
Highlighting dark hair: features and technique

Highlighting dark hair: features and technique

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  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Kinds
  3. Color selection
  4. How to choose a paint?
  5. Staining technology
  6. Care
  7. Successful examples

In pursuit of beauty and spectacular way, many girls prefer to change or complement their hairstyle with highlights. This method of transformation can be called gentle, but at the same time, the structure of the hair changes a little, although the image of a beautiful woman of fashion is complemented by a special highlight.

The technique of highlighting on dark hair, has a lot of varieties. After high-quality coloring, the hair becomes visually thick and voluminous. Hair becomes bright, and with proper styling, the fair sex will constantly feel the enthusiastic views of others.

The technique of highlighting has another feature: colored hair can hide possible defects of the face.

Advantages and disadvantages

From the beginning of its emergence, the melioration technique went through a long transformation stage, due to which it received a number of additional advantages. Take advantage of all the advantages of this technique, not only girls, but also representatives of the older generation.

  • In the modern world, highlighting is preferred by women who want to supplement their image with a novelty, while they do not want to dye their hair completely, but only some of the strands.
  • It is not known for what reason, but for many modern women, gray hair begins to appear at about thirty or thirty-five. Highlighting in this case will be the best solution. The correct color will allow you to disguise hints of age, which, by the way, look very impressive on dark hair.
  • Technique melirovki allows its owners to look a few years younger.
  • High-quality highlighting with perfectly matched paint will help its owner stand out from the huge crowd.
  • Quite often, the owner of dark-colored hair wants to repaint them in bright colors, thereby making a radical change in the image. But it’s impossible to make such a sharp transition right away. The presented dyeing procedure allows you to change the hair color gradually, and after a few sessions the natural brown hair can turn into a real blonde.
  • Properly selected shade of the coloring composition allows to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes and the beauty of the face as a whole.
  • One of the reasons for using the technology of highlighting on dark hair is the ability to correct the lack of appearance.
  • The change in the color saturation of the hair does not always carry with it the requirements for a cardinal change of image. Perhaps the girl wanted to slightly refresh her natural color, add hair with slightly shading colors.
  • Highlighting allows you to increase the amount of hair on a visual level. In addition, the hair becomes more well-groomed, airy and brightly shine in the sunlight.

    The main and important advantage of the highlighting technique is universality, due to which the change of hair color can be done on a head of hair of different lengths. In addition, this technique is suitable not only for young beauties, but also for representatives of the older generation.

    Accordingly, for each individual age, the staining technique is selected individually. And also takes into account the structure and length of hair.

    Among the list of merit points presented here are several drawbacks.

    • Highlighting is considered a gentle way of coloring and still causes some harm to the hair, especially if it is done on small strands around the entire circumference of the head.
    • The procedure for bleaching thin strands, which is also used in the highlighting technique, has a huge negative effect on hair.
    • It is no secret that if you do not provide special care to dyed hair, after a while they will become dry and brittle, due to which the overall look of the hair will no longer have a presentable appearance.
    • The duration of the highlighting process in some cases is up to four, and sometimes up to five hours.
    • To carry out this procedure at home, especially on their own, is quite difficult. Therefore, you have to contact the beauty salon. The cost of the presented hairstyle renewal technique can hit your pocket a lot.
    • If the brunette's hair color is rich black, then it is very difficult to find the perfect dye for highlighting.
    • Before starting work, the master assesses the condition of the hair, as there are limitations in the world of stylists for the highlighting procedure. They relate to color, their length and the general condition of the hair. If the hair has been recently dyed or transferred to chemistry, highlighting will be denied. It is desirable that some time has passed and the hair is restored after chemical exposure.


    Properly selected highlights will look very impressive. This refers to the choice of the master regarding the technique of execution and the chosen color palette. Today, experienced stylists offer their non-dark-haired clients several varieties of partial coloring. Without experience in hairdressing, it is almost impossible to see the difference between performance techniques. The same applies to the method of applying paint. That is why to get maximum results, you should familiarize yourself with all types of highlights.

      Classic method

      This method of staining is the progenitor of all other variations of the melioration. The presented method, performed on dark hair, requires lightening of small curls, the maximum thickness of which is five millimeters. Professional stylists to carry out the procedure of classical melirovki advise to apply hat with small holes, which allows you to get the required number of strands. A bleaching composition is applied to the selected curls. After lightening the hair is covered with a toning mask.

