands should be thinner.
        • After the procedure, the paint must be washed off.

          The technique of veiling on the hair creates the effect of a thin transparent fabric that shimmers with unusual glare when exposed to sunlight. Create such beauty at home is easy. Even the beginning master will be able to cope with the task.

          • First you need to separate the hairs of the crown part. The lower part of the hair collects in the tail, so that it does not interfere with the procedure of dyeing. And the hair on the top should be divided by the parting.
          • It is necessary to determine the strands, pre-selecting them from the total mass.
          • A brightener is applied on a wide foil plate.
          • Selected curls are laid out on top and covered with dyeing composition. After the foil is folded, it remains only to wait for the time indicated on the package with paint.
          • After waiting for the completion of the coloring process, the foil should be removed and the hair should be washed.

          Technologies for performing the presented highlighting options are quite simple. But in fact, each technique requires a certain approach and some skills. Create a new image or update your favorite style at home is possible, but if there is no confidence in self-success, it is better to contact a master professional.


          Say what you like, but even the safest hair dye has a negative effect on their structure. The technique of highlighting is not an exception, although it affects a small number of curls. To bring the hair after the procedure of coloring in order to return it shine and density, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of hairdressers.

          • After the staining procedure, you must treat the hair with a balm or make a mask. To do this, you can use a pre-purchased humidifier or use an air conditioner attached to each package with a dye composition.
          • It is necessary to purchase hair care and moisturizing products in advance. The main preference should be given to cosmetics marked for colored hair.
          • Do not highlight very often. There should be a period of about 2 months between the procedures. This time is quite enough for the hair to be filled with life after the initial coloring. After the specified period you can make a correction.
          • The use of various devices for hair styling must be reduced to the very minimum. Even the frequent use of a regular hair dryer can adversely affect the condition of the hair. But if it is impossible to do without it, it is better to dry the curls with a cold stream of air in the direction of hair growth.

          Beautiful examples

          The most common variant of highlighting today is the balayazh technique. And this is not surprising. The result exceeds all expectations. Hair gained lightness and lightness.

          Ombre is an unusual and refined way to emphasize the feminine individuality. With this selection of colors, the owner of hair can call herself a vamp.

          The American method of highlighting in all its glory. At the sight of such beauty, the whole world turns over, and the admiring glances of those around are directed at the owner of this hairstyle.

          How to highlight on a foil, look in the following video.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