        To give the hair brightness, pearl or pearl tones are used.

        Zone technique

        The presented technique is suitable for women who are concerned about the health of their hair, who do not want to burden them with chemical effects. The procedure itself is that only superficial curls are clarified. Hair that grows behind the ears or on the back of the head is not used.

        Accordingly, the procedure itself does not require any additional accessories, for example, hats. Zonal highlighting allows you to create an imitation of glare on a dark head of hair. In addition, hair gets additional visual volume. The technique of zonal staining is gentle. The main part of the hair is not damaged.

          The only drawback is the daily hair styling. In order for people to see the beauty of their hair, they will have to wear only straight parting.

          Booking method

          This name is quite rare in everyday life, so few people know. Only experienced experts understand the essence of the issue. In simple terms, brondirovanie - this is a multi-color highlighting. For example, the classical method involves the use of only one lightening paint color, while during the bronding procedure the master selects a couple of shades that best fit the natural hair color.

          The highlighting procedure is quite complex, it is carried out gradually, after finishing work on the head of hair, a smooth transition of the selected shades from the native color to the maximum clarified tone should be seen.

            The ideal result creates the feeling that this is a natural beauty, and not artificially made in the cabin.

            Venetian technique

            The main criterion for this type of coloring is the naturalness of the color. Contrasting shades are never used as additional colors. On the contrary, the colors chosen for melioration are as close as possible to the native hair color. The maximum discrepancy between shades of two tones is welcomed. Selected for dyeing mixtures are applied without observing any order and are somewhat reminiscent of the techniques of balayazh and shatush.

            An important distinguishing feature is that the dyeing mass is applied to the curls from the root zone, and not from the middle part of the curls, after which the coloring matter is shaded along the entire length. Based on the intricacies of creating Venetian highlighting, it becomes clear that the cap or foil in this case is not used.

              It is worth noting that the Californian technique is very similar to the Venetian method of coloring.

              The process of work is the same, the only difference is that the Venetian painting is done for girls, brunettes and brown-haired girls, and California highlighting emphasizes the image of blondes.

              Ombre technique

              In the past year, this kind of coloring was a real fad. Initially, this coloring technique imitated dark curls on light-colored hair. A little later, dark curls began to paint with light shades. The only difference from the classical mode of highlighting is that color transition is made bright and noticeable. When dyeing dark and black hair, blond dye is often used, but at the same time brunettes choose bright and poisonous shades, for example, eggplant or red.

                Coloring Method

                This type of highlighting is very similar to the standard method of dyeing individual curls. And yet there is a significant difference. If in the procedure of standard highlighting shades are applied, approximately corresponding to the natural hair color, then Coloring requires the use of several bright tones, contrasting with a dark color. The classic mode of highlighting does not always require additional toning of the straightened strands, but after coloring the hair, it is necessary to additionally dye it.

                It should be noted that not only small, but also large strands are taken for the coloring procedure.

                  Today, quite popular and fashionable coloring on dark hair is a combination of natural color of hair with screaming eggplant, as well as poisonous red, cognac and honey color.

                  Mostly the coloring technique is used by lovers of extreme images who appreciate contrast transitions.

                  Blond method

                  The presented method of dyeing is suitable for women who want to create a smooth transition from natural hair color to a light shade. When comparing the technique with the classic bleaching method, the blonding is quite harmless. After each procedure, partial clarification should take some time, during which the owner of the updated hair color should take care of the hair.

                  Be sure to make toning and firming masks. And after restoring the structure of the painted curls, re-apply to the master. The gradual change of colors allows you to smoothly go from brunette to blonde beauty.

                    Before embarking on the procedure of blonding, the stylist should select the most appropriate color palette for the woman, which will allow to transform the female image.

                    Method of partial highlighting

                    The presented technique in many ways resembles the zonal method of coloring, and yet there are some differences. Partial highlighting is done to revitalize natural hair color. The changed shade of strands can visually raise the hairstyle and increase the volume. This method is suitable for girls and women who do not want to dramatically change their appearance, but only want to refresh the image a little.

                      Balayazh technique

                      The feature of the presented technique is the stretching of the color scale along the entire length of the hair. The paint is applied to the curls from the middle and gently goes down to the tips, then rises slightly upwards, without affecting the root zone. It is best to use the presented technique on dark curls so that the color gradient is as noticeable as possible.

                        Shatush method

                        The main task of the wizard when using this highlighting technique is in creating an imitation of sun glare on the hair. The presented technique is characterized by a horizontal transition with a gradual smoothing of the overall contrast. If a girl does not want to lose her natural external hair color and wants to appear brighter, shatush will be an ideal option.

                        Color selection

                        It is no secret that every girl constantly monitors the movement of fashion trends. This applies not only to clothing, cosmetics, accessories, but also hair color. To create an unusual hairstyle seems simple, but if you think about the many nuances, then from It is better to refuse self-coloring of hair, especially if the question concerns highlighting.

                        In the choice of colors you need to be guided by certain principles, thanks to which it will turn out to create an interesting hairstyle. If you approach this issue carelessly, then even emphasize the natural beauty will not work.

                        Owners of rich dark hair perfect combination with a copper shade, as well as cognac or platinum. Very effectively on dark hair the color ocher or gold looks. Emphasizing their lightness, the girls use wheat paint color.

                        If there is a need to change the natural dark color to a light shade, then the method of highlighting individual curls will allow to turn the dream into reality, while not injuring the overall structure of the hair.

                        Brunettes hair color is dark enough, and to separate it with a light gradient of colors, you should pay attention to the chocolate-blueberry shades of the coloring composition. First, they are not too contrasted with the natural color of hair, and secondly, ideally emphasize the beauty and femininity of the owner of the hair. Hairstyles with a small bang just fit for such a light gradient.

                        If you want to create an imitation transfusion of sun glare, you should use copper and bronze coloring tones. They also allow you to visually increase the volume of hair.

                        Girls who want to make their image more vivid, prefer flashy tones, for example, red or ginger. By the way, such colors in highlighting are ideal for both brunettes and brown-haired women.

                        Lovers of extreme images can turn their attention to poisonous tones, namely blue, purple, burgundy and different sharp colors. The main thing is that the contrast should be pronounced and catch the eye of others.

                        How to choose a paint?

                        For the procedure of highlighting on dark hair, standard dyes are used directly. Although many experts in this field prefer not to save on cheap options and recommend using exclusively professional dyeing compositions, which provide an absolute guarantee of healthy hair.

                        Many well-known cosmetic companies put on the market high-grade sets for carrying out the highlighting procedure, in which everything necessary is present: composition, accessories, gloves, hats with holes, and even a hook for removing thin strands.When breeding all the usual standard hair dye, it is felt that the prepared mass has a watery structure. And professional paints are thicker, due to which they are well fixed on the curls and do not flow down.

                        To date, the most popular and best manufacturers producing coloring compositions for dark and light curls are Loreal, Estel, Garnier, Palette. Young girls prefer to use Loreal and Garnier paints, and older women are inspired by proven brands, more precisely, Estel and Palette. Previously, these formulations were mainly purchased for full hair coloring, now they are purchased for highlighting. And the price of the proposed formulations is very acceptable.

                        Staining technology

                        Before proceeding with the self-highlighting procedure, should pay attention to some of the nuances.

                        • Highlighting on short dark hair is required to do through the cap. This tip is considered for hair that has a maximum length of 15 centimeters.
                        • If the length of the hair ends in the shoulder area or below, use a cap is not recommended. It must be replaced with foil.
                        • Coloring long hair at home occurs in two stages. Initially, the hair is lightened on the back of the head, then the coloring composition is washed off. After staining the main curls. This procedure will avoid a bright contrast between colored and natural strands.
                        • If the hair is curly or at least wavy, the gradient techniques of highlighting, for example, balajaz or ombre, will look most impressive.
                        • When choosing the mode of highlighting, you should note that for short haircuts, zonal or partial clarification will be ideal.
                        • When applying paint on a comb with rare teeth, you can make a light brightening on the hair of any length. It is only necessary to carefully comb the surface of the hair from the roots to the tips.
                        • Owners of curly locks can not spend money on the purchase of additional accessories and appliances. They can color themselves with simple touches of their hands.

                            Having made a choice of a color palette, and also brands of the painting structure, it is possible to start independent coloring of hair. First you need to make clarification. Next, prepare the required tools.

                            • Paint clarifier.
                            • Oxidizer, the percentage of which depends on the saturation of dark hair color.
                            • Tinted paint.
                            • Capacity for mixing of the painting structure.
                            • Paintbrush or sponge for applying paint.
                            • Towel.
                            • Cape You can buy a special cloth that is used in beauty salons or use unwanted clothes.
                            • The clips allowing to separate hair.
                            • Additional accessories, namely hairpins-invisible for fixing, cap or foil, depending on the method of dyeing.

                              If the staining technique requires the use of a cap with holes, you will have to purchase a hook for pulling curls. If the hairdresser's hook is missing, it can be replaced with a knitting device. The same goes for staining with foil. Experienced masters in beauty salons use special paper, but if you carry out the procedure at home, the standard food will do. Foil will have to cut into small strips.

                                It should be noted that when preparing sheets it is important to consider the length of the hair. Accordingly, the length of the foil should be slightly longer. Each individual sheet should have an additional margin, a maximum of one centimeter, providing indentation from the root zones. If the hair is not very long, you can cut into two strips of the same size.

                                Now you can proceed to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for carrying out highlighting on dark hair at home using a special cap.

                                • Initially, you should comb the hair well. No need to pre-wet hair.
                                • A cap is put on and fixed over neatly combed hair. If staining is done at home, it is best to use a reusable accessory.
                                • Using the hook through the slits of the caps, the curls of the required thickness are drawn out.
                                • Having prepared the hair for painting, you need to think about your own safety, namely, wear protective clothing so as not to get dirty, and gloves.
                                • After reading the instructions to the clarifier, you must prepare the mixture.
                                • Combing each individual curl, it is necessary to periodically apply a brightening compound. You can use a brush or sponge. Coloring should be made from the occipital side.
                                • On top of the painted curls, you must wear an additional cap or plastic bag. Hair should be completely closed during the dyeing process.
                                • After the time specified in the instructions of the clarifier, the composition should be washed off.
                                • After that, the lotion should be divided into locks.
                                • The last stage requires getting rid of the cap and re-rinse hair.

                                It should be noted that, despite the gentle mode of highlighting, the hair should be slightly soiled. In simple terms, you should wash your hair two or three days before the procedure.

                                Having learned in detail about the method of highlighting with the help of a cap, you can begin to familiarize yourself with the procedure of highlighting using foil.

                                • Initially, you need to comb your hair. Divide them into several parts in an amount of from four to eight beams and fix each separate zone with a barrette.
                                • It is required to immediately put on a protective suit in the form of gloves and a cape.
                                • According to the instructions to prepare the brightening composition.
                                • Highlighting should begin with the occipital zone. The first stage is collected in a bundle of hair is dissolved and divided into separate strands. Their size depends on the desire of the owner of hair.
                                • A lightening compound is applied to the matt side of the foil.
                                • On top of the composition fits one small curl or several small ones. It should be remembered that the bend should be under the root zone.
                                • Use a brush to apply the brightening compound over the hair. Movement should occur from tip to edge.
                                • A sheet of foil with dyed hair is bent around the edges from the bottom, a kind of envelope is obtained.
                                • It is important not to forget to fasten the envelope with “invisible”, so that it does not open up and not interfere.
                                • By the same principle it is necessary to process all the hair in the occipital zone, then the temporal, and at the end - on the crown. For the convenience of the procedure, it is necessary to fix the part of hair that will not undergo staining with barrettes.
                                • After the time specified by the manufacturer, it is necessary to wash off the clarifying compound.
                                • It is impossible to remove all the foil at once, it is necessary to unfold each individual envelope and wash the colored curl, then proceed to the next.
                                • After opening all the envelopes, the hair should be washed again, and then use a mask. To give extra brightness, you can toned hair with a special tonic.


                                Any owner of dark hair, having made a highlighting, can spend hours looking in the mirror, considering her beauty, brightness and uniqueness. At the same time having forgotten that such a procedure, even on rare strands, had a negative impact on the structure of the hair.

                                If you do not care for the colored curls, do not watch them, the hair will become dry and brittle, and the resulting color will fade. Specially selected cosmetics with the obligatory index “for colored hair” will help correct this situation.

                                Before you carry out the procedure of staining or highlighting, you need to get a special shampoo. It must be used for at least a month.Specially selected balm is required to be applied once a week, but masks are best done every three days. Undoubtedly, various serums, and also conditioners will be useful.

                                When choosing a conditioner, attention should be paid to the composition in which it is present. acetic acid

                                Ladies who do not use chemically manufactured cosmetics on their hair should learn more aboutgrass herbsable to restore damaged hair.

                                Became very popular gel fluid. Ease of use is the lack of need to flush it. Due to its composition, it is able to maintain the brightness and saturation of the colored color. In addition, the gel gives extra shine to the natural shade of the hair.

                                Many masters claim that Immediately after the highlighting, it is necessary to trim the ends of the hair and carry out this procedure regularly, thereby preventing their splitting. The first time after painting the hair should not be decorated with metal accessories, as well as combed with a metal brush. You can not use a hair dryer, curling iron and iron. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the impact of negative factors on the colored curls, namely, to be less in the sun, do not wash your hair in hot water - just use warm.

                                And it is best to have a filter on the tap, since chlorinated water adversely affects the general condition of the hair. Stylists advise after the procedure of highlighting not to do a perm.

                                Proper care and care for melirovannyh curls will help maintain a bright and rich color of the dye composition, which rests on healthy hair for about six months.

                                Successful examples

                                  Today, fashion trends advocate the use of light shades when dyeing hair, which looks very impressive on brunettes and brown-haired women. The current time is their time, the fair sex can be the most stylish, the brightest, the most memorable, and all thanks to a special highlighting technique.

                                  It is no secret that when choosing a technique, many women are slightly lost, since only specialists in the hairdressing industry have a complete idea of ​​the methods of coloring. That is why the examples of each individual technique are presented below, which allow to present the effect of mending on your hair.

                                  • Classic highlighting allows beautiful ladies to breathe new notes into the existing hairstyle. Smooth transitions from natural hair color to a lighter palette bring a special highlight to the image. Hairstyle turns air, and the visual volume becomes much more. Classic highlighting can be performed on the curls of any length, as well as on any type of hair.
                                  • A striking example of the zonal strand coloring technique. It can be seen with the naked eye that the thickness of the curls painted on the surface of the head is the same. The distance between them is uniform. Parting hairstyle is located on the side, but can be done in the center. The zone technique looks very impressive on both short and long hair. The main rule is to constantly maintain the hair according to the parting when dyeing.
                                  • Coloring on short dark hair looks extraordinary. A beautiful combination of the native color of brown-haired women with bright contrasting tones. Undoubtedly, this variation of coloring looks majestically on short hair, but this does not mean that the owners of long hair will not be able to make coloring on themselves. The main thing is to choose the right color, and experienced stylists will help in this matter.
                                  • Beautiful variation of brondirovaniya. Hair becomes light and airy. Dark hair of the root zone smoothly flows into the bright shades of the tips. And there is no difference between the length of the curls, be it short or long strands.
                                  • Venetian coloring of the tips looks spectacular on brunettes. Dark tones of the native hair to the tips become lighter by several tones. Stylists suggest initially to choose and make a special hairstyle, and after that to paint the tips.
                                  • In this case, it is proposed to see the method of highlighting ombre, which looks great on the long hair of brunettes. The abrupt transition from black to light tones will appeal to modern ladies. Such shading looks beautiful on both straight hair and curly locks. The main thing is not to collect the hair in the tail.
                                  • Blonde technique helps girls go from natural dark hair to light shades in just a few treatments. The main thing is not to rush, otherwise the health of the hair will be at risk. Lightened fine strands blend harmoniously with any style, be it a party at a club or a dinner party.
                                  • Partial highlighting similar to zonal staining. Transformed strands increase the amount of hair, complementing the hairstyle with ease and grandeur. The main thing is not to forget about the care and styling.
                                  • Balayazh looks particularly stylish. Using this technique, each woman will immediately get a lot of fans. Enthusiastic views of others will pursue a woman at every turn. Smooth gradient from dark roots to bright tips makes hair come to life. The uniqueness of balayzha is the ability to experiment with different images.
                                  • Shatush method allows you to make summer in the harsh winter of everyday life. On the dyed hair and sun glare. In some places, it creates a feeling of faded color. Hairstyle breathes, excites and fascinates. The main thing is not to overdo it with the color scheme.

                                  Technique perform classic highlighting, see the video below.

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                                  Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


